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孔艺霖  梁艳 《英语广场》2023,(22):72-75
美国犹太裔作家伯纳德·马拉默德所著的短篇小说集《魔桶》生动地描写出了在美犹太人遭遇的种种困境。由于马拉默德身份的特殊性,其短篇小说集《魔桶》中处处体现着犹太文化和犹太传统。本文从“同情与宽恕”“受难与救赎”和“犹太身份认同”三个方面来解读《魔桶》,以期使读者更好地了解马拉默德的犹太情结以及他对世界人民命运的深切关注。  相似文献   

索尔·贝娄是美国犹太作家中最具有代表性的作家之一。基于他的犹太身份,"犹太性"是其艺术创作的根基。索尔·贝娄塑造了众多的犹太知识分子形象。这些犹太主人公在以家族关系为基础、自我优越感为核心的犹太文化和以适者生存、个人利益最大化为表现的美国文化之间艰难困苦地生存着。他们一度感到内心的焦虑与彷徨,在现实生活中精神常常处于崩溃的边缘,游离于社会的各个角落。小说中的犹太主人公为找到生命的意义与价值曾做出很多尝试和努力,最终认识到爱的力量和作用,心态逐步得到调整变得积极乐观,并与他人和解,与社会融合,从而找到了生命的真正价值,人性得以回归。本文以贝娄早期小说《赫索格》为对象,从作品中人物及作品主题来解读其犹太性,最后揭示贝娄小说超越民族概念,在关注美国犹太人命运的同时把民族的命运上升为整个人类命运的主题。  相似文献   

《反生活》是菲利普·罗斯"朱克曼"系列作品的第五部,它讲述朱克曼在参加弟弟亨利的葬礼后产生对自己犹太身份的反思。本文将从伦理环境和伦理冲突的角度对朱克曼进行解读,通过对朱克曼在巴以等犹太国家所遇到的伦理冲突和他在欧美国家遇到的伦理冲突,以及在家庭伦理环境中的伦理冲突分析,得出他追寻犹太伦理身份的根源:是什么驱使着他去追寻自己的犹太身份,他希望成为一个什么样的犹太人。在伦理环境下的伦理冲突驱使着他对犹太身份的追寻:他在坚持犹太本性的同时走出传统的伦理环境的约束,走出历史的禁锢。  相似文献   

"犹太情结"是指一个作者在犹太文化影响下进行创作。由于品特自身的犹太人身份和个人经历,他的戏剧所体现出的作家身上的犹太情结显然是其戏剧的重要特征之一。在品特的戏剧《回家》中的父子关系上就尽显了作家的犹太情结,可以让我们更全面的了解他的戏剧。  相似文献   

涂敏  贾丽丽 《考试周刊》2009,(14):35-37
本文通过对马拉默德的短篇小说《银冠》的解读,展示了犹太文化与美国社会主体文化之间的冲突和融合,认为在冲突中进行融合是犹太文化延续和发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

犹太人的困境与自救--论当代美国犹太文学的走向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国犹太文学在五、六十年代达到鼎盛时期,大批犹太裔作家雄居美国文坛,长盛不衰.有的甚至超越了国界,在世界文坛享有盛誉.本文通过解读其中最具代表性的作品,拟就从探索新伊甸园的美国亚当、异化困境、皈依犹太传统与"大屠杀后意识"的崛起等三个主题剖析犹太文学在美国作为一个整体文化运动的成功所在,由此勾勒出其历史性的发展倾向.  相似文献   

论索尔·贝娄小说创作中的存在主义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
索尔·贝娄作为一个犹太后裔作家 ,他的创作不可避免地受到犹太传统文化的影响 ,具有较强的“犹太性”。同时 ,贝娄又是一个受西方现代哲学思想影响较深的作家 ,他接受了存在主义哲学思想 ,他的小说充满着存在主义色彩。  相似文献   

在诺贝尔文学奖的获得者索尔贝娄的小说中,主人公的犹太身份特征总是处于一种由强到弱的淡化过程中。这种淡化的轨迹有两条:一是以时间为线索,另一条则是以空间为线索。贝娄小说中主人公的犹太身份是贝娄文化身份的重要风向标。循着这两条变化的轨迹,贝娄的文化身份由犹太作家渐变到犹太作家和美国作家直到他所自称的"一个有着犹太(文化)遗产的美国作家"。这种身份的演变使索尔贝娄不断超越了种族的局限,使他在展现和探索人性的过程中有了更丰富和宽泛的选择。  相似文献   

本文通过分析WASP文化在美国主流文化确立过程中发挥的作用和影响,指出由于基督宗教文化与犹太宗教文化中对"上帝"的不同定义,造成了以WASP基督宗教文化对犹太宗教文化的不可避免的排斥。此外,由于犹太宗教文化中的"精英"意识及选民观念,造成传统犹太文化无法与西方主流文化相适应,两相作用的结果便是美国WASP主流文化形态对犹太宗教文化的抑制。  相似文献   

辛格代表作《犹太神学院的燕特尔》中的犹太少女燕特尔,为了学习犹太教法典,女扮男装,但最终迷失自我,被迫放弃了理想和爱情。以拉康的"镜像阶段"论解读,燕特尔荒诞行为表层之下所遮掩的是悲剧性心理冲突和精神异变。《犹太神学院的燕特尔》就像一面镜子,映照出女性在犹太传统文化中的真实处境,也折射出犹太传统文化的男性特色。  相似文献   

李曌  杨萌萌 《海外英语》2012,(4):199-203,205
The Merchant of Venice is one of the most contradictory plays of William Shakespeare.Through presenting and studying the tragedy nature of Shylock,this thesis attempts to illustrate the tragic nature of Merchant of Venice.In this paper the author tries to reveal the significance of its tragic nature through thorough analyzing.Shylock’s tragedy is the tragedy of individual struggling,which shows in the aspects of family,money and religion.The profound reason for Shylock’s tragedy is his Jewish identity.Therefore,the author of this paper is enlightened hereby,turning to a lot of books and data,and then analyzes the origins of Jewish prejudice from two aspects,society and history.Christianity has dominated the west,with its doctrine mainly derived from the New Testament.Meanwhile,Judaism derives its doctrine from the Old Testament.Therefore,the pious Christians will be misled by the contents of libeling Jews and the murdering of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.So a kind of instinctive hatred toward Jews is generated.This kind of tendency is rather clear in the play The Merchant of Venice.In this play,Shylock mentions several times that Antonio has insulted him physically and mentally in the Rialto.Almost all the characters in the play humiliate Shylock.But,he just endures all these insults quietly,and then looks for the chance to revenge.In the end,under the delicate trap set by the authority,Shylock loses again.He loses everything he could lose,both materially and mentally.Nothing is more frustrating than that.However,the author of this paper believes that it is worth paying attention to in the present day.In this paper,the author chooses this topic,presents and analyzes the tragedy of Shylock,and reveals the positive significance of the tragic nature of the play for our time.  相似文献   

通过对《威尼斯商人》文本的分析,我们认为夏洛克是一个被金钱贪欲扭曲、犹太民族意识渐趋淡化的高利贷商人。他执意要割安东尼奥胸前的一磅肉,不是为捍卫犹太民族尊严所作的回击、报复,而是对高利贷生意竞争对手的痛恨。  相似文献   

在人们的心目中,夏洛克这个放高利贷的犹太人,狡猾、残酷而且心黑手辣。但这种观点忽略了夏洛克这个人物的复杂性。夏洛克有多重性格,他是一个聪明、吝啬的商人,充满了复仇的欲望;同时他又是一个受虐待的犹太人,受尽了基督徒的虐待,他热爱他的家庭。  相似文献   

解析《威尼斯商人》中夏洛克的人物形象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《威尼斯商人》是莎士比亚的一部著名喜剧。其中夏洛克这个人物给读者留下了深刻印象。本文以一个积极的角度来对夏洛克进行分析。诚然,从表面上看,夏洛克是一个十足的恶棍,但如果我们对其社会背景进行仔细分析,很容易会发现这样的观点太过片面了,我们应该以一个公平的角度来看待他。  相似文献   

“割肉还债”故事是《威尼斯商人》中的主线,紧紧地把剧中三个主要人物夏洛克、安东尼奥和鲍细霞连在一起。其中莎翁塑造的夏洛克这个艺术形象最成功,并已由专有名词成了普通名词,等同于“狠毒的放高利贷者”。无疑,夏洛克也成了剧中第一重要人物。剧本的主题不见得是“鼓吹仁爱、友谊和真诚的爱情”,而是倡导惩恶扬善。对恶人夏洛克的惩罚,通过法律手段来解决,这在当时很难能可贵。  相似文献   

The present study examined the way in which children attending Orthodox Jewish schools internalize the value of both their Jewish studies and secular studies, as well as the value of Jewish cultural practices. A distinction was made between identified internalization, where children perceive Jewish studies and Jewish culture to be an important part of their sense of self, and introjected internalization, where children participate in Jewish studies and Jewish culture because they feel like they “ought to” or because of external pressures. Primary identified reasons for their Jewish studies and Jewish cultural practices were significantly associated with positive self and teacher ratings of adjustment; internalization of secular studies was unrelated to adjustment. The study also found that parental support of autonomy, which involves allowing children some latitude in making decisions for themselves regarding religious issues, was associated with greater identification. Together, these results highlight the importance of autonomy-supportive parenting in promoting identification of adolescents' Jewish identity.  相似文献   

犹太文化是世界上一种既古老又独特的文化。中国文化与犹太文化交流较少导致国内出现了很多关于犹太文化理解和翻译方面的问题。本文探讨了犹太文化及其翻译方法,希望能对促进中犹乃至中西文化交流起到有益的作用。  相似文献   

夏洛克是莎士比亚笔下的一个贪婪吝啬、重利盘剥、损人利己的人物,但如果我们透过矛盾冲突的发展来看,就会发现夏洛克实际上是一个值得同情的悲剧人物。本文从当时的历史背景,人们对犹太人的态度来分析夏洛克这个人物性格产生的各种原因,可得出了夏洛克的失败是当时的时代悲剧以及他是一个值得同情的人物的结论。  相似文献   

True Integration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current educational policies of limiting and constricting the curricular goals of the afternoon Jewish school are detrimental to this form of Jewish education. The afternoon Jewish school is the link between the Jewish child and the Jewish cultural heritage. Our task as educators is to provide a realistic curriculum that is both teachable and testable. Yet, the greater task is to provide our students with a total vision of the Jewish cultural experience. This demands a study of Bible, history, synagogue and prayer skills, Jewish social studies, holidays and Jewish practices and an insight into Jewish philosophical concepts. The afternoon Jewish school cannot become a Bar Mitzvah factory, nor a place where the rote skills of synagogue life are taught. Rather, it must be a setting where the young Jew can learn about the vast cultural and religious heritage of his people. This is often a difficult task but the various Jewish curricular institutes must provide the Jewish school community with educational materials that can meet the needs of teachers as well as students.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the utilization of different Jewish languages by student-teachers in a two year teacher education program. The study examined the Jewish language used by these students while teaching Jewish content, making the distinction between their personal Jewish language and the cultural Jewish language of the program, which they were expected to use. We found a definite change in the languages used by them: although they seemed, at first, to adopt the cultural Jewish language of the curriculum, they quickly reverted to their personal Jewish language, which, in most cases, was the traditional one. By so doing they actually created a new version of the original program. We conclude that the idea of educating teachers to lead a significant social cultural change involves an inner struggle between the teachers' personal language and that of the program, that may be more difficult to win than was initially expected. This study examines the role of student-teachers' personal Jewish language in their teaching of Jewish content and the relationship that develops between their personal Jewish language and that of the Jewish content they teach.  相似文献   

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