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论培养当代大学生的创新能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作根据知识经济的要求,认为进行教育、教学改革培养当代大学生创新行为的任务极为重要和迫切,并从宏观和微观两个方面论述了培养大学生创新意识、塑创新性格、实现创新行为的可行而有效措施。  相似文献   

对大学生进行良好行为规范培养十分重要.高校要根据当代大学生的特点进行社会主义核心价值体系教育,从调动大学生自主性和积极性、构建综合网络思想教育体系、创新行为激励评价机制等方面积极寻找途径,正确引导当代大学生行为.  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课蕴含着丰富的培养学生创新思维能力的资源。结合当代大学生创新思维能力较差的实际情况,通过激发学生创新意识、运用创新思维方式开展课堂教学、指导学生阅读、举办辩论赛、开展社会实践活动、改革考试制度等方式,将思想政治理论课教学与学生创新思维能力的培养结合起来,使学生的创新思维能力培养建立在老师的教育行为和学生的学习行为之上。  相似文献   

跨入21世纪以来,创新已经成了新时代的一个主旋律。对于当代大学生个体来说,思维创新是最基础的创新,没有思维上的创新就不会产生行为上的创新。纵观人类发展的历史,所有新东西都是从思维创新开始的。本文拟从大学生创新思维的影响因素、拓展创新思维的视角、运用方法和实践模式等方面,对大学生创新思维的培养与激发进行粗浅的阐述。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的纵深发展,当代大学生作为社会特殊的消费群体,他们消费观念的塑造和培养更为突出并会直接影响大学生世界观的形成与发展,进而对他们一生的品德行为产生重要的影响。因此,关注大学生消费状况,把握大学生消费心理和行为导向,培养和提高当代大学生的理财能力——"财商",在当前就成为当代大学生共同关注的课题。  相似文献   

思想政治教育对当代大学生的创新实践有重要的指导意义,它可以传播科学理论,指导当代大学生创新方向;可以培养良好学风,养成当代大学生创新习惯;可以主导健康心理,和谐当代大学生创新活动.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和社会多元化的冲击,当代大学生面着临很多心理问题和社会误区.本文主要从大学生开展健康素质教育与创新培养健全人格的重要意义;当代大学生健全人格的内涵;当代大学生人格的现状;创新培养大学生健全人格模式等方面阐述了高校加强健康素质教育的重要意义.目的在于增强大学生的自我意识和社会责任感,树立正确的人生观、价值观,培养大学生健全人格,强化学生的思想品德教育,促进社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设,为社会培养全面发展的人才做出应有的贡献.  相似文献   

熊花  计颖 《华章》2007,(10):78-78
高等教育的任务是培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才,突出大学生创新素质的培养,积极探索培养高素质创新型人才的途径和方法,具有重要的现实意义.而当代大学生创新素质普遍不高,存在缺乏创新意识和创新精神、缺乏创新思维和创新人格、缺乏创新能力和实践能力等诸多问题.因此,必须创新人才培养模式,重视大学生创新素质的培养,改革综合测评体系,完善大学生创新素质培养制度建设,大力开展科技创新实践活动,通过多种途径培养大学生创新素质.  相似文献   

全面推进素质教育是新时期我国高校的育人目标。但当代大学生还存在着心理素质不高、法制观念淡薄、缺乏创新精神和实践能力等种种问题,所以,应该通过提高当代大学生的思想道德素质、科学文化素质、法制素质和培养当代大学生的创新精神及实践能力来提高当代大学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

创新实践能力培养对当代大学生具有重要意义.大学生创新实践能力需要社会和高校双方面共同培养,学校和教师应根据社会发展需要调整自身,为大学生创新实践能力的培养提供应有的努力和帮助.  相似文献   

In 1968‐9 a survey was made of the organization of pupil learning and behaviour in a sample of secondary schools, and in 1978‐9 45 of the original schools were re‐surveyed. Compared with the earlier period there is now significantly less streaming but more mixed ability grouping, setting and team teaching, and a generally tighter control of school work. General behaviour is also more subject to rules. The prefectorial system has become less important, with a reduction in the duties, punishments and ritualization of prefects. There are more school councils, which have become more democratic in their organization. School assemblies are more diverse in their content and less ritualized. There has been a reduction in sex‐differences in the curriculum and in the control of behaviour.  相似文献   

The study explores how parents’ occupational field affects gender differences in educational fields. On the one hand, the theory of direct transfer predicts that adolescents enter fields similar to those of their parents because of intergenerational transmission of occupation‐specific resources and that adolescents are more likely to draw upon the resources provided by the higher‐status parent. On the other hand, the theory of sex‐role learning predicts that boys and girls are more likely to choose more gender‐stereotypical fields of study because they learn ‘appropriate’ gender‐role behaviour from their parents’ occupational field and that boys are more likely to learn this behaviour from their father and girls from their mother. We use longitudinal data collected from adolescents and their parents in the Netherlands (N = 2,497) and tested our hypotheses using multiple‐group structural equation modelling and multinomial regression analyses. In line with sex‐role learning, results show that especially mothers who are employed in a more feminine occupational field influence their daughters to enter a more feminine field of study (health, biology, agriculture and veterinary) and their sons to enter a more masculine field of study (science and technology). Mothers’ occupational field therefore not only influences girls’ field of study, but also boys’. This study highlights the role of horizontal characteristics when examining which field of study adolescents enter. Contrary to the stratification literature, which primarily focuses on fathers, this study concludes that mothers play a more important role in gender differences in fields of study.  相似文献   

Teachers’ innovative behaviour influences not only their teaching practices and professional habits, but also has an impact on students’ creation of novel and original ideas. In spite of the increasing demand for innovative behaviour, and also relatively high academic achievements of Estonian students in international comparison, teachers in Estonia often do not use innovative teaching practices, according to Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). This study explores possible school environmental factors that may support the innovative behaviour of teachers. A model, where self-efficacy as a trait and different types of teaching practices as behaviour, are components of the model of teachers’ innovative behaviour. It is supposed that teachers’ innovative behaviour appears in school environments and may be supported by the following factors: interaction and involvement, need and freedom for innovation. The study is carried out as a secondary data analysis, based on a sample of TALIS survey. The results indicate that although the three factors mentioned do not constitute the integrated phenomenon, they do describe different aspects of a teachers’ innovative behaviour.  相似文献   

This study is part of a first study of collaborative socio-environmental projects that engage Jewish and Arab students in Israel in learning about their local environment and about each other through outdoor learning and environmental action. We used ideas of social learning and environmental citizenship to frame our research. We investigated students' knowledge regarding their local environment and their knowledge of each other's community. We also studied the participants’ views regarding their project-partners'environmental knowledge, awareness and behaviour in comparison to their own. Initially, differences were found regarding various aspects of the students' socio-environmental knowledge and in students' views of their counterparts' environmentalism. At the end of the projects, students showed better understanding of local socio-environmental issues and demonstrated changes in their original views towards the environmental awareness and behaviour of their counterparts. These findings suggest that projects which involve students from segregated communities not only promote environmental awareness but contribute to a reduction in mutual prejudices. We suggest that the differences we found are not related to ethnicity, but rather to students' socioeconomic status and experience in environmental education programmes.  相似文献   

文化预设是原文作者和原语读者之间存在的共同的文化背景信息。本文将从译文读者的接受能力和期待视野出发,探讨在汉译英中通过异化翻译让译文读者也具有这种文化预设。  相似文献   

Based on fieldwork conducted in five alternative provision schools across three large cities in England, this article explores the relationship between young people's involvement in urban street gangs and their attitudes and behaviour in school. By applying and developing a lens of social field theory, the article highlights the ways in which gang‐involved young people navigate their way between two distinct social fields, namely that of the street gang and that of the school. Although pupil gang involvement can raise significant issues for schools, particularly around violence and educational engagement, our findings challenge the prevailing orthodoxy that depicts an entirely negative portrait of the effects of gang involvement on pupils’ attitudes and behaviour. Instead, through an analysis of interview and observational data, we argue that there is nothing inevitable about the internal logic of a gang social field permeating a school's gates. Young people involved in gangs do not typically spend their entire waking hours wedded to a ‘gang member’ identity—if they are given the opportunity to transition away from the gang social field when they enter the school gates, they will often embrace it. In short, the links between pupils’ involvement in gangs, violent behaviour in school and engagement in education are more contingent and nuanced than is suggested by the literature on gangs and schools to date.  相似文献   

This paper describes teachers, parents and educational psychologists working together to meet the needs of children and young people with autistic spectrum difficulties in mainstream and special schools. It examines the impact on children's social behaviour of a two-session workshop for groups of parents/carers, teachers and learning support assistants about 'Social Stories' (Gray, 1994). It highlights the contribution that Social Stories can make to the management of a wide range of social behaviours, including inappropriate sexual behaviour, unsafe behaviour and obsessional behaviour. Issues raised by the use of Social Stories and their benefits for children with autistic spectrum difficulties are considered. The paper concludes by describing the developing diversity in the use of Social Stories and invites those working in the field to contribute to the body of information about their strengths and limitations.  相似文献   

Zoos and aquariums have shifted their focus over recent years, taking a much more active role in wildlife conservation and in promoting conservation learning among their visitors. Research in these settings provides a valuable foundation for the emerging field of non‐captive wildlife tourism. In particular, valuable lessons regarding the potential impact of wildlife encounters on visitors’ conservation attitudes and behaviour can be drawn from research in zoos and aquariums. This paper explores those aspects of wildlife encounters that appear to contribute most to conservation learning. These include observing animals in their ‘natural’ environment; opportunities for close encounters with wildlife; opportunities to observe animal behaviour; engaging visitors emotionally; connecting with visitors’ prior knowledge and experiences; using persuasive communication; linking conservation goals and everyday actions; and providing incentives and activities to support visitors’ behaviour change. The extent to which wildlife tourists may be receptive to conservation messages is also considered, in light of research in zoos and aquariums. The implications of these findings for conservation learning in the context of non‐captive wildlife tourism are discussed and suggestions for future research in this area are made. Several methodological challenges facing the field are also discussed.  相似文献   

提高学生音乐专业素质是音乐教学之本。我们还可以而且应该在音乐教学中为促进学生全面素质的发展做出贡献,促进学生思想品德、道德情操、创新品质、心理素养和智力素质等全面素质和谐发展。  相似文献   

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