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西方关于宗教与心理健康研究的现状及趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方宗教与心理健康的研究经历了萌芽、缓慢发展和快速发展等几个时期,研究内容主要包括宗教应对、宗教与情绪、宗教与幸福感、宗教与问题行为等;主要研究趋势变现为概念上更多采用“精神性”、研究取向上趋于整合性、研究方法上注重多样性。  相似文献   

宗教和谐是指多种宗教间的自洽、互融、协调、并举态。在宗教和谐态下,各个宗教在共性的平台上保留各自的个性,差异得以共存,各个宗教交叉互补,是其所是,各个宗教可持续发展而达到多赢。协举模式是宗教和谐的内在本质要求,协举模式不同于宗教间关系的排他模式、兼并模式和多元模式,协举模式不仅强调诸宗教的相互依存性、对立独立性,而且强调诸宗教的互相渗透、互相补充而交叉跃迁;协举模式还强调诸宗教公共奉向的点位。只有通过诸宗教的协调并举才能达到宗教间关系的真正和谐。  相似文献   

西方国家在其教育世俗化的过程中,由于历史和现实因素的影响,对宗教与公共教育关系的处理采取了不同的政策,从而形成了有代表性的四种模式:以法国为代表的激进的排斥模式、以美国为代表的温和的分离模式、以英国为代表的积极的包容模式和以德国为代表的协调的伙伴模式.对于西方国家在长期历史中形成的应对这一问题的有益经验,我们应以科学的态度加以研究、学习和吸收.  相似文献   

大学生群体是各种思想竞相争夺的重点人群,其中宗教的影响尤其值得我们高度重视。部分大学生对宗教态度暧昧甚至信仰宗教,其中的原因是多维复合的,学界的已有研究涉及到心理学、宗教学、教育学等多个视角。但作为一种社会意识形态,宗教首先表现为一种传播行为,从传播学视角探析大学生的宗教信仰问题,我们发现:宗教文化传播内容的强吸引,宗教文化传播途径的全覆盖,宗教文化传播策略的高度灵活,共同营造了有利于大学生宗教信仰的环境和条件。基于此,有必要从规范宗教文化的传播内容,监管宗教文化的传播途径,加强对大学生参与宗教事务的管理等方面采取措施予以应对。  相似文献   

实施宗教和谐战略既是由宗教自身及其发展中的某些特点所决定,又是贯彻落实国家宗教方针政策的需要;既是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求,又是建设社会主义新农村的客观需要;既是应对我国国内宗教和谐形势发展的需要,又是应对国际宗教形势发展给我国带来种种挑战的需要。  相似文献   

实施宗教和谐战略既是由宗教自身及其发展中的某些特点所决定,又是贯彻落实国家宗教方针政策的需要;既是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求,又是建设社会主义新农村的客观需要;既是应对我国国内宗教和谐形势发展的需要,又是应对国际宗教形势发展给我国带来种种挑战的需要。  相似文献   

大学校园文化对大学生理想信念的形成和心理健康的发展都具有重要作用.而近年来宗教文化对校园文化的影响越来越大,对学生的人生观、价值观产生了不容忽视的影响.本文通过调查研究,分析了大学生信仰宗教的基本情况、原因、传播特点和影响,提出了应对大学生信仰宗教现象的对策.  相似文献   

作为当代著名的社会学家,贝拉的思想主要围绕着现代性议题中宗教的意义和功能而展开。从其宗教社会学大致可分为求学阶段的学术积累、哈佛大学时期的悲观的乐观主义、20世纪60年代中后期的乐观的悲观主义和70年代后的后新教徒问题四个时期,他分别对宗教的本质、宗教研究的路径、宗教与现代化、宗教进化、美国公民宗教和美国道德生态重建等具体议题进行了分析。但我国学界对贝拉的介绍和研究多具碎片化。贝拉宗教社会学的基石是其宗教观,而这种宗教观又主要扎根于西方特别是美国社会之中。为此,我们对贝拉理论的接受和批判都必须以此为逻辑起点;同时,我们更不应仅拘囿于他的某个论说,而应对其学说有着整体的把握。  相似文献   

詹姆斯的宗教哲学可以分为三个部分:首先是捍卫个人信仰的合法性和自由,其次是应对现实的宗教信仰危机,最后是试图在自然科学的基础上建立起宗教科学来一劳永逸地结束宗教纷争。其中最为核心的就是他的反本质主义的个人宗教观。  相似文献   

宗教对话已经成为当今宗教研究领域的一个热点问题,而在实在论的范围内进行对话一直是宗教对话界的主流。每个宗教都有一个终极实在,这种终极实在是指向“神”或者“实在者”的,而在现代社会,人们所持的是“人中心”的实在观,这两种分解的实在观所带来的排他性在不同程度上阻碍了宗教对话的进行,我们试图寻找一种更具有包容性的终极实在,使得宗教对话能够更为顺利地进行。笔者认为,这种实在观可以在雷蒙.潘尼卡的“宇宙——神——人共融”的模式中得以实现,在这一模式下,各宗教可以互相丰富,在不和谐中看到和谐。在本文的最后还对非实在论加入宗教对话阵营的现象进行探讨。  相似文献   

The present study concurrently examined protective factors associated with the adaptive outcomes of resilience and posttraumatic growth (PTG; defined as positive psychological change resulting from a life crisis or trauma), after accounting for relevant demographic factors and the impact of circumstances surrounding childhood victimization (i.e., age of first trauma, frequency of victimization, and perception of trauma severity). The protective factors examined in the present study included social support from friends and family, optimism, positive religious coping (i.e., looking to God for support and guidance; forgiveness), and negative religious coping (i.e., feeling abandoned by God; anger towards God). Participants included 161 college students from the US MidSouth, aged 18–24 (Mage = 19.97, SD = 1.86). All participants reported experiencing physical violence and/or sexual abuse during their childhood. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that after accounting for demographics and circumstances surrounding the childhood victimization, higher resilience was associated with greater family support, optimism, and positive religious coping, while higher posttraumatic growth was associated with greater optimism and positive religious coping. These findings underscore the protective role of optimism with respect to both resilience and posttraumatic growth. Additionally, results highlight the importance of examining cognitions related to religious coping rather than simply assessing broadband religiosity, as only positive religious coping was associated with adaptive outcomes. Findings suggest the importance of early intervention to bolster protective factors (i.e., family support, positive thinking, gratitude, and positive religious coping skills) among youth exposed to childhood physical and sexual victimization.  相似文献   

Staff providing support to children with disabilities in residential disability centres in Oman are exposed to stressful work environments which may put them at an increased risk of burnout. Previous research has examined predictors of stress in disability support staff, but there is little consensus as the findings are inconclusive. Using a cross‐sectional design, a short survey examined religious coping styles, meaning and inner sense of peace, attitude to meaning in life, organisational religiousness practices and stress of 142 female disability support staff from community disability centres in Oman. Multiple regression analyses indicated that positive religious coping was more predictive of stress than negative religious coping. There was an association between meaning‐making and stress in disability support staff. Religious organisation explained most of the variance in stress scores and was the best predictor of stress in disability support staff. Implications of the study are discussed in relation to the role of both culture and religion.  相似文献   

藏传佛教文化的传承路径及当代适应性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藏族社会全民信教以及宗教生活与世俗生活的同一性特点,决定了藏传佛教文化的传承是通过两个途径来实现的:一种是包括家庭宗教经验和寺院学习的宗教教育,另一种是以强调习俗、禁忌为主的宗教礼仪规则。宗教教育与宗教礼仪在继承藏传佛教文化,增强民族认同感和归属感的同时,还将蕴含在其文化中的道德伦理观念传扬下去。当代社会,藏传佛教文化如何适应现代化发展,无疑是一个重要的研究课题。  相似文献   

弱智儿童父母心理压力与应付方式、生活质量的相关研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的 :探讨弱智儿童父母的心理压力与应付方式、生活质量的相关性。方法 :对 1 0 1位弱智儿童的父母采用残疾儿童父母心理压力问卷、应付方式问卷和生活质量综合评定问卷 (GQOLI)进行测评。结果 :父亲的心理压力的总分与自责和幻想的应付方式正相关 ;母亲的心理压力总分与自责和退避的应付方式有正相关。弱智儿童父亲和母亲的心理压力与生活质量呈显著负相关。多元回归结果表明 ,对父亲的心理压力贡献最大的因素是心理功能状态和采用退避的应付方式 ,对母亲的心理压力的总分贡献最大的因素是心理功能状态、采用退避和自责的应付方式以及生活质量  相似文献   

Anxiety is a common symptom among college counseling clients. Perhaps because of the unique developmental tasks they face, many later adolescents (ages 18–24 years) use religious coping to manage anxiety. Many counselors are uncertain about how to address religious themes in therapy, if at all. However, most clients of faith do not want counselors to ignore their religious beliefs. In fact, later adolescents may use faith‐based coping mechanisms to navigate the challenges of their developmental stage.  相似文献   

This study examines religious identity development of pupils at Dutch schools for secondary education (mean age 16.4). With the help of a theoretical conceptualization of “religious identity development” empirical research is carried out. Main question is whether differences in terms of religious commitment and exploration between pupils of the four participating schools can be explained by religious denominations of pupils and the importance the pupils' parents attach to worldview. It is concluded that school in general has no significant main effect on religious commitments and explorations of pupils. Religious backgrounds of pupils should be taken into account. Because pupils themselves do indicate that school has influence on the way they look at life, further research is needed in which specific school aspects (like the way pupils evaluate religious education) should also be taken into account.  相似文献   


This study examined the relationships among courage, strategies of coping with career indecision, and future orientation in a sample of high school students. A total of 460 Greek adolescents from provincial cities participated in the study. The results indicated that courage indirectly predicted future orientation through productive coping strategies. The main conclusion refers to the fact that specific interventions could promote productive coping strategies and courage, which in turn, may foster the future orientation of adolescents to construct multiple positive occupational pathways, coping with various career and life decisions and, overall, orient themselves positively toward the future.


University students experience stress, and how they cope with this stress affects their academic achievement. This study examined stress in teacher education students and had three objectives: to describe different degrees of stress and coping styles; to study the relationship between stress, coping strategies and academic achievement; and to examine whether increased age can moderate the effects of stress on academic achievement in 334 university-students. There were three main findings: many students experienced stress and used avoidance coping strategies; the students who were under less stress and engaged less in cognitive avoidance and more in problem-focused coping were also the students who made more academic achievement; and students under more stress performed worse, but with age stress affected performance less. In teacher education students, it is important to recognize and address the harmful effects of stress on well-being and academic achievement, to avoid long-term problems in professional and personal life.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a cross-sectional and prospective longitudinal study of stress, coping, and psychological symptoms in children of divorce. The sample consisted of 258 children (mean age = 10.1; SD = 1.2), of whom 196 were successfully followed 5.5 months later. A 4-dimensional model of coping was found using confirmatory factor analysis, with the factors being active coping, avoidance, distraction, and support. In the cross-sectional model avoidance coping partially mediated the relations between negative events and symptoms while active coping moderated the relations between negative events and conduct problems. In the longitudinal model significant negative paths were found from active coping and distraction Time 1 to internalizing symptoms Time 2, while Time 1 support coping had a positive path coefficient to Time 2 depression. Positive paths were found between negative events at Time 1 and anxiety at Time 2, and between all symptoms at Time 1 and negative events at Time 2.  相似文献   

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