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The likelihood that people tell stories in advertising, as well as the type of stories they tell, may reflect their cultural variation. A content analysis shows that commercials in Taiwan are more likely to employ narrative appeals than are commercials in the United States, and the story structures in Taiwanese commercials are less likely to be well-developed. Narrative ads in the two cultures also differ on three content dimensions: problems to be solved, psychological benefits from solving the problem, and the emotion experienced in the process. The discussion of such differences relies on an integrated explanatory framework.  相似文献   

Taiwan is close to Mainland China both geographically and in culture, although the long-time antipathy between the governments of Taiwan and China after the civil war ended caused isolation for almost four decades. In 1987, cross-strait communication was re-opened, and since then socioeconomical as well as political ties between the countries have been growing closer. However, along with more frequent cross-strait business activities, business contract problems faced by Taiwanese businessmen in China have been growing in number as well as severity. This paper explores problems that Taiwanese businessmen in China have with their business contracts and discusses how Taiwanese government offers on-line business contract legal support to Taiwanese businessmen as e-government implementation. By doing so, this paper proposes a knowledge-based decision support system integrated with the functions of case base, rule base, and relational database developing on a Web-based architecture. Prototype system implementation is presented, some managerial issues on this paper are discussed, and future works are suggested.  相似文献   

In Taiwan, 25 professional female journalists were interviewed, to understand how they negotiate gender and professional identities online and offline through the lens of Shoemaker and Reese’s media routines and the socialization theory as articulated by Rodgers and Thorson. The findings suggest that while Taiwanese women journalists found that gender in some aspects of reporting is an asset, gendered harassment online and incivility in the digital sphere are important issues with which they have to contend. Comments on stories and professional identities online primarily focused on their looks and physical attributes. They were openly uncivil and abusive. Such incivility affected normal journalistic routines and prevented them from being impartial conveyors of information. Not just online abuse but cultural norms that expect women to be subservient deterred them from promoting stories on personal social media and negatively affected their coverage of controversial issues. In some cases, though gender provided certain advantages, the participants were aware that these gains were limited and ultimately patriarchal in nature. Although the study’s primary focus is on Taiwan, the analysis is applicable beyond national boundaries.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以用户情感为线索的图像检索已成为机器学习研究的热点,但图像情感特征标注的语料数据多来源于对图像低层特征的抽取,从而导致图像检索过程单一化和程式化。本文提出了一种基于深度学习的图像情感特征抽取的算法,将图像底层特征融合到图像的高层情感语义当中,为实现图像的情感语义检索提供了参考。[方法/过程]利用改进的卷积网络模型,将数据集图像的颜色、纹理作为输入,经多层运算自动提取图像的情感信息,并通过反向传播算法计算出改进后模型的情感检索准确率,构造出准确率较高且过拟合程度低的图像情感特征提取模型。[结果/结论]应用改进的卷积神经网络模型,实现了对图像情感特征的抽取,相较于原模型提升了10%的检索准确率。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of third-party mediation in particular and the extent to which four conflict management strategies, i.e., third-party mediation, integration, distribution, and avoidance in general, exist and affect conflict resolution in the Taiwanese government's executive–legislative relations. Additionally, third-party mediation mianzi (face) and renqing (favor) in relation to Chinese culture are explored. Two independent samples were included in this study. The first included 235 legislative members and their assistants working within the legislative branch. The second included 301 legislative liaisons from the executive branch in Taiwan. The results indicated that four conflict strategies had been used in legislative–executive relations, namely integrative, distributive, non-confrontational, and third-party mediation, with mediation being the least frequently used. Third-party mediation, across two independent samples, was shown to have the strongest correlations with non-confrontation/avoidance versus integration and last distribution. Face and favor, then, were first associated with distribution, then third-party mediation, avoidance, and finally integration.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] By using corpus-based sentiment analysis, opinion word polarity can be predicted in accordance with its context. The method is significant in applications oriented to specific-domains sentiment analysis tasks since it can improve the prediction accuracy.[Method/process] In the paper, context-oriented sentiment polarity identification for emotion expressions was investigated. A Pointwise Mutual Information(PMI) based algorithm was proposed to solve the problem. In terms of PMI, polarity of an emotion expression "feature-opinion" was inferred according to the co-occurrence of the expression with contextual opinion seed words. Furthermore, employing dependence relation analysis to detect sentimental reverse in context; with the modified PMI algorithm, we can predict polarity of emotion expressions in a sentence more accurately.[Result/conclusion] The results indicate, compared with the Lexicon-based method and the classical PMI, the modified method performs better. With it, opinion-words unlisted in lexicons can be identified, and context-specific sentimental orientation of an expression can be detected precisely as well. Modifying the macro F1 value to 0.827 and 0.878 in cater-review corpus and electronic-product review corpus separately. The algorithm, supported by large-scale domain-specific corpus and based on statistics and dependency analysis, is efficient due to convenience for data acquisition, which make it easier be applied in other domain-specific sentimental analysis tasks.  相似文献   


This study examines news reports of the US September 11 incidents in the Chinese and Taiwanese press. In the Chinese press, the party newspaper (People's Daily) and the new mass‐appeal tabloid (Nanfang Daily) were studied. In the Taiwanese press, the traditional top circulation newspaper (United Daily) and the emerging pro‐Taiwan independent newspaper (Liberty Times) were chosen. Based upon a content analysis of news reports, supplemented with Chinese and Taiwanese government documents, the study found that the Chinese and Taiwanese press tended to report the incident along with the government stances and each represented its own side even after the economic reform and ruling party shift. However, the mass‐appeal tabloid in China moved slightly toward the pattern found in capitalist countries, without violating the government policy severely. The pro‐Taiwan independent newspaper showed more loyalty to the ruling party, but both Taiwanese newspapers covered diverse topics apart from the government stance. To what degree did the press follow the government stances? This study provided the preliminary answer that business interests might influence the press not to follow completely the government stances.  相似文献   

The diffusion of international television programs has been an important area of international communication research. In this article, we use theoretical constructs from country-of-origin and cultural proximity literatures and develop a model to explain audience's attitudes toward and willingness to watch imported television programs from China. Our study used a questionnaire survey method to collect data from 553 respondents in Taiwan. We examined television programs imported from China, a country that has tried to invade Taiwan to destroy its democracy in the past decades. Regression analyses found that, whereas cultural proximity was an important predictor, animosity turned out to be a more powerful predictor of Taiwanese audience's attitudes toward television programs from China. The results also demonstrated that if the Taiwanese audience perceived China as holding less animosity and more cultural proximity, they had more positive attitudes and were more willing to watch television programs imported from China.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the progress of copyright enforcement in Taiwan in the period from 1985 to 2000. As a rapidly industrializing region, Taiwan has faced significant pressure from its international trade partners to improve intellectual property protection. This pressure has been strongest from the United States, Taiwan's largest partner. Analysis of the progress of intellectual property protection in Taiwan provides an opportunity to learn more about the dynamics of intellectual property policy development in developing countries, and the impact of U.S. actions on internal IP politics and cultural development. The paper will survey the significant milestones in Taiwanese copyright policy development over the last two decades and conclude with a conceptual model that can be tested by analysis of other case studies of cross-jurisdiction intellectual property relationships.  相似文献   

基于修正点互信息的特征级情感词极性自动研判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]基于语料的情感词发现依语句上下文推断情感词极性,能显著提升情感分析的准确率,在面向领域的特征级情感分析任务中有重要应用价值。[方法/过程]对特征级情感极性研判问题展开探讨,提出基于点互信息的"特征-情感"对情感极性自动判别算法,算法借助大规模领域语料,根据观点表达"特征-情感"对与情感语义明确的种子词的共现关系,同时引入依存句法分析语句间的情感转折,通过修正经典的点互信息算法,对上下文约束下的用户观点表达进行褒贬预测。[结果/结论]实验证明,修正算法的性能显著优于词典匹配算法和经典的点互信息情感识别算法,不仅能够推断词典中未纳入的观点表达的情感指向,而且能较准确地推断"语境"中的情感词极性。在餐饮评论和数码产品评论两个评测语料集上,修正算法的F1宏平均指标分别达到0.827和0.878。该算法以领域相关的大规模语料为支撑,基于概率统计和句法分析,因数据获取便利,算法效率高,移植性好,具有普适性,尤其适用于面向领域的情感分析任务。  相似文献   

突发公共卫生事件利益相关者的社会网络情感图谱研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
安璐  欧孟花 《图书情报工作》2017,61(20):120-130
[目的/意义]构建突发公共卫生事件利益相关者的社会网络情感网络图谱,以可视化的方式分析突发公共卫生事件中各类利益相关者的情感状态和分布,探寻利益相关者之间的情感传播路径,并结合舆情话题综合分析利益相关者的情感演化态势。[方法/过程]以"魏则西事件"为例,通过微博转发关系构建微博用户的社会关系网络,同时标识各用户的利益相关者类型,并计算用户的情感类型及情感强度嵌入社会网络中构建出社会网络情感图谱。[结果/结论]普通群众的情绪更强烈且易受意见领袖影响,在事件爆发期和蔓延期,主流媒体和自媒体对普通群众的情感影响较大,在衰退期,政府人员和医护人员的参与增加且情感影响变大。随着舆情的演化,各类利益相关者的主导情感也随着变化,自媒体和企业在情感传播中起重要的桥梁作用。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):439-455
Through analyzing news coverage of Buddhist events and utilizing interviews with key actors in media and Buddhism, this paper explores the implications of the increasing prominence of Buddhism in Taiwan. Specifically, the paper assesses both the position of Buddhism in contemporary Taiwanese society and the media–Buddhism relationship. I argue that the social power of Buddhism has affected how Buddhist events are covered in the news media and examine how the portrayals have shaped (or been shaped by) people's understanding of the religion. I also argue that the symbiotic relationship between the media and Buddhism in recent decades has seriously undercut journalistic professionalism in Taiwan.  相似文献   

基于OCC模型和LSTM模型的财经微博文本情感分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴鹏  李婷  仝冲  沈思 《情报学报》2020,39(1):81-89
为了解决财经微博文本中网民情感状态转移的时序数据分析问题,本文提出一个基于认知情感评价模型(Ortony,Clore&Collins,OCC)和长短期记忆模型(long short term memory,LSTM)的财经微博文本情感分类模型(OCC-LSTM)。基于OCC模型从网民认知角度建立情感规则,对财经微博文本进行情感标注,并作为LSTM模型进行深度学习的训练集;基于LSTM模型,使用深度学习中的TensorFlow框架和Keras模块建立相应的实验模型,进行海量微博数据情感分类,并结合13家上市公司3年的微博文本数据进行实证研究和模型验证对比。实证研究结果发现本文提出的模型取得了89.45%的准确率,高于采用传统的机器学习方式的支持向量机方法 (support vector machine,SVM)和基于深度学习的半监督RAE方法 (semi-supervised recursive auto encoder)。  相似文献   

This paper examines the way in which Taiwan is connected to on the World Wide Web in South Korea. The Web may represent a new channel for the communication among a global society's members and a reflection of international relations. Thus, it is necessary to explore the distribution of relations formed and maintained on the Web and the contents of those relations as well. This paper traced South Korean Web pages hyperlinking pages hosted in Taiwan, using a search engine. The context in which Taiwan appears in South Korean pages was also examined. Specifically, the structure of hyperlink connectivity from South Korea and Taiwan was analyzed. It was found that the hyperlink network was very sparsely connected in terms of the number of South Korean Web pages hyperlinking to the pages of the other country. The contents of hyperlink-connected information were categorized and analyzed. The most often occurring content category was ‘Computers & Internet’ in Taiwan. This suggests that South Korean Web users including organizations are more interested in computer-related products in Taiwan than any other things. The implication of this paper is to examine the state and form of international information flow from South Korea to Taiwan based on the patterns of hyperlink relations inscribed on South Korean Web pages and the type and content of information.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]共享住宿与酒店预定平台可能同时存在替代性和互补性,但这种替代性和互补性分别体现在哪些产品和服务上当前文献还缺乏探讨,需要进一步开展跨平台的比较研究.[方法/过程]选取携程酒店预定平台和小猪短租平台为实验对象,采集北京市相关房源的86 635条用户评论文本,结合LDA模型、主题社会网络和主题情感分析方法对用...  相似文献   

[目的/意义]微博评论情感分类模型可以为相关舆情监管部门正确管控话题事件的发展状况和舆情提供一定的指导作用。[方法/过程]基于字词向量的多尺度卷积神经网络,运用多尺度卷积核改善微博评论中上下文信息有限的条件制约,构建基于字词向量的多尺度卷积神经网络微博评论情感分类模型;通过爬取"微博热搜整改"数据,对模型的可行性和优越性进行验证。[结果/结论]验证结果表明基于字词向量的多尺度卷积神经网络在微博舆情等上下文信息有限的短文本分类任务中表现良好。本文在理论层面为微博舆情情感分类提供了更为准确的情感分类理论模型及分类方法,在实践层面可以更好地指导舆情监管部门对舆情的情感倾向进行更好的引导和监管。  相似文献   

细粒度情感分析研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的/意义] 对细粒度情感分析研究进展进行调研和总结,探讨其关键问题、关键技术及未来研究趋势。[方法/过程] 采用文献调研方法,从不同粒度层次的情感分析视角,对粗粒度情感分析到细粒度情感分析的演进过程进行阐述,对细粒度情感分析的实现技术和方法进行归类总结。[结果/结论] 总结细粒度情感分析的两个重要问题:情感词抽取和评价对象属性抽取。本研究有助于了解现阶段细粒度情感分析研究的关键问题及关键方法。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从期望确认理论视角研究移动视觉搜索用户情感体验,对改善移动视觉信息搜索服务、维系用户与平台关系、提升技术采纳意愿具有积极的指导意义。[方法/过程]通过情绪和满意度构建情感体验二元维度,梳理期望确认、感知绩效、自我效能和情感体验之间的作用关系,提出移动视觉用户情感体验作用机制的理论模型,运用问卷调查法获取351份有效样本,采用结构方程对理论模型进行检验。[结果/结论]结果表明,期望确认度对感知绩效具有正向影响;感知绩效对情绪形成正向影响的同时,也通过特殊自我效能间接影响用户满意度;情绪对用户满意度具有正向影响。  相似文献   

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