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论新闻报料人的权益维护与行为约束   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高嘉嗣  朱文丰 《新闻知识》2004,26(11):24-26
新闻报料人在我国的新闻传播界是一个新兴的群体,他们来自民间、自发地通过热线电活等方式直接与新闻单位取得联系,提供新闻线索、反映民情民意,间接参与到舆论监督当中来。近年来,随着媒体在新闻来源方面的竞争日趋激烈,媒体为培育稳固报料人队伍而不断增加新闻报料奖金,受此鼓励,一批专门从事新闻线索报料活动并以此为业的“职业报料人”随之浮出水面,甚至获得了“新闻线人”的职业化称谓。  相似文献   

随着媒体为了征集新闻线索所推出的有奖报料措施,确实为媒体征集到了众多信息。丰富了版面,也调动了读者积极性。一些专业从事新闻报料的职业报料人应运而生。而一个突出问题就是记者越来越懒于前往新闻现场,而是坐在办公室内凭报料人的讲述和一些照片,就能撰写出如记者亲临现场的稿件来。由于工作关系和自我职业道德约束,我在接到网友报料后,都是第一时间赶往事发现场,采写稿件。在数次现场  相似文献   

所谓“新闻报料”,是指非专职新闻人员有意识地追寻或偶然发现新闻线索并主动提供给媒体,媒体给予一定报酬的行为,提供线索的人被称为“报料人”或“线人”。通过新闻报料获取新闻线索,并从中挑选有价值的信息进行进一步采访报道,是当前媒体获取信息的主要手段。  相似文献   

新闻热线信息,是新闻媒体重要的消息来源之一。这些信息来源于热线报料人,他们通过媒体设立的信息热线电话报料。  相似文献   

报料人的种类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和通讯员相比较,报料人的身份很难确定,也不固定,他们有男有女,有老有少。有化高的,也有化低的,有些报料人是本地人,有些则可能是出差路过此地的外地人,有些报料人是职业的,而大多数则是非职业的。每张报纸的报料人群体稍有区别,当然这和不同报纸培养的不同读群有关。那么,究竟是哪些人每天在为报社提供报料呢?大致来说,提供新闻报料的人有这样几种:  相似文献   

曾昕 《新闻春秋》2020,(1):90-95
传统社会向信息社会转型的过程中,文化格局随之重塑。亚文化通过各种新媒体渠道广泛传播,从边缘地带走向繁荣。作为青少年群体的重要文化形式之一,亚文化对当代文化图谱有着独特的价值和贡献;但由于其政治性的局限,在政治传播议题中的论述还相对有限。青少年因大量时间被娱乐消费覆盖,政治参与呈现下降趋势。米姆作为社交媒体中流行文化的重要景观,大量出现在政治议题中,对识别和理解青少年亚文化有至关重要的作用。本文以青少年通过亚文化语言和符号参与在线公共议题的案例出发,探讨青少年在政治议题建构中的话语参与与认同构建;并探讨这种泛娱乐的参与方式中,公共性如何体现。研究认为,内容娱乐化的同时,米姆的政治功能也在逐渐凸显;亚文化参与代表了青少年对政治议题的多样化诉求,促进青少年对社会政治议题的关注和参与,融合且推进了个体表达与公共话语呈现,是兼具文化价值和政治意义的参与路径。  相似文献   

凌菁  黄思 《中国出版》2014,(19):30-33
李普曼在《舆论学》一书中提到,我们头脑中关于世界的图景都是通过媒介对外在世界的建构形成的。议题设置是媒体建构世界的主要手段,传媒的新闻报道和信息传达活动以赋予各种“议题”不同程度的显著性的方式,影响着人们对周围世界的“大事”及重要性的判断。[1]它主要通过两个层面的显要性转移来进行,第一个层面是客体议程的显要性转移,客体是指我们的注意力所指向的事物,或者我们对之持有态度或意见的事物。[2]媒体通过选择客体来决定人们看什么;现实世界的环境太复杂,变化太快,人们没有办法直接去了解它,媒介成为人们获取外部信息的主要渠道,媒体客体议题的选择决定了人们的认知层面,以告诉人们“想什么”的方式来引导人们把注意力和关注度集中在某些特定的问题上。第二个层面是属性议程的显要性转移,属性是指充实每个客体图画的那些特点和特性。[3]每个客体都有无数的属性,媒体通过选择和突出某一属性来引导人们怎么看,影响人们的态度层面。个体由于经历和认知有限性,在获取议题的时候,常会产生一种导向需求,即人们尝试提取意义的努力,这种引导主要依靠大众媒介来完成,大众媒介通过建构事物意义给人们提供了一个很好的解释。本文从议程设置的角度对《潇湘晨报》的女性议题进行分析,来探讨媒体是如何建构女性形象以及女性形象在媒体中的呈现等问题。  相似文献   

对新闻报料人的规范和引导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报料人分类新闻报料人大体可分为以下三类:1.职业新闻报料人这一类人数不是很多,目的就是为了赚报料费。他们一般学历不高,但社会经历丰富,具有较强的新闻发现能力,个别人还发展“下线“,通过付费互  相似文献   

本文基于框架理论,采用内容分析法选取以《人民日报》、《贵州日报》、《云南信息报》、《南方周末》为代表的报纸媒体,对其从2010年3月16日到4月15日一个月间所有关于西南旱灾的报道,从报道数量、版面分布、报道类型、消息来源、报道主题和基调等方面进行相关数据分析,观察以这四家报纸为代表的国内媒体如何呈现西南旱灾议题,以此来研究不同媒体对西南旱灾这一议题的框架建构。  相似文献   

李明 《新闻界》2008,(1):49-51
本文在回顾新闻报料人产生背景的基础上,从主动失实和被动失实两方面分析了新闻报料失实的原因,并提出通过过滤、核实和制度保障三方面对新闻报料的真实性进行检定。  相似文献   

Through two separate studies in the context of Hong Kong, a Chinese society, this research tests the third-level agenda-setting effects and examines the differences between the explicit and implicit public agendas based on the attributes consciously and unconsciously reported by the public. A total of 1667 news reports and 680 responses to a public survey are collected for analysis. Evidence from both studies shows strong attribute agenda-setting effects at the third level, no matter the focus of the issue is obtrusive or unobtrusive. Results also demonstrate that the media agenda is positively associated at a higher level with the implicit public agenda than the explicit one. Findings well extend the network agenda-setting research.  相似文献   

Mediated public diplomacy scholarship investigates the manner in which governments attempt to shape the framing of its leaders, people, and foreign policy in other nations’ media outlets. A growing body of literature identifies agenda-building efforts by these governments who often use state-sponsored media platforms to promote some issues and attributes as more salient than others. The current study provides a unique examination of China's use of its Xinhua News Agency as an information subsidy for US news outlets. Study results point to a limited transfer of issue salience between the Chinese news agency and the US news outlets. Non-significant findings were identified regarding attribute agenda building. The results of the study identify a significant intermedia agenda-setting effect between the US news outlets, with The New York Times serving as a conduit between Chinese and US news agendas. Results are discussed in the context of global political public relations and mediated public diplomacy scholarship.  相似文献   

The agenda-setting impact of international news was examinedby comparing the coverage of 15 categories of internationalnews in four news media (the New York Times, ABC, CBS, and NBC)with the level of public concern with international problemsas recorded by all 41 Gallup organization's most important problempolls conducted from 1975 to 1990. The findings suggest thatthe way in which international news is framed in news reportsmay determine the magnitude of salience cues. Four categoriesof news coverage demonstrated the strongest agenda-setting influence:international conflicts involving the United States; terrorisminvolving the U.S.; crime/drugs; and military/nuclear arms.Generally, the results support previous findings which concludedthat stories with high degrees of conflict and stories withconcrete presentations (by including Americans in the stories)have the strongest agenda-setting impact. In addition, two newscategories—international trade not involving the UnitedStates, and politics not involving the United States—correlatednegatively with public concern for two of the news media. Thisresult suggests that press coverage, besides increasing publicconcern with certain issues, can also decrease concern. Certaincategories of news, such as stories dealing with internationalpolitics and trade, can give individuals cues that the internationalarena is functioning quite smoothly. These types of internationalnews stories show individuals that international problems arenot really serious problems at all.  相似文献   

A survey conducted in McAllen, Texas, a largely Hispanic area, examined whether exposure to Spanish-language cable news had an agenda-setting effect. Results show that level of exposure was associated with agenda-setting effects for Spanish cable news, but perceived media credibility and media reliance were not related to the strength of agenda-setting effects. Exposure, credibility, and reliance were also not associated with agenda- setting effects for English-language newscasts-perhaps because English speakers had more news options in the survey area.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the intermedia influence of the Internet on traditional news media. Accordingly, this study examined the influence of Internet bulletin boards on newspaper coverage of the 2000 general election in South Korea at both first and second levels of agenda-setting through content analyses of major newspapers and the Internet bulletin boards during the campaign. Results of cross-lagged correlation analyses showed that newspapers influenced Internet bulletin boards at the first level of agenda-setting. Additionally, at the second level of agenda-setting, the influence of Internet bulletin boards on newspapers was found. Although reciprocity appeared in a few time spans, the results imply that the Internet funnels and leads public opinion as well as affecting the coverage of other media.  相似文献   

Social media have been theorized as being able to break the press' monopoly on agenda-setting, giving the public greater influence over which stories are covered in the news. This study uses a cross-lagged panel analysis to determine to what extent audience conversations on The Rachel Maddow Show's Facebook Page may have influenced the selection of issues covered in the TV broadcast. Results show a positive correlation between stories discussed on Facebook and the subsequent airing of similar stories on TV. The evidence also suggests that social media may enable many factors that influence both the media and the public agendas.  相似文献   

Current Critical Problems in Agenda-Setting Research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
After experiencing steady development over the past three decades,agenda-setting research appears to be in a period of flux. Thispaper discusses three current and critical problems that agenda-settingresearch has been facing recently: the problems of process,identity, and environment. These problems are critical becauseeach has implications that might call into question the valueof agenda-setting theory. The process problem concerns the natureof the agenda-setting process, specifically, the degree to whichthe agenda-setting process is automatic and unthinking. Theidentity problem asks whether the new concept of attribute agendasetting will become indistinguishable from framing or traditionalpersuasion research. The environment problem asks if the developmentof communication technology and the subsequent growth in thenumber and variety of news outlets will minimize the impactof media agenda setting at the social level, leading to fragmentationof the public agenda. After examining each of the problems,I suggest that the agenda-setting perspective is still worthpursuing, and I present an agenda that agenda-setting researchshould address for its future development.  相似文献   

This study tests the agenda-setting hypothesis for the environmentalissue in Hong Kong from 1983 to 1995. It was found that theagenda-setting hypothesis was supported for the initial periodof five and a half years. In the subsequent period of sevenand a half years, despite the increased media coverage of theissues, there was a significant drop in the perceived salienceof the environmental problem. This may be due to the dilutionof public attention as a result of diversity in the news agendaand reporting of local environmental problems as ‘soft’news. It was also found that the environmental issue failedto compete with other prominent issues directly affecting thepublic. The mass media played a much less important role inkeeping the environmental issue on the public agenda at thelater stage.  相似文献   

Five news media in the U.S. were examined to determine the optimaltime-lag for agenda-setting effects to occur for each. Publicresponses to an open-ended question ‘What is the numberone problem facing our country today?’ were compared tomedia coverage from one to 26 weeks earlier. A number of differenceswere found across the five media. The results show that televisioncoverage had a shorter optimal time-lag than newspapers. Themore immediate effect of television news, however, quickly deteriorated,and newspapers had a stronger long-term agenda-setting effect.National and regional media also had a more immediate impactthan local media. All media, generally, had slightly shorteroptimal time-lags than previous research would suggest.  相似文献   


Second-level agenda-setting suggests that news media influence how we think. As a case study examining the nature and effects of mainstream news media’s coverage of the 2015 Apple/FBI dispute about data privacy versus national security, this study found via content analysis that a majority of articles covering the dispute (73.7%) made the same potentially misleading claim about how the American public feels about the dispute. Nearly half (45.6%) of those articles made public opinion claims without offering empirical evidence, and almost all articles (97.4%) that cited the Pew survey appeared to have inadvertently created an unsubstantiated social reality. Then, this study found in a subsequent experiment that, consistent with impersonal influence, the above-mentioned news portrayals significantly affected the participants’ view on Americans’ collective opinion towards the Apple/FBI dispute. The long-term effect of this journalistic oversight is notable. Theoretical implications and practical recommendations for future science communication in the news are discussed.  相似文献   

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