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同学聚会,100多人,当日的青年都已是知天命的时候了,推杯换盏间,时光竞走出32年。有人念起一首诗,竟然是我写的,恍惚间,记得,那天,十九岁生日,在一个植树节的傍晚,在校园的小湖边,那个少女独享着美妙的时光,徐徐地低吟着自己青春的歌唱:人生的路上多么漫长,就这么长成了一个大姑娘,回头看那走过的路上,一路洒着多少幻想……感慨光阴的速度,竟唏嘘。对视彼此的白发,细数30年的欢聚寥寥,更感叹。我们走出大学的校门,就赶上了经济发展的大潮,没有做好准备,匆忙间,就随波而去,起早贪黑,大肚便便、腰包鼓鼓,志得意满,我们和时间赛跑,和机  相似文献   

红墙绿瓦前的椅子,现代楼宇中的椅子,黄土高坡上的椅子,水乡田畈间的椅子,岭南宗祠内的椅子,一直到大海,到纽约,伦敦,到非洲草原,欧洲大地,放眼四海天下,遍是椅子,遍是凝神注目的无形的人群......  相似文献   

人类的阅读方式,是阅读介质的结果,是生产能力的折射,甲骨到纸张,莫不如此,书写到印刷,概莫能外.遥想当年,洛阳纸贵,凿壁借光,寄托着科举功名,囊萤照书,背负着锦绣前程.掩卷沉思,那是修身的历练,拥书入梦,那是远行的驿站.爱书痴书,那是华夏儿女内心的神圣,敬书畏书,那是中华民族价值的认同.  相似文献   

有一种职业,叫“记者“,狂风暴雪里,向前,向前,采集寒风的讯息,体味雪花的温度,出现在行路艰辛的回乡游子面前,报告着最新的消息。有一种职业,叫“记者“,天塌地陷时,向前,向前,记录灾难降临的真实场景,守望生命消逝的苦痛悲伤,陪伴在历经劫难的废墟孤儿身边,传递着人间的温暖。  相似文献   

半夏 《出版广角》2015,(7):36-36
说起来,音译是最简单直截的翻译办法,但凡遇到无法对应的,都不妨如此处置,并且天赋一种舶来的玄妙。尤其当外来的新思想新理念涌入时,音译总会流行。诚然,习惯表意的汉语对直截转写的音译,一向是撑拒的,所以许多当初落地时的音译,后来大都渐渐被意译的形式所替代,起码也要加上意译的成分,即便是那些原本没有的事象,譬如,德谟克拉西→民主,赛因斯→民主,德律风→电话,盘尼西林→青霉素,梵哑铃/怀娥铃→小提琴,布尔乔亚→资产阶级,烟士披里纯→灵感。有趣的是,音译总是要受翻译者自身方音的影响,所以许多音译过来的词,用普通话念来,多有不合。譬如,恤(shirt),芝士(cheese),忌廉(cream),的士(taxi),引擎(engine),朱古力(chocolate),沙发(sofa),来复[枪](rifle)。  相似文献   

云中人,路内著,刊载于《收获》2011年第3期,单行本即将出版。重现校园的铁锤杀手,精神分裂的咖啡馆女招待,被碎尸的家教女生,残酷逼供嫌犯的舍友,狡诈的斜眼少年,位于城郊接合部的工学院……这一切,环绕着波希米亚气质的男主角,分明是有关青春时期的残酷诉说与追索。路内在新作《云中人》里试图借助悬疑惊悚的外壳,做一次青春蹉跎与救赎的巡礼,可惜的是,他拿捏得未必准确,情节如流水般游走,不乏吸引与魅惑,却多处  相似文献   

日本出版业的金色年华现在说起采已是昨日黄花,其实,屈指数来,也不过四五年时间.20世纪90年代中,是日本出版界发展的巅峰时代,那时,共有7000多家出版社,两万几千家书店,而像东贩、日贩这类负责书籍流通业务的大型中盘公司也有数十家,还有与出版相关的企业,如制稿公司、设计公司、核对公司等不下两千多家,印刷厂、制版厂、运输业、仓库业也跟进迅速发展,然而,在那个竞争和发展那么热闹的年代,谁会想到,形势会发生逆转,日本出版界突然进入了一场被小林一博称为"大崩坏"的风暴中,从1997年起,日本出版业界的营业额就连续四年大幅下降,大量的退书,每年约有一千家的书店停业倒闭,而发行商方面,许多大城市如东京、大阪的老店也都面临资金周转不灵的危机;大发行商日贩的营运出现严重的赤字.  相似文献   

半个世纪前,受现实所迫,一家人骨肉分离:妈妈和姐姐回到苏联,爸爸和儿子留在中国。半个世纪后,世事巨变,当年的孩童已成为白发老人,但他对妈妈的思念一刻也没有停止,渴望见到远在异国的生母,通过各种途径苦寻……一别55年后,命运的奇迹出现:在莫斯科,他见到了妈妈,恍若隔世,恍若梦境。那一刻,63岁的老人扑通一声,跪倒在81岁的妈妈面前……  相似文献   

思想决定思路,思路决定出路。湖南经济社会发展相对落后,从客观上讲,有历史的原因、有区位的原因,有观念的原因,有项目的原因,有资金的原因,有体制的原因,有人才的原因,有工作的原因。但改革水平不高,观念相对滞后,思想解放不够,视野不够开阔,思维激发不活,发展环境不优,工作华而不  相似文献   

我同学的老公,是传说中的金领,年薪好几十万,在我们这个中等城市,算得上一成功人士了,然而却抠门得令人难以理解。比如,除了最热的那几天,我同学家不允许开空调,开了也会在她睡着后关掉,全然不管她被热醒时的咆哮。再比如,喝过的饮料瓶子一定要带回家攒起来卖掉,不能白白便宜抬荒者。防止随手扔掉的秘诀是,路上别喝完,留几口到家喝。然而,同学的老公出国旅游,给自己购置名表,给她买名包,一掷万金,眼睛都不带眨的。所以,她老公不是抠门,只  相似文献   


The history of the almanac in Croatia is reconstructed through primary research in bibliographic and archival sources. The almanac is a vehicle for knowledge communication in informal contexts, engaging both oral tradition and literary forms traceable to medieval literacy and ways of structuring knowledge. The history of the almanac in Croatia reflects the changing context of the book trade, literacy, and the evolution of language. Four main stages are identified: (1) the beginning of the annual almanac in the seventeenth century; astrological almanacs reflecting the sensibility of the Baroque period; (2) the Enlightenment's stimulation of almanac publishing in the spirit of contemporary secular reforms in agriculture and education; (3) nineteenth-and twentieth-century almanac trade, showing complex and overlapping networks for the production, distribution and appropriation of printed almanacs;(4) roughly the end of World War II, when the almanac slowly moved out of the role of a popular mass medium and into specialized niches represented by regional, diaspora, and religious almanacs.  相似文献   

Some key questions for publishers in today’s market are: Could Amazon’s recent merger and acquisitions strategy create a disruptive or paradigm shifting business model in the publishing industry? Do their recent actions post mergers and acquisitions illustrate a predicable pattern of behaviour that publishers can strategize around? This paper will explore these questions and look at some of the possible reasons behind Amazon’s business practices and the possible consequences to publishers.  相似文献   


German authorities are expecting more than 1 million refugees by the end of 2015. These people come to Germany to seek protection and assistance and to build a new life, therefore it is important to welcome them and to assist them in their integration as soon as possible. This situation creates a versatile and perfectly fitting opportunity for cultural and educational programs, including libraries, which can play a vital role in this integration process. The key to integration is the knowledge of the German language, and the most important challenge now is to teach the necessary language skills to as many asylum-seekers as possible.  相似文献   


Many libraries use RSS to syndicate information about their collections to users. A survey of 65 academic libraries revealed their most common use for RSS is to disseminate information about library holdings, such as lists of new acquisitions. Even though typical RSS feeds are ill suited to the task of carrying rich bibliographic metadata, great potential exists for developing applications that can exploit metadata exposed to Web services via RSS. Using the MODS metadata format, entire catalog records can be seamlessly embedded in RSS 2.0 feeds. Existing tools, such as Library of Congress Java toolkits and XSLT stylesheets, can facilitate this process, while a new XSLT stylesheet may be used to create the RSS feeds complete with MODS records. As an example of the added functionality these MODS/RSS feeds can offer, records from a MODS-enriched RSS feed can be ingested into a non-RSS application such as Zotero. As more emerging library technologies use Web services architectures to handle data objects, the ability to syndicate catalog records will become more critical to providing innovative library Web services.  相似文献   


The Nevada Constitution provides voters with the ability to propose new statutes, amendments to existing statutes, and amendments to the State constitution through the initiative petition process. Voters can also approve or disapprove of existing statutes through the referendum petition process. Both require the circulation of a petition to collect a minimum number of signatures before the Secretary of State will place the measures on the ballot for the general election. As with other topics of law, Nevada has a profound shortage of research resources on initiatives and referenda, but State law and government Web sites provide enough information to allow for significant research.  相似文献   


This article is a case study of Ariel use at the University of Texas at Austin. The author divides the history of Ariel use into three distinct stages: resistance, full implementation, and enhanced. For each stage the advantages and disadvantages of using Ariel are discussed. The author concludes that using Ariel saves both money and staff time and permits faster delivery of documents than other methods.  相似文献   


CISTI, the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, is one of the world's largest document delivery suppliers, and was among the first to be fully automated. The revolutionary Intel-liDoc system, developed during the years 1993 to 1995, provided for end-to-end automation of the document delivery process, which has enabled CISTI to improve its service and accommodate growth. From the beginning Ariel was, and remains, an integral part of IntelliDoc. This article describes how Ariel has been integrated into IntelliDoc and into CIS-TI's services, showing the benefits to CISTI and to its clients.  相似文献   

利益相关者视角下的图书馆电子借阅服务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 以图书馆提供电子借阅服务过程中所涉及的利益相关者为研究对象,厘清各利益相关者的利益关系,提出建立基于社会平衡机制的图书馆电子借阅服务系统的主要路径。[方法/过程] 介绍图书馆电子书和电子借阅的发展现状,引入利益相关者理论分析作者、提供商、图书馆与用户之间的利益关系。[结果/结论] 研究发现图书馆电子借阅服务涉及作者与提供商的商业利益、图书馆提供信息资源的权利和用户获取知识的权利,不同利益主体存在既冲突又合作的关系;图书馆电子借阅服务系统不够成熟,产生明显的资源供需失衡问题。提出以下建议:完善法律制度,维护公共利益;扶持电子书产业发展,规范市场行为;建立许可协议标准模板,保护各方利益;控制采购成本,促进电子书资源利用;发挥电子书优势,促进电子书阅读推广。  相似文献   

This article is a preliminary summary of the results of a huge study of reading among urban high school students (ages 14–17) in many regions of Russia. It considers such aspects of the topic as: the place of reading in the structure of high school students' life plans and leisure activities; their motives for reading, their preferences, and the amount they read; the level of their culture of reading and information seeking; and the influence of family, peers, libraries, and the Internet on their reading habits.  相似文献   

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