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二、反思性教学操作的问题链 既然反思性教学是具有反思性质的教学实践而不是一种教学的方法,那么,其操作问题并不是一个反思性教学模式问题,而是一个教学反思的操作思路问题。我们认为,无论反思是发生在教学过程之前、之中还是之后,无论是对教学目标的反思还是对教学手段的反思,都存在着一个内在的教学反思的逻辑。本主要关注教学行动的反思操作,以此为例,说明’一个教学反思逻辑的客观存在。我们发现教学行动反思逻辑的展开,就是一个问题链:“我做了什么——我的做有效吗——我的做自身合理吗——我还能怎样做。”  相似文献   

◆肖家芸(以下简称肖):随着课程改革的与时俱进,“反思性教学”“反思型教师”越来越成为教学研究领域中的高频词。什么是反思性教学?它与传统教学的关系怎样?为什么要做一名反思型教师?怎样做一名反思型教师?今天我们就这些问题进行一些探讨,算是抛砖引玉吧。●郑桂华(以下简称郑):我们首先还是关注一下“反思”这个关键词。反思实质上是思考者把自身行为当作对象,进行监测、分析、研究、评价的一种高级思维活动。在人类早期,智力活动处于蒙昧状态,人类认识活动的目的主要是通过感知器官探索外部世界的奥秘,外部世界几乎是人类研究的唯一客…  相似文献   

教师的反思是对自己(或他人)的教育教学行为和决策进行深刻反省的品质。这种反思,不是一般地回顾“我是怎样做的”,而是从理念的高度反省。教师的实践反思实际上体现为一系列的反问: 为什么要这样做?教学是否符合教育的原理?是否符合学生的需要?教学中出现了什么问题?我采取的策略解决问题了吗?从中得到了什么启示?  相似文献   

一、教学的内涵 杜威首次将反思思维引入于教学过程中,在其著作《我们怎样思维》一书中论述了反思性思维与教学过程之间的关系,强调教学要有反思性,教师是反思性教学的实践者。在界定反思性教学之前,需要理解何谓反思。杜威认为“反思是对任何信念或假定的知识形式,根据支持它的基础和它趋于达到的进一步结论而进行的积极的、坚持不懈的和仔细的考虑”,  相似文献   

现代认知心理学认为 ,在教师教学活动的 5个系统 (目标系统、材料系统、操作系统、产品系统和监控系统 )中 ,监控系统是处于核心和支配地位的。而在课堂教学中 ,教学监控具体表现为教师自我检查、自我校正、自我强化 ,而这一过程具体又是通过“问题—尝试—反思—新问题—调整—反思”得以展开和实现的 ,贯穿始终的是教师的“反思”。所以我们认为教师教学监控的核心是“反思性思维” ,教师监控能力体现在课堂教学中的“反思性教学”有效运用中。1 细心体会 ,发现问题发现问题 ,是实现“反思性教学”的首要任务。教学中的问题 ,往往具体表…  相似文献   

一个女孩走进心理咨询室,微笑中又有几分忧虑:“马老师,我想请教您一个问题。”“不用说请教,我们一起来讨论。说说看,马老师能为你做些什么?”我说。  “您说,怎样让同学们都喜欢我?” 我笑了:“你能把这个问题讲得具体一点吗?比如,你碰到了什么具体的难题,有什么具体的故事。”在心理咨询中,常有来访的同学自己存在问题却又表达不准确的情况,因而我启发她说。  相似文献   

如何实施反思性教学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中小学教师要想真正实施反思性教学,使自己成为反思型教师,就必须养成在教学中自觉反思的习惯——反思的意识;知道在教学中究竟应该“反思什么”——反思的内容;并懂得在教学中“怎样进行反思”——反思的策略与方法。  相似文献   

何黎明 《早期教育》2009,(12):43-43
反思什么、如何反思以及怎样把握反思的深度等.是教师在反思中经常遇到的问题。为此.我们尝试运用了“五边形思考法”,试图让教师的反思“看得见”“摸得着”。所谓“五边形思考法”,是指教师面对真实的教育情境,从“经验收获”“反思问题”“良好建议”“遗留疑惑”“观点感受”五个角度开展反思性对话,促进教师的自我反思和群体反思,从而提高反思的质量。  相似文献   

自身承担的角色需要进行怎样的转变 在研究性学习中,很多同学习惯向老师提出以下问题:“老师:你要我怎么做?”“老师:下一步该做什么?”“老师:这节课上什么?”“老师:下节课我们还做这个事情吗?”“老师:这次作业最后上交的期限是什么时候?”“老师:你帮我选一个题目吧!”  相似文献   

一、反思性教学的涵义对于反思性教学的涵义,不同信念的学者和教育工作者有不同的理解。我国学者熊川武教授认为:反思性教学是教学主体借助行动研究不断探索与解决自身和教学目的以及教学工具等方面的问题,将“学会教学”与“学会学习”统一起来,努力提升教学实践的合理性,使自己成为学者型教师的过程。这个定义揭示了反思性教学以探究和解决教学问题为基本点、以追求教学实践合理性为动力、以两个“学会”和促进师生共同发展为目标的主要特征,通过反思提出问题—探讨问题—解决问题。二、反思性教学在中学英语教学中的应用1.反思教学现状,…  相似文献   

This subject was at first one of the topics selected for my assignment "Gender and Education." After the teacher told us in class about some of the gender problems that exist in teaching materials, a light seemingly lit up before our eyes: How was it that there were such problems in the language teaching materials that had commanded so much "respect"? We had never noticed or suspected such problems. At the time, the teacher did not say what direct effects these problems had on children, but examined teaching materials from the perspective of feminism supported by many theoretical backgrounds. Since I have always loved children, I like to listen to their voices, am highly interested in their ways of thinking, and am often curious about such things. On top of that, the qualitative (zhi xing) research methods I had once learned gave me confidence that I could convincingly present these interesting things; they were not absurd, and perhaps people could find value in them. Hence, I had a strong desire to know how children saw their language teaching materials. How far from or how close are the children to their textbooks? What do they see in them? Have the gender issues in the teaching materials come to the attention of children? How do these affect elementary school students? We wished to bring attention to the ways teaching materials affected children's gender concepts.  相似文献   


Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers are increasingly taking on mentoring roles in undergraduate research (UR). There is, however, a paucity of research focusing on how they conceptualize their mentoring role. In this qualitative interview study, we identified three entry points that mentors reflect on to define their role: (1) What are the goals of UR? (2) What do the students expect from me? and (3) How should I use my expert knowledge? We discuss how academic developers can use these entry points together with a set of reflective lenses to stimulate critical reflection on the mentoring role and help the mentors to define their role and help the mentors to define their role.  相似文献   

This case study investigates the development of the understanding of constructivist theory among students in a Masters level elementary teacher education program within a particular course. The focus of the study is a seminar entitled ‘Advanced Seminar in Child Development’. The questions explored include: How do students’ ideas of teaching, learning and knowledge develop within the context of their experience in this course? How do they come to understand constructivism? What are their definitions of constructivism? What is the course of the development of this understanding? The nature of the students’ learning processes is examined through three sources of data: dialog journals, videotaped sessions and the instructor’s reflective teaching journal. The study looks both at student development and instructional practice to further understanding of how student‐teachers can learn to apply constructivist theory to their teaching and to understand the learning process, both within themselves and their students. Their development is placed in the context of Korthagen and Kessels’s model of teacher understanding and practice, and within a broader context of principles of practice that emphasize a belief in equity and social justice. The case illustrates how the way student‐teachers are taught theory can help them integrate their own ideas of learning and teaching with constructivist theory in order to think critically about their own practice in an ongoing developmental manner.  相似文献   

词汇与阅读究竟是什么关系,在教学中要不要进行词汇教学,如何进行诸如此类的问题已引起了广大英语教学工作者的深思,文章试图从上述几个方面尝试性地进行探讨。  相似文献   

制作英语类课程教学课件时需要考虑四个问题:要达成什么样的教学目标?怎样实现课程文化自觉?怎样筛选编入课件的内容?以何种形式承载其功能?只有对这四个问题进行了认真思考之后制作出来的英语类课程的课件才能不仅帮助达成涵盖语言知识、语言技能方面的教学目标,而且帮助达成情感态度方面的教学目标,真正有效地辅助英语教学。  相似文献   

The paper discusses children’ attitudes towards school and learning soon after entering primary school in Hungary. First and second grade primary school students (N?=?33) were interviewed. The interviews explored the following questions: What are the teachers’ and the children’s roles in the classroom? What is learning? Where do children learn? What kind of learning strategies do students use in arithmetic and reading? How are students evaluated in the school? What do students like best about school? The data suggest that the children quickly adapt to the school environment and, on the whole, have a positive attitude towards school and learning but—with a few exceptions—their views on the role of schooling in life reflect traditional, school subject centred goals and values and little awareness of the learning process.  相似文献   

I start by considering some of the similarities between journalists and science teachers in their work and then go on to examine three questions that are of importance in dealing with creationism in schools: Is the issue one that is worth dealing with? How might one deal with it? What does one hope to achieve by dealing with it? I conclude that (1) it is worth science teachers dealing with the issue of creationism in schools but only if they wish to; (2) science teachers should not give the impression that the theory of evolution is scientifically controversial; (3) while one is very unlikely to change the mind, as a result of school teaching, of someone who does not, on religious grounds, accept the theory of evolution, it is very worth presenting the scientific account of the theory and enabling students to review the evidence for it.  相似文献   

Personal Epistemology Research: Implications for Learning and Teaching   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The ideas that individuals hold about knowledge and knowing have been the target of research programs with disparate names, such as epistemological beliefs, reflective judgment, ways of knowing, and epistemological reflection, all of which appear to be a part of a larger body of work on “personal epistemology.” Epistemological perspectives are salient in numerous academic experiences, have been shown to be related to learning in various ways, influence reasoning and judgment throughout our lives, and have implications for teaching. Yet this work has remained outside the mainstream of educational psychology and cognitive development. This paper addresses three main questions: (1) What is personal epistemology research and how is it conceptualized? (2) How are individuals' conceptions of epistemology related to learning and instruction? (3) Given what we know about personal epistemology, what might educators do? Suggestions are also provided for future research and theoretical development.  相似文献   

This article presents the partial results obtained in the first stage of the research, which sought to answer the following questions: (a) What is the role of intuition in university students' solutions to optimization problems? (b) What is the role of rigor in university students' solutions to optimization problems? (c) How is the combination of intuition and rigor expressed in university students' solutions to optimization problems? (d) Is there really an optimizing intuition? In the first part, we provide reasons that make it plausible to consider intuition as a vector (metaphorically speaking) with three components: idealization, generalization, and argumentation. In the second part, we present the experimental design of the research and analyze the data to answer the questions previously asked. The experimental design does not allow us to falsify the hypothesis that some students have an optimizing intuition.  相似文献   

从世界范围而言,各国妇女学的产生与发展有着相似的大背景和共同的目标,由于各国的国情不同,各国的妇女学必将走自己的路。在中国,妇女学从无到有,正在探索与形成之中。在大学开课,是妇女学发展的重要途径。本文探讨了在中国的高等院校进行妇女学教学应该回答的问题:妇女学如果作为大学的一门课程,或者是渗透于其它课程的教学内容,要达到什么目的和目标?应该讲什么?教学方法有什么不同?是否应该将其作为一门单独的学科来谈论和对待,就像是历史学或社会学?学术界的学者和教授,尤其是管理者应如何对其做出反应?它对中国的高等教育、学术研究、乃至政策将产生怎样的影响?本文将对这些问题的思考有机地融入怎样理解本土化,以及妇女学教学在中国的本土化应从何着眼这两条思考线索之中。  相似文献   

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