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In today’s higher education, the Internet is indispensable in creating, storing, and disseminating information and knowledge. This study examines gender differences among college students in their usage perceptions of the Internet. A multiple-variable logistic model was proposed and tested using data gathered from 805 college students. The results of the study suggest gender differences in usage perceptions of the Internet can be detected among college students. Specifically, the differences are reflected in that male college students have a higher level of perceptions of Internet self-efficacy, experience, and information overload than females. Implications for research in information systems and practice in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been argued that the use of Information and Communications Technologies has made academic dishonesty easier but this does not necessarily mean that it is more prevalent. The study presented here investigated the attitudes to, and extent of, self‐reported involvement in Internet supported dishonest academic practices. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that Internet experience, acceptability of cheating and assessment of risk predicted an individual student's acceptance of acts such as plagiarism as a legitimate way to achieve academic goals. There was a complex interrelationship among gender, frequency of Internet usage, and maturity of students. Academic offences tended to be more acceptable to males, but also to active Internet users, who were often female: that is females who joined the Internet culture were more prone to plagiarise than their non‐active peers. New undergraduates were more likely to err than students in later years of their degree. These results show that there are a number of interrelated factors impacting on individuals’ willingness to commit academic offences. The final discussion of this paper both recognises that Internet supported academic offences occur and briefly outlines some technical and non‐technical responses that should be considered by faculty to ameliorate this problem.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent and patterns of usage of web courses, and their contribution to the academic and social perceptions of 964 undergraduate students with and without learning disabilities studying in higher education. Students were asked to complete four questionnaires examining the usage patterns of various adaptive technologies and their contribution to the student. The questionnaires assessed Perceptions of Learning through Online Usage; Accessibility of Campus Computing; Hope Scale and Subjective Well-being Scale. A detailed examination of the usage patterns of online courses revealed that, compared to the comparison group, students with LD log more often into the course sites, going into the forum more frequently and leaving significantly more messages on the forum than students in the comparison group. Findings indicated that students with LD are more familiar with assistive technology and use it more than the comparison group. Students with LD reported higher scores on the Hope scale, they felt an increased drive to find different pathways to attain their goals, as well as being motivated to pursue those goals, and their subjective well-being was higher that of the students in the comparison group.  相似文献   

利用“Facebook”发展网络学习社区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当高等教育机构都在宣传远程教育“一站式服务”特点的时候,他们并没有热衷于(至少在现阶段)把Facebook这样的工具加入他们的绑定服务。这些服务现在可以通过诸如Angel和Blackboard的课程管理系统(CMSs)实现。高等教育现在还没有准备好完全接纳CMSs。从理论上说,学生们在CMSs中可以更有效地学习。然而,其他的社会网络工具(如博客、维客和播客)显得要比Facebook更适合在远程教育中使用。要注意的是,对CMSs进行"整合"而不是"代替"是这一类工具现在唯一的功用。使用这一类网络工具的用户大部分都支持这一事实即Facebook能为大学生们提供一种社会出路。因为,不管它效果如何,社会交往总是人类教育的核心。在这一方面,Facebook会起到作用,但是把这一作用融入到远程教育中却缺少了一股推动力。学生们可以把它作为合作学习中次要的信息交流途径。例如:学生们可以通过在自己的空间中邀请同学来共同完成小组作业。Facebook提供的服务(如聊天、结识新同学、安排社会、学术会议等)可以通过使用CMSs当前的技术来实现,同时避免社会网络中普遍存在的安全漏洞和其他法律问题。目前对于Facebook应用在网络学习社区中的观念很可能一夜之间被颠覆,基于Facebook的新发展,技术融合以及远程教育管理者观念的改变,面对一些学生学习花费时间长的这一情况,Facebook改进了原来在推进学习(如完成任务花费的时间)中的功用。Facebook的引入可能使学习环境很舒适,但是笔者很想深刻的挖掘该技术,并探索将它用于学术领域的可能性,把它作为一种潜在的方式使学生可以远程互相学习而不用挤在一个狭小的空间。  相似文献   

学风建设一直是高校贯彻教育方针的重点,良好的学风建设可以提高高校的办学水平,更能对学生德、智、体、美、劳等综合素质的发展起到巨大的助力作用。但当今互联网的普及,给高校的学风建设带来了很严峻的挑战。作为学生管理工作的最前线人员,高校的辅导员要通过有针对性的思想引导、职业生涯规划指导、严格执行校规校纪、新媒体技术支持等手段,纠正学生不良的网络运用形式,推动高校学风建设有效运行。  相似文献   

高校学生网络资源使用状况的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究的目的是为了了解当代高校学生网络资源的使用现状,及个人差异影响学生上网活动的状况.研究发现,被调查的浙江大学学生(n=596)中80%都拥有个人计算机.大学生平均每天用计算机3.11个小时,上网2.51个小时,上网主要目的是为了学习、交流和娱乐.对列举的十五项网上活动,学生们表示经常参与其中三分之二的活动.但仅一半的学生表示经常登陆与学习有关的网站并经常收看在线节目;四成的学生经常使用与专业相关的网站;绝大部分学生不经常浏览外文网站、与网上老师交流,但知道如何制作网站.此外,性别、年级等因素对大学生网络资源使用状况有着不同程度的影响.  相似文献   

Reflection is an increasingly essential component of experience-based learning in higher education to encourage students to draw connections between theoretical and practical knowledge and experiences. This qualitative study examines the reflections of undergraduate students in a service-learning course for secondary English teacher candidates. The authors use Fink's taxonomy of significant learning as a lens through which to examine the learning within and critical natures of students’ reflections. Findings from this study suggest that to consider and extend students’ academic content knowledge and to move students toward new and critical understandings of their service work, reflections should direct students toward more explicit considerations of academic course content over a period of time. To help students write critical reflections that achieve both academic and personal growth learning goals, the authors recommend explicitly teaching the reflective mode, introducing students to Fink's taxonomy, and instructing students to include course content in their reflections.  相似文献   

Persistence in learning processes is perceived as a central value; therefore, dropouts from studies are a prime concern for educators. This study focuses on the quantitative analysis of data accumulated on 362 students in three academic course website log files in the disciplines of mathematics and statistics, in order to examine whether student activity on course websites may assist in providing early identification of learner dropout from specific courses or from degree track studies in general. It was found in this study that identifying the changes in student activity during the course period could help in detecting at-risk learners in real time, before they actually drop out from the course. Data examination on a monthly basis throughout the semester can enable educators and institutions to flag students that have been identified as having unusual behavior, deviating from the course average. It was found that a large percentage of students (66%) who had been marked as at-risk actually did not finish their courses and/or degree. The presented analysis allows instructors to observe website student usage data during a course, and to locate students who are not using the system as expected. Furthermore, it could enable university decision makers to see the information on a campus level for initiating intervention programs.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术及应用的快速发展,网络论坛中信息资源的再生问题成为研究者关注的重点问题。信息资源再生是Web2.0环境下信息资源建设模式的一种变革,是指网络用户在利用信息的同时对现有信息资源进行修复和补充的过程。网络论坛可以视为信息资源再生的一个典型代表,可以从再生资源数量、再生资源质量和用户行为等角度对其进行分析。以网易、新浪和猫扑三大网站的四个版块(财经、教育、数码和旅游)中的550个帖子为分析对象,对其信息资源再生情况的分析表明:不同论坛、不同版块的帖子在浏览次数、回帖次数、每百次浏览回帖数、回帖内容构成等方面存在显著性差异;不同用户在参与帖子数、发帖数、发帖者自顶帖比例等方面存在差异;高价值组和低价值组用户在参与帖子的个数上也存在差异。造成这些差异的因素可以归结为网站和版块规则差异、用户行为差异、论坛主题差异等。总体而言,网络论坛中用户的交互程度较低,对论坛中的内容缺乏深入思考。  相似文献   

Recent developments in educational technologies have provided a viable solution to the challenges associated with scaling personalised feedback to students. However, there is currently little empirical evidence about the impact such scaled feedback has on student learning progress and study behaviour. This paper presents the findings of a study that looked at the impact of a learning analytics (LA)-based feedback system on students' self-regulated learning and academic achievement in a large, first-year undergraduate course. Using the COPES model of self-regulated learning (SRL), we analysed the learning operations of students, by way of log data from the learning management system and e-book, as well as the products of SRL, namely, performance on course assessments, from three years of course offerings. The latest course offering involved an intervention condition that made use of an educational technology to provide LA-based process feedback. Propensity score matching was employed to match a control group to the student cohort enrolled in the latest course offering, creating two equal-sized groups of students who received the feedback (the experimental group) and those who did not (the control group). Growth mixture modelling and mixed between-within ANOVA were also employed to identify differences in the patterns of online self-regulated learning operations over the course of the semester. The results showed that the experimental group showed significantly different patterns in their learning operations and performed better in terms of final grades. Moreover, there was no difference in the effect of feedback on final grades among students with different prior academic achievement scores, indicating that the LA-based feedback deployed in this course is able to support students’ learning, regardless of prior academic standing.  相似文献   

This study describes and analyses a survey that was conducted with 384 students from grades 7–12 in a typical urban High School in Israel. The students reported on the extent and characteristics of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) usage within and beyond school time and location. Its focus is on (a) equity issues regarding the extent, purposes and scope of ICT usage and students self perception in ICT proficiency; (b) gender and age differences in ICT use; and (c) relationship between inside/outside school learning processes. The findings show that 10% of the students are non-users of ICT, two thirds are common-users and only 25% are skilled users. About half of the students use the Internet to some extent. Major Gender differences were found: in general, more boys used ICT more extensively than girls did. Differences among age groups were found mainly with respect to the use of complex applications, but not regarding Internet usage. These results are discussed in the light of the three focal issues: equity, gender, and integration of learning processes taking place within and outside school.  相似文献   

At UK institutions of higher education, the academic attainment of White students tends to be higher than that of students from other ethnic groups. A postal survey of Open University students found very little difference in academic engagement in those from different ethnic groups. The differences in pass rates and course grades remained statistically significant even when any effects of differences in academic engagement had been controlled. This is consistent with previous findings that quantitative variations in the attainment of students from different ethnic groups are not reflected in concomitant qualitative variations in their experience of higher education. The explanation for the attainment gap in ethnic minority students must be sought elsewhere than in the nature of their experience of higher education.  相似文献   

学习适应性本质上是一种生活适应能力,是影响学生学业成就和心理健康发展的重要因素。本研究采用问卷调查法对广西612名师专生的学习适应性状况进行调查,结果表明:师专生学习适应性总体得分偏低。不同性别、年级、专业师专生的学习适应性水平存在显著差异。女生的学习适应性优于男生;在学习态度和管理模式的适应性方面,大三学生不及低年级学生,在学习能力适应性方面,大一学生不及高年级学生;理科生学习适应性水平高于术科生和文科生。不同生源地师专生的学习适应性没有显著差异。高校需要结合师专生的学习适应性发展特点,开展有针对性地适应性教育。  相似文献   

Electronic textbook usage is increasing within higher education while use of traditional textbooks is declining. While some research concerning student preference for textbook type provides insight into student choices, there is a gap in the literature regarding use of electronic textbooks within dental assisting programs. The purpose of this study was to explore dental assisting students’ preferences regarding electronic textbook usage during their professional education. Two questionnaires were administered to a group of dental assisting students to ascertain their preferences. One questionnaire was given during the Dental Assisting Program orientation at the beginning of the academic year. The second questionnaire was administered at the conclusion of a nine-month dental assisting curriculum in which students were required to use electronic textbooks for approximately half of their courses. Results from the questionnaires indicated that while students were open to the idea of electronic textbooks and willing to use them prior to beginning in the Dental Assisting Program, at the conclusion of the Program they overwhelmingly preferred to use traditional print textbooks.  相似文献   

The rapid growth in popularity of social networking sites has spurred research exploring the impact of usage in a variety of areas. The current study furthered this line of research by examining the relationships between social network usage and adjustment to college in the academic, social, personal-emotional and university affiliation domains. Realising the number of students with social networking accounts, some universities have developed strategic plans for social media. Thus, this study also compared two universities, one with a social media strategic plan and one without, to determine if the planning process had an influence on students. Results indicated that social network usage was related to college adjustment. Specifically, those students who reported higher rates of social media use reported lower levels of adjustment to college in all domains. However, there were no differences between the two universities, indicating that having a social media strategic plan does not influence students in the area of college adjustment. These results are discussed in light of retention rates and changing practices within higher education.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship among ICT infrastructure (i.e., computing devices and Internet), one-to-one computing program and student ICT activities in school. It also looks into the differences of how ICT is being used in the teaching of English, mathematics and science at the elementary school level in relation to the availability of computing devices, Internet connection and one-to-one program. A total of 360 Grade 5 students from three schools (120 students from each school) in the western part of Singapore participated in a questionnaire adapted from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) ICT Familiarity Component for Student Questionnaire regarding students’ ICT use. One of the participating schools has implemented a school-based one-to-one computing program for all its students for the past nine years, with the school providing the necessary computing devices for all its Grade 1 to 3 students and a student computer ownership program to encourage all its Grade 4 students to procure their own computing devices to be used till completion of elementary education at Grade 6. The regression analyses suggest that how ICT is being used plays a more significant role in predicting the frequency of ICT use for the various subject areas than ICT infrastructure and one-to-one computing program. Further analysis also reveals that one-to-one computing program and availability of computing devices have a significant interaction effect on the frequency of ICT usage for English but not for mathematics and science—the presence of computing devices seem to have an impact for the usage of ICT for English but not the other two subject areas. The findings concur with earlier studies that there are differences in frequency and how ICT is being used in the teaching of English, mathematics and science.  相似文献   

国际互联网时代,高校思想政治教育工作面临着新的发展机遇,同时也面临着新的挑战。网络信息传播中非主流和不健康的内容所占比例还比较大,传统道德以及大学生的世界观、人生观、价值观受到挑战。面对新课题,要建设有吸引力的高校思想政治教育网站,改革思想政治理论课教学内容和方式,坚持疏导原则引导大学生走健康的网络之路,这是新时期高校思想政治教育工作创新和发展的客观要求。  相似文献   

为了促进学生个性化发展、提升教育公平,基于学生的异质性提供个性化辅导成为学者们探讨的热点问题。为了解一对一在线辅导这种政府提供的个性化教育公共服务是如何促进不同背景学生的个性化学习,该文针对北京某区2471名学生辅导产生的16820条对话数据,分析不同成绩学生在线辅导行为差异,并对辅导主题和师生情感分布进行组间比较分析。结果表明:在线行为中,学生参与辅导的次数和难度与其学习成绩相关;不同成绩组学生的辅导次数与难度均存在差异性;通过对辅导高频知识点的分析,发现不同成绩组学生辅导知识点具有相似性,同时也存在一定知识点广度和深度的群体差异;在情感维度发现,不同绩效背景群体没有显著差异,且师生参与辅导的正面情感密度远远高于负面情感,表明师生对参与一对一辅导整体持有积极、肯定的情感。  相似文献   

本文依据对长沙市四所高职高专的868名在校专科大学生的上网情况进行了调查,从大学生上网基本情况、上网的动机及内容、对于网络的态度和要求等方面进行了基本的描述与分析。结果表明,网络对当今大学生的影响已经深入到其生活的方方面面,大学生对待网络已从好奇过度到有比较理性的态度,但大学生对网络资源的利用并不是很合理,因此学校要有针对性地开展大学生上网教育,引导大学生正确利用网络资源。  相似文献   


Despite the frequently reported association of characteristics of assessment policies with academic performance, the mechanisms through which these policies affect performance are largely unknown. Therefore, the current research investigated performance, motivation and self-regulation for two groups of students following the same statistics course, but under two assessment policies: education and child studies (ECS) students studied under an assessment policy with relatively higher stakes, a higher performance standard and a lower resit standard, compared with Psychology students. Results show similar initial performance, but more use of resits and higher final performance (post-resit) under the ECS policy compared with the psychology policy. In terms of motivation and self-regulation, under the ECS policy significantly higher minimum grade goals, performance self-efficacy, task value, time and study environment management, and test anxiety were observed, but there were no significant differences in aimed grade goals, academic self-efficacy and effort regulation. The relations of motivational and self-regulatory factors with academic performance were similar between both assessment policies. Thus, educators should be keenly aware of how characteristics of assessment policies are related to students’ motivation, self-regulation and academic performance.  相似文献   

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