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采用现场观摩、文献资料和数理统计的方法,对第十届全运会场地自行车比赛的奖牌分布和各队得分情况进行了统计,结合第九届全运会比赛的成绩,对参赛各队的实力变化情况,以及场地项目国内竞争现状进行了分析,并对该项目竞争发展趋势做出了预测.  相似文献   

2009年世界女排大奖赛中国女排最终累积4负1胜,排在6支参赛队伍的第5位.通过对参加世界女排锦标赛中国女排与荷兰、巴西、俄罗斯、德国、日本五队五场比赛得分情况的比较分析,发现各队得分多少依次是一攻、对失、防反、拦网、发球;失利的原因是多方面的,有技术上的,也有心理上的.从进攻能力,拦网成功率,发球质量等方面分析了此次比赛失利的原因,中国队在整个比赛中失误过多,而过多的失误又是导致比赛失利的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

本文通过对在福建省泉州市举行的第六届全国农民运动会毽球比赛情况的观察与分析,了解当今毽球运动的现状,以及技、战术发展的趋势;同时对广东、福建、湖北男子前三名代表队优秀运动员所采用的倒勾球、踏球、发球技术得分、对方失误、拦网得分五方面进行统计与分析,结果表明:倒勾球技术成为新一代强队得分的主要手段,同时激烈的比赛对抗中失误过多是各队的弱点。  相似文献   

采用数据统计、对比分析的方法,对第十二届全国运动会棒球预赛各队主要技术数据的积分排位与最终名次进行比较分析,认为一般情况下比赛中主要技术能力越强,成功率则越高,取得的名次越好,但是显型因子综合技术能力的强弱不是比赛名次的唯一决胜因子,在高水平竞技比赛中的隐型因子,即心理状态、临场战机的把握和利用战机的能力则成为更重要的胜因。  相似文献   

发球、拦网、一攻、反攻得分能力是评价高水平男排水平的重要指标,本研究采用文献资料法、专家咨询法、数理统计法等方法对国内高水平男排主动得分能力进行研究,结果表明:从局均发球得分来看,国内水平最高的上海男排局均发球得分在4队中处于最低,而八一、江苏、山东队局均发球得分较高,可见,单项主动得分指标并不能决定球队水平;国内高水平男排比赛中拦网得分能力的高低是决定球队水平的最重要因素之一,4队局均拦网得分能力高低体现了4队在国内比赛中的排名;国内高水平男子排球队一攻水平相当,各队之间不存在明显差异;反攻得分能力是决定国内高水平男排水平的关键,反攻水平高是高水平男排的标志.  相似文献   

韦东平 《小学生》2013,(9):106-106
随着小学篮球比赛的发展,各队水平的接近使比赛中技术的运用更为突出,篮球比赛中无球跑动是实现战术配合的纽带和桥梁,它可以创造良好的得分机会,如果一支球队中每位队员都能充分运用无球跑动技术,它就可以瓦解对手最好的防守。针对小学生篮球比赛中的实际情况,结合有关无球跑动的文  相似文献   

本文建立了一个安排单循环赛程的优化组合数学模型.本模型主要通过控制比赛中各队两场比赛中间休息的场次数,使其在一定的范围内变化,进而使各队每场比赛后都能得到均等的休息.本文中得出了两个重要公式:1)各种可能的赛程中,各队所有可能的休整场数最小值的上确界计算公式为:m1=[(n-3)/2):2)各种可能的赛程中,各队所有可能的休整场数最大值的下确界计算公式为:M1=[n/2]。将各队每两场比赛中间相隔的场次数控制在[m1,M1]内。可以得到较优化的赛程、  相似文献   

2006年世界女排锦标赛中国女排失利原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高勤 《大连大学学报》2007,28(3):119-121
[目的]通过对2006年世界女排锦标赛中国女排与德国、俄罗斯、巴西、荷兰的4场比赛进行分析,寻求中国女排在各项技术得分方面与其他各队的优势和差距.[方法]采用文献资料法、数据统计法和比较分析法找出比赛失利原因.[结果]中国队只有发球得分的成功率高于这些队其它各项均处于劣势.[结论]通过比较可以看出,中国女排在以后的训练中应着重加强快球位置的变化,快攻与后排攻的掩护配合;掌握合理的起跳时机,加强脚步的快速移动能力和连续起跳拦网的能力;充分发挥跳发球的威力;着力提高队员的心理素质,调整情绪波动的能力.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、数理统计法、比较法,分析近10年来重大赛事男子散打比赛中摔法技术的应用情况。结果表明:摔法在所有进攻技术中,使用次数最低,效率最高;有把位摔是摔法技术中主要的使用方法和得分手段。为增加摔法使用次数、注重日常摔法训练质量、提高在比赛中获胜机会,提供有价值的建议。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法对29届奥运会中中国男篮在应对西班牙、美国男篮的比赛中高位掩护攻防的对比分析,发现高位掩护在比赛中应用频繁,并且通过高位掩护直接或者间接的得分命中率较高。各队在运用高位掩护时的方式大同小异,持球者通过高位掩护突破分给非掩护者进行投篮应用频繁而且命中率较高。在防守高位掩护时重点是持球者,三队多采用不换人或者包夹持球者进行防守。本文提出在进攻中应提高高位掩护的攻防应用,以及中国队在高位掩护攻防运用时中应注意的问题等建议。  相似文献   

Most novel analytic methods for longitudinal data are applicable to studies spanning three time-points of data at a minimum, whereas methods for two-occasion data have garnered comparatively little attention. Here, we address this limitation by introducing the two-wave latent change score (2W-LCS) model, a technique appropriate for preliminary detection of relations among dynamic processes with two-occasion data. The 2W-LCS model is well suited for the investigation of hypotheses in which changes in a construct are posited as predictors of changes in another construct. In an empirical illustration using data of elderly Hispanics from the Health and Retirement Study, we demonstrate how the 2W-LCS model provides the best match to theories rooted in changes, and highlight the advantages of this approach over other modeling alternatives (i.e., Little, Preacher, Selig, & Card, 2007; Selig & Preacher, 2009).  相似文献   

权变领导理论认为,领导的有效性取决于领导风格和情境的恰当匹配,而领导与成员关系是决定情境控制的最重要因素。在我国行政事业单位中,当正职已定后,副职的配备就是影响领导绩效的一个最重要的成员关系情境因素,为了让正职在工作中有一个较好的情境环境,可以赋予正职在副职的配备过程中有一定的选择权。深圳大学在中层部门的领导职位公选工作中,借鉴了权变领导理论的观点,并与党管干部原则和公开选拔方式的特点相结合,在中层领导班子配备过程中实行了正职对副职提名的做法,在领导干部选任和管理工作中做了新的尝试。  相似文献   

为解决同类电子商务中的信息异构等问题,研究并实现了一种基于信息抽取的电子商务信息共享联盟系统。给出了该系统的系统组织模型,各个功能模块,信息抽取关键算法以及运行流程。该系统通过异构网页挖掘进行信息整合,采用贝叶斯算法进行按需信息抽取。仿真证明该系统具有较高的信息自动处理性能和较好的客户需求匹配度。  相似文献   

笔者通过混合战略博弈模型分析分散型股权结构中分散股东与经营者间的博弈策略,认为分散型股权结构只有与其相适应的确保相关各方利益均衡的制度安排相结合,才能发挥其功效:实现公司价值最大化。这对股份全流通有一定的启示。  相似文献   

Tracking multiple people under occlusion and across cameras is a challenging question for discussion. Furthermore, the cameras in this study are used to extend the field of view, which are distinguished from the same field of view. Such corre-spondence between multiple cameras is a burgeoning research subject in the area of computer vision. This paper effectively solves the problems of tracking multiple people who pass from one camera to another and segmenting people under occlusion using probabilistic models. The probabilistic models are composed ofblob model, motion model and color model, which make the most of the space, motion and color information. First, we present a color model that uses maximum likelihood estimation based on non-parametric kernel density estimation. Second, we introduce a blob model based on mean shift, which segments the body into many regions according to the color of each person in order to spatially localize the color features corresponding to the way people are dressed. Clothes can be any mixture of colors. Third, we bring forward a motion model based on statistical probability which indicates the movement position of the same person between two successive frames in a single camera. Finally, we effectively unify the three models into a general probabilistic model and attain a maximization likelihood probability image, which is used to segment the foreground region under occlusion and to match people across multiple cameras.  相似文献   

This study reports on the educational attainment of 62 college students with learning disabilities as compared to a sample of 58 peers matched on gender and ACT composite score (+/- 1 point or exact match). All students were native English speakers and were enrolled as degree candidates in a small, competitive, private, midwestern college. Groups were compared on age, high school preparation and performance, college grades, GPA at the end of each year of study, graduation and academic failure rate, and time taken to complete degree. Factors that may have influenced outcomes are discussed as are implications for college admissions officers, college students with learning disabilities, service providers, and academic advisors.  相似文献   

The human performance technology (HPT) model suggests various interventions to meet organizational challenges. While the original model includes a matrix to match an intervention according to a performance analysis, accumulated experience and recent research show that there are several parameters that will influence the validity and effectiveness of the solution. This article offers a 360‐degree approach to support the use of a performance model that helps practitioners to select the proper HPT intervention according to key attributes that influence the solution. Successful implementation, such as target audience characteristics and work processes that are at the heart of organizational needs, are examples of the benefits provided by this approach. The model is based on research conducted by Gal and Nachmias (2011, 2012) concerning performance support solutions success factors in corporate settings. In addition, experiences gained by both authors as they implemented HPT solutions in large organizations are considered.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the problem of model selection between the latent change score (LCS) model and the autoregressive cross-lagged (ARCL) model when the goal is to infer the longitudinal relationship between variables. We conducted a large-scale simulation study to (a) investigate the conditions under which these models return statistically (and substantively) different results concerning the presence of bivariate longitudinal relationships, and (b) ascertain the relative performance of an array of model selection procedures when such different results arise. The simulation results show that the primary sources of differences in parameter estimates across models are model parameters related to the slope factor scores in the LCS model (specifically, the correlation between the intercept factor and the slope factor scores) as well as the size of the data (specifically, the number of time points and sample size). Among several model selection procedures, correct selection rates were higher when using model fit indexes (i.e., comparative fit index, root mean square error of approximation) than when using a likelihood ratio test or any of several information criteria (i.e., Akaike’s information criterion, Bayesian information criterion, consistent AIC, and sample-size-adjusted BIC).  相似文献   

远程学习者特征模型的构建研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
中国现代远程教育发展的规模不断扩大,参与学习的远程学习者已达230多万人。由于学习者具有何种特征对课程资源和学习支持两个方面工作的开展都具有重大影响,因此探究远程学习者的特征,可以使远程教学活动更加适应于远程学习者的实际需求和具体情况,从而最终保障远程教育可持续地科学发展。本文首先对远程学习者特征、自我效能感和远程学习策略等概念进行界定,然后根据人的发展由“内源”和“外源”共同作用的基本理论,考察远程学习者特征模型组成的特征成分.即人口学特征、支持性特征、动力特征、策略特征,并尝试提出远程学习者特征的理论模型,对远程学习者特征进行了较为深入的理论研究。  相似文献   

To examine the impact of a hybrid-flipped model utilising active learning techniques, the researchers inverted one section of an undergraduate fluid mechanics course, reduced seat time, and engaged in active learning sessions in the classroom. We compared this model to the traditional section on four performance measures. We employed a propensity score method entailing a two-stage regression analysis that considered eight covariates to address the potential bias of treatment selection. First, we estimated the probability score based on the eight covariates, and second, we used the inverse of the probability score as a regression weight on the performance of learners who did not select into the hybrid course. Results suggest that enrolment in the hybrid-flipped section had a marginally significant negative impact on the total course score and a significant negative impact on homework performance, possibly because of poor video usage by the hybrid-flipped learners. Suggested considerations are also discussed.  相似文献   

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