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随着我国足球运动改革的不断深化,我国的足球大环境逐渐好转,国内各区域性群众足球联赛慢慢形成,但由于赛事的社会组织不完善、运行机制不正规、保障制度不健全等因素影响,导致基层足球运动发展缓慢,无法有效地发挥其社会和经济功效。本研究运用文献资料法和访谈法等研究方法,对陕超联赛的实施机制和独特之处进行研究,得出主要结论:群众足球联赛应建立以政府为主导、权责明确的竞赛组织体系;应形成职业化、正规化、区域化的群众足球赛事;需积极营造浓厚的群众足球氛围,丰富区域性足球文化;合理制定公正公平的赛事细则,维护足球赛事秩序;保障赛事资源,推动赛事可持续发展;采用新媒体介入赛事推广,提升赛事的影响力和社会积极效益。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法等方法研究“谁是球王”中国足球民间争霸赛成功举办的经验及对我国足球运动发展的启示.主要结论:草根足球和校园足球是赛事的基石;竞赛规程设计科学,比赛时机合理;群众体育赛事和新媒体的网络路径整合;人力资源的高效利用和配置;足球明星和赛事的完美互动.这次比赛促进了全民健身和社会和谐,推动了足球运动的开展,积累了多部门联合协办全国大型群众足球赛事的经验.  相似文献   

中国青少年足球赛事体系主要由教育系统内的校园足球赛事体系和体育系统内的俱乐部足球赛事体系构成。依据《关于深化体教融合促进青少年健康发展的意见》提出的青少年足球赛事"一体化设计、一体化推进"的原则,结合日本青少年足球赛事体系构建的经验,针对校园足球和俱乐部足球赛事体系存在的主要问题和发展需求,提出优化中国青少年足球赛事体系的构想:构建融校园足球赛事体系、俱乐部足球赛事体系和融合赛事体系为一体的中国青少年足球赛事体系,强化教育系统和体育系统赛事资源的整合,疏通青少年足球人才成长通道,为振兴中国足球奠定基础。  相似文献   

近几年来校园足球迅速发展起来,足球赛事也越来越多样化,运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法对打造校园足球赛事IP的发展路径进行深入的探索。研究表明:校级、市级、省级、国家的足球赛事尚未形成完善的体系;赛事注重形式化,缺乏创新性;忽视了主体的作用,缺乏专业的足球赛事管理人才。提出建议:建立健全足球赛事体系;增强足球各个部门的凝聚力;打造体育资源共享的有利平台、有效地利用体育场地,培育优秀人才。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、实地调研等方法,探讨我国乡村体育赛事的价值,总结其经验,并提出展望。价值:吸引群众广泛参与,形成全民健身发展热潮;激发体育消费潜力,助力乡村经济发展;搭建传统文化传承平台,丰富乡村体育赛事文化;推动办赛模式创新,提升乡村办赛能力。经验:紧密依托地方,推动赛事发展;鼓励全民参与,增强社会认同;创新传播方式,引发社会关注;融合地方特色,丰富赛事内容;多元主体合作,保障赛事开展。展望:推动办赛体制改革,构建协同化赛事保障;坚持村民共商共建,推动赛事生活化发展;加强赛事市场监管,树立规范化赛事形象;凸显地方文化内涵,打造个性化赛事IP;培养专业化人才队伍,促进赛事高质量发展。  相似文献   

研究以品牌关系质量理论和消费行为理论作为逻辑起点,通过社会网络分析法(SNA)发现男性球迷和女性球迷在参与职业足球赛事品牌消费时的消费行为存在意向差异,在沿着女性球迷社会角色和文化特征为主线的情况下,整理女性球迷参与下的品牌关系质量特征,将职业足球赛事品牌关系质量划分为满意、信任、承诺3个方面,并运用路径分析构建并验证女性球迷参与下的职业足球赛事品牌关系质量与口碑传播意向间的路径关系,以探究女性球迷参与职业足球赛事品牌消费的行为意向特点。结果表明,女性球迷更倾向于通过口碑接收和传播来表达她们对赛事品牌的参与意向,并且女性球迷在职业足球赛事品牌关系中的品牌满意是影响女性球迷口碑传播意愿的关键因素。  相似文献   

李然 《体育世界》2014,(6):22-23
运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,对职业足球赛事操纵行为进行阐述,总结了我国职业足球赛事操纵行为对足坛和社会的危害,深刻剖析了导致赛事操纵行为的内部机制、外部环境、足球从业人员等主客观因素。  相似文献   

德黑兰的体育场上,伊朗与巴林之间即将进行一场让伊朗全民疯狂的足球赛事,只要打败巴林,伊朗就获得了进入世界杯的席位。几名伊朗女孩子乔装打扮,企图混入体育场内观看这场赛事而被道德警察所捕。这就是伊朗足球题材电影《越位》的故事  相似文献   

足球的原始价值体现在赛场,而足球的社会性价值体现在镜像、图片和文本之中。足球赛事在经过了媒体的多角度辐射之后会演化为一种大众文化。足球的主导性力量是赛事,而其参与性力量则是媒体。新闻报道带有反常性、稀缺性和惊悚性,它和足球赛事的本性类似。足球容纳了假、恶、丑,它构成了足球赛事文化的闹剧效应。媒体对足球的描述展示出现代人的价值选择。足球不仅造就出庞大的观众群,还在新旧媒体的合力作用下实现了戏剧化转型。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法等分析我国五人制足球甲级联赛发展状况。联赛整体竞技水平偏低、赛事赞助与收益欠缺、电视媒体的开发与利用不足,是我国五人制足球甲级赛事突出的问题所在。建议我国五人制足球甲级联赛的发展应当从制度创新、文化培育、质量提升、商业开发、人力资源建设等方面进行提高完善,以适应国际职业五人制足球赛事的整体环境与发展趋势。  相似文献   

主要采用文献资料和访谈调查等方法从宏观层面和历史发展的角度对职业足球比赛发展特征进行研究。认为职业足球比赛是由职业球员代表其所属职业足球俱乐部参加的以争取比赛优胜为主要目的的正式商业性比赛。职业足球比赛经历了国内和国际两个发展阶段,形成国内、洲际和世界比赛三个层次。职业足球比赛发展特征主要体现在:形成了以各国联赛为核心和基础的全球化职业足球竞赛体系;主客场赛制凸显主场优势和客场劣势效应;外籍教练员和球员广泛参与并发挥关键作用;商业化使职业足球比赛繁荣的同时也使其面临着危机。  相似文献   

文章通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法对大同市业余足球开展情况进行调查研究,结合问卷分析了大同市地区业余足球的基本情况和比赛情况,并提出了大同市业余足球发展中存在的问题以及合理的建议。  相似文献   

裁判职业化:足球职业化发展的必然趋势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
马岳良 《湖北体育科技》2002,21(2):205-207,209
职业足球由各个层次的职业人员构成。通过对足球职业化发展内在规律的认识,探讨了足球裁判职业化的概念及理论。透析了现今足球职业圈中的裁判业余化现状,指出裁判职业化是适应高水平比赛的客观要求和必然结果。并从6个方面瞻望推进裁判职业化给现代职业足球带来的美好前景。  相似文献   

Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior’s transfer fee of 222 million euros clearly indicates that the lifeworld of professional football proves the well-known ideal of eleven friends, all from the same hometown, to be a romantic notion of the past. When players are measured by their market value, when clubs are capital investments and when football matches are marketed as spectacular events, the question arising no longer is whether amateur football and professional football have moved apart, but rather how big the gap has become. Is there still any connection between the lifeworld of amateur football and professional football or are these now disparate worlds? To answer this question it is essential to determine whether, despite the obvious invariants between amateur football and professional football, there is still a common core of the game that connects the two worlds. This core may be in the contingency of playing football as a specific form of result uncertainty and uncertainty in action, which are sought voluntarily and intentionally. The reward for the players is not to be found in the intended result (i.e. the victory) but in experiencing that the means taken to reach the aim (generally the movement actions of the players) gain in value to the extent where achieving the aim of the action is unpredictable. In 1995, Seel called this aesthetic value of actions in sport “a celebration of inability”. In conclusion, it is the telic of the autotelic that represents the constitutive prerequisite for the special fascination of football, and in this respect it is possible from a cultural perspective to assign educational value to the game of football. Football will continue to fascinate players as well as the spectators as long as its core—the telic of the autotelic—can be experienced in football’s various lifeworlds.  相似文献   

我国足球后备人才培养现状刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过查阅相关文献资料,阐述当前我国足球后备人才培养现状及存在的问题。当前我国足球后备人才培养主要以职业足球俱乐部梯队建设和足球学校、业余俱乐部为主,中、小学在培养足球后备人才上发挥作用不明显。主要是因为各职业俱乐部把联赛放在第一位,无暇顾及自己的后备梯队的培养,以及受我国教育制度等因素影响,学校足球运动开展不力。  相似文献   

In 1948, the American Military Government worked with Swiss soccer officials to organise Germany's first post-war international matches, three simultaneous German–Swiss intercity games. The American occupation authorities viewed these games as part of their broader efforts to help teach Germans about democracy, as a way for the international community to begin the process of reaccepting Germany and as a way to raise funds for charitable purposes tied to the reconstruction efforts. These games received tremendous popular support in Germany and Switzerland from football officials, the general public and the press. These German–Swiss games also facilitated Germany's return to the international community by forcing one of the most powerful international sport federations to address Germany's exclusion. Through a combination of materials from military governments, football federations and the press, this article examines how states used the internationalism of sport to obtain diplomatic aims. With these three intercity matches, football provided a venue for Germans to participate in relations with other countries while Germany itself remained excluded from the traditional international relations of diplomats.  相似文献   

为了探寻解决厦门业余足球运动发展中存在问题和对策,对厦门业余足球运动的开展现状进行了深入调查。结果表明:随着我国互联网和宽带的逐渐普及、上网人口突飞猛进,充分利用网络平台以及使用方便的网络即时通讯工具,为业余足球运动的开展提供了方便沟通交流的途径和宣传的平台,厦门业余足球运动的开展和水平都得到了进一步的提高。  相似文献   

In recent years unfair competition and match fixing have become an increasing focus of public attention. Uncovered instances of match fixing influence the integrity of football. In the field of professional football there are well-known cases, such as the Calciopoli scandal in Italy and the case of the German referee Robert Hoyzer, where referees were involved in match fixing. However, so far little is known about how often attempts are made to influence referees and their decisions in amateur football in Germany. Data from a large scale survey of referees (n = 4813) showed that approximately 10?% of referees in amateur football have already been approached in an attempt to influence their decisions by offers of money or non-cash benefits. Results of logistic regressions show various correlats of being approached for match fixing by offers of money or non-cash benefits. The probability of being approached increases with the duration of referee activity, the number of games refereed per year, and decreases with age.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of female (association) football officials who officiate in amateur men’s and boys’ football matches in two UK counties (Warwickshire and Somerset). The research presents a view of men’s football from a position that has hitherto been overlooked in the social exploration of football culture. Drawing upon ethnographic fieldwork collected between September and December 2012, the findings provide insight into some women’s experiences of sexism and marginalization in predominantly male football contexts. Participant observations, formal semi-structured interviews and a range of informal conversations with four female match officials demonstrated a wide range of abuse that could generally be construed as sexist. The women used various strategies to overcome the hostile attitudes that often greeted their presence on the football pitch. Moreover, they continuously negotiated their identities as females and football officials in a space where men and masculinity are prevalent.  相似文献   

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