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This paper uses an experimental design to estimate preferences of employers for key competencies during the transition from initial education to the labor market. The study is restricted to employers of entry-level academic graduates entering public health organizations in the Netherlands. Given the changing and complex demands in public health, we study the relative importance of generic and field-specific competencies during the transition from education to the public health field. A self-explicated approach and a choice-based conjoint analysis were used to elicit preferences of employers for key competencies. The results show that employers value generic competencies relatively higher than field-specific competencies for master level graduates entering the public health field. The results are relevant for the adjustment of training in public health. Universities should continue to train master level graduates in public health with high-level cognitive skills.  相似文献   


This study sought to a better understanding of the construct of problem solving in technology-rich environments and the effect of literacy and numeracy on problem solving. Data used in this study were drawn from Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies US data which includes 5010 completed cases and a total of 1326 variables. The assessment of literacy, numeracy and problem-solving competencies were administrated using computer-based approaches. The result of the study showed that adults with higher numeracy and literacy competencies were more likely to have higher level of problem-solving skills. The results of the analyses also revealed that solution latency (i.e. time) were an important factor influencing problem-solving skills. This study indicates that basic mathematical skills are essential for solving problems that require interpersonal communication, computer and software knowledge, planning, and organising. The findings from this study provide several implications for researchers, educators, teachers and policymakers.  相似文献   

One of the goals of higher professional education is to develop generic student competencies across a variety of disciplines that play a crucial role in education and that provide wider opportunities for graduates in finding good jobs and more chance of promotion. In this article a list of generic competencies developed in Russian universities is compared with a similar list developed by a consortium of Russian and European universities (project TUNING-RUSSIA). Then there is a second comparison with a list of competencies taken from the CDIO Syllabus. This comparison indicates the degree of similarity among the lists and the possible convergence among universities all over the world. The results are taken from a survey carried out among Russian employers, academics, and graduates. The survey asked to rate each listed competence by its importance and the degree of achieving goals in the process of the education.  相似文献   

Generic problem-solving skills have been identified as one of the key competencies valued by professional programmes, university students and their future employers. A lack of widely available and simple testing tools prevents assessment of the development of student problem-solving skills. As part of a research study, a generic problem-solving test was administered to 130 third-year science students during three consecutive years. A comparison between the scores students achieved in this test with their six academic marks obtained in this course showed no significant correlation. Lack of correlation between the problem-solving skill test scores and academic marks of students was confirmed in a larger population of students participating in a campus-wide study of generic problem-solving skills (n = 830). Problem solving and academic performance may represent two independent skill sets of students; testing problem-solving skills of students could be introduced to achieve a more comprehensive evaluation of undergraduate student progress and achievement.  相似文献   

高职生就业率与就业质量近年来成为高职院校需要解决的首要问题。职业生涯教育在这个过程中扮演非常重要的角色。高职职业生涯教育存在多种问题:高职生在职业意识上存在多种缺失;学校职业生涯教育的内容、师资与教学手段都跟不上学生的需求;企业在招聘时对待高职生的不公以及对岗位要求不明确;政府在就业、校企与家校合作、毕业生就业以及拨款角色不到位以及父母在子女就业的态度偏差,未发挥积极作用。针对以上问题,高职职业生涯教育应该完善职业生涯教育合作机制,建立生涯规划的服务网络体系;优化职业生涯教育师资结构,建立多方评价机制;改革职业生涯教育的内容与形式,重视职业生涯教育的人文要素;吸取职业生涯教育国际经验,将职业生涯教育作为国家人力资源开发的重要战略措施。  相似文献   

本文以辽宁省79所普通高校特色发展规划文本为研究对象,从战略管理角度对高校特色发展战略规划中存在的问题进行探讨,提出实施高校特色发展战略必须健全战略管理环节、必须以"特色"为核心进行战略设计安排、必须"内外兼顾"全面规划,必须高度重视战略实施、战略评估环节等。  相似文献   

Lifelong learning, where individuals keep modifying, renewing and updating their existing skills and competencies, is an essential requirement in the knowledge economy. Yet research has shown that employers often find it hard to hire individuals who are equipped with sufficiently rounded competencies in areas such as commitment, enthusiasm and timekeeping. The Student Ambassador (SA) scheme offers university students the opportunity to undertake relatively well‐paid and flexible part‐time jobs around widening participation initiatives, which, in general, focus on raising aspiration and attainment of young people from more disadvantaged backgrounds. This article examines research evidence into the SA scheme in South‐East London and, in particular, focuses on analysing whether the scheme offers students an ideal part‐time job opportunity while in higher education. It will be seen that SAs not only gain complex transferable skills while earning money, but also engage in something that they perceive to be a highly rewarding and valuable experience.  相似文献   

The present study builds on research that indicates that teachers play a key role in promoting those interactional behaviours that challenge children’s thinking and scaffold their learning. It does this by seeking to determine whether teachers who implement cooperative learning and receive training in explicit strategic questioning strategies demonstrate more verbal behaviours that mediate children’s learning than teachers who implement cooperative learning only. The study also sought to determine whether students who receive training in explicit questioning strategies demonstrate more explanatory behaviour than their untrained peers, and, as a consequence, do these same students demonstrate more advanced reasoning and problem-solving skills on follow-up reasoning and problem-solving tasks. The study involved 31 teachers in two conditions, the cooperative + strategic questioning condition and the cooperative condition, and two groups of students from each teacher’s classroom. The results show that the teachers in the cooperative + strategic questioning condition used significantly more mediating behaviours than their peers in the cooperative condition. The study also showed that the children in these teachers’ classes engaged in more elaboration and obtained significantly higher scores on the follow-up reasoning and problem-solving tasks. The study demonstrates the importance of explicitly teaching strategic questioning strategies to children during cooperative learning.  相似文献   

对临床医学专业毕业生职业工作的跟踪调查表明,高职高专临床医学职业关键能力培养至关重要.高职临床医学专业应将职业关键能力培养上升到人生规划,将其贯穿于临床专业学习以及学生的一日生活制度之中,并大力提高学生自我培养职业关键能力的主观能动性.  相似文献   

This paper examines the management of NVQs by colleges of further and higher education ten years after their initial introduction to colleges in Northern Ireland. In-depth interviews were carried out with middle and senior college management. The interview protocol was developed to obtain contemporary insights into NVQ management in the further and higher education sector. The findings report a positive experience at management level and the benefits of working in collaboration with employers, but frustrations remain at the pace of progress during this period. The study also shows that due to this pace and the limited level of development during the early part of the past decade of NVQ delivery, more work remains to improve the working relationships between colleges and employers at all levels of NVQ delivery. It also provides a foundation upon which to monitor developments periodically as NVQs have now become fully embedded within the further and higher education sector.  相似文献   

The intent of this work is to propose a Vygotskian theoretical perspective for the development of higher psychological processes in teachers. Five tenets of the Soviet theory are linked to goals in teacher education. A teacher education program based on such a theory of teacher self-regulation aimed at higher order thinking and affective states may hold promise for preparing teachers who are consciously aware and monitor their own teacher introspection, who use this awareness to exercise proactive control over teaching situations, who base this self-monitoring and metacognition on the (1) quality of their teacher preparation, (2) unique internalization of this knowledge and skills via reconstruction, and (3) specific teacher student interactions. A teacher education model based on this theoretical basis is outlined and contains six components. Benefits of the model have included improved lesson planning, classroom performance, creative problem-solving abilities, more internal locus of control orientations, and less anxiety.  相似文献   


Marketing of higher education has been approached mainly from the operational level as tools for student recruitment and income generation. Responsible marketing in higher education, as called for by its terms of reference, is concerned with how to effectively bring students into contact with programs that are both beneficial and rewarding from the broadest sense of personal as well as societal fulfillment. This paper proposes how the competencies of marketing contribute to integrating marketing strategies in institutional Strategic planning.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of preliminary research into how Portuguese academics and employers perceive the responsibility of different higher education stakeholders—students, teaching staff, higher education institutions, employers, and policy-makers—for developing graduate employability. The study was conducted 8 years after the implementation of the Bologna Process, the reform that placed employability firmly on the agenda of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Portugal. This paper aims to assess the extent to which higher education is held responsible for developing employability, and to characterize the activities undertaken by the two actors to achieve that end. In particular, with respect to academics, we characterize curricular and other changes to study programmes, and, with respect to employers, their participation in activities undertaken by HEIs meant to ease the transition of students to the labour market. The data comes from a survey responded to by 684 Portuguese academics and 64 employers. Academics and employers alike were found to attribute high responsibility for developing employability to higher education, suggesting that the political message of the Bologna Process regarding the relation between higher education and the labour market has been assimilated. However, the activities reported by both types of respondents indicate only an average commitment to developing employability. Here, the low participation of employers in internal institutional activities is noteworthy, suggesting that the recognition of employers as stakeholders in higher education, as advocated by policy-makers, has yet to happen in Portugal.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fifty‐eight recent graduates (1998–2008) from the joint Washington State University (WSU) and University of Idaho (UI) BiState School of Food Science program and 27 of their employers participated in a survey assessing learning outcomes based on the 2001 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) core competencies for undergraduate food science programs. Parallel web‐based survey instruments for the graduates and employers using the WSU Skylight Matrix Survey System© were employed to assess the attitudes of the respondents to the frequency of usage of IFT defined skills and the adequacy of the graduates’ preparation from the program. Graduates responded that they were generally satisfied with their education; however, they reported lower rates of adequate or better preparation in Success Skill involving group dynamics, processing and engineering skills, and government regulations. Most of these skills were also the least frequently used by graduates in their careers. Success Skills were the most frequently performed competencies, while food microbiology and safety, and some engineering and processing skills were used less frequently by graduates of the Food Science program. Greater than 80% of the employers reported that the graduates’ performance was adequate or better in all skill areas. The assessment suggested program improvement since a similar survey in 2004, but also illuminated areas for improvement in teaching and learning, particularly in light of the revised IFT 2011 Guidelines. Specifically, graduates and employers emphasized the need for more course work that weaves critical thinking skills, group dynamics, and government regulations into the classroom. Graduates also highlighted the importance of internships and extracurricular activities for career preparation.  相似文献   

This study investigated an international, inter-university and multidisciplinary online course with the aim of helping higher education students develop competencies for solving complex problems in collaboration with their peers and stakeholders. The course design was informed by the knowledge creation framework and ideas about cross-boundary collaboration. We attempted to enrich perspectives on knowledge creation by investigating how higher education students (N = 42) from different fields of study and from 17 different nationalities perceived, built and regulated cross-boundary collaboration in the pursuit of real-life problems presented by companies or non-governmental organisations. Drawing on data from 11 in-depth group interviews and team reports of students who had completed this course, we showed the kinds of activities the students considered relevant for cross-boundary collaboration and knowledge creation online. Given this extended context for knowledge creation, the study contributes to the pedagogical development of online learning in higher education.  相似文献   

文雯  王嵩迪  常伶颖 《复旦教育论坛》2023,21(1):112-120;128
生存环境恶化、公共卫生危机频发、地缘政治动荡以及逆全球化趋势等一系列人类共同面临的世界性难题给各国高等教育国际化进程带来考验。在此背景下,高等教育在全球、国家、高校等多个空间场域中被各种主体力量塑造,高等教育国际化的行动场变得愈发复杂。然而,过去十年来的全球趋势是国家的作用愈发凸显,越来越多的国家将高等教育国际化与外交战略、科技创新、经济发展和人才规划等方面统筹谋划,以立法、战略规划、资金支持等形式将高等教育国际化纳入国家战略,与世纪之交时以高校为主体主导国际化发展的偶发性、碎片化、边缘化特征有较大区别。本研究从国家战略的利益相关者、动因和实施路径三个维度比较了近十年来美国、英国、澳大利亚、德国、俄罗斯、日本、马来西亚、印度、土耳其等九国高等教育国际化的特点与发展趋势。研究发现:高等教育国际化的趋同性特点包括高等教育国际化作为国家战略与科技、人才战略成为一揽子战略方案,战略制定动因由“国际贡献”向“国家贡献”倾斜,世界一流大学建设成为战略行动新趋势等;各国政府在高等教育国际化战略中的功能、动因、行动路线上存在差异。研究对我国谋划高等教育国际化的国家战略具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The paper takes into discussion the issue of quality of higher education services, from the perspective of graduates and employers as main beneficiaries of higher education services, by putting face to face expectations of students at graduation with employers’ requirements. In the two surveys conducted in 2006 in Romania, both graduates and employers have been asked about skills and abilities developed through higher education programmes and the extent to which these correspond to their expectations and requirements. The discussion is relevant to the vast literature presenting the skills debate, employment and graduates transition to the labour market, as well as to the literature presenting students’ expectations from higher education.  相似文献   

基于用人单位、学生、学校三方都存在的就业问题和需求,提出依托贯穿四年的实践教学体系,搭建用人单位与高校教育的对接平台。通过学业意识向职业意识的转化,陈述性知识向程序性知识的转化,知识向能力的转化,实现大学生就业和职业角色的顺利转换,为进入职业生涯的下一个阶段做准备。  相似文献   


The paper takes into discussion the issue of quality of higher education services, from the perspective of graduates and employers as main beneficiaries of higher education services, by putting face to face expectations of students at graduation with employers’ requirements. In the two surveys conducted in 2006 in Romania, both graduates and employers have been asked about skills and abilities developed through higher education programmes and the extent to which these correspond to their expectations and requirements. The discussion is relevant to the vast literature presenting the skills debate, employment and graduates transition to the labour market, as well as to the literature presenting students’ expectations from higher education.


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