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The purpose of this chapter is to examine how Muslims operate within and outside of the US public education system. The case of Muslims in the US is instructive because, as a group, their religious faith allows no differentiation on the basis of ethnic, racial, or linguistic lines. Thus, educational policies within the US place significant strains on American Muslims. This chapter explores social divisions among Muslims, Muslim identify and the role of education, Muslim students in public schools, Muslim schools and the development of Muslim education, and challenges facing the Muslim minority.  相似文献   

英国工人教育协会成人教育述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
英国工人教育协会的成人教育历经百余年,对20世纪初英国中等教育和成人高等教育的发展起了重要的促进作用,开创了劳工民众基础教育后成人教育的新形式,其办学目的的明确性、办学经费来源的广泛性、政府的高度支持及其民主的管理体制等,至今仍然得到英国社会的认同,其经验值得探究和挖掘。  相似文献   

作为最主要的两个西方国家,英美两国所引导的公共教育私有化运动已经成为21世纪教育发展的一个新潮流。英关两国公共教育私有化的理论背景是让政府适当地从教育领域退出来,交由私人组织去经营,但实施起来,英美两国却采取了不同的政策。英国采取了由上而下的四方面政策:竞争投标、公私合营、私人启动金和接管。而美国则由下而上地推广教育私有化进程,并相比于英国更为顺利,但两国同时也暴露出一些深层次的问题。  相似文献   

始于明末的沧州回族经堂教育,是带有回族特色的一种宗教教育体系,它的主要目的是培养宗教人才和普及宗教知识。沧州回族经堂教育作为回族民间教育的主流,它在伊斯兰文化的传承、回族人才的培养以及回族社会的进步与发展等方面发挥了巨大作用。  相似文献   

从教育行政体制来说,英国是地方分权制的国家,中央与地方在长期的发展过程中形成了"伙伴关系",共同承担教育财政责任,而又互有侧重。另外,英国教育在长期的发展过程中还形成了民间办学、大学自治与高等教育双重制等传统。  相似文献   

世纪之交的中国教育改革走向:教育与市场的关系问题   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
20世纪 90年代以来 ,依靠非政府的各种社会力量提供的教育服务逐步成为教育发展的一个重要方面 ,反映在教育领域中 ,市场的自愿交易关系和新的教育消费群体正在形成。中国的公共教育体制正在经受市场的挑战。它迫使学校教育机构这一相对保守的领域直面市场 ,从而促成一种新的教育资源分配方式和人才培养模式的产生。当前学校领域已经形成了一些不同的市场化运作形式 ,根据市场介入的程度不同 ,这种学校市场化运作可分为九种不同的类型。由此中国教育正面临一系列新的问题 ,这些问题集中地反映了市场介入教育所产生的教育公益性与营利性之间的矛盾。中国教育改革的未来走向及其基本面貌 ,将取决于如何认识和解决这对矛盾 ,以及如何建立一种有效的协调和制约机制。  相似文献   

我国加入世界贸易组织以来,教育服务业逐步受到人们的重视.然而,长期以来由于我们对教育偏重公益性的理解.使得有关教育和教育产业等一些相关问题的讨论不够深入透彻.与快速发展的其它领域经济相比,教育服务业的"短腿"现象十分明显.文章从教育入手,揭示教育公益性之外的产业属性,并从思想观念、体制和开放三个方面寻找突破口,以求把握机遇,积极推动我国的教育服务业进入一个新的发展阶段.  相似文献   

Participation rates in higher education for British South Asian Muslim women are steadily increasing. The aim of this article, therefore, is to explore motivations and influences for entering higher education and to consider how these may contribute to current discourses surrounding Muslim women in Britain. The possible impact higher education may have on their future relationships and lifestyle choices is also briefly considered. Various notions of 'agency' have been expressed that are characteristic of the ongoing complex assessments made by these women in relation to both perceived familial obligations and their own aspirations. Their articulations suggest that higher education is increasingly viewed as a necessary asset in maintaining and gaining social prestige. This preliminary research indicates that young South Asian Muslim women are continually negotiating and renegotiating their cultural, religious and personal identities and that these processes operate in complex and sometimes contradictory ways.  相似文献   

我国民办高等教育发展的特殊性不仅体现在其发展历史上有一个近三十年的中断期,在发展环境上面对着强大的公立高等教育系统、短缺的公共教育经费投入和不完备的法律制度,而且在办学方式上民办高校大部分是投资办学。分析民办高等教育发展的特殊性,有助于全面认识民办高等教育的发展现状、正确理解民办高等教育的发展趋势,以期明确民办高等学校的性质,完善民办高等教育法律,为民办高等教育营造良好的制度环境。  相似文献   

我国自从1985年下发《关于教育体制改革的决定》以来,有关教育体制改革的话题愈演愈烈,近年来随着市场经济体制的发展,其中的相关元素逐渐引入到教育领域,这种变化使传统的公共教育体制也受到了前所未有的挑战,重构我国公共教育体制的问题自然被提到了日程上来。本文透视了当代公共教育中民办教育逐步发展的新现象,阐明民办教育存在的必然性和意义,并进一步分析民办教育发展所带来的新的影响。  相似文献   

现代远程教育系统根据教育公平的原则,在提供公共服务方面对广大民众是有益处的。国内有很多组织都能够让学习者自由平等地接受教育,并根据学生的能力差异开展远程教育,而广播电视大学正通过其在社区大学建设中的功能定位,充分发挥现代远程教育的优越性,集中广大农村地区的教育资源,在公共服务体系建设中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

纵观教育中介组织的历史,它经历了古代民间教育组织活动的萌芽时期,在近代教育世俗化和民主化进程中由教育社会组织发展而来,在教育制度的现代性变革过程中以多彩的姿态诞生,随着教育的现代化发展而走向成熟.其产生和发展,扩展了教育的社会服务功能,丰富了社会教育资源供给,有利于教育水平的提高,有助于缓解经济、政治和文化发展所产生的教育社会需求压力,表现出强大的教育发展功能和社会服务功能.  相似文献   

制度主义中的制度同形与路径依赖理论是理解高等教育变革的有力工具。进入20世纪70年代以来,德国高等教育环境发生了巨大的改变,主要体现在高等教育系统扩张,高等教育日益国际化,民众对政府管理方式的质疑以及市场化办学意识盛行。为了面对新的高等教育环境,德国大学引入了新的治理手段,如签订目标协定、引入绩效拨款、加强大学校长权力、设立大学理事会等。综观德国大学治理制度改革,其存在着向新公共管理制度靠近的趋向,也存在着明显的改革路径依赖,即沿着传统的洪堡大学模式在缓慢前进,国家和教授的权力依旧在大学治理中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

民国时期缅甸华侨社团蓬勃发展,形式多样。"和顺崇新会"是由和顺乡旅居缅甸侨胞组成的华侨社团,他们在家乡宣传新教育思想,整顿和革新教育;改善办学条件,创办现代学校;启智化愚,创建和顺图书馆;移风易俗,改良社会新风尚,直接推动了当时和顺文化教育的发展。其动因主要在于源远流长的文化积淀和重教兴文传统;爱国爱乡,促进家乡社会发展的价值取向;衣锦还乡,光宗耀祖的心理情结;渴求知识、自我反思、强化自身的外部动力。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study to identify the extent to which organizations that develop educational/training products are committed to project management, as measured by their project management implementation maturity, as a methodology that is separate and distinct from the processes of instructional design. A Web survey was conducted among 103 public and private sector organizations worldwide that develop educational/training products. Results show no significant difference by project management maturity level in the roles of instructional designer and project manager, although there is some relationship between maturity level and how organizations perceive the skills/competencies of project managers versus those of instructional designers. Further, organizational decision-makers have very specific expectations about the formal education and training of educational/training product development project leaders. The findings should be of value to institutions of higher education in evaluating programs that prepare students for careers in instructional design.  相似文献   

“三农”问题一直是我国长期关注的重点问题,而改善农村整体水平的关键在于教育。重视农村成人的教育,将会发挥出成人的无限潜力,对于建设新农村有着重大意义。20世纪上半叶以来,英国乡村成人教育取得了很大的成绩,乡村社区委员会、乡村学院、妇女讲习会等组织的出现增强了对成人的教育作用。本文从史学的视角分析英国近代乡村成人教育的发展情况,挖掘历史经验,以便更好地为我国农村成人教育服务。  相似文献   

作为社会力量的重要组成部分,社会组织在我国职业教育发展中起到了重要作用。在具有一定制度政策支撑条件下,社会组织具有在既有成功实践的基础上进一步提升的可能性。新时代背景下,社会组织应紧紧围绕目的公益性、模式多样性、功能有效性三个方面进行改革、拓展和提升。行政管理部门、社会、社会组织自身也应在增强制度政策支持力、增强分类发展生命力、增强实践服务力等方面提供支持、营造氛围、创造条件,推动社会组织更好发挥优势,实现功能。  相似文献   

Gender inequalities in educational attainment have attracted considerable attention and this article aims to contribute to our understanding of young women’s access to higher education. The article is based on our in-depth interviews with 26 Hindu and Muslim young women attending colleges in urban Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore), south India, and explores the barriers they confronted in fulfilling their aspirations. We highlight the similarities amongst the young women, as well as the distinctive experiences of the Hindu and Muslim interviewees. Financial constraints, lack of safety for women in public space, and gender bias, gossip and social control within the family and the local community affected Hindu and Muslim interviewees in substantially similar ways. For the Muslim interviewees, however, gender disadvantage was compounded by their minority status. This both underlines the importance of incorporating communal politics into our analysis and undermines popular discourses that stereotype Muslims in India as averse to girls’ and young women’s education.  相似文献   

To incorporate gender issues into public policy, most nations have established women in development (WID) units in their governmental bureaucracies at some point in the last 20 years. An examination of 48 WID units in developing countries indicates that in most cases these multisectoral organizations consider education among their activities. Within education the focus is more on non-formal education for adult women than on formal education. By concentrating on literacy programs combined with income generation, health and nutrition activities or on vocational education, WID units implicitly subscribe to a definition of gender issues as those concerning mostly poor women. It is argued that limited contestation by these units of the ideological function of schooling, revealed in the scarce attention given to teacher training and curriculum/textbook revision-added to their limited funding and infrequent contact with feminist non-governmental organizations (NGOs)-makes these WID units relatively ineffectual in altering the reproductive functions of the formal educational system.  相似文献   

The growth of supranational organizations reduces the sovereignty of nation-states, weakening their willingness and ability to provide high quality public education. Expanded mass media controlled by trans-national corporations compete directly with schools for attention, and offer content that often contradicts the values and knowledge taught by schools. Supranational organizations have changed patterns of dispersion and employment of educated persons, reducing the capacity of education systems to anticipate what they should teach. Supranational organizations have directly encouraged decentralization and privatization of education, and have competed with national, public organizations for control of public education. Efforts to defend endogenous national development seem unlikely to succeed. A call for improving education to enhance the global competitiveness of national economies is feasible only for economically powerful states. A more helpful alternative to re-design education to contribute to integration at a trans-national level, overcoming problems of conflict and injustice endemic in a system of nation-states.  相似文献   

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