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本文主要阐述了在当前形势下如何对学生的学习、生活进行评价.本文从诊断性评价、形成性评价、总结性评价三个方面来说明如何对学生进行评价.又从五个方面具体说明了如何进行形成性评价1、学生的自我评价.学生的自我评价能够使学生发现自己的不足之处,及时改正;2、小组评价.它能使同学之间更加了解,取长补短;3、任课教师评价.它能增加师生之间的感情;4、家长评价.它能使老师更加了解学生的情况.实现学校教育与家庭教育相结合;5、班主任评价.它对学生的发展起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

冒石宏 《小学生》2010,(5):20-21
小学语文课堂上,教师激励性的评价能调动学生的学习兴趣;同学之间的互相评价能纠正别人的错误;学生的自我评价,能让学生及时反省。因此,教师必须转变课堂评价理念,对学生发表的不同意见进行恰如其分的评价,使评价成为学生发展的催化剂,使孩子们感受到学习的乐趣,让语文课堂激情飞扬。  相似文献   

李惠 《考试周刊》2013,(77):64-64
教师采用灵活多样的评价手段,如激励性评价、多元化评价、无声语言评价等,能使学生如沐浴春风,让课堂充满勃勃生机。教师的评价语言机智多变,评价方法的灵活多样,能使评价过程充满人文关怀。  相似文献   

评价是英语课程的重要组成部分,在对学生进行终结性评价的同时,我们还应更注重对学生的形成性评价。形成性评价能使学生增强自信,使他们从被动接受评价者,转变成为评价的主体和积极参与者。在评价时,注意遵循一定的原则,并且合理利用评价策略。  相似文献   

合理运用形成性评价 促进教学效果最优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评价是英语课程的重要组成部分,在对学生进行终结性评价的同时,我们还应更注重对学生的形成性评价。形成性评价能使学生增强自信,使他们从被动接受评价者,转变成为评价的主 体和积极参与者。在评价时,注意遵循一定的原则,并且合理利用评价策略。  相似文献   

一、课堂评价公平的意义课堂评价的公平性是指在课堂教学中,教师对学生的行为、态度在机会平等的基础上给予多样性的、差异性的评价。课堂评价的公平性属于课堂教学公平的范畴,公平的课堂评价对学生和教师具有重大意义。在教学活动中,公平的课堂评价能使每个学生感受到教师的关注,体验到教师对自己的尊重,对教师产生信任感,有利于师生关系和谐,形成一种融洽、良好的课堂氛围,能最大限度地调动学生的学习热情,积极参与到课堂教学之中,有利于学生学业成绩的提升。同时,公平的课堂评价能使每个学生的思维得到  相似文献   

吴娟 《学周刊C版》2011,(5):174-174
课堂教学的发展性评价就像一根奇妙的杠杆,能使教与学互动起来,收到意想不到的良好效果。通过评价能让学生看到自己前进的足迹,进而享受成功的喜悦,增强学习的信心和力量;通过评价能让学生发现自己的不足,明确努力的方向,形成对自己的鞭策;通过评价能融洽师生关系,加强师生的沟通和理解,产生心与心的碰撞,使学生“尊其师而信其道”。  相似文献   

教师课堂上灵动的评价语言,能使语文课堂魅力无穷;能使语文教师光彩照人;能使学生兴趣盎然。教师的课堂评价是语文教学的一个重要组成部分,恰如其分的评价,能调动学生的学习热情,培养学生的个性,激发学生的创新意识。教师对学生的评价语言有“四性”,即:期待性、激励性、宽容性和民主性。科学评价有助于增强学生勇气,有助于培养学生自信,有助于提高学生素养,有助于促进学生思考,有助于引导学生乐学。课堂评价语言虽然只是只言片语,但它的魅力是无穷的。科学评价语言,让课堂焕发生命的光彩,为课堂教学创造一方和谐、融洽的真情空间。  相似文献   

教师户外活动评价对幼儿活动的有效开展起着重要作用,正确有效的评价能使幼儿从中获得成功的体验,而且教师采取灵活多样的评价方式,不仅能树立起幼儿的自信心,也能引导幼儿自主探索,激发他们求知、交流与合作的欲望,还能对幼儿的全面发展起到事半功倍的作用。  相似文献   

为使教学管理者对教师能够进行客观公正的评价,构建基于模糊综合评判的高校教师评价体系,使教学管理者对教师进行客观公正评价的同时,还能分析教师教学中存在的不足,为今后的工作改进指明方向。  相似文献   

真正有效的教师评价政策需要在实践中检验。作为美国教育改革的领军者,田纳西州致力于构建基于表现的、严格公正的教师评价和支持体系。田纳西州教师评价体系历经三次布局调整,围绕基于学生成绩定义有效教师、完善课堂观察方式、提升评价反馈质量、平衡统一与放权等核心问题,从教师问责与赋权、个性化专业学习、循证决策三方面提升政策质效。基于比较的视角,审视田纳西州教师评价政策的方向调整、困境突围和变革路径,可为我国转型中的教师评价政策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Participatory literacy programmes in developing countries are often seen as an important tool for women’s empowerment and equality. This articles problematises the way in which evaluation of progress towards these goals is couched in a linear trajectory, and often fails to uncover the messy reality of women’s negotiations to achieve their own aims. Drawing on an example of a literacy programme for internally displaced people in northern Sudan, the article highlights instances of potential challenge or reinforcement of gender stereotypes and how these were perceived by participants and project staff, situating it within the debate on gender, literacy and empowerment. The examples show that a more nuanced approach to evaluation of progress towards gender equality and empowerment is needed if power relations are to be truly understood and challenged. In addition, appropriate safety mechanisms must be built‐in to projects, acknowledging that women’s ‘empowerment’ may also lead to women in danger.  相似文献   

Research was undertaken to find ways of resolving implementation challenges of supervision and evaluation systems by examining the perceptions of South African school-based managers and educators regarding the effectiveness of the clinical supervision strategy as a tool for improving the quality of teaching in compliance with the total quality management (TQM) principle of empowerment as related to the integrated quality management system (IQMS). The article reports on part of the findings of a formal study designed to investigate the effectiveness of the developmental supervision model as a tool for improving the quality of teaching in Gauteng, South Africa The findings from using a mixed method approach, comprising a quantitative phase in the form of questionnaires and a qualitative phase in the form of three focus group interviews, indicated that the clinical supervision strategy complied with the TQM principle of empowerment, which was perceived to have a positive influence on the quality of teaching. In contrast, the IQMS evaluation process was perceived to lack compliance with empowerment due to characteristics related to the traditional inspection approaches to professional development.  相似文献   

Evaluation of higher education can be described a species of its own with only few connections with other fields of evaluation. When considering the future developments in higher education evaluation (quality assurance), it is useful to observe its similarities and differences with various evaluation approaches in other than higher education evaluation. The purpose of the paper is to consider the place of Finnish university evaluations on a more general “evaluation map”, by comparing them with other evaluation approaches, especially utilisation-focused evaluation, realistic evaluation and empowerment evaluation.  相似文献   

对大学生综合素质的评价是当前高校推进全面素质教育过程中所面临的十分重要的问题。本文依据科学性、全面性、层次性等原则,用基于加速遗传算法的模糊层次分析法筛选指标,构建了大学生综合素质评价指标体系,提出了信息熵赋权的客观赋权法,并用此方法对各级的指标赋权,同时还对影响大学生综合素质的各因素进行了重要性排序,然后采用模糊综合评判法构建了大学生综合素质评价模型。评价结果表明该模型具有科学、客观、合理以及方法直观简便的特点,在各类系统综合评价问题中具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

This study used semi-structured in-depth interviews to explore empowerment patterns among teachers who hold leadership positions in school. Our qualitative analysis presents a hierarchical ladder with three types of empowerment amongst these teachers, ranging from limited empowerment through rewarding empowerment to change-enhancing empowerment. The level of empowerment seems to be related to the leadership position which the teachers hold and to their perception of the position. Our results contribute to the theoretical understanding of empowerment as a complex construct that affects the career characteristics of the teacher, ranging from limited impact of the leadership position to a powerful effect on the organizational culture. We also suggest that this model has practical implications on the way principals can evaluate their teachers’ empowerment patterns and accordingly assist their development toward change-enhancing empowerment.  相似文献   

供应商选择是供应链管理的一项重要内容,需要综合考虑多方面因素;煤炭行业由于其所需物料的多样性和特殊性,使得煤业集团供应商的选择更具复杂性。文章在分析传统煤炭企业供应商选择策略基础上,提出了建立多层次供应商选择策略的构想,并引入主客观赋权下的灰色关联度评价方法选择供应商,使评价结果更加客观、准确。  相似文献   

This ethnographic study of a management learning experience by distance education analyses participants' changing conceptions and practices of management using the notions of professional empowerment, integration, odysseys and personal transformation. The study reveals the nature, extent and processes of professional empowerment and personal transformation. It also attempts to illuminate the contribution that the MBA program by distance education and ongoing workplace experience made to the processes of empowerment and perspective transformation. MBA participants are seen to be negotiating different stages of the empowerment/ transformation process. Different stages are seen to demand different empowerment/ transformative strategies, and to contain different forms of barriers to professional empowerment. The sobering possibility of participants experiencing professional disempowerment is highlighted in the study.  相似文献   

文章通过对235份有效问卷的实证研究,建立了区域产业重点领域生态环境治理水平评价指标体系,提出了一种新的能减小主观偏差的基于信息熵修正AHP组合赋权方法。运用了二级模糊层综合评价方法对衡阳铅锌产业重点领域生态环境治理水平进行了评价,从而较好地解决了政府急需解决的区域产业重点领域生态环境治理水平评价问题,为发现区域产业重点领域生态环境治理中的问题及对策的制定提供了理论基础和方法指导。  相似文献   

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