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The Editech 2011 conference identified that publishers need to follow new paths and experiment more rapidly in all the areas of business related to a growing number of new digital publishing activities. Most important they need to rethink all the relationships actually in place with all the other factors in the publishing value chain and then radically reinvent their role in the quickly changing digital and ebook businesses. It is clear that now most of the changes are driven by the big three Google, Amazon, Apple and the publishers are following. However, especially in Europe the publishers have different approaches based on a brief review of selected key papers presented from different countries and sectors of the digital publishing industry.  相似文献   

科学、技术和医学(STM)数字出版具有内容数字化、组织语义化和流程网络化的特点。STM数字出版物可划分为传统出版物的数字化出版,新型出版模式下的数字化资源,分析型、工具型为主的知识服务类和科学评价类资源,以及交互性的信息资源四种类型,对图书馆的传统文献资源结构、采购模式和资源采购经费等方面造成冲击。图书馆需要适当提高数字资源比重,整合资源类型、提高资源易用性,推动开放获取资源建设,并加强数字资源产权保护和长期保存研究。  相似文献   

Digital publishing has been considered as a panacea to bridge the gaps between different sized publishing companies: allowing small, independent companies to compete on an equal footing with cross-media conglomerates. However, this research discovered that Scottish publishers are not capitalising on new technology and new platforms for dissemination: this is detrimental to the authors they represent. The empirical research found that the majority of Scottish publishers are not fostering intellectual property rights (IPR) effectively across international markets and new media: The failure to do this means that the operational practices of the Scottish publishing industry are not in harmony with the burgeoning digital publishing environment. If Scottish publishers continue with current practices it will become increasingly difficult for them to compete in the national and international publishing environment. This study concludes that only by better training and knowledge exchange, in matters of rights exploitation and digital publishing, can Scottish publishers compete in the international arena and contribute to, and benefit financially from, the knowledge economy.  相似文献   

陈晓堂 《编辑学报》2018,30(3):251-252
知识付费为出版业带来新的机遇和挑战,科技期刊在数字出版转型中要突破传统出版的盈利模式,在知识服务中探索知识付费模式;参照出版业知识服务和知识付费成功案例探讨出版业尤其是科技期刊知识服务及知识付费模式,并指出实现知识付费的条件;科技期刊应从自身实际出发,依照互联网的用户特点实现知识服务和知识付费;知识付费将成为科技期刊新的盈利模式,并将成为新的出版业态。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]了解学术图书馆对新的出版环境的感知和应对情况以及学术图书馆出版服务现状,分析学术图书馆参与数字出版的潜在动力和优势条件,从理论与实践两方面论证学术图书馆参与数字出版服务的重要性、必要性和可行性。[方法/过程]首先介绍学术图书馆在促进学术交流中所承担的角色与使命,分析学术出版的功能作用;讨论学术图书馆参与数字出版的潜在效益。继之,主要选取分别代表开放存取期刊、仓储和图书的DOAJ、OPenDOAR、DOAB作为开放存取出版现状的调研对象,选择ARL和SPARC研究图书馆出版服务相关报告并调研图书馆出版联盟,以了解国内外学术图书馆的出版服务现状。在此基础上,进一步分析总结学术图书馆参与数字出版所具备的内容资源、技术平台、用户、人才等方面的优势条件,并简要讨论学术图书馆参与数字出版的角色和功能定位。[结果/结论]总结学术图书馆参与数字出版的动因和条件以及可能面临的不确定性,并相应提出可能的应对策略。  相似文献   

本文回顾和总结了我国出版业的体制改革研究,提出了当前改革中的路径依赖、制度变迁和制度经济问题;在此基础上,进一步论述了中国出版体制改革的主要问题、研究思路和研究内容.文章运用新制度经济学的基本原理,对中国出版体制改革这一对象进行了较全面和整体性的思考.  相似文献   

施勇勤 《出版科学》2012,20(2):18-21
从媒介融合视角分析数字技术推动下数字出版发展的产业扩散和产业集聚的两种趋势,分析媒介融合带来的产业转型和文化变迁;分析数字出版和新媒体环境下形成的文化逻辑,并进而分析数字出版产业带来的文化和规制的矛盾性;从制度经济学角度分析媒介融合背景下数字出版产业发展的核心原动力,指出垄断作用力和竞争作用力达到均衡——"制衡"是数字出版产业健康发展的支点,垄断与竞争并存是数字出版产业规制的主要内容。  相似文献   

出版信息资源的概念有广义与狭义之分:狭义仅指出版信息内容本身;广义不仅包括出版信息内容本身,而且包括与出版信息相关的技术设施、人员、资金等。出版信息资源的分类以"载体是否数字化"可分为非数字化出版信息资源和数字化出版信息资源;以其构成来源可分为出版内容信息资源、出版生产经营信息资源和出版环境信息资源。出版信息资源自身的特点主要有广泛的社会性、明确的目的性以及静态与动态的统一性。  相似文献   

随着国内科技期刊的蓬勃发展,数字出版平台在提升科技期刊影响力和传播力中发挥着越来越重要的作用,对建设优质出版平台的需求愈发迫切.本文选取中外10余家知名科技期刊出版平台,详细对比分析了出版平台在内容资源、论文碎片化功能、搜索等方面具有特点的功能与服务,并分析了中国激光杂志社中英文出版平台的特征及优化升级措施,以供中国科...  相似文献   

Over 660 Chinese researchers were questioned about their scholarly use, citing, and publishing and how trust is exercised in these key activities. Research showed few signs of new forms of scholarly usage behaviour taking hold, despite multiple opportunities afforded by Science 2.0 developments. Thus, for determining trustworthiness for usage purposes, the most important activity was reading the abstract. In terms of citations, citing the seminal source was the most common activity. In contrast, citing non‐peer reviewed sources, such as the social media, was not thought acceptable. For publishing, relevance to the field was the most important factor when choosing a place to publish. Comparisons were made with a study of 3650 international researchers, which employed the same methods and questions. The main differences between Chinese and international researchers were that the former (a) rated abstracts more highly, (b) took into account impact factors more when citing and publishing and (c) were much more likely to be influenced by institutional directives when placing their articles.  相似文献   

肖洋  谢红焰 《出版科学》2012,20(3):68-71
数字时代背景下出版产学研协作,关系到出版教育的人才培养、出版行业新技术研发与应用、出版信息与资源共享,也是加快推动我国向新闻出版强国迈进迫切需要解决的重大问题。本文通过剖析出版产学研协作的动因、主要模式,揭示产学研协作存在的共性问题,并简要提出对策。  相似文献   

In the earlier years of the Web, libraries focused on moving services online and building digital collections, but in recent years, libraries have emerged as key players in the world of digital publishing. Librarians possess all of the necessary skills to act as digital publishers; they join the ranks of many others who have discovered the barriers around digital publishing are lower than ever. Library-based digital publishing solutions have matured to a point that the act of digital publishing could—and should—become a new core competency for the library profession. To explore this hypothesis, the researchers offer a working definition of digital publishing and assess the key roles that traditional publishers have historically offered over time. They find that librarians already possess the requisite skills to become digital publishers, and the collaborative culture of the library profession is a strength for this new role. Examples of digital publishing from two libraries at the University of California-Berkeley offer a proof of concept. Services at these libraries include the conceptualization of overall Web site strategies, a content plan that emphasizes distinctive and original material, and special projects that promote digital publishing at the local level, even as they take advantage of campus- or system-level services. Researchers find that offering library-based Web publishing services can reinforce overall information management programs and also advance the status of libraries within their respective host organizations. The comparative ease of digital publishing has opened an opportunity for librarians to follow the user as they use the Web in creative ways.  相似文献   

The way we think about publishing is unduly governed by the nature of the container—the physical book. Although demand for digital content has grown substantially, publishers continue to treat digital formats as a derived or secondary use. As a result, context is truncated or excluded, reducing the degree to which content can be discovered and consumed. At the same time, content abundance places pressure on publishers to find new and more effective ways to market content products. To address these several challenges, publishers should revise their content workflows to develop and maintain context throughout the publishing process.  相似文献   

多元化出版冲击下科技期刊传统出版模式的对策与措施   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
通过对传统出版和数字化出版现状的分析及<中国实用内科杂志>在传统出版和数字化出版中的探索,认为在多元化出版的今天,传统出版应积极探索数字化出版的方式并主导数字化出版,两者相互包容和促进,并且以技术发展商作为重要的辅助手段,才能使我国出版业健康、有序地发展.  相似文献   

An international survey of families about media and technology, play and learning, finds that kids love to read, and prefer print over ebooks. As content proliferates on physical and digital platforms, however, finding content they want to read gets more challenging. This article addresses challenges and opportunities for print and publishing in a world where young people’s attention increasingly focuses on all-media-in-one tablets.  相似文献   

智慧出版是随着数字技术更新迭代而出现的新型出版模式,可以为用户提供个性化、场景化、多维度和持续性的知识服务。本文以8本海洋科普期刊为研究对象,对其微信公众号、微博、音频及短视频等平台内容进行梳理,分析海洋科普期刊智慧出版的发展现状及存在的问题,从内容生产方式、移动场景建设、组织模式变革和生态系统建构等方面探讨海洋科普期刊智慧出版的可行路径,为智媒时代我国科普期刊智慧出版的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

《国际口腔科学杂志》(英文版)的数字化出版实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
《国际口腔科学杂志》(英文版)一直坚持数字化出版,利用网络出版平台、采用网络编辑系统、实施DOI编码、实行开放获取和优先数字出版、与期刊数据库平台和国际大型出版集团合作、建立参考文献知识链接等方式进行数字化办刊,取得了很好的效果:刊物短期内被国际著名数据库SCI等收录,影响因子逐年提高,国际影响力迅速提升.实践表明,数字化出版对加快期刊的发展具有重要作用.  相似文献   

Universities have had to develop new strategies to raise their profile in the international marketplace. In Malaysia, as in many other nations, publication in ISI‐ranked journals is a crucial factor. This focus is causing a strain on national journals that suffer from a lack of content, institutional support, and national recognition. This paper presents data about Malaysian journal publishing and the study questioned editors in chief of Malaysian journals to obtain opinions of the problems they encounter and possible solutions. Data were collected through interviews. The participants in the study highlighted four main issues that resulted in a weak publishing environment: institutional reputation building (academic reputation), researcher prestige/image building, lack of focus on local journal issues by legislators, and a weak publishing culture. The article concludes that the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education should pay attention to national initiatives in countries such as India and Australia that recognize national journals and reward researchers for publishing in them.  相似文献   

The examination of publishing empires as paralleled by their geopolitical counterparts continues. The transition from a print-based industry into the digital era opened up new opportunities to build a corporate empire that intentionally seeks dominance and market control. As the biggest publishing corporations maneuvered for self-interests, their researcher and library customers have pushed back with sometimes clandestine responses to register their opposition, just as peasantry periodically revolted in previous eras. As the publishing empires and the researchers and libraries that use their products fight for support in the forum of public opinion, interesting contrasts in messaging are offered.  相似文献   

介绍美国物理学会期刊出版布局、期刊出版平台建设以及增值服务模式,总结其先进经验。美国物理学会期刊在国际物理学出版界一直处于领先水平,其高效的管理模式和先进的数字出版模式对中国物理学会期刊具有很重要的借鉴作用。希望本文为提高中国物理学会期刊甚至是中国期刊的出版及服务能力提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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