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论在英语教学中的母语迁移现象   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
英语学习过程中母语会对目的语(target language)英语生产干扰。章通过对汉英两种语言的比较,阐述了迁移的概念,分析了产生迁移的几种现象,同时,分析了各种教学法对母语的态度,认为将第二语言学习中的错误主要或全部归因于母语这一观点是不太正确的。人的知识是一个有系统的整体,学习原有的知识必然成为新学知识的参照系。  相似文献   

在第二语言教学及学习过程中,“翻译”既是一种方法,也是目的之一。“翻译”和第二语言学习都涉及跨文化交际的问题,在以英语为母训,以汉语为第二语言的学习过程中,同样必须注意第二语言学习与“翻译”的关系,注重两种语言所承载的不同文化的差异与交融。  相似文献   

杨云  张柳娟 《海外英语》2012,(9):137-139
Chinglish is what occurs when the Chinese language and English language crash into one another.When native Chinese speakers who are learning English attempt to directly translate Chinese into English,using Chinese sentence structure,wording and grammar,a blend of Chinese and English happens.Among Chinese English teachers and English as a second language (ESL) foreign experts working with students,this phenomenon is commonly referred to as Chinglish.In order to help students to overcome Chinglish in their oral English and cultivate their sensibility of foreign culture and mode of thinking the awareness of the causes of Chinglish is a must.This paper focuses on analyzing the causes in terms of negative transfer of mother tongue and the differences between modes of thinking and cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

研究表明,母语迁移是影响二语习得的重要因素之一.它分为正迁移和负迁移.正迁移促进外语学习,负迁移则妨碍外语学习.本文通过英汉语对比,探讨了中国学生学习英语过程中母语在语音、语法、词汇、文化习俗等方面的负迁移对英语学习的影响,同时对母语的正迁移现象也做了一定的分析.在此基础上,还得出了母语迁移给外语教学所带来的一些启示.学习者们在今后的二语习得过程中应促进正迁移,避免负迁移,保证语言学习的有效性.  相似文献   

母语与目的语之间的差异造成了第二语言或者外语学习中母语的负迁移,这对中国学生的英语学习造成诸多障碍。本文用实证研究的方法,得出给以汉语为母语的英语学习者写作学习中造成负迁移影响的最大因素,帮助英语学习者消除母语负迁移对英语写作学习造成的干扰。  相似文献   

母语对二语学习的影响是深刻的,二语水平较低者在二语学习中常常依赖母语思维。英汉两种语言之间存在较大差异,使得中国人在学习英语过程中将不可避免地受到汉语的影响,如句法层面的母语负迁移现象在其初级阶段就普遍存在。运用对比分析的理论和方法对大学生句法层面的母语负迁移现象进行分析,解读汉语和英语的共性和差异,有助于教师确定教学的重点、难点,增强教学的预见性和针对性,也有助于学生最大限度地减少母语负迁移的阻碍作用。  相似文献   

The current study examined the construct of word-reading skills within and across English and Chinese. One hundred forty-three 5th graders who were native Chinese (Mandarin) speakers learning English as a second language completed 19 tasks representing phonological awareness, orthographic knowledge, and word decoding in both English and Chinese. Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted within each language, and the results showed that the best-fitting model for both languages was the 3-factor model involving phonological awareness, orthographic knowledge, and word decoding. Across the 2 languages, the language-specific model fit better than other models with 1 or 2 language-general factors. These results suggest that word reading is not a unified, language-general ability within and across English and Chinese among Chinese children learning English as a second language. Instruction and intervention may need to target phonological awareness, orthographic knowledge, and word decoding in each language.  相似文献   

在中国既有英语热又同时存在着学习汉语的热潮,围绕这些现象的一个核心是第二语言学习及其影响因素问题。研究者从跨语言迁移的角度出发,考察不同语言系统间的差异性以及一致性特征,并在此基础之上探讨母语经验以及相关语言因素如何影响学习者第二语言的学习与发展,取得不少有价值的研究成果。  相似文献   

本文借助于对比分析的方法 ,结合教学实践 ,从几个方面分析了英语学习中的负迁移现象和造成迁移的因素 ,并探讨了在外语教学中如何对待语言习得中母语迁移问题 ,采用恰当的教学方法 ,利用语言的共性和迁移规律 ,帮助学生克服干扰 ,促进迁移 ,提高英语学习成效  相似文献   

英语教学中的迁移现象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提高外语教学效果是个世界性的难题。英语学习过程中母语会对目的语 (target language)英语产生干扰。文章通过汉英两种语言的比较,阐述了迁移的概念,分析了产生迁移的几种现象,并提出了相关问题的讨论。  相似文献   

英语习作中汉式思维的负迁移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
母语的影响是任何二语学习过程中无法回避的现实,当二语学习进进入一定的语言运用阶段,母语思维方式带来的负面影响可能会因素而加剧,本对中国学生英语习作中出现的错误,分词,句,篇三个层面加以分析,并从语义,化,逻辑,修辞等方面探讨汉语参与思维的过程,得出中国学生英语写作时必须注意的几点事项。  相似文献   

以语言与思维的关系为基础,从语音、词汇、句法、语用等方面对比汉英两种语言的异同可见,母语在二语习得过程中,产生正迁移的同时也可以产生负迁移。在外语教学中应因势利导,利用母语迁移的积极作用,提高学习者的外语水平。  相似文献   

语言迁移是一种语言对学习另一种语言产生的影响。这种现象在第二语言习得过程中是普遍存在的。根据母语在第二语言习得中的影响,母语迁移分为正迁移和负迁移。正迁移有助于加速语言学习者对目的语的学习,而负迁移则会干扰阻碍学习者对目的语的掌握。据此通过举例分析汉语语法知识对英语语法学习的正、负迁移作用,倡导教育者积极深入挖掘英汉两种语言的共同要素,以便促进学生在英语学习中掌握语法规律,进而提高英语教学效率。  相似文献   

儿童汉英双语语音意识:跨语言一致性、差异与迁移   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
语音意识是指个体对言语的声音片断(包括音节、首尾音和音位等)进行分析和操作的能力。采用语音辨别和语音删除两种任务对汉语儿童的母语和第二语言(英语)语音意识的结构特点、跨语言的普遍性、特异性与语言间的迁移进行了考察发现,验证性因素分析支持了语音意识结构的多成分观点;进一步分析表明儿童的汉语语音意识是预测其英语语音意识的有效因素;同时儿童汉语语音加工经验明显影响了对英语的语音操作,反映了母语语言经验对新学习语言加工过程的制约作用。  相似文献   

The role of speakers’native language(NL)in the process of second language learning has been a controversial focus among researchers.For decades researchers generally considered speakers’NL as a kind of interference,or negative transfer in second language acquisition(SLA).Recent studies,however,have proved the positive effect of NL.In this paper the writer attempts to explores the positive impact of Chinese on English learning  相似文献   

文章对EFL学习者英语写作里使用时间状语时出现的母语负迁移作了实证研究,分析了英语写作中存在的母语负迁移现象和造成负迁移的因素,提出了英语学习中应该采用恰当的教学方式,创设真实情境下的英语语言环境,利用语言的迁移规律,帮助学生克服干扰,减少负迁移,促进正迁移,提高英语学习成效。  相似文献   

<正> 形式改写(reformulation)是由 Levenston(1978)首倡的一种二语写作教学方法(Qi&Lapkin,2001),指的是由一个以二语学习者所学目标语为母语的人参照二语学习者的作文稿,在尽可能保持原文意义不变的基础上,以地道的母语加以改写,然后让学习者将自己的文稿和改写后的文稿加以比较,以便从中发现自己的表达方法与目标语之间的差距,从而达到习得的目的(Cohen,1989:4)。形式改写是为了弥补 Corder(1971)提倡的结构改写法(reconstruction)的不足提出来的(Myers,1997)。结构改写要求教师批改学生作文时,在不改变原句意思的前提下,用规  相似文献   

文章对EFL学习者英语写作里使用时间状语时出现的母语负迁移作了实证研究,分析了英语写作中存在的母语负迁移现象和造成负迁移的因素,提出了英语学习中应该采用恰当的教学方式,创设真实情境下的英语语言环境,利用语言的迁移规律,帮助学生克服干扰,减少负迁移,促进正迁移,提高英语学习成效。  相似文献   

孙婷婷 《海外英语》2014,(15):64-65
Native language plays an important role in the field of foreign language teaching and learning. When it comes to the transfer of the native language, we always think about the negative interference of it, even if we know that language transfer can be divided into positive transfer and negative transfer. In fact, we should not neglect these common areas between Chinese and English, which lead to the positive transfer and strengthen the efficient process of language learning. Here, there have been listed four levels of common areas between Chinese and English to illustrate the positive transfer from Chinese to English.  相似文献   

Cross-language transfer of awareness of the structure of compound words was investigated among native speakers of Chinese who were learning English as a second language. Chinese fifth graders received instruction in the morphology of four types of compound words in either Chinese or English. They then completed both the Chinese and English versions of a compound word structure analogy task. Compared with children who received no instruction, children who received instruction in Chinese were able to transfer knowledge they had acquired of compound types in Chinese to comparable types in English. Reverse transfer from English to Chinese was found among children with high reading proficiency.  相似文献   

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