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论民国时期的地方政治意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民国时期的地方政治意识是指地方集团及其代表人物在国家政治制度、政治生活尤其是国家的构建、中央与地方权力和利益的分配以及重大政治问题上的观点和主张。是中央集团与地方集团利益与意志矛盾长期得不到根本解决的产物。其基本架构是在认同国家的前提下 ,以与中央对立意识为基础 ,以地方的“自主”、“自治”意识为核心 ,以自保和扩张意识为动态特征 ;其本质是地方集团追求自我利益的扩大化和自我政治价值的实现 ;其存在形态只具有相对独立的地位 ;它不仅是地方心理观念的偏执在政治生活中的某种反映 ,也成为其地方政治行为的先导。  相似文献   

中央与地方关系的实质是中央政府与地方政府之间政治利益和经济利益的分配关系。长期以来,我国中央与地方关系没有进入一种制度化、法制化的轨道,使中央与地方政府之间无法形成一种制度化、稳定化的利益均衡分配模式。因此必须革除中央与地方利益分配时缺乏民主、缺乏规范、缺乏地区公平等弊端,实现中央与地方利益分配的相对均衡,从而建立起新的中央政府与地方政府关系的体制框架。  相似文献   

地方实力派是中国近代史上具有相当实力和社会影响的重要军事政治力量,与控制中央大权的蒋介石集团向来处于既统一、又矛盾的状况。如何处理好与地方实力派的关系,始终是中国共产党领导中国新民主主义革命非常重要的政治策略问题。毛泽东在阐述中国新民主王义革命理论和政策中,曾经对地方实力派问题作过许多精辟的论述。因此,地方实力派是中国近代史、中国革命史和中共党史研究的一个重要课题,同时也是毛泽东思想研究的一个重要课题。近年以来,我国历史学界对地方实力派进行过不少研究,取得了较大的成果。但在此领域内,仍然有许多问…  相似文献   

地方院校在定位、地域、历史、生源等方面与重点大学存在较大差异,因此思想政治教育面临的各种问题更严峻、任务更艰巨。地方院校应立足自身实际,以思想政治教育观念更新、队伍建设、方法探讨为重点,加强和改进思想政治教育工作。  相似文献   

民初国会制宪中中央与地方关系论争述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在民初国会正式制宪过程中,中央与地方关系一直是人们关注和争论的焦点。从这些论争可以看出,当时人们对中央与地方关系的认识已达到了相当的高度,包括中央与地方关系的焦点,模式与国情,地方地位的界定等。但由于客观政治环境的影响与局限,一些良法美意也只能化作流星。  相似文献   

西南政治大学原名西南政治学院,始建于1953年。1978年8月,经国务院批准为全国重点大学。1995年4月,经国家教委批准更名为西南政治大学。2000年2月,由司法部直属划转重庆市人民政府管理,实行中央与地方共建、以地方为主的管理模式。  相似文献   

地方实力派与南京国民党政权的覆灭   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方实力派与南京国民党政权的覆灭吴贤辉一导致南京国民党政权迅速覆灭的因素很多,其中,地方与中央的长期不协调、甚至对抗关系,是一个不可忽视的因素。本文试图把南京政权的这种中央与地方的关系置于近代以来中国社会政治的转型期里作上动态的考察,以探讨其迅速覆灭...  相似文献   

地方官员是国家在地方上的代言人与规划的具体执行者,其施政实践可反映出任内的中心议题,这些恰能反映地方社会的真实状况。本文试以永济县黄河滩地争夺事件为中心,兼及晋南地区其他类似的事件,来分析该地的地方政治和社会状况。  相似文献   

地方文献资料所涉及的范围较广,其来源也很复杂,往往给搜集整理工作带来意想不到的困难;但地方文献资料与一个地方的政治、历史、文化、经济乃至军事等有着密切的联系;其透露的有效信息还可能是从事某些专业不可缺小的珍惜资料。文章对地方高校图书馆在收集整理地方文献资料工作中存在的问题,提出了一些解决的措施。  相似文献   

我国民族地区地方课程及其政策研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
地方课程是为了保障和促进课程适应不同地区的需要,由地方根据国家课程管理政策、课程计划、课程标准和当地的政治、经济、文化、民族及学生发展需要,结合本地的优势和优良传统,充分利用本地的课程资源而自主开发并由地方管理的课程。我国在少数民族语言文字教材的开发与利用方面积累了丰富的经验,在新课程改革背景下,民族地区地方课程开发的政策、目标与内容等均有着新的内涵。  相似文献   

For the past 10 years the Ministry of Education of Mongolia has periodically oscillated between decentralization and recentralization policies. On paper, it has consistently and enthusiastically subscribed to decentralization, but in practice has given these policies low priority. This study attempts to explain the discrepancies between policy talk and actual implementation. Methodologically, the authors investigate local policy contexts and examine how international interventions such as decentralization policies are locally reinterpreted or ‘Mongolized’. The study examines several areas where cultural legacies from the socialist past have clashed with the expectations of international donors. Theoretically, the Mongolian fiasco of decentralization reform lends itself as a case to address issues that have been raised both in comparative research on ‘transitology’ and on cross‐national policy borrowing.  相似文献   

贺冬 《宜春学院学报》2012,34(5):72-74,79
在梳理三权分立制度的基础上,对其分权性质及分权原则发生嬗变的原因做了系统分析和探讨,认为三权分立制度嬗变是传统代议民主制走向衰落,行政集权民主制基本形成,政党政治民主制有效运作综合作用的产物。  相似文献   

统分结合:合并高校图书馆的一种管理模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
合并高校图书馆在改革过程中可采用统分结合的管理模式,既要坚持从实际出发,做到该统则统,该分则分;又不能把统与分绝对化,注意统中有分,分中有统。  相似文献   

Proponents of decentralization argue that bringing decisions closer to the people improves school quality and efficiency by ensuring that schools are more responsive to local educational needs. In practice, the effects of decentralization vary substantially, given that the implementation of these reforms relies on local resources and management capacity. In this paper, I estimate the effects of decentralization on educational outcomes in Indonesia using a difference-in-differences model. I find no overall effect on achievement, but a negative effect on teacher effort, particularly in rural areas and among schools with inactive school committees.  相似文献   

教育分权内涵再探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育分权的内涵可以从其客体、授权主体和受权主体三个方面做出新的阐释。教育分权的客体是隶属于第三部门教育领域的一种公共权力,它包括国家教育权、社会教育权和学校自主权。教育分权的授权主体与权力来源主体一样,都是政府。消解政府在公共教育权力配置中的垄断地位,重新定义政府在教育领域的行为范式,是在新的现实条件下的迫切需求。教育分权的受权主体是社会与学校。从社会角度来讲,主要考虑建立市场参与教育事务的运行机制;从学校层面上讲,主要考虑赋予学校自主权的问题。  相似文献   

This article primarily aims to investigate the effects of decentralization on educational autonomy in Taiwan through historical and documentary analysis. To draw an analytical framework, it begins with a brief examination of the concept of autonomy. This is followed by an examination of how decentralization has influenced the state-institution-individual relationship in Taiwan's higher education by using a three-level hierarchical model. After analyzing decentralization as empowering practices, it argues that the emergence of a performativity culture has generated an antinomy of the decentralization reforms, in which decentralization has formed a new ecology of education administration in Taiwan on the one hand, and simultaneously has brought the issue of bureaucratization in education on the other.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at exploring distinctive features of the decentralization of basic education in Shanghai by drawing on data from Shanghai Program for International Students Assessment (PISA) 2012. While doing the research for this paper, the author found that from a policy perspective, Shanghai had launched a reform policy aimed at transforming the highly centralized education system. This included a devolution of the decision-making authority to local departments of education and a reduction of control over schools. Private school policies were also initiated with the understanding that private schools ought to enjoy autonomy in almost every aspect of decision-making. From the perspective of practice, decentralization of basic education could be categorized as county-based school decentralization. In such a situation, the county bureaus of education wielded decision-making authority over a number of areas in the public school sector, while gradually devolving some decision-making authority to the public schools themselves; and the private schools enjoyed autonomy within their major decision-making areas. Given both the policy and practice of the decentralization of basic education in Shanghai, some suggestions are provided regarding: (1) how to promote school decentralization, and (2) how to balance it with accountability.  相似文献   

浅谈领导的授权艺术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在当今复杂多变的社会环境中,领导的授权艺术在组织管理中的地位与作用将越来越重要和突出。正确把握授权的内涵,克服领导授权的各种障碍性因素,灵活运用各种领导授权的技巧艺术,对于实现科学有效的领导授权至关重要,而只有这样才能摆脱传统的领导方式,实现领导方式的现代化。  相似文献   

This paper compares educational decentralization policies implemented in Argentina and Brazil during the 1990s, focusing on the rationales and contexts of the policies, and through a review of secondary sources and some official documents. The paper argues that school decentralization, the movement toward transferring functions and responsibilities to schools, appears as a new and extended reform that was accompanied by more traditional forms of decentralization, but also by a process of centralization of planning and evaluation at the national level. This new form of centralization/decentralization is seen as linked to the neoliberal restructuring of the state, to pressures from globalization processes and forces, and to various internal demands for improving quality and efficiency in the delivery of education.  相似文献   

言论自由的选举制度和竞争性政党制度以及分权的政府制度,分离开来,都仅仅是民主实现、主权在民的必要条件;三者结合起来则是民主实现的充分且必要条件.这样一来,我们就得到了一个民主判定公式:“民主”=“言论自由的选举制度+竞争性政党制度+分权的政府制度”=“政府分权且由全体公民自由——言论自由与建党自由——竞选产生的政体”.  相似文献   

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