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同辈群体:青少年思想政治教育的理想平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同辈群体是个体成长发展的一个重要的环境因素.同辈群体作为青少年思想政治教育平台,其优势在于:通过青少年同辈群体可以真实地了解青少年的内在心理;青少年在同辈群体内所学的内容不仅是家庭教育、书本知识的重要补充,而且印象深远;青少年可能更乐意接受同辈群体内的批评教育;同辈群体不仅对青少年具有心理保健作用,而且提高了青少年的交往能力.为避免同辈群体成为消极文化的载体,需要思想教育工作者因势利导:树立正确的群体意识,提高青少年在交往中的辨别能力;加强对群体核心人物的重点教育,以此带动对整个群体的影响向积极的一面发展;完善群体内部的行为准则,使青少年活动尽量符合社会规范;区别对待承载不同文化的群体,尽量避免其消极作用;家庭、学校、社会应相互配合、加强沟通,共同引导同辈群体对青少年成长的影响.  相似文献   

流动青少年违法犯罪的社区矫正论析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流动青少年犯罪是青少年犯罪的一个特殊部分。该群体的犯罪既具有青少年犯罪的一般共性,同时,基于"流动"的特性又与普通青少年犯罪不同。在预防和根治流动青少年违法犯罪行为中,社区矫正工作已经取得了较大的成效,但针对流动青少年的特征,我们认为:完善流动家庭功能;规范学校教育方式;引导与城市同辈群体的正常交往;加强社区间的信息互通应该显示更大的作用。  相似文献   

我国每年登记在册的吸毒人数近年来整体呈现上升趋势,其中青少年吸毒人数的攀升更不容忽视。本文运用“个人是社会的产物而非起源”的视角展现了青少年吸毒同家庭结构与功能不完整、学校教育受损与同辈群体交往异常等因素之间的关联,分析青少年吸毒“心瘾”本质上呈现出麻木的快感、丧失自制、逃避现实等畸形心理特征。总体而言,青少年吸毒是由于其社会化过程中社会整合纽带受损或缺席导致。  相似文献   

同辈群体作为普遍存在的人际交往环境,并在青少年群体中广泛存在,对青少年的发展具有特殊的意义,有其他教育途径所不可比拟的优势。它对于青少年形成积极的价值观、锻炼自身人际交往能力、培养高尚的兴趣情致等方面发挥着重要作用。因此,思想政治教育应重视同辈群体的存在,应着力掌握同辈群体的自身特点,重视引导其在青少年思想政治教育中发挥积极作用,趋利避害,确保青少年在同辈群体中健康成长。  相似文献   

同辈群体交往对青少年社会化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
所谓社会化,通常是指个人与社会生活不断调适,使该个人从“有机体生物人”发展成为“社会人”的过程。 青少年的社会化过程,主要是在成人的指导下,通过学校教育实现的。大众传播媒介——报纸、杂志、书籍、广播、电视、电影、录像等社会文化的舆论宣传,家庭环境的熏陶,对青少年社会化也起着重要作用。但是,人们往往忽略了同辈群体交往对处于青春期这一特殊年龄阶段的青少年所起的特殊影响和作用。  相似文献   

文章对青少年"群体交往经验"的研究问题,从同辈群体的研究、异辈群体的研究、社区与青少年发展的问题研究、网络群体经验的研究等几个方面进行了梳理,在此基础上指出了目前关于青少年"群体交往经验"研究的不足,提出了自己的几点看法,为今后在此领域的研究和青少年的教育管理提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出同辈群体又称同龄群体或伙伴群体。它是由地位相近,年龄、兴趣、爱好、价值观和行为方式大体相同的人组成的一种非正式群体。①同辈群体在青少年中普遍存在,他们经常在一起活动,交往频繁,所以成员间感情融洽、凝聚力大。同辈群体是一个人成长发展的一个重要的环境因素,尤其是在青少年时期,  相似文献   

对处于关键成长期的青少年来说,同辈群体环境的影响是他们成长发展过程中的一个重要因素,对青少年思想政治教育起着重要作用。文章总结了青少年同辈群体形成的原因和特点,在客观分析青少年同辈群体对青少年思想政治教育影响的基础上,提出了优化青少年同辈群体环境的几条途径,从而为引导青少年健康成长提供借鉴。  相似文献   

青少年社会化是社会学领域一个较为重要的研究课题,青少年同辈群体的研究是研究青少年社会化的一个重要视角.本文从同辈群体的角度入手,探讨了同辈群体在青少年社会化过程中的消极作用,并对学校教育避免和减少同辈群体的消极作用提出了合理建议.  相似文献   

同辈群体与当代青少年思想政治教育初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
同辈群体是青少年成长的重要环境,影响着青少年的价值观和行为模式,由于当代青少年思想发展的多元性、务实性等新特点,同辈群体对当代青少年的影响呈现新的变化。同辈群体是青少年思想政治教育的主要途径,具有其他思想政治教育途径所不可比拟的优势,因此,要重视同辈群体在青少年思想政治教育中的作用。  相似文献   

The present study compared 124 adolescents from special schools for students with emotional and behavioural disturbances (EBDs) and 133 regular schooled adolescents with regard to their perceived maternal behaviour. It was also tested longitudinally whether effects of maternal parenting behaviour on subsequent externalising behaviour vary as a function of school type. The two groups did not differ from each other with regard to perceived maternal parenting behaviour. However, an interaction effect of school type and parenting behaviour on externalising behaviour was found. Maternal warmth/support predicted a decrease and maternal strict control an increase in subsequent problem behaviour only for adolescents from special schools. The importance of parenting programmes especially for parents of adolescents attending special schools for students with EBD is discussed.  相似文献   

随着现代社会的发展要求,社会支持平台的构建已成为影响大学生社会生存与发展的关键因素。培养大学生构建符合自身发展要求的社会支持平台也成为现今高校的重要教学内容。体育教育以其独特的教育平台、授课内容、育人方法及教学环境对大学生社会支持平台的构建产生深远影响。"植入式"体育课程通过加强学生身心锻炼,拓宽学生的社会支持平台,最后达到提高学生获得社会支持的能力。  相似文献   

Research has shown that the continuation of education by chronically ill adolescents is an important way to avoid social isolation, psychosocial problems and the accumulation of learning difficulties. In this light, virtual learning environments (VLEs), which connect sick adolescents to their schools, play an important role in ensuring that the sick adolescents continue their education, and in contributing to their mental well-being. This study investigated the extent to which a VLE supports the continuation of education and school interactions among sick adolescents and how it is related to their mental well-being. The results show that the VLE had a positive impact on supporting the continuation of education and school interactions among chronically sick adolescents and was considered very helpful to their mental well-being.  相似文献   

融合教育中的同伴作用策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
同伴作用是融合教育中需要予以特别重视的问题,其决定着融合教育的质量,它可以分担教师的工作压力和拓展融合教育的发展。常用的同伴作用策略有同伴指导、合作学习和反向融合。同伴作用策略的实施应着眼于满足残障儿童的特殊需要,形成系统的计划和关注全体学生的发展。  相似文献   

Although it has been well established that cyberbullying leads to mental health problems, less is known about the factors that confer resilience to the adverse effects of cyberbullying among young people. To address this gap, adolescents aged 13–19 years (= 476) completed a survey measuring cyberbullying victimisation, attachment styles, perceived social support, coping styles, and mental distress. Compared to non-victims, victims of cyberbullying experienced higher levels of depression and anxiety and endorsed more self-statements indicative of attachment anxiety. Peer support, security in attachment relationships, and the endorsement of positive coping strategies attenuated the positive relationship between cyberbullying victimisation and mental health difficulties. Family support did not appear to buffer adolescents from mental distress in this context. However, family support was the strongest bivariate predictor of reduced mental distress. Although peer relations should be the target of intervention programmes within school settings, the findings highlight the importance of including families in cyberbullying prevention programmes.  相似文献   

This study investigates adolescent peer leadership in the context of health and social education affecting lifestyle choice. Cognate studies are summarised and reviewed and the study reported here is referenced to prior work in this area. The paper reports on a case study of a single school during the first stage of a two-stage study. Interview data illuminate how adolescent peer group members influence and shape the dynamics of the peer group and are in turn influenced by it. This is constructed from the perspectives of the pupils themselves. It is concluded that, while prior research identifies peer leaders who influence the lifestyle choices of members of the reference group, peer leadership is essentially an adult concept. Peer leadership as such is not acknowledged by adolescents as they reflect on and make sense of the social realities of life reflected within the peer group.  相似文献   

This empirical study focused on high school students with a learning disability (LD), particularly adolescents undergoing training in secondary vocational study programmes. A total of 417 1st-year high school students were included in the survey, 105 of whom were LD students. Data on social anxiety and perceived social self-efficacy were collected at the beginning and end of the school year using the Social Self-Efficacy Scale and the LSAA Social Anxiety Scale. The results mostly relate to male students because the sample included 359 boys and 58 girls. In both the initial and final measurements, a significantly lower level of perceived social self-efficacy and a higher level of social anxiety were found in students with special needs compared to their peers. Perceived self-efficacy in LD students decreased significantly during the school year, while changes in social anxiety were not statistically significant. Results could indicate some difficulties in social integration of LD youths in vocational school classes. Thus, it would be desirable for schools to provide a more supportive and efficient learning environment for strengthening social integration of LD students in secondary vocational education.  相似文献   

为探究父母消极控制与反馈、黑暗人格、同伴关系、社会适应的关系以及其内部作用机制,对1934名中学生采用整群施测法进行问卷调查.结果 发现:1.父母消极控制与反馈、黑暗人格和积极社会适应呈显著负相关,和消极社会适应呈显著正相关;同伴关系和积极社会适应呈显著正相关,和消极社会适应呈显著负相关.2.控制了家庭社会经济地位的影...  相似文献   

Peer relationships provide an important context for the young child's social development. Teachers can influence children's developing social competence in a variety of ways. This article describes how teachers can support children's peer relationships by intentionally shaping the classroom's physical and emotional context. With these basic supports in place, teachers can effectively use planned activities and on-the-spot guidance to help children learn to interact competently and form satisfying relationships.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the relation of parental supervision, parental involvement at school and child's social competence with school achievement in primary school. A theoretical model was postulated that predicts direct and indirect effects of parental behaviors on adolescents’ school achievement. Participants were 1,024 adolescents attending Grades 5 through 8 in 20 primary schools in Croatia and one of their parents or guardians. Adolescents completed a scale assessing their self‐perceived social competence and data on their grade point average were collected. Parents completed scales measuring parental supervision and parental involvement at school and they rated their child's social competence. The results of model testing showed that parental behaviors have both direct and indirect effect on adolescents’ school achievement. Greater parental supervision and school involvement have a direct and an indirect, through their effects on child's social competence, positive effects on adolescents’ school achievement.  相似文献   

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