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Jim and a Man     
Jim、。咖 y。Old.One Sndny he w。。tting on the stops In fonof a house.A mn came叩 nd asked h讪,“ Hi,的,is yollr mothe athorn?” Yes,” ssid Jim. he。、happ.He began to nllg「如讪d.He p恤。g,but there ws no answer.In the end he turned to Jim and sllld,“YOu told mehat yollr mother was at home,didn’t yoti?" “YeS,Idid,” sid he hey,‘“but did tell you this was my hoUSe?Jim and a Man@一兵…  相似文献   

The spring was com ing.The sun shone brightly.A lot of beautifulflowers cam e out.The birds sang allday.M any people went to play in thepark.W hen X iao H ua w as playing near a road,he saw a little bird.H ewanted to catch it.H e went to the bird quietly and caught it at last.“Thats great.I have caughta beautifulbird,he said to him self.Then he”played w ith the bird very happily.Justthen,he saw a little girl crying very sadly.A policem an cam eup and said,“Little girl,don t cry.W hats …  相似文献   

1.OnedayMissRabbitwasplayingwhensheheardsomeonecryingout,“Help!Help!”Shelookedthiswayandthat.Shewantedtoknowwhowascrying.有一天,兔子小姐正在玩耍,忽然听见有人喊“救命!救命!”。她这边瞧瞧,那边望望,想知道是谁在喊“救命”。2.Atthistimeshesawawolflyingonthegroundthere.Abigstonehadfallenonhisback,andhecouldnotgetup.Hecried,“MissRabbit,savemequickly,orIshalldie.”这时,她远远地看到一条狼趴在地上,原来一块大石头从山上掉下来,压在他的背上,他起不来了,便大叫:“兔子小姐,快救救我吧,不然我会死的。”3.Mi…  相似文献   

Teacher:Mrs Jones,your son is a constant trouble-maker(惹事生非的人).How  相似文献   

1.A horse walk'ed into anexpensive(昂贵的)restaurant.Thewaiter came up to him. 3.The waiter led thehorse to a good table bythe window。 4.The horse sat down andthe waiter handed him themenl】(羹单、.6.A iittie later hereturned with the mealand put it 011 the table in{!ronl of the l101-se./≮u…[}1ink it’s v:卜unusua](不正常的)——一d hors~coming into yol restaurant andordering a well done steak. / 7.The horse ate the meal.and enjoyed it very much.Then he;ked the waiter for the bill.A horse …  相似文献   

One evening two young men were walkingin the street together.They tried to find a chance(机会)to steal(偷)something.The clock struck(敲打)twelve.Most of the people went to bed.Quicklythey came to a house and it seemed that everyonein the house had fallen asleep.Standing at the front  相似文献   


A Crow and a Fox     

What began with a bang ended with a barely a whimper.France'sresumption of nuclear testing in the South Pacific last September trig-gered a torrent of global protests and threatened trade bans and consumerboycotts.The sixth detonation,on Jan.27 caused but a ripple.Withequally little fanfare,President Jacques Chirac anncunced two days laterthat the testing was finished.The six tests had provided enough datafor France to fine-tune the computer-simulation technolcgy that willmake further explosions unnecessary, Chirac said—and then turned hisfeather from hawk's to dove's.France will n(?)w go ahead and sign theComprehensive Test Ban Treaty.  相似文献   

Mr.Robinson never went to a dentist because he was afraid,but thenhis teeth began hurting a lot.and he had to go to a dentist.The dentist did alot of work in his mouth for a long time.On the last day Mr.Robinson said to  相似文献   

A dog and a cat     
There are many animals in the world. They are pigs,birds, ducks, giraffes,rabbits and so on.They are all good friends.One day,a dog and a cat were playing.After a while the cat felt  相似文献   

A Bee and a Bird     
~~A Bee and a Bird@Jason @杜燕桥  相似文献   

A Duck and a Hen     
  相似文献   

One fine day in spring, a mouse came out to the lawn and enjoyed the sun. Surprisingly what he thought to be grass was actually Lion's mane.  相似文献   

A Crow and a Fox     
Onedayacrowfindsapieceofmeat.Shepicksitupinhermouthandfliestoatalltree.Sheisjustgoingtoeatthemeatwhenafoxseesher.Hecomesandstandsunderthetreeandsays,“Howprettyyouare。Youmustbetheprettiestbirdintheworld.”Thecrowisverypleasedbythesewords.Thenthefoxspeaksagain,“Icanseeyourprettyface,butIhavenotheardyourvoice.Whydon'tyousingasong?”Thismakesthecrowveryhappy.Sheopenshermouthandbeginstosing.Assheopenshermouth,shedropsthemeat.Thefoxpicksupthemeatatonceandgoesawaywithit.Kindwordsarenotalwaysa…  相似文献   

俗话说:“尺有所短,寸有所长。”每个人都有自己的长处和短处,我们应该虚心向别人学习,而不应该像故事中的大象和猴子那样去嘲笑别人。  相似文献   

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