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停止校长职业定位的争论关注现代校长的能力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴江  陈玉娟 《辽宁教育》2005,(11):11-12
清华校长职业化研修中心的策划者,首次向世人推出“职业校长”的概念,并提出“校长职业化”是一个培养职业校长的过渡概念。经过理论界各种观点的交流与碰撞,似乎“校长职业化”已成为了加入WTO以后学校管理与世界接轨的一种必然趋势,似乎未来的校长在填写“职业”一栏时可以理直气壮地写上“校长”。对此,我们确实存有疑问。  相似文献   

关于中国大学校长职业化的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国大学校长职业化是社会改革、教育发展的迫切需要。要实现大学校长职业化,我们必须转变观念,构建提高校长职业素质的教育与培训机制,建立开放性的职业化校长选聘机制,健全有利于职业化校长成长的激励和约束机制。  相似文献   

论现代大学制度与大学校长职业化   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
大学校长职业化是指将校长作为一个职业,而不是一个职务,核心是校长专业化。推进大学校长职业化是建设中国现代大学制度的重要环节。本文认为办学理念是职业化大学校长的治校灵魂;规范、程序化的校长遴选制度是职业化的前提;科学制定职业标准和任职资格是职业化的核心;而合理的薪酬体系是职业化的保障。  相似文献   

校长在学校发展上起着至关重要的作用,而校长的能力又对校长职业最能产生影响。探究校长所必需的能力对研究校长角色有重要意义。目前,倡导校长职业化的呼声越来越大,在此形势下,职业化的校长所需的能力必然也同以前有所不同。本文试图结合国内外对校长能力的要求,在校长职业化的构想下,提出我国校长的职业能力的若干观点。  相似文献   

刘晓珍 《江西教育》2004,(23):36-37
2001年,清华校长职业化研修中心的策划者,首次向世人推出“职业化校长”的概念,“3A能力”模式和“教育经营”的理念,并在此基础上,形成校长研修创新模式的整体构思。市场经济体制,要求对教育实行市场行为的管理,校长是一种受聘于市场的职业,按聘约规定的职岗要求凭职业能力履行管理、经营学校的责任,拥有职业能力,称为“职业化校长”。  相似文献   

校长职业化是教育改革与发展的必然趋势。要实现校长职业化,就必须研究校长职业素质。本文试图在对国内外中小学校长和现代职业经理人素质与能力的比较分析中得到启示。  相似文献   

在未来的基础教育领域,校长的职业化是大势所趋。职业校长必须具备三种能力:  相似文献   

新课程呼唤校长职业化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新一轮课程改革的实施,主要靠校长领导下的教师队伍的创造性劳动来实现。显然,校长的自身素质将直接决定该校实施课程改革的质量和水平。校长已成为影响课程改革诸多因素之中的核心因素。那么,校长怎样才能担负起这一历史重任呢?笔者认为:校长职业化是新课程改革的迫切需要。一、校长职业化的含义校长职业化是一个全新的理念。校长职业具备目的性、社会性、稳定性、规范性及群体性等全部职业特征,是人类社会发展和教育活动发展的必然产物。[1]继很多国家将中小学校长独立地界定为一个职业类别之后,我国在1999年出版的《中华人民共和国职业分…  相似文献   

在进行教育体制改革、建立现代学校制度的过程中,作为岗位职务的校长职业即职务校长受到了强烈的冲击与挑战,职业化校长应运而生。实现职务校长向职业校长的转换,实际上就是实现由权力本位向能力本位的转换,这是建立现代化教育制度的客观要求,必将推动我国学校教育的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

针对校长这一职业,其发展方向应该是职业化还是专业化的问题,立足于基础教育的公共产品属性,深刻挖掘职业化导致教育不公平的弊端,提出校长专业化才是促进教育公平的有力保证。  相似文献   

Professional identity is a frequently used term in teacher education although there is little consensus of what it means for practice. Drawing on research in the fields of professional identity development, communities of practice and interprofessional practice, this article presents a framework for interprofessional identity development that supports effective practice within and across different disciplines. The Māwhai framework, which translates as both ‘web’ and ‘net’, enables professionals to ‘web’ interprofessional identities through ‘networks’ of interprofessional practice. The framework is first described and then evaluated using data from three cohorts of professional educators.  相似文献   

在教师对新课程改革成功与否起着关键作用的今天,教师的专业发展显得尤其重要。然而,学校的管理模式、行政管理权、评价体系、非正式组织及社会公众对教师的态度都对教师的专业发展有一定的约束作用。因此,行政部门的放权、评价体系的改善、建立良好的组织文化、加强学校与社会的沟通对教师专业自主权的发展不无裨益。  相似文献   

Professional development among teacher educators requires a framework in which collaborative learning can support growth and change. This study describes a professional development project modeled on a professional development community focused on thinking education in a teachers college. Qualitative measures revealed a multilayered process consisting of breaking personal and professional isolation through interdisciplinary collaboration, talk about student learning, improvement of teaching through skill acquisition, and professional development with the adaptation of new teaching dispositions and a sense of efficacy. The community was characterized by a safe environment which encouraged risk taking and mutual support, enabling significant change in college courses.  相似文献   

Many early childhood practitioners use pedagogical documentation as an important process that enables children's thinking to be represented in a form that can be readily shared with others (Dahlberg et al., 1999 Dahlberg G Moss P Pence A (1999) Beyond quality in early childhood education and care: postmodern perspectives (London, Falmer Press)  [Google Scholar]). Documentation in the form of a professional portfolio provides a vehicle for reflection and an appreciation of the complexities and ambiguities of professional practice in the human professions. The nursing and teaching professions have also embraced professional portfolios as a means through which accountability to self and to others can be judged. However, it is the fusion of process and product within professional portfolio development that enables those involved in the human professions to examine, reflect on, understand, explain and further develop their professional practice. It is through this interrogation of practice that we can not only gain insight into our capabilities but also the theories, beliefs and values that underpin the wisdom of our professional practices. The process of professional portfolio development can be enriching and empowering. An outline for organizing a professional portfolio is provided.  相似文献   

Professional judgment and dispositions in teacher education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The word “dispositions” has suddenly emerged in the lexicon of teacher educators in the United States of America, and around the globe as found in publications such as The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations and the Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education. However, it is clear from the literature that educators are just beginning to grapple with the definitional and philosophical aspects of the construct. This work seeks to assist the field of teacher education, both in the United States and internationally in gaining a better understanding of “dispositions,” and, at the same time to offer working connections between professional judgment and dispositions, and provide grounding for the construct as “habits of mind” that render professional conduct more intelligent.  相似文献   

Using Lave and Wenger’s framework of legitimate peripheral participation in communities of practice, this case study explores the experiences of three novice teachers engaged with more experienced teachers in a teacher study group during their first year of teaching. The study illustrates how, over time, the novices moved from more peripheral to more central participation as revealed through changes in their talk and feelings about participating. The study highlights the importance of legitimacy and peripherality provided by the more experienced teachers and identifies the ways in which the facilitator scaffolded and mediated the novices’ participation and learning.  相似文献   

This paper builds on earlier work by the author to explore the international dimensions of a study of the changing roles and identities of professional staff in higher education (Whitchurch 2008a, b). It further develops the concept of the blended professional, characterising individuals with identities drawn from both professional and academic domains, and examines the institutional spaces, knowledges, relationships and legitimacies that they construct. Comparisons between the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States are used to provide indicators of possible futures for this group of staff, including their positioning in the university community, the challenges they face, and the potentials that they offer to their institutions.  相似文献   

This study explores the development of professional identity as a teacher of nature of science (NOS). Our research question was ‘How can a teacher develop a professional identity as an elementary teacher of NOS?' Through a researcher log, videotaped lessons, and collection of student work, we were able to track efforts in teaching NOS as part of regular classroom practice. A team of four researchers interpreted the data through the Beijaard et al. professional identity framework and found that it was not as simple and straightforward to teach NOS as we predicted. Development of professional identity as a teacher of NOS was influenced by contextual factors such as students, administration, and time, as well as personal struggles that were fraught with emotion. Development took place through an interpretation and reinterpretation of self through external factors and others' perceptions, as well as the influence of sub-identities.  相似文献   

教师专业发展已经成为教育界研究的热点,而高职院校对教师的专业发展还未予以足够的重视。文章试图从教学反思入手,论述其在教师专业成长中的价值及作用,明确反思对于教师生存的意义。  相似文献   

专业体裁学习研究是西方专业学习领域的新兴研究热点。它以北美体裁理论、文化-历史活动理论、情景学习理论等为理论框架,着重探讨专业身份获取问题、专业教育课程效果问题,以及专业教育和专业实践之间的冲突问题。对我国专业学习研究的启示是:采纳专业体裁学习研究的理论框架和研究方法,把体裁作为新的研究切入点;把握本领域正在发生的"集体转向"、"逆集体转向"和"关系转向";开展合作性研究项目,建设跨学科研究团队。  相似文献   

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