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通过对兰州市女子足球运动员的神经类型和个性特征进行了比较研究发现,兰州市女子足球运动员的个性特征与她们的神经类型特征表现较为吻合,同一神经类型运动员的个性特征表现较为相似。但研究也发现,并非所有运动员个性特征表现都与其神经类型特征表现相一致,同一神经类型运动员的个性特征表现也存在差异性。  相似文献   

<正>本文通过对足球守门员防守点球、预判点球方向的方法进行总结,望为足球守门员防守点球的教学与训练提供参考。  相似文献   

足球守门员在防守点球运动情境中眼动特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用美国应用科学实验室(ASL)生产的504型眼动仪,以10名专业足球守门员和10名大学生足球守门员为被试,以防守点球为运动情境片段,对专业守门员的眼动特征进行实验性研究,比较两组守门员的眼动实验结果,探讨守门员在防守点球时眼动特征对决策准确性的影响.实验结果表明:1)在防守点球情境中,专业守门员与大学生守门员的眼动特征存在明显差异;2)专业守门员采用了相对合理的视觉搜索策略,注视点集中,注视分配主次明显,注视轨迹简单、实用,信息实效性更强;3)罚球运动员的支撑脚、摆动腿、脚触球是决定射门方向的主要观察点.在防守时,重点注视这三个区域,结合临场经验做出分析判断,可有效提高防守点球成功率;4)运动水平和临场经验对准确做出防守决策至关重要,运动水平越高,临场经验越丰富,防守决策准确率越高.  相似文献   

足球守门员的比赛活动是以复杂的心理活动为主体,心理负荷较重,而生理负荷相对较轻。故优秀的心理品质是其最大限度地发展和发挥运动能力的必要条件。关于守门员心理特征的研究是足球理论相对薄弱的环节,为较客观地掌握与守门员比赛活动及防守能力有关的心理能力特征,本文采用心理测试的方法,对我国甲级队32名守门员和37名场上队员进行了研  相似文献   

中外优秀男子足球守门员年龄、身高、体重的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用数理统计法、资料分析法.对参加2003赛季我国甲A足球联赛守门员,2002~2003赛季意大利甲级足球联赛守门员和第17届世界杯前四名队伍守门员的年龄、身高、体重等指标进行比较研究,揭示我国足球守门员的年龄、身高和体重特征,为足球选材、训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

采用“80.8神经类型量表”,对研究对象进行神经类型的测定,并与其运动能力相比较。结果表明,少年篮球运动员神经类型分布特点与其他项目的运动员存有差异;不同位置的少年篮球运动员的神经类型分布也有差异;神经类型与运动能力有一定的相关关系。  相似文献   

论足球规则对守门员技战术的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
足球规则是足球运动发展到一定时期的必然产物,从一开始它就规定了球门的大小、守门员的活动方式和活动范围,直接影响着守门员技术和战术的发展。足球规则是足球守门员技、战术发展的重要保证,足球守门员技、战术的发展又会促进足球规则的改变,这一对矛盾的斗争推动着足球守门员技、战术的不断进步。  相似文献   

本文根据足球举动的特点,现代足球运动对守门员的要求,以及足球守门员的位置特点,通过对国内外有关比赛的统计。进行定量分析,结合定性分析,较客观的论述有关足球守门员出击能力方面的问题。为我国足球守门员出击能力的培养提供依据和素材。  相似文献   

现阶段国内U-15少年足球守门员防守技术运用情况调研   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用临场观察、访谈、文献资料调研以及逻辑分析等研究方法 ,对现阶段国内U 15少年足球守门员防守技术运用情况进行统计与分析研究。研究表明 ,少年足球守门员防射门球的预测判断能力不足 ,导致选位差、反应慢和接球易脱手 ,防守的成功率低 ;出击时机把握不好 ,对抗条件下难以有效发挥位置优势 ,强干扰下争夺球失误多。加强足球意识与心理培养 ,提高反应和接球动作质量要求是加强少年足球守门员水平稳定的重要环节。  相似文献   

足球运动员的体能特征既有其共性,又有其位置差异性。运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、体育测量、数理统计等方法从身体形态、身体机能以及运动素质3个方面对中国国家队男子足球运动员的位置体能特征进行了研究,结果表明,1)守门员的平均身高、体重和克托莱指数与其他位置运动员的相应指标具有非常显著性差异;后卫运动员的平均体重和克托莱指数均与前卫运动员具有显著性差异;2)守门员的平均最大摄氧量与后卫、前卫和前锋运动员具有显著性差异;前锋运动员的平均最大摄氧量与前卫运动员具有显著性差异。后卫和前锋运动员的平均通气无氧阈与前卫均具有显著性差异。前卫运动员的平均最大功量与守门员、后卫、前锋运动员具有显著性差异;守门员的平均功量与后卫、前卫运动员存在显著性差异;前卫运动员的平均功量与前锋运动员存在显著性差异;3)速度素质前锋运动员最好,其次是后卫和前卫运动员,守门员最差;下肢力量素质守门员最好,前锋运动员次之,后卫运动员和前卫运动员较差;耐力素质前卫最好,其次是后卫和前锋运动员,守门员最差;柔韧素质守门员最好,其次是后卫和前卫运动员,前锋运动员最差。结论:1)位置形态上呈现出的差异主要与运动员的选材有关;2)位置机能上呈现出的差异主要与他们在场上的位置角色有直接的关系;3)位置素质上呈现出的差别,主要与后天训练有较大的关系。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether anticipation and search strategies of goalkeepers are influenced by temporally and spatially manipulated video of a penalty. Participants were clustered into three groups depending on skill: goalkeepers (n = 17), field players (n = 20) and control group (n = 20). An eye tracker was worn whilst watching 40 videos of a striker kicking to four corners of a goal in random order. All 40 videos were temporally occluded at foot-to-ball contact, and the non-kicking leg of 20 videos was spatially manipulated. Results showed that goalkeepers had significantly better predictions than the two groups with no differences between the two testing conditions. According to effect size, the percentage of fixation location and viewing time of the kicking leg and ball were greater for the goalkeepers and field players group than the control group irrespective of testing conditions. The fixations on the kicking leg and ball in conjunction with comparable predictions between spatially manipulated and control conditions suggest that goalkeepers may not rely on the non-kicking leg. Furthermore, goalkeepers appear to use a global perceptual approach by anchoring on a distal fixation point/s of the penalty taker whilst using peripheral vision to obtain additional information.  相似文献   

In the present study, we tested the consequences of attention towards goalkeepers in association football penalty shootouts that have exclusively been derived from laboratory experiments. We conducted a retrospective analysis of all penalty shootouts during FIFA World Cups (1986–2010) and UEFA European Football Championships (1984–2012). We linked key variables of previous laboratory research to observable behaviour in the field that was coded by two independent coders. The following hypotheses were tested: first, attention towards goalkeepers results in more saves/better goalkeeper performance; second, goalkeepers can deliberately distract penalty takers by drawing attention towards themselves which results in less accurate penalty kicks/better goalkeeper performance. Results were in line with previous laboratory analyses as they showed that attention towards goalkeepers resulted in more saves/better goalkeeping performance. Further, if goalkeepers distracted penalty takers this also resulted in better goalkeeping performance. The applied implications of these findings are discussed for both goalkeepers and penalty takers in association football.  相似文献   


There is a risk of hip injury in dives to the side by soccer goalkeepers. In this study, we assessed hip loading in goalkeepers when performing such dives. The experiments were conducted in a laboratory setting using an in-ground force plate as well as on a grass surface when the athletes were equipped with force sensors. The forces acting on the hip were measured and high-speed video analysis was performed, allowing the investigation of the dive characteristics and techniques. The peak force values recorded in the laboratory setting ranged from 3 to 8 kN, which corresponded to 4.2–8.6 times body weight. The vertical impact velocities reached 3.25 m · s?1. In the field experiments, a hip loading of 87–183 N · cm?2 was determined. We found that goalkeepers who perform a rolling motion reduce their hip loading. The data provided by this study add to the biomechanics database and contribute to the establishment of injury criteria. Such information is necessary to develop and implement strategies to help prevent hip injuries.  相似文献   

We examined the effectiveness of perceptual training on the performance of handball goalkeepers when anticipating the direction of both direct and deceptive 7-m throws. Skilled goalkeepers were assigned equally to three matched-ability groups based on their pre-test performance: a perceptual training group (= 14) received video-based perceptual training, a placebo training group (= 14) received video-based regular training and a control group received no training. Participants in the perceptual training group significantly improved their performance compared to both placebo and control groups; however, anticipation of deceptive throws improved less than for direct throws. The results confirm that although anticipating deception in handball is a challenging task for goalkeepers, task-specific perceptual training can minimise its effect and improve performance.  相似文献   


This study seeks to discover whether handball goalkeepers employ a general anticipatory strategy when facing long distance throws and the effect of uncertainty on these strategies. Seven goalkeepers and four throwers took part. We used a force platform to analyse the goalkeeper's movements on the basis of reaction forces and two video cameras synchronised at 500 Hz to film the throw using 3D video techniques. The goalkeepers initiated their movement towards the side of the throw 193 ± 67 ms before the release of the ball and when the uncertainty was reduced the time increased to 349 ± 71 ms. The kinematics analysis of their centre of mass indicated that there was an anticipatory strategy of movement with certain modifications when there was greater uncertainty. All the average scores referring to velocity and lateral movement of the goalkeeper's centre of mass are significantly greater than those recorded for the experimental situation with bigger uncertainty. The methodology used has enabled us to tackle the study of anticipation from an analysis of the movement used by goalkeepers to save the ball.  相似文献   

This study seeks to discover whether handball goalkeepers employ a general anticipatory strategy when facing long distance throws and the effect of uncertainty on these strategies. Seven goalkeepers and four throwers took part. We used a force platform to analyse the goalkeeper's movements on the basis of reaction forces and two video cameras synchronised at 500 Hz to film the throw using 3D video techniques. The goalkeepers initiated their movement towards the side of the throw 193 ± 67 ms before the release of the ball and when the uncertainty was reduced the time increased to 349 ± 71 ms. The kinematics analysis of their centre of mass indicated that there was an anticipatory strategy of movement with certain modifications when there was greater uncertainty. All the average scores referring to velocity and lateral movement of the goalkeeper's centre of mass are significantly greater than those recorded for the experimental situation with bigger uncertainty. The methodology used has enabled us to tackle the study of anticipation from an analysis of the movement used by goalkeepers to save the ball.  相似文献   

运用现场观察和常规技术统计的方法,对目前国内优秀少年足球守门员出击技术运用情况进行统计和分析,并提出建议。研究表明,对出击时机的把握性差和对抗中争接球技术运用质量水平低,是目前我国优秀少年足球守门员出击技术运用中存在的主要问题。守门员把握出击的时机,是与其对门前赛势的观察、判断及分析密不可分的,只有正确地分析门前的情况,才能把握住出击的时机。少年守门员出击意识、心理及技术应同步发展,切实提高出击的机变能力,应是少年守门员训练中的重点。应加强少年守门员对抗中的技术运用质量要求,努力改变比赛中守门员技术不过硬的现状。  相似文献   

目的:研究守门员基于先验信息下的知觉预测能力,探索当守门员处于射门方向(实际方向)与对手点球偏好(概率方向)一致或不一致的情境下,对表现有效性和加工效率的影响。方法:通过网络平台招募专业足球守门员(专业组)和业余足球守门员(业余组)各16名,共计32名被试。使用E-prime 3.0进行守门员点球方向判断实验,记录被试知觉预测的正确率和反应时。结果:基于先验信息进行知觉预测时,专业组守门员的知觉预测正确率显著高于业余组守门员。不同组别的反应时具有显著性差异,具体表现为在偏好一致(或不一致)的情况下,专业组的反应时都高于业余组。不同偏好条件下的正确率具有显著性差异,其中专业组被试在偏好不同的情况下具有显著性差异,业余组则无显著性差异。结论:与业余守门员相比,专业守门员在基于先验信息进行知觉预测时能更加准确地预判罚点球运动员的射门方向,即在知觉预测上存在专家优势。  相似文献   

The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the effect of playing-position-dependent training routines in soccer on the various muscle–tendon parameters. We hypothesized that there would be differences in such parameters between competitive goalkeepers and midfielders. According to their playing position, 21 healthy volunteers were assigned to goalkeeper (n?=?7), midfielder (n?=?7), and control (n?=?7) groups. To investigate the muscle–tendon parameters, we determined the maximum dorsiflexion range of motion and the corresponding muscle thickness, fascicle length, and pennation angle of the gastrocnemius medialis. Passive resistive torque and maximum voluntary contraction were measured with a dynamometer. Observation of muscle–tendon junction displacement with ultrasound allowed us to determine length changes in the tendon and muscle, respectively, and hence to calculate stiffness. There was no significant difference in range of motion, passive resistive torque, muscle–tendon stiffness, and the examined structural parameters (e.g., tendon stiffness) between the three groups. However, we found a significant difference in maximum voluntary contraction torque between the goalkeepers and midfielders vs. the controls, but not between the athlete groups. Habitual training leads to higher muscle strength in soccer players compared to less active persons. However, soccer training does not lead to specific muscle and tendon architecture adaptations according to playing position or when compared to less active persons.  相似文献   

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