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文章针对目前学生公寓管理的问题逐渐突显的情况,对海河教育园区8所高职院校的学生公寓的基础和育人功能进行了调查研究,发现存在经营管理理念不统一,管理权限不清晰,学生道德情感缺失,自我管理意识淡薄等问题,对此提出了构建后勤管理处、学生、物业公司“三位一体”的学生公寓管理体系的建议,力求为今后学生公寓的高水平管理提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

学生公寓是大学生人际交往发生的主要场所,良好的人际关系对大学生的学习、工作、生活、身心健康等都具有积极的作用。本文基于乔哈里资讯窗理论,建立了学生公寓人际沟通模型,将学生公寓人际沟通分为开放型、自我型、自私型和封闭型四种类型,有针对性地提出了召开卧谈会、互评(互赞)会、复盘会及制订并践行宿舍公约等形式改进学生人际沟通。  相似文献   

从学生公寓所具有的独特性出发.论述了德育教育进公寓的必要性和在学生公寓区内进行德育教育所具有的优越性.进而提出了在学生公寓区内构建德育教育的物质环境、制度环境、文化环境和网络环境等的具体措施。  相似文献   

学生公寓作为当代大学生主要的生活和学习场所,也日渐成为高职院校思想政治教育工作的重要阵地,高职院校思想政治教育在学生公寓的实践与推进的作用也日渐凸显。对高职院校思想政治教育走进学生公寓的重要作用进行了分析总结,并探讨研究了高职院校思想政治教育在学生公寓中更好地实践与推进的建议措施。  相似文献   

学分制条件下,学生自由选课,班级概念淡化,使其传统的学生思想政治教育载体的功能减弱,给高校学生思想政治教育工作带来了挑战。这种情况下,学生公寓作为新型载体的优势凸显。从改革学生的教育管理模式、加强学生公寓教育管理队伍建设、发挥党团组织在学生公寓的作用、开展学生公寓文化活动等几个方面,论述了学分制下如何充分发挥学生公寓在大学生思想政治教育中的重要作用。  相似文献   

随着高校后勤社会化的逐步推进和我国高等教育体制改革的不断深化,高校学生公寓的管理体制、工作内容、工作方式有了很大的变化.新形势下的高等教育,对学生公寓的管理服务育人功能提出了更高的要求.本文在学生公寓管理实践中,对公寓工作的6个方面内容进行了研究与探讨,以更好地发挥学生公寓管理服务育人功能.  相似文献   

通过对大学生思想状况的分析,提出了在大学生的行为管理中,思想政治教育所起的主导作用。尤其在学生公寓管理方面,提出了辅导员进驻学生公寓、学生党团组织建到公寓、把学生在公寓的表现纳入大学生综合素质测评、建立学生公寓的自我管理组织、以学生公寓为基地开展校园文化活动、开展竞赛活动规范公寓管理等途径和方法。  相似文献   

学生公寓是一个集生活、学习、娱乐、交流为一体的多功能、综合性强的场所,是对学生进行思想政治教育和素质培养的"第二课堂",是大学生成长成才的重要基地。同时,学生公寓管理是高校学生管理工作不可或缺的一部分,对构建文明和谐的校园起着举足轻重的作用。学生干部既来自于学生,又服务于学生,是学生公寓管理人员的重要组成部分。本文对学生干部在管理的协助、信息的反馈、学生的引导、模范的树立等多种方面起到的重要作用进行了阐述,并在最后提出了一些建议,以期学生干部在提升学生公寓管理水平中发挥更大的效用。  相似文献   

唐果  欧斌 《华章》2012,(14)
在高校艺术娄学生公寓中,由于艺术类学生个性特点的特殊性,学生公寓中还存在着公寓纪律较差、公寓氛围较弱、外宿问题严重等问题.将党建工作延伸到艺术类学生公寓,对于加强艺术类学生的思想政治教育、提高艺术类学生公寓文化氛围、加强高校艺术类学生公寓管理有着十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

宋铁华 《文教资料》2009,(7):200-201
随着高校后勤社会化改革的全面实施和深入发展,学生公寓呈现出规模化、多元化、现代化和多功能等一系列特点.创建安全健康文明温馨的大学生公寓环境和氛围是构建和谐校园的基础和保障.本文就学生公寓管理的重要性和面临的新问题进行了客观的阐述,提出了增强"以人为本"服务意识,强化学生公寓管理队伍和学生自律队伍建设,抓好党团组织、文化建设、安全保卫进公寓的学生公寓管理新思路.  相似文献   

基于虚拟仪器的"机械工程控制基础"实验设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细介绍了基于虚拟仪器的"机械工程控制基础"实验教学的教学体系,在实验内容设计上借鉴了国外的思路,在表现手法上则采用虚拟仪器技术来取代MatLab,将典型工程被控对象虚拟化,开发了球杆控制系统等仿真模型,在虚拟仪器的基础上设计了典型环节的阶跃响应、球杆系统PID控制等实验.  相似文献   

In the article it was important to consider two basic moments i.e., impact mode of using virtual environment at training process within one faculty of the University, directly at training quality and what outcomes can be reached therewith. The work significance consists of studying the virtual environment effect instead of traditional educational outlook and on-lining training in pedagogical sphere. We consider virtual (digital) educational resources, their potential adaptation to trainee’s personality and realization during academic process at the university. Virtual training at the university is a total of virtual educational resource. Information and educational interaction exists in the process of subjects and objects interrelation. An integration of information and pedagogical technologies takes place in the process of subjects and objects interrelation. Herein the training is connected with such human activity spheres as intellectual, cultural, emotional, social.  相似文献   

Human anatomical specimen museums are commonly used by medical, nursing, and paramedical students. Through dissection and prosection, the specimens housed in these museums allow students to appreciate the complex relationships of organs and structures in more detail than textbooks could provide. However, it may be difficult for students, particularly novices, to identify the various parts of these anatomical structures without additional explanations from a docent or supplemental illustrations. Recently, augmented reality (AR) has been used in many museum exhibits to display virtual objects in videos captured from the real world. This technology can significantly enhance the learning experience. In this study, three AR-based support systems for tours in medical specimen museums were developed, and their usability and effectiveness for learning were examined. The first system was constructed using an AR marker. This system could display virtual label information for specimens by capturing AR markers using a tablet camera. Individual AR markers were required for all specimens, but their presence in and on the prosected specimens could also be obtrusive. The second system was developed to set the specimen image itself as an image marker, as most specimens were displayed in cross section. Visitors could then obtain the label information presented by AR without any markers intruding on the display or anatomical specimens. The third system was comprised of a head-mounted display combined with a natural click interface. The system could provide visitors with an environment for the natural manipulation of virtual objects with future scalability.  相似文献   

Virtual environment has been widely applied in scientific research and considered as an important tool of exploring science.But constructing a real virtual environment is rather difficult.The difficulty cannot be compared with developing general software,It has a high demand for sofware technology,Obviously traditional methods are not competent for the job.Fortunately with the development of agent-oriented technologies ,all problems seem to be solved.By classifying a virtual environment into four layers corresponding with real world and considering it as a collection of agents,the virtual objects can be mapped into agents and an agent model can be designed.Based on the idea that the state change of a system is caused by that of in dividuals and the mutual effect among them,a theory of agent behavior driven by event and belief is put for ward.Such agent-oriented modeling method can cope with the demand for handling multi-dimension information.It is an effective technique for constructing a large and complex virtual environment.  相似文献   

研究目的是建立车门铰链机构虚拟样机模型并进行运动仿真分析.根据多体系统动力学原理和方法,在UG和ADAMS软件平台上建立了车门铰链机构虚拟样机模型,进行车门开启运动仿真,得到复合铰链的运动参数.分析的结果精度高,成本低,为机构设计和分析奠定基础.  相似文献   

Virtual Reality (VR) technology has already entered into the area of the educational software and delivers systems where the trainees can use interactive virtual microworlds and benefit by transfer of experience, interacting directly with the learning domain. This paper describes the Virtual Multi Flow Graph (Virtual-MFG) graphical formal model and the Interaction Specification Workspace (ISW) software architecture for the interaction specification and design of VR applications with emphasis on educational software. The interaction designer specifies the interaction issues of the final system formally, using the tools of ISW. The virtual microworld's objects database is updated with these interaction specifications which include both the virtual objects' dynamic properties and their tutoring capabilities. The model is validated by applying it on an existing VR educational software (EIKON). The Virtual-MFG graphs specifying a learning scenario of EIKON along with the application of ISW on EIKON are also presented.  相似文献   

运用马克思、列宁主义的哲学原理和辨证唯物主义的观点,从中西医学的起源、发展及其异同比较,综合分析了二者各自的历史文化背景、现实特点以及发展趋势等,阐明了中西医学是相互对立的两套理论体系,但二者并非毫不相干,而是前后相通的两道门.作者认为中西医的交融、结合是历史的必然,既符合时立统一的规律,又符合科学发展观.  相似文献   

在校园网络化的背景下,高职院校公寓成为学生学习、生活的重要场所,公寓的管理工作成为高职院校管理的重要内容,公寓辅导员队伍承担着公寓管理的重要职责。然而,目前多数高职院校公寓辅导员队伍管理机制尚不健全,存在着激励机制不到位,考核机制不完善,管理机构不健全等问题。只有建立健全公寓辅导员管理机制,才能为做好高职院校公寓管理工作提供制度保障。  相似文献   

The use of mixed reality in science education has been increasing and as such it has become more important to understand how information is learned in these virtual environments. Spatial ability is important in many learning contexts, but especially in neuroanatomy education where learning the locations and spatial relationships between brain regions is paramount. It is currently unclear what role spatial ability plays in mixed reality learning environments, and whether it is different compared to traditional physical environments. To test this, a learning experiment was conducted where students learned neuroanatomy using both mixed reality and a physical plastic model of a brain (N = 27). Spatial ability was assessed and analyzed to determine its effect on performance across the two learning modalities. The results showed that spatial ability facilitated learning in mixed reality (β = 0.21, P = 0.003), but not when using a plastic model (β = 0.08, P = 0.318). A non-significant difference was observed between the modalities in terms of knowledge test performance (d = 0.39, P = 0.052); however, mixed reality was more engaging (d = 0.59, P = 0.005) and learners were more confident in the information they learned compared to using a physical model (d = 0.56, P = 0.007). Overall, these findings suggest that spatial ability is more relevant in virtual learning environments, where the ability to manipulate and interact with an object is diminished or abstracted through a virtual user interface.  相似文献   

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