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通过口腔医学、口腔工艺技术两大专业专科生的专业思想统计比较,分析初始阶段、假期社会实践、毕业前夕的不同专业的专业思想,发现在入学初期转专业、实习后口腔工艺技术专业思想更不稳定。对此提出相关对策:高度重视学校招生宣传;培养学生的专业情感;架起家校沟通的桥梁;加强专业思想教育;教学中体现口腔专科特色;合理安排实习并加强实习基地建设;深入分析有关就业政策;对毕业生进行重点的教育和培训。以此帮助口腔专科生树立正确的成才观和专业就业导向,为今后就业、创业打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

口腔专业实践性很强,在其教学中要注重培养学生的动手能力,因此,对于工学结合模式在口腔专业教学中的应用研究尤为重要.本文从口腔专业教学的现状入手,分析在教学中存在的一些问题,提出了建立工学结合实训课程体系,达成实训教学方式多样化等工学结合模式在口腔专业教学中的应用策略,改变工学结合模式的现状,提高其应用能力,为工学结合模式在口腔专业教学中的应用研究提供理论参考.  相似文献   

随着社会对医疗行业的要求不断提高,对现代口腔护理从业人员的专业能力和综合素质的要求也日益提高,口腔护理专业的教学培养方式也应随之调整。应用现代化多媒体教学辅助手段,可以更好地提高口腔护理的教学质量,为社会培养更多口腔护理人才。  相似文献   

口腔内科学作为口腔临床医学专业的重要学科之一,专业性及临床操作性极强,如何在临床前学习阶段有效地将理论与实践结合非常重要。本文总结了我院近几年的口腔内科教学经验,探索PBL教学模式在口腔内科临床前教学中的应用,为口腔内科教学以至口腔医学教学方法的改革提供一些经验。  相似文献   

本文作者以教育部人才培养评估为契机,通过不断更新高职高专口腔医学专业的教育教学理念,深入开展如何提高专业教学质量的探讨和研究,并结合多年的的口腔医学教学实践,逐步积累并总结出了一套行之有效提高和保障我院口腔专业教学质量的经验,通过与同行交流讨论,探索一条提升高职高专类口腔医学教育教学教学质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文在深入调研,分析就业市场对口腔护理人员岗位及核心能力实际需求的基础上,在口腔护理专业教学中,开展就业导向下的实践化教学,探讨了就业导向下口腔护理专业实践化教学方法实施的效果,从而提高学生的职业技能和就业能力。  相似文献   

本文认为,应按照"以核心技能为中心,强化岗位技能"的理念,对高职口腔工艺技术专业传统课程体系进行重构,确定三大专业教学包,并设计相应的课程及实施方案。  相似文献   

目的:研究"医护一体化实训"对于口腔护理专业学生成绩的影响。方法:在2013级口腔护理2个班级、2014级口腔护理3个班级、2015级口腔护理4个班级每班随机抽取20名学生,随机平分成2组,其中一组定为Ⅰ组,作为实验组与口腔医学专业相应数量随机抽取学生进行"医护一体化"实训教学,另外一组作为对照定为Ⅱ组,以传统方式进行以行政班级为单位的独立实训教学。对两部分学生相同项目的理论考核和技能测试结果进行对比分析。结果:实验组学生理论水平与操作技能均较对照组有显著提高。结论:应用"医护一体化实训"方法打破了学科界限,以临床工作任务为引领,实现了不同专业的一体化教学。提高了口腔护理专业学生的操作技能,并可以间接帮助学生理解和记忆相关理论知识,有利于学习成绩的提高。  相似文献   

口腔医学是一门实践性很强的学科,如何提高口腔专业的教学质量,现结合本专业特点,从优化课程体系,精炼教学内容,改革教学方法,深化实践教学等方面进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

随着教育改革的不断深化,口腔护理教学也在不断优化。教师需不断完善教学理念和教学方法,提高教学水平,以激发学生的学习兴趣,提升课堂活力,提高教学质量。课程思政是将思政元素融入专业教学中,把立德树人作为根本任务的一种综合教育理念。课程思政对于提高口腔护理专业学生的素养和能力、培养口腔护理专业人才具有十分重要的意义。因此,就课程思政下的口腔内科护理教学改革进行探讨,以供同行借鉴。  相似文献   

The need for the incorporation of training in geriatrics and gerontology into basic medical and dental education has recently been recognized. Studies that have attempted to measure the attitudes of medical and dental students toward the aged have been extremely limited. The present study, part of a larger study of attitudes and knowledge among 700 health workers, examines the attitudes and knowledge of over 283 dental and medical students at different stages in their professional education, using Rosencranz and McNevin's Aging Semantic Differential and Palmore's Short Quiz on Facts on Aging. No significant deterioration or improvement in attitudes toward the aged was found in the course of medical and dental education. Correlational analysis revealed a complex relationship between knowledge and attitude scores.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,我国口腔修复工艺专业发展迅速,但其教育水平却相对滞后,如何适应人才市场的需求和变化,培养高素质的技能型、服务型、应用性人才,是口腔修复工艺专业教学改革的关键。德国的"双元制"教育模式充分体现了学校与企业紧密合作的理念,值得探讨。  相似文献   

It is essential for dental hygienists to have basic knowledge of gross anatomy to provide efficient treatment. However, gross anatomy course is relatively neglected due to their disparity from actual clinical dental practice. This study aimed to propose an effective dental hygiene gross anatomy curriculum that reflects the opinions of professional clinical dental hygienists. The study had an online-based cross-sectional design and the survey was distributed to clinical dental hygienists via social networks (n = 200). The questionnaire consisted of questions on the utilization of anatomical knowledge in clinical practice, opinions on the contents and methods of gross anatomy education, and general characteristics. The present study found that 186 (93%) used anatomical knowledge at an above-average level. Qualitative analysis indicated that dental implant surgery, radiography, and extraction were the clinical procedures that required the most anatomical knowledge. The clinical dental hygienists answered that the most-necessary knowledge is that of the mandibular nerve, followed by that on the temporomandibular joint, mandible, maxilla, maxillary nerve, and masticatory muscle. The methods proposed to improve gross anatomy education were (in decreasing order of importance) using videos or photographs (X-rays, CT, MRI, etc.), integrating education with clinical subjects, and using a three-dimensional visualization program. Higher education levels of respondents have increased their tendency to believe that the contents and methods of the presented education were necessary. Dental hygienists who utilized anatomical knowledge more often tended to be had a greater appreciation of the necessity of all educational contents and methods.  相似文献   

Electronic textbook usage is increasing within higher education while use of traditional textbooks is declining. While some research concerning student preference for textbook type provides insight into student choices, there is a gap in the literature regarding use of electronic textbooks within dental assisting programs. The purpose of this study was to explore dental assisting students’ preferences regarding electronic textbook usage during their professional education. Two questionnaires were administered to a group of dental assisting students to ascertain their preferences. One questionnaire was given during the Dental Assisting Program orientation at the beginning of the academic year. The second questionnaire was administered at the conclusion of a nine-month dental assisting curriculum in which students were required to use electronic textbooks for approximately half of their courses. Results from the questionnaires indicated that while students were open to the idea of electronic textbooks and willing to use them prior to beginning in the Dental Assisting Program, at the conclusion of the Program they overwhelmingly preferred to use traditional print textbooks.  相似文献   

通过对日本齿科卫生士教育的介绍及我国口腔辅助人员教育现状及存在的问题进行比较,探讨符合中国国情的口腔辅助人员教育的发展方向。  相似文献   

世界职业教育制度改革和发展的新趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在新的挑战面前,世界职业教育正进行着各个方面的改革,其中职业教育制度是职业教育改革的重点。其改革和发展有四大趋势:职业教育终身化;职业教育上移化;职业教育与企业培训合作化;普通教育职业化和职业教育普通化。  相似文献   

通识教育是区别于专业教育的另一种教育,是对专业教育的升华和整全。通识教育的演变历程和与专业教育的比较辨析表明,通识教育具有"知识性"、"精神性"和"信念性"的三重特性。因此,在发展时序上,应遵循三个阶段:通识教育作为专业教育的预备阶段;专业教育作为通识教育的补充阶段;通识教育作为专业教育的引领阶段。  相似文献   

学生职业素质教育是国家骨干高职院建设的必然要求。国家骨干高职院校实施职业素质教育,要坚持以育人为本,德育为先,要紧紧围绕“职业素质养成”这个核心,立足职业道德、职业意识、职业态度、职业情感和职业精神等方面,构建全面的职业素质教育体系;注重提高学生的综合素质,提升学生的就业竞争力和职业能力.  相似文献   

当前我国专业学位教育实践存在诸多问题,从根源上讲就是在处理专业教育与职业教育、专业学位教育与专业任职资格、专业学位教育与专业协会等关系时在理论认识上存在偏颇。从专业核心属性的视角出发来研究和分析上述关系,有利于从理论根源上明晰专业学位教育的内涵和属性,从而制定有针对性的对策和措施来更好地促进专业学位教育实践的开展。  相似文献   

专业性是专业学位教育的根本性质。美国的专业学位教育在本科、硕士研究生和博士研究生三个教育层次都予以开展,目前至少有41种专业学士学位,约112种专业硕士学位,56种专业博士学位和11种第一级专业学位,涉及学科群33个。美国专业学位教育主要是在专业学院进行的。  相似文献   

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