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《Research Policy》2023,52(2):104664
Previous studies provide evidence of learning from the mobility of scientists for the source and the hiring firms. However, we have a limited understanding of the competitive implications of such inter-firm mobility and associated learnings. Using a difference–in–difference approach on matched patents in the semiconductor industry in 1981–2010, we find that mobile scientists' patents receive more citations from rival firms after the mobility vis-à-vis before the mobility and vis-à-vis other similar patents. We conclude that rival firms respond to mobilities across other firms by attributing more attention to mobile scientists. Furthermore, the context of the mobility can determine the extent of response from rival firms. Rival firms are more likely to build on a mobile scientist's patents after mobility when the mobility occurs between technologically distant firms, the source firm or the hiring firm has low research experience, or the mobile scientist has considerable experience.  相似文献   

随着传统型大学向创业型大学的转变,高校兼具知识创造和知识应用的双重特性。科研人员在R&D活动中追求学术价值和商业价值双重目标。本文基于一个简单模型来研究学术和商业激励两种方式对R&D活动时间配置以及项目选择的影响,基于此,进一步分析了组织最优激励契约设计。研究结果表明:高的商业激励会减少科研人员研究活动,但却激励科研人员选择高风险的基础研究,从而会带来突破性创新。组织层面高校应加大商业激励鼓励研究偏好人员,对偏好研究活动的人员,激励其进行开发活动;对于不偏好研究活动的人员,激励其增加努力程度。  相似文献   

李容 《科研管理》2013,34(11):114-123
在学术水平不可验证的背景下,以科研成果的数量作为主要绩效依据的职称晋升能否有效分离不同学术水平的科学家并促进学术创新是学术评价制度有效性的一个重要体现。本文基于信息不对称理论的研究框架分析了科研成果的不可验证特征对职称晋升的影响。在此基础上,本文以1338名公共农业科研机构科学家为样本并利用信号理论和probit模型对职称晋升中科研成果的数量能否区分学术水平和学术创新努力不同的科学家进行了证实。理论分析与计量经济学研究结果表明:不可验证性使科研成果的学术水平不适合作为职称晋升的依据;在我国现行职称晋升制度下,科研成果的数量主要是科学家能否晋升职称的信号而非甄别其学术水平和学术创新性的有效方式。  相似文献   

中国企业的基础研究投入与发达经济体的企业存在较大差距,被认为是制约产业核心技术能力发展与突破性创新的重要原因,因此探究中国企业开展基础研究的影响因素具有重要的理论与政策意义。本文通过分析北京中关村科技园区2005—2015年的企业调查数据,发现从事基础研究的企业在劳动生产率、规模、成立时间、资本密度等特征方面系统性区别于不从事基础研究的企业;企业人力资本水平对从事基础研究倾向性和基础研究强度具有显著的正向影响;研发补贴能够有效促进企业从事基础研究,同时国有企业更倾向于开展基础研究。企业基础研究偏好的异质性反映出,处于不同技术能力阶段的企业具有差异化的研发战略和吸收能力。  相似文献   

Whereas recent scholarly research has provided many insights about universities engaging in commercial activities, there is still little empirical evidence regarding the opposite phenomenon of companies disseminating scientific knowledge. Our paper aims to fill this gap and explores the motivations of firms that disclose research outcomes in a scientific format. Besides considering a dimension internal to the firm, we focus particularly on knowledge sourcing from academic institutions and the appropriability regime. We conduct an econometric analysis with firm-level data from the fourth edition of the French innovation survey (CIS) and matched scientific publications for a sample of 2512 R&D performing firms from all manufacturing sectors. This analysis provides evidence that firms are more likely to adopt academic principles if they need to access scientific knowledge that is considered important for their innovation development, whereas the mere existence of collaborative links with academic institutions is not a strong determinant. Furthermore, the results suggest that the inclination of firms to publish is sensitive to the level of knowledge spillovers in a sector and the effectiveness of legal appropriation instruments.  相似文献   

山中伸弥的“论文-专利”二元行为模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
一般认为,科学家尤其是诺贝尔奖科学家科学研究工作成果的主要发表形式是科学论文。但近年来的趋势表明,诺贝尔奖科学家也在大量地申请专利,即便是那些看起来从事基础科学研究的学者,也表现出强烈的专利意识。日本科学家、2012年诺贝尔生理或医学奖得主山中伸弥是其中典型的代表。山中伸弥"论文—专利"行为模式,存在着明显的逻辑合理性和行动连续性,值得我国科学家学习。作为驱动力量的日本科技政策,也值得我国科技政策制定者借鉴参考。  相似文献   

基于对专业知识的强烈需求,公共决策越来越需要熟悉科技发展趋势、懂得科技运行规律的科学家提供专家咨询,科学家和科技智库得以广泛而深入地介入决策过程。在系统梳理国内外关于科学与政治的关系、科学家和科技智库在公共决策中的角色与作用、科学家和科技智库开展决策咨询的制度和程序研究的基础上,提出推动科学家及科技智库有效开展决策咨询工作的建议:保持科学家及科技智库的独立性以提升决策咨询质量,增加科学家及科技智库与公众的互动以提升决策咨询水平,完善科技智库运行管理机制以提升决策咨询能力。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(1):104401
As the international mobility of academic scientists is ever increasing, its effects on outcomes beyond research productivity deserve more attention. In this paper, we therefore investigate to what extent academics with different international mobility experiences differ in their likelihood to commercialize their research through entrepreneurship. To answer this question, we make use of a detailed survey covering all academics employed at Danish universities in 2017. Empirically, we distinguish three groups of academics according to their international experience (stayers, returnee, and immigrants) and focus on entrepreneurial outcomes realized while residing in the host country, Denmark. The estimation of duration models reveals that returnees are more than 50% more likely to become academic entrepreneurs than stayers. Immigrants, however, were between 38 and 47% less likely to start a firm than returnees. This difference seems to increase at higher levels of commercially relevant research and international research stays at international top institutions.  相似文献   

We provide a systematic review of the literature on academic engagement from 2011 onwards, which was the cut-off year of a previous review article published in Research Policy. Academic engagement refers to knowledge-related interactions of academic scientists with external organisations. It includes activities such as collaborative research with industry, contract research, consulting and informal ties. We consolidate what is known about the individual, organisational and institutional antecedents of academic engagement, and its consequences for research, commercialisation, and society at large. Our results suggest that individual characteristics associated with academic engagement include being scientifically productive, senior, male, locally trained, and commercially experienced. Academic engagement is also socially conditioned by peer effects and disciplinary characteristics. In terms of consequences, academic engagement is positively associated with academics’ subsequent scientific productivity. We propose new areas of investigation where evidence remains inconclusive, including individual life cycle effects, the role of organisational contexts and incentives, cross-national comparisons, and the impact of academic engagement on the quality of subsequent research as well as the educational, commercial and society-wide impact.  相似文献   

Sustainable competitive advantage of a firm may lie in the firm’s ability to exploit its current competencies while simultaneously exploring new capabilities. However, this is hard to be achieved at the same time. Therefore, a conceptual decision-making framework is proposed to fulfil this task. First, to balance exploitation and exploration under punctuated equilibrium, a fuzzy analytic network process with goal programming is developed to help decision makers select the best projects under specific environments. Second, an executive committee, where experts use computer groupware with the Delphi technique to balance exploratory and exploitative activities flexibly, is formed to allocate limited resources during the implementation of the projects. After a practical investigation, the research concludes that the strategy targeted for balancing exploitation and exploration should be periodically adjusted, and the limited resources should be allocated during the execution of projects. Specifically, the proposed model for sustainable competitive advantage is recommended to practitioners in developing and implementing projects.  相似文献   

穆荣平  廖原  池康伟 《科研管理》2022,43(10):160-171
准确把握杰出科学家成长规律是科技创新人才政策制定前瞻性和针对性的重要保障。综合使用统计分析、比较分析、文献研究等方法组合对1901—2021年诺贝尔科学奖得主和中国科学院院士群体的成长规律进行深入分析,研究发现:(1)杰出科学家做出重大成果的时间集中在35~45岁,其重大科学贡献获得学术界认可的平均年龄在57~58岁,其中,诺贝尔科学奖得主的平均获奖年龄呈现上升趋势,而中国科学院院士的平均当选年龄呈现下降趋势;(2)化学、生命科学和医学领域重大成就获得认可的时间相对较短,物理学等领域重大成就获得认可的时间相对较长;(3)杰出科学家通常拥有良好的科学教育背景,并在世界一流的学术研究平台进行过高水平的科研工作和学术交流,在一流的学术环境中成长起来;(4)杰出科学家的涌现表现出较强的群落效应和明显的师承关系,师承关系是杰出科学家成长的重要因素,师从名家可以有效促进科学家成长。基于上述研究结论,本文对杰出科学家支持政策和青年科技创新人才政策制定提出了两点政策启示。  相似文献   

周炜  蔺楠  张茜 《科研管理》2022,43(1):14-21
    以1980至2020年发表的相关文献为基础,对学术创业的研究内容进行梳理,内容如下:(1)总结了已有研究中常用的学术创业概念和分类;(2)围绕学术创业主体,重点阐述了个体层面学术创业活动的研究成果;(3)对学术创业领域常用的理论及其适用问题进行了诠释;(4)从社会经济和基础科学两个方面介绍了学术创业的影响;(5)提出学术创业的研究展望,即关注数智经济阶段学术创业类型的变化、拓展学术创业研究的理论视角、扩充学术创业的研究主题以及在进一步完善国内学术创业研究体系的同时,深化中国制度背景下学术创业问题的探索,如儒家文化环境中的学术创业动机,不同地区/省份的学术创业差异等。通过对已有研究的梳理,为中国学术创业的研究和发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

The concept of regional technology spill-overs created by university research is one of the most enduring theories within the economic geography and innovation management fields. This article introduces an alternative perspective on academic commercialization, arguing that the quality of a university's regional environment can significantly impact a university's success in commercializing science. Recent research on university technology transfer stresses the importance of personal contacts between academic and industry scientists in driving commercialization. The social structure of the regional economy in which a university is embedded will strongly influence the density of contacts linking university scientists with individuals in industry, and through doing so, impact the density of networks through which university knowledge can be commercialized. Social network analysis is used to examine the quality of social ties linking industry and university scientists within the San Francisco and Los Angeles California biotechnology industries over the 1980–2005 period. Results support the theory that the existence of strong social networks linking inventors heightens university commercialization output. Despite similar university research endowments, universities in San Francisco have dramatically commercialization outputs than San Francisco, which is correlated with the existence of cohesive inventor networks linking industry and university scientists in this region, but not Los Angeles. Moreover, longitudinal analysis shows that the commercialization output of San Francisco universities increased substantially starting in the early 1990s, the time period in which cohesive inventor networks emerged in the region.  相似文献   

随着生物制药、纳米、新材料等领域的崛起,一种新的基于科学的创业企业随之诞生。这类企业与基础科学研究紧密相连,推动着科学的创新。本文以诺奖科学家参与创建,旨在商业化其研究成果的企业为案例,从管理团队、资金来源、企业合作及产品研发四个纬度研究了基于科学的创业企业发展与演化特征。通过分析此类企业管理团队发现,基于科学的创业企业管理层通常由“前沿科学家+商业人士”的组合,既能使企业处于科研前沿面,又有效地保障了企业资源获取及运营管理;从资金来源看,创业初期的资金来源主要有政府基金和风险投资,政府资助支持了企业早期研发并降低了私人投资的风险;企业发展阶段的主要资金来源主要有风险投资、公开募股、商业合作以及运营知识产权等,多元化的资金来源有效支撑了企业巨大的研发支出;企业合作主要有学术合作与商业合作两类,学术合作保持企业处于科学前沿同时获得最新专利;商业合作缩短了产品的研发周期,加快产品上市,巩固了市场地位;基于科学的创业企业其产品研发周期长,风险大;此外这类企业不仅研发面向消费者的商业产品,还研发商业技术,为科研机构或企业提供技术平台。  相似文献   

Academic entrepreneurship arose from internal as well as external impetuses. The entrepreneurial university is a result of the working out of an “inner logic” of academic development that previously expanded the academic enterprise from a focus on teaching to research. The internal organization of the Research University consists of a series of research groups that have firm-like qualities, especially under conditions in which research funding is awarded on a competitive basis. Thus, the Research University shares homologous qualities with a start-up firm even before it directly engages in entrepreneurial activities.  相似文献   

对国内外学术谱系的起源与发展、概念界定、研究方法以及学术谱系平台和计量指标进行梳理分析,并结合已有研究对科学家的学术谱系现状与发展进行探讨。研究发现,我国科学家的学术谱系研究尚属起步阶段,研究多是定性研究;国外研究依托学术谱系库的建立与文献计量学的发展,定量研究逐渐增多。由此提出我国有必要建立特色学术谱系平台,构建适合中国特色的学术谱系的计量指标体系。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103799
Interdisciplinary research (IDR) has raised increasing expectations among scholars and policymakers about its potential to produce ground-breaking scientific contributions and satisfy societal demands. While existing research highlights that novel connections across fields is beneficial for scientific contributions with high academic impact, comparatively less is known about whether IDR is positively associated to scientists’ engagement with non-academic actors. To investigate this, we examine whether there is a systematic relationship between scientists’ IDR-orientation and their interactions with industry. We conceptually distinguish four stylized modes of interaction (firm creation, technology transfer, co-production and response modes) and employ three distinct indicators of IDR. We use data on 1,170 scientists affiliated to public research organizations in Spain, bibliometric dataset of scientists’ publications, and details of scientists’ past involvement in interactions with industry. Our results show that IDR has a transversal influence on all four modes. However, IDR-oriented scientists are more strongly associated to transactional (market-mediated) compared to relational (personal-based) interaction mechanisms; while we find no evidence of a significant difference between IDR-oriented scientists and their propensity to engage in different modes of U-I interaction according to the degree of goal specificity.  相似文献   

This study proposes a novel approach for evaluating the impact of scientists by introducing a new set of metrics and a dual measurement framework that combines the concepts of disruption and consolidation. Traditional metrics like total citation and h-index are limited in their ability to capture the full range of a scientist's influence, and therefore the Scientists' Disruptive Citation (SDC), Disruptive h-index (D h-index), and consolidating metrics are introduced to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of scientists' disruptive and consolidating influence. Using a dataset of 463,348 papers, 234,086 disambiguated scientists, and data on three important awards, including Nobel Prize, Wolf Prize, and Dirac Medal, in the field of Physics, this study demonstrates that the SDC and D h-index are superior to all benchmark metrics, including the conventional and normalized disruption-based measures, in terms of convergent validity. Second, this study analyzes the distribution of academic characteristics between award-winning and non-laureates, explores various metrics of scientists with high SDC and Scientists' Consolidating Citation (SCC), and finds that disruptive impact can identify successful scientists from their counterparts and serve as an early signal of successful scientists. Third, this study reveals that the disruptive citation proposed in this study is less susceptible to manipulation, making it a more reliable metric for assessing a scientist's or a single paper's disruptive impact than the CD-index. The results suggest that the SDC and D h-index are reliable metrics for measuring scientists' innovative influence and can aid in the development of future scientific research. Overall, this study provides a scientifically sound and effective new perspective on measuring scientists using a dual measurement of disruptive and consolidating influence.  相似文献   

章成伟  王玲 《科技通报》1994,10(3):186-190
通过对浙江省1986~1991年155项医药卫生青年基金课题的问卷调查表明,青年科研基金制的设立,调动和发挥了青年科技人员的积极性,培养和发现了一批有较高学术水平的优秀科技人才,促进了医药卫生科技事业的发展,为不断改进和逐步完善青年科研基金制,应强化课题管理,增加科研经费投入,增大课题资助强度,加强开发性研究,加快科技成果的转化.  相似文献   

我国改革开放以来的“下海潮”在公司高管团队中形成了学者型CEO的独特现象。本文从这一现实背景出发,基于高层梯队理论实证检验了CEO学术经历对企业创新的影响及其作用机理。研究发现,CEO学术经历能够提高企业创新约10%,该结论在控制内生性及其他稳健性检验之后仍然成立。进一步地,当CEO权力越大或来自内部晋升等CEO对创新决策的影响力越大时,其学术经历对企业创新的促进效应越强。作用机理的检验表明,当CEO从海外取得学术经历或具备高层次学术经历时,其所在企业的创新水平更高;同时,有学术经历CEO所在企业更有可能通过产学研结合的技术创新战略提升企业创新水平,从而为本文的“创新精神塑造假说”提供了较为充分的证据支持。本文在丰富企业创新和高层梯队理论领域文献的同时,对于上市公司制定科学合理的CEO聘任决策及推动企业创新具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

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