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课堂教学是运用语言的艺术,语言包括有声语言和无声语言.无声语言分学生无声语言和教师无声语言.该文着重论述教师对无声语言的运用.  相似文献   

教师课堂语言是一种能协助教师更好地引发学生学习兴趣、提高课堂效率的直接用具。由此,教师要注重如何最大限度地发挥自己的课堂语言对学生学习兴趣的激发作用。这就要求教师做到在课堂教学中运用流利的普通话、注重课堂语言的趣味性、课堂教学应善于运用无声语言和体态语言、课堂语言要注重激励性以及要注意课堂语言的使用技巧。  相似文献   

课堂教学中教师的无声语言主要包括表情达意的目光语,充满爱心的微笑语,得体适度的手势语,以及庄重、整洁、朴素、大方的服饰。在课堂教学中,教师如何通过无声语言,与学生充分沟通,进而活跃课堂气氛,达到教书育人的目的,是每位教师在教学实践中认真研究的课题。笔者在教学实践中,通过讲究授课艺术,注意无声语言的运用,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,而且增强了教学感染力,提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

李艳兰 《成才之路》2010,(11):48-49
语言是教学思想的直接体现,是教师使用最广泛、最基本的信息载体。一名好的数学教师要做到:能在教学中准确规范地运用数学语言,能很好地组织课堂教学语言,能有效地发挥无声语言的作用,能运用有声和无声的教学语言使学生对所学内容有更清晰的理解,从而学好数学。  相似文献   

<正>教学语言是构成课堂教学的主要媒体之一,直接关系到课堂教学的成败和教学效果。生物课需要有生物特色的教学语言,它既包括有声语言也包括无声语言。在生物课堂教学过程中,既要运用具有直观性、节奏性和艺术性特点的有声语言;还要通过板书、板图及教师的表情动作等无声语言,使声、形、色、情、趣融为一体,多方位刺激学生的感觉器官,不仅能激发学生的学习兴趣,而且有助于学生理解和掌握生物学知识,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

课堂教学中无声语言的艺术性运用,既令人倍感兴趣而又颇具魅力。教师要不断提高无声语言修养,摒弃教育教学中的不良行为习惯,运用规范、艺术化的表情语、体态语和类语言,充分展示自我的精神力量和独特魅力,为学生创造和谐的、富有美感的学习氛围,达到师生思想意识、知识构建和审美情趣共鸣的境界。  相似文献   

一、课堂教学中无声语言运用的重要性   任何教师在讲课时都不会、也不可能使用绝对单一的语言方式表述思想,传授知识信息.教师在运用有声语言讲课的同时,常常伴随着相应的手势、表情、动作、眼色等等无声语言,借以加强表达的效果,加深学生的印象,或者弥补口头语言的某些不足.这种教学中的手势、表情、动作、眼色等等无声语言,也是知识信息传递重要的、不可忽视的方式和手段.……  相似文献   

<正>语言是师生之间用来交流的重要渠道。教师的教学语言可以分为有声语言和无声语言两大类。体育教学以室外活动为主,无声语言的运用显得更重要。无声语言作为一种沟通的工具,是有声语言的补充和延伸,起到"润滑剂"和"助推器"的作用,体育教师往往注重有声语言而忽视无声语言的运用。教学中巧妙运用无声语言能精炼教师的语言、激发学生情感、提高学生的学习兴趣,在课堂中合理使用无声语言是体育教师应该掌握的一门技术,值得体育教师共同探讨。  相似文献   

体态语言是一种无声语言的特殊表达形式,有其自身的特殊属性。它在课堂教学中具有调动学生积极性,调控教学进程,提高教学效果,陶冶学生思想情操的作用,教师必须科学合理地运用体态语言。  相似文献   

体态语言是一种无声语言的特殊表达形式,有其自身的特殊属性。它在课堂教学中具有调动学生积极性,调控教学进程,提高教学效果,陶冶学生思想情操的作用,教师必须科学合理地运用体态语言。  相似文献   

This article describes the effects of science teacher subject-matter knowledge on classroom discourse at the level of individual utterances. It details one of three parallel analyses conducted in a year-long study of language in the classrooms of four new biology teachers. The conceptual framework of the study predicts that when teaching unfamiliar subject matter, teachers use a variety of discourse strategies to constrain student talk to a narrowly circumscribed topic domain. This article includes the results of an utterance-by-utterance analysis of teacher and student talk in a 30-lesson sample of science instruction. Data are broken down by classroom activity (e.g., lecture, laboratory, group work) for several measures, including mean duration of utterances, domination of the speaking floor by the teacher, frequency of teacher questioning, cognitive level of teacher questions, and student verbal participation. When teaching unfamiliar topics, the four teachers in this study tended to talk more often and for longer periods of time, ask questions frequently, and rely heavily on low cognitive level questions. The rate of student questions to the teacher varied with classroom activity. In common classroom communicative settings, student questions were less common when the teacher was teaching unfamiliar subject matter. The implications of these findings include a suggestion that teacher knowledge may be an important unconsidered variable in research on the cognitive level of questions and teacher wait-time.  相似文献   

课堂教学是一门艺术,是由许多因素构成的,其中教师的课堂语言是一个重要的因素。教师大量的教学活动是通过语言进行的,可见语言是化学教学中最重要的组成部分之一。本文仅从几个不同方面论述做为化学教师如何才能更好的用好课堂教学语言。  相似文献   

课堂教学是外语教学的基本组织形式,课堂教学的效果直接影响着学生的学习质量。课堂教学的进程是师生思维共同活动的过程,是老师与学生相互作用、相互影响的过程,教与学是相关的。俄语课堂教学的趣味性、学习的主体性及差异性等对提高课堂教学质量至关重要。  相似文献   

Classroom discourse can affect various aspects of student learning in science. The present study examines interactions between classroom discourse, specifically teacher questioning, and related student cognitive engagement in middle school science. Observations were conducted throughout the school year in 10 middle school science classrooms using the Electronic Quality of Inquiry Protocol, which is designed, among other things, to measure observable aspects of student cognitive engagement and discourse factors during science instruction. Results from these observations indicate positive correlations between students’ cognitive engagement and the following aspects of classroom discourse: questioning level, complexity of questions, questioning ecology, communication patterns, and classroom interactions. A sequential explanatory mixed-methods design provides a detailed look at each aspect of classroom discourse which showed a positive effect on student cognitive level during science instruction. Implications for classroom practice, teacher education, and professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

鼓励创新:新课程课堂教学改革的核心   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
鼓励创新是我国新课程课堂教学改革的核心。对于教师而言,课堂教学是一个不断通过创新而实现自我生命价值的过程,创新精神和创新能力是教师能否形成独特教学风格的关键因素;对于学生而言,课堂教学是一个在教师引导下进行自主发现、探究和不断创新的过程。因此,课堂教学应积极引导学生实现学习方式的转变,从被动接受走向自主发现和探究,鼓励学生发表不同的观点和见解,允许进行不同的“解读”,倡导“创读”。在此基础上,实现培养学生的创新精神和创新能力的目标。  相似文献   

学生参与教学最基本的形式和场域是课堂,而课堂话语是课堂教学活动的载体,是课堂上教师和学生互动交流的媒介.教师话语可能促进、也可能阻碍学生的课堂参与.本研究将运用质性研究方法,以小学阶段的英语学科为背景,以真实课堂教学中的教师和学生话语为切入点,分析课堂师生互动的话语交流语段,旨在探询教师的哪些课堂话语策略有利于促进学生的话语参与.  相似文献   

In considering ??good teaching?? in mathematics, scholars usually refer to teacher knowledge and instructional practices that promote understanding. However, researchers have found that these two elements of instruction are often not as prevalent in urban contexts, a space where high percentages of students of color and the poor are educated. Additionally, recent work calls for understanding other classroom mechanisms that impact the mathematics learning of students of color. Using video, field notes, and an interview, this research examines a case study of one urban classroom of Latino and African American students. Their teacher engages them in substantive mathematics and reform-minded pedagogical strategies, but a number of relational interactions raise issues of how these micro-interactions can mediate access to mathematics. The study found four dimensions in which relational interactions mediated access to mathematics: addressing behavior, framing mathematics ability, acknowledging student contributions, and attending to culture and language. The paper ends with raising questions for future research and calling for a broader framing of instruction that incorporates relational dimensions of the classroom.  相似文献   

Ninety-eight children were observed for 6-min periods on each of 10 days during 50-min, small-group classes in either mathematics, science, geography, or language usage. Two student behaviors (on-task behavior and accuracy of responding to teacher-directed questions) and three types of teacher reinforcement (verbal reinforcement for on-task behavior and accurate responding and tangible reinforcers) were coded during each observation period. A post-test of achievement, directly related to the content of the lessons, was administered at the end of the 10 days of instruction. The causal effects of student behaviors, teacher reinforcement, and student ability (reading achievement and intelligence) on achievement were evaluated using path analysis. The strongest effects were from student ability measures, with accurate responding by students and teacher reinforcement of accurate responding exhibiting smaller, but significant effects. Findings are discussed to qualify the relationship between overt classroom behaviors and degree of learning and the mediating effects of student ability.  相似文献   

口语教学的基本任务就是通过训练培养学生的口语技能去发展学生的口语能力。如何注意学生的个体差异,为每个学生提供主动积极参与教学活动的保证:如何促使课堂中多种类型信息交流和及时反馈的产生,加强教师对学生、学生对教师、学生对学生多边多向的交互作用,真正达到情感交流、自然交往的目的。本文就此进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

This study investigated a highly accomplished third-grade teacher’s noticing of students’ mathematical thinking as she taught multiplication and division. Through an innovative method, which allowed for documenting in-the-moment teacher noticing, the author was able to explore teacher noticing and reflective practices in the context of classroom teaching as opposed to professional development environments. Noticing was conceptualized as both attending to different elements of classroom instruction and making sense of classroom events. The teacher paid most attention to student thinking and was able to offer a variety of rich interpretations of student thinking which were presented in an emergent framework. The results also indicated how the teacher’s noticing might influence her instructional decisions. Implications for both research methods in studying noticing and teacher learning and practices are discussed.  相似文献   

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