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互联网金融是借助于互联网技术实现资金融通、支付和信用中介等业务的金融模式。互联网金融对支付体系的破坏性创新,突出表现在互联网金融支付体系的运行效率、货币形态的改变、"无现金的社会"的显现以及影子银行的发展。对待互联网金融支付体系,既要鼓励创新又要完善监管。  相似文献   

破坏性创新理论研究脉络及其进展探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
破坏性创新理论是当前国内外战略管理理论和创新理论研究的前沿和热点,本文在梳理国内外相关研究文献的基础上,从破坏性创新的内涵、组织进行破坏性创新所需的条件、开展破坏性创新的障碍及途径等方面介绍了国内外组织破坏性创新理论研究的现状,并指出了研究存在的问题与未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

债务危机这条"带血"的主线,正在产生出巨大的破坏性。尤其从九月中旬开始,这种破坏性会越来越清晰地显露出来。(一)美联储北京时间8月26日晚间,美联储主席伯南克并没有暗示市场期待的QE3,而是表示,  相似文献   

美国基督教新基要主义势力和政治新保守主义势力结盟,共同推动国会通过《1998年国际宗教自由法案》,使其成为以国家力量进行基督教全球战略扩张的工具。"邪教问题"成为指责中国"严重侵犯宗教自由"的重要口实。当代中国"邪教问题",在国际学术话语圈中,可以称为"破坏性膜拜团体"问题。目前,该项研究的盲区是,基督教类型的"破坏性膜拜团体"。根据目前国内外的局势,这类团体将会有相当多的发展空间,其中的破坏性因素将成为影响社会稳定的重要因素。  相似文献   

旅游者是旅游行为的主体,也是旅游景区环境的直接影响者。对旅游者及其可能产生的破坏性行为进行了分类,提出了以"防"为主,以"治"为辅的策略。从加强旅游景区管理、发挥导游的监督作用、实施公众参与式的旅游行为监督、利用现代监控手段和预警技术加以防范、完善法律体系和执法必严、加强环境保护教育六个方面,提出了应对潜在的破坏性旅游行为的具体措施;又从短期、长期的角度探讨了如何将破坏性旅游者转变为维护性旅游者或保护性旅游者。只有构建旅游主体与旅游景区环境的和谐关系,才能保证旅游景区环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Antelope  郝璐艳 《音乐世界》2007,(10):116-119
01 史上售出最快的音乐播放器 iPod销售额升至1亿台2007年4月9日,苹果公司宣布 iPod 已累计销售1亿台,成为历史上售出最快的音乐播放器。自第一台 iPod 在五年半前的2001年11月售出开始,苹果公司已经推出了超过10代新款式的 iPod,包括五代 iPod、两代 iPod mini、两代 iPod nano 以及两代 iPod shuffle。通过 iTunes 和 iTunes 在线音乐商店,iPod 改变了几千万音乐爱好者获取、管理和欣赏音乐的方式。  相似文献   

第1亿台iPod售出苹果公司近日宣布iPodR已累计销售1亿台,成为历史上售出最快的音乐播放器。自第一台iPod在2001年11月售出开始,苹果公司已经推出了超过10代新款式的iPod,包括五代iPod、两代iPodmini、两代iPod nano以及两代iPod shuffle。通过  相似文献   

复杂的外部环境以及后发企业的强大冲击力使得在位企业的竞争优势与行业地位受到挑战。单纯依靠维持性创新已不能帮助企业应对激烈的竞争环境。但在位企业的能力与环境更适应维持性创新的要求,所以开展破坏性创新将面临核心刚性、路径依赖和组织性的障碍。试探讨通过二元性组织解决在位企业平衡维持性创新与破坏性创新之间的矛盾:1.组织结构的二元性:在负责维持性创新的主流创新组织以外建立独立的破坏性创新组织;2.资源获取的二元性:当企业内部资源不足以支持破坏性创新的需要时,寻求外部的支持途径;3.激励机制的二元性:根据两种创新各自的特点以及不同的激励目标提供不同的激励方式;4.组织文化的二元性:保持两种创新组织文化的灵活的关系。  相似文献   

张常飞 《成才之路》2012,(33):86-86
作为一名班主任,尤其高职院校的班主任,在班级管理过程中,遇到最大的难点,就是如何管理"不听话"的学生。"不听话"的学生并不多,但其破坏性强、影响面广,是班级的消极因素。如果任其发展,不仅影响班集体的建设,而且他们也很容易走上歧途;反之,如果教育得法,则可能"浪子回头金不换",更有利于建立一个积极向上的班集体。  相似文献   

基于企业生命周期理论,以本土中小企业各发展阶段的特征为依据,从维持性创新与破坏性创新的角度对企业的技术创新、市场创新、管理创新和商业模式创新方面进行了全面的分析,以此为本土中小企业选择创新策略提供建设性意见。  相似文献   

This paper examines the usage of institutional and non-institutional technologies to support learning and teaching in UK higher education. Previous work on disruptive technology and disruptive innovation has argued that users prefer simple and convenient technologies, and often repurpose technologies from designers' intentions; this paper evaluates its data in relation to this argument. The paper uses a structured observation as its research instrument; seven participants (three lecturers and four students) were given one of two tasks. Results showed the participants using a narrow range of technologies, and showed a preference for non-institutional over institutional technologies. The paper argues that there is a misalignment between the technologies provided by higher education institutions (HEIs) and the technologies used in practice by students and lecturers, and further argues that disruptive technology and disruptive innovation comprise a useful means of assessing the likely success, in terms of usage, of a technology.  相似文献   

在简述破坏性创新原理的基础上,讨论了LBS物流跟踪系统的市场环境、技术特点。通过与GPS技术的对比,分析了LBS物流跟踪系统的低端市场破坏模式。最后,讨论了该系统的价值创新模式及应用。  相似文献   

创新型企业获取持续性竞争优势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新型企业应该如何将竞争优势保持下去,从而获取持续性竞争优势,成为管理学界关注的焦点.以资源基础理论建立的模型分析了突破性创新行为对竞争优势产生的推动作用.创新型企业在取得突破性创新带来的先发者优势后,可以通过建立职能型组织部门以强化突破性创新成果的方式来获得持续性竞争优势.  相似文献   

大规模开放在线课程(MOOC)以免费或廉价的方式为人们提供开放、灵活、高质量的课程,降低了学习的成本,惠及了大量的学习者,因此引起政府、高等院校和商业机构的极大关注。高等院校投入MOOC潮流的目的在于使更多的学习者享受到高校的课程,拓展教育市场,增强品牌竞争力,以及寻找潜在的盈利模式。商业机构参与MOOC的动机或者带有慈善目的,或者带有商业倾向。但是它们面临共同的挑战--探索使MOOC可持续发展的切实可行的商业模式。哈佛大学商学院Christensen教授提出的破坏性创新(Disruptive Innovations)理论,为我们分析和探讨高等院校如何利用MOOC来探索教与学的新形式和在教育市场中如何形成具有竞争优势的商业模式提供了新的视角。破坏性创新理论用来描述一种开始时根源于低端市场、功能简单的产品和服务,之后无情地侵占高端市场,并最终取代已有竞争对手的过程。当前MOOC虽然具备了破坏性创新的关键特征,即将新的商业模式与相应技术结合起来,对传统高等教育市场形成了巨大冲击,但由于教育系统自身的特殊性和复杂性, MOOC对传统高等教育的这种破坏性影响仍有待谨慎审视。而高等教育院校可以积极做出响应,从维持性创新(Sustaining Innovations)的角度探索高等院校的教学改革,以及符合自身特色可持续发展的商业运营模式。  相似文献   

应对利比亚战事乃至大中东变局,中国应在大周边战略的指导下,积极稳妥地参与利比亚战后重建,妥善应对西方的战略东移带来的新压力;应积极着重分析利比亚剧变产生的社会性原因,突出强调社会改革在维护中国国家安全和社会稳定方面的战略性意义;应关注新媒体给国际关系带来的颠覆性影响,推动中国特色的公共外交体系的制度建设、资源整合和观念革新,有效应对与化解西方的软实力渗透。  相似文献   

This paper begins the exploration of disruption as an analytical construct that allows for the investigation of how individual learning and changes in local practice mutually influence the other within a purposefully designed learning context. We seek to describe the types of learning experiences that emerged using disruptive pedagogies and tools within a series of methods courses in an undergraduate elementary teacher education program. The intent of the designed context was to disrupt the traditional practices of teacher education courses by creating a participatory environment where students participated in the creation of course content through their engagement with social media and each other. We define disruption as an innovation that requires students to challenge or change their epistemologies and participation in their learning. This paper addresses a designed disruption that was created in the context of an elementary methods course. The results demonstrated diverse consequences for participants, their activity, and our understanding of their learning. These findings provide a starting point for examining the implications of disruptive practices within pre-service teacher education programs.  相似文献   

Challenges of broadening access, escalating cost, maintaining desirable quality and enhancing meaningful learning experiences in African higher education (HE) have spurred debates on how to restructure higher education delivery to meet the diverse needs of heterogeneous learners and adapt pedagogical models to the educational realities of low-income African countries. In view of these complexities, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been advanced by Western Consortia, universities and online platform providers as panaceas for disrupting/transforming existing education models African universities. MOOCs have been touted as disruptive innovations with the potential to create new niche markets for HE courses, disrupt traditional models of instruction and content delivery and create new revenue streams for higher education. Yet academic elitism which manifests in the exclusive selection of top American universities to develop, host and deliver MOOCs, MOOC providers’ use of university brand and reputation as benchmarks for charging recruitment fees on headhunters recruiting MOOC graduates and their complex business models involving the sale of students’ big data (e.g. learning analytics) for profit seem to be inconsistent with claims about philanthropic and egalitarian drive of MOOCs. Drawing on disruptive innovation theory and a review of mainstream literature on MOOCs adoption in American and African tertiary sectors, this study argues that behind the MOOC rhetoric of disrupting and democratizing higher education lies the projection of top academic brands on the marketing pedestal, financial piggybacking on the hype and politics of academic exclusion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to verify the discriminant validity of the Stroop Color and Word Test (SCWT) in screening between subgroups of disruptive children. Sixteen disruptive boys with symptoms of attention deficit (AD) were compared to a group of 16 disruptive boys without attention deficit (DIS) and to 16 controls (CO). A stepwise discriminant function analysis indicated that the AD group was significantly distinct (had a lower score) in comparison to the DIS and CO on the color-word score. The AD group also showed more hesitations on the color-word card than did controls. Implications for assessment of disruptive children with the SCWT in elementary schools are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports on an investigation into school teachers’ perceptions of disruptive behaviour from a psychological perspective. The inter-disciplinary nature of this research bridges the understanding between educational and psychological perspectives on disruptive behaviour. This article discusses evidence that for the most troubled pupils, effective behaviour management at school necessitates a more nurturing and collaborative approach alongside current disciplinary policy. Two studies are reported which examine teachers’ perceptions of disruptive behaviour at school. Discussion focuses on findings of a postal questionnaire sent to 426 primary and secondary schools across England, regarding teachers’ perceptions on the extent to which pupils can control their disruptive behaviour. A further 122 primary schools were sent the questionnaire via SurveyMonkey. The findings illustrate that there is variation in how teachers in primary and secondary schools regard their pupils’ behaviour. Implications of the findings are discussed with reference to attachment theory.  相似文献   

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