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新课程改革体现着教师的教育方式和学生的学习方式的根本转变,彰显着教育功能的转变和素质教育理念的落实,呼唤着面向全体学生的“主体教育”和涵盖学生的生活、生命、人性、价值等诸层面的“人文教育”。这种教育应是一种洋溢着“和谐”旋律的教育。就普通高中学科教学而言,新课程呼唤着“和谐教学策略”的研究。本文就“和谐教学及其策略”的概念、本质特征、研究意义和构建“和谐教学”的基本策略等几个方面谈了一些思考和认识。  相似文献   

论教学策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪70年代,伴随着“教学模式”和“教学设计”研究的蓬勃开展,作为对“教学模式”与“教学设计”起着阐释作用“教学策略”概念应运而生。之后,教学策略逐步脱离这种附属地位而成为相对独立的研究课题。迄今为止,已取得了一些富有成效的结果。然而,纵观这些研究可以发现,关于教学策略概念的界定还是含混、模糊的,而且研究多是集中在具体策略的应用层面,对理论的研究较少。本文试图对教学策略的概念作出进一步分析,对教学策略的理论基础进行探讨。 一、教学策略概念的界定及分类  相似文献   

“和谐教学”作为一种教学策略体系,就是在教学活动中,力求使教学过程诸要素之间以及教学过程与学习环境之间始终处于一种协调、平衡的状态,从而为提高教学质量,减轻学生负担,使学生得到自由、充分、全面、和谐的发展打下基础。  相似文献   

孙雨  林景波 《考试周刊》2014,(28):161-162
"和谐互助"教学策略改变了以教为主的传统教学方式,学生在参与互助中学习、成长,使课堂教学的三维目标得到全面和谐的发展。本文结合山东省即墨二十八中教学实例,以建构主义理论为依据,对"和谐互助"教学策略进行分析和研究,为教师的有效教学提供参考。  相似文献   

本文试着从关注学生的语文素养全面发展、关注教学效益、关注教学反思、关注教学策略等方面探讨课改背景下高中语文课堂教学的“有效教学”的标准问题,力求促进高中语文课堂教学和谐、有效地开展,并借此求教于方家。  相似文献   

章明  余莉 《江西教育》2003,(23):24-24
基于信息技术的小学数学“分层指导,问题解决”教学策略研究,是全国中小学计算机教育研究中心“以现代教育技术为支持环境的教学策略”课题的子课题,也是由南昌市东湖区教研中心承担研究任务的国家级立项课题,它旨在以素质教育思想和建构主义教学思想为指导,实施信息技术、分层  相似文献   

郑莉 《地理教育》1997,(6):16-16
和谐教学作为一种新的教学策略体系,是山东省教育科学“八五”规划重点课题。“和谐教学”的中心是“和谐”,它包括实现三方面的和谐:  相似文献   

教学策略是对完成特定的教学目标而采用的教学顺序、教学活动程序、教学方法、教学组织形式和教学媒体等因素的总体考虑。教学策略主要解决教师“如何教”和学生“如何学”的问题,是当前新课程理念下教学设计研究的重点。本文根据自身多年的教学研究经验并结合一线教师的教学案例,  相似文献   

新课程的实施对实施者提出了“学习、开放、合作、研究”四方面的行为要求。教师所需要思考的是教学目标是否达成,教学情景是否和谐,学生积极性是否被调动,教学过程是否得到优化,教学方法是否灵活,教学手段的优越性是否得到体现,教学策略是否得当,教学效果是否良好。反思教学有助于进一步充实自己,优化教学,并使自己逐渐成长为一名称职的人类灵魂工程师。  相似文献   

近年来,在化学课堂教学方面出现了很多成功的教学模式,其中启发式最典型,但随着社会的飞速发展,创新教育已势在必行,笔认为将“启发式”与“创新”教育二有机结合,将会是一种较完善的教学模式。该模式可以使学生达到知识与能力的和谐发展。本从理论依据、功能目标、实施条件、教学程序、教学策略、教学评价等六个方面阐述了“启发-创新”模式。  相似文献   

Systems biology     
Systems biology seeks to study biological systems as a whole, contrary to the reductionist approach that has dominated biology. Such a view of biological systems emanating from strong foundations of molecular level understanding of the individual components in terms of their form, function and interactions is promising to transform the level at which we understand biology. Systems are defined and abstracted at different levels, which are simulated and analysed using different types of mathematical and computational techniques. Insights obtained from systems level studies readily lend to their use in several applications in biotechnology and drug discovery, making it even more important to study systems as a whole.  相似文献   

教师在新课程理念的指导下,积极、主动地改革自身的教学方式,来激发学生的学习兴趣,搞活教学,提高质量.  相似文献   

新课标将“态度、情感、价值观“列为三维目标之一,而这一目标中的许多内容可涵盖为“审美教育“.追根溯源,美学是哲学的一个分支,但就美学的存在方式和内容来讲,生物科学中所含美学素材、原理最为丰富.因为生命运动是物质运动的最高形式,生物种类最为丰富,“多样即资源“.自然选择决定了生命运动之高等,它和生物多样性一起决定了生物科学中美学素材、原理的丰富性.正如翟中和院士所言:我确信哪怕一个最简单的细胞,也比迄今为止设计出的任何智能电脑更精巧!所以,每一种生物都是大自然亿万年精雕细琢的工艺品宝库中万里挑一的精品,它比璀璨夺目的钻石更为难得,更具诱惑力.颗颗生灵犹如满天繁星,令人神往,思绪万千,都是美的化身、美的结晶.……  相似文献   

The second law of thermodynamics makes no distinction between living and non-living things. Indeed, the concepts of thermodynamics constitute the unifying principles of physics, chemistry and biology.  相似文献   

“For a biologist”, wrote Sir Peter Medawar, “the alternative to thinking in evolutionary terms is not to think at all”. Yet, at the end of an education in biology in most Indian universities, this is not quite the view of evolutionary biology that one is left with. Evolution is presented summarily, almost as a footnote, rather than as a vital branch of biology providing the conceptual foundation for our modern views about the living world. In this issue ofResonance, we remember Stephen Jay Gould, who wrote extensively and eloquently about evolution for a general audience. It seems fitting, then, to also briefly discuss why evolutionary biology is important, not only conceptually but also in terms of practical applications. In this first part of a series of articles on modern evolutionary biology, we examine why the idea of evolution is so important in our intellectual history, and also take a look at the domain of evolutionary biology as a discipline. Amitabh Joshi studies and teaches evolutionary genetics and population ecology at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore. His current research interests are in life-history, evolution, the evolutionary genetics of biological clocks, the evolution of ecological specialization dynamics. He also enjoys music (especially traditional qawali in Braj, Farsi, Punjabi and Urdu), history, philosophy, and reading and writing poetry in Urdu, Hindi and English.  相似文献   

1 酵母菌 酵母菌是将生物新陈代谢2种异化类型联系起来的过渡类型的生物,即兼性厌氧型生物。它在有氧的条件下,进行有氧呼吸,产物是二氧化碳、水和能量;在无氧条件下,进行无氧呼吸,产物是酒精、二氧化碳和能量。除酵母菌外,大肠杆菌的异化作用也是兼性厌氧型。酵母菌的繁殖方式包括无性繁殖和有性繁殖。其无性繁殖方式包括芽殖和裂殖。芽殖是酵母菌最普遍的繁殖方式。少数酵母以裂殖方式进行繁殖。还有些酵母菌可形成一些无性孢子如节孢子、掷孢子、厚垣孢子等。有性繁殖则是通过形成子囊和子囊孢子进行。[第一段]  相似文献   

One of the most common questions that people get asked is “What do you do?”. When I say that I am an evolutionary biologist, most people respond with “Oh, so you study fossils”. My response to this is to say that I do not work with fossils, and that I am an evolutionary geneticist. This clarification typically results in the person saying “Oh, so you work with DNA.” By the time I have said that I do not actually work with DNA either, the person who asked the question begins to appear somewhat confused. It seems that many people do not really have a clear idea of what evolutionary biologists today do, the kinds of questions they seek to answer, and the approaches and methodologies they use. Of course, many evolutionary biologists do work with fossils or DNA, or both, but there are also large numbers of researchers in evolution whose work does not fit into these stereotypes. In the first part of this series, we looked at the domain of evolutionary biology. In this article, we shall look at some of the sub-disciplines of evolution, embodying slightly different questions, techniques and emphases.  相似文献   

新课程倡导“立足过程,促进发展”的评价理念,发展性学习评价方法是以促进学生发展为最高目的的一个系统的连续活动过程,真正促进学生全面、主动、和谐、持续地发展。从评价的内容、方式、主体3个方面阐述如何在生物课堂教学中实施发展性学习评价策略。  相似文献   

新课程如春风拂面,新的教育理念、模式逐渐被教师所熟悉认同。但同时也应看到,新的评价体系还未真正建立,课堂教育仍然更多地维持着应试的框架,新旧课程的差异和碰撞必然会产生矛盾和冲突。想要“新足适新履”地走进新课程,在生物课堂教学实践中教师应避免步入以下误区。  相似文献   

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