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从绿色化学研究的重点出发,通过实验前绿色化学理念的传承,化学实验过程中绿色化学习惯的培养,实验教学外绿色化学思想的渗透,培养学生的环保意识,从而实现化学实验的绿色化.  相似文献   

阐述了绿色化学、化学实验绿色化的概念。绿色化学与环境保护的关系;化学实验绿色化是实验教学发展的趋势,简述了绿色化学实验的内容。  相似文献   

在高中化学课堂中实施绿色化学教育,将绿色化学思想渗透到课堂教学中,有利于学生绿色环保意识的培养.在高中化学实验中实施绿色化学教育的策略是:化学实验绿色化;实验教学绿色化;化学实验微型化.  相似文献   

在化学教学中渗透绿色化学理念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了在化学教学中渗透绿色化学理念的必要性,通过开设绿色化学讲座、补充教学内容、改革化学实验使化学实验绿色化等途径,渗透绿色化学理念教育。  相似文献   

达德荣 《甘肃教育》2014,(10):48-48
正近些年来,大气污染、臭氧层破坏、淡水资源污染、有毒化学品直接排放等环境污染问题日益严重。为此,在化学实验教学中大力实施绿色化学实验迫在眉睫。绿色化学实验不仅可以保护学生的身体健康发展、保护环境,同时还对学生进行环保教育、培养学生的环境意识起着很重大的意义。本文就什么是绿色化学实验,为什么实施绿色化学实验和中学化学教学中怎样实施绿色化学实验进行探讨。  相似文献   

绿色化学实验是绿色化学新理念在化学教学中的具体体现,是化学教学中实施创新教育的重要内容和必要保证。在化学教学过程中,绿色化学实验不仅能使实验者在良好的实验环境中工作和学习,而且能使学生在实验过程中培养预防化学污染的思想和学习消除或尽可能减少毒气污染的实验技术。对绿色化学实验的研究,将为我们在化学教学中实施创新教育作出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

正近几年,我国中考化学已经逐渐增加绿色化学试题的份量,也就是意味着绿色化学将成为化学的发展方向.此种情况下,目前初中学校需要完成的工作是加强绿色化学题材的实验试题教学,促使学生掌握解答绿色化实验试题的能力,更好的应对化学中考.为此,笔者在文中从介绍绿色化学开始,详细的分析如何构建绿色化学题材的实验试题来教授学生.一、绿色化学所谓绿色化学是指研究如何从化学反应的设计、反应的进  相似文献   

绿色环保实验是新课改下化学实验教学中所倡导的一种新型的实验理念,通过绿色实验,可以有效降低实验的污染性,减少化学实验的环境压力。在本文中,笔者就简单阐述了在化学实验教学中开展绿色化学实验的几点措施。  相似文献   

中学化学实验绿色化改革的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高中化学新课程中,明确要求学生应"树立绿色化学思想"、"形成绿色化学的观念",表明绿色化学思想已成为化学课程与教学的一项重要的目标和内容.化学课程是以实验为基础的自然学科,中学化学实验绿色化研究,一直是广大化学教师致力研究的课题.本文从化学系统论的动态角度,运用绿色化学理念通过改进实验原理、控制实验条件、改进实验方法等方面进行中学化学实验绿色化的研究.  相似文献   

结合化学实验教学的特点,本文探讨了在高师化学实验教学中实施绿色化学教学的重要性,介绍了绿色化学实验体系的内涵和概念、实施绿色化学实验的基本原则、基本方法。同时给出了绿色化学实验的若干应用实例,指出了按照绿色化学要求改进化学实验的必要性和可行性措施。  相似文献   

Given the diversity of materials in our surroundings, one should expect scientifically literate citizens to have a basic understanding of the core ideas and practices used to analyze chemical substances. In this article, we use the term ‘chemical identity' to encapsulate the assumptions, knowledge, and practices upon which chemical analysis relies. We conceive chemical identity as a core crosscutting disciplinary concept which can bring coherence and relevance to chemistry curricula at all educational levels, primary through tertiary. Although chemical identity is not a concept explicitly addressed by traditional chemistry curricula, its understanding can be expected to evolve as students are asked to recognize different types of substances and explore their properties. The goal of this contribution is to characterize students' assumptions about factors that determine chemical identity and to map how core assumptions change with training in the discipline. Our work is based on the review and critical analysis of existing research findings on students' alternative conceptions in chemistry education, and historical and philosophical analyses of chemistry. From this perspective, our analysis contributes to the growing body of research in the area of learning progressions. In particular, it reveals areas in which our understanding of students' ideas about chemical identity is quite robust, but also highlights the existence of major knowledge gaps that should be filled in to better foster student understanding. We provide suggestions in this area and discuss implications for the teaching of chemistry.  相似文献   

Understanding the nature of chemical thinking and action, as well as their application and impact on our world should be central goals of chemistry education at all educational levels. However, traditional school chemistry is still mostly focused on having students learn the body of declarative knowledge built over the years in the discipline. Achieving changes in curriculum and teaching practices in this context remains a challenging task. Studies in the history and philosophy of the discipline suggest that chemistry has unique characteristics that need to be recognised and considered in chemistry education. Many of these studies point to a pluralism in the discipline, and in the understanding of and about chemistry, that should be characterised and incorporated into our educational models. In this essay, we have attempted to build such a characterisation using conceptual profiles theory to propose a framework that can be used to enrich and support the thinking and action of chemistry teachers at all educational levels.  相似文献   

在有机化学实验中开设综合研究型实验,加强了学生的化学实验技能。对开设实验的特点、教学模式,进行了大胆的探索,取得了初步效果。  相似文献   

在绿色化学思想的指导下,用预防化学污染的新思想、新方法和新技术,对常规实验进行改革,从而极大地减少实验室“三废”,降低污染的程度和不必要的浪费,构建“绿色化学实验室”.从实验教学实际出发,通过更新化学实验内容、发展微型实验、选用环境友好的化学试剂和反应,降低实验成本、提高安全性,从源头上防止污染.在实验教学中向学生灌输“绿色化学”观念,培养学生环境保护和可持续发展意识.  相似文献   

作为自然科学的核心一级学科及社会迫切需要的实用科学,“大学化学”已逐渐成为现代大学知识结构的基本组成部分。通过多年“大学化学”课程教学实践和收集到的学生对本课程的反馈意见,提出了关于“大学化学”课程教学改革建议:教学内容体现实用性,以案例教学方式加强体现化学与专业相关性;教学内容体现前沿性,展示前沿科技成果,激发学生学习化学兴趣;理论课与实验课相结合,增加实验开放时间,提高学生实践能力。  相似文献   

For more than 40 years, the international community has acknowledged the role education might play in environmental awareness and conservation. The last major initiative came when the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed a Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–2014). In the final year of the decade, teachers still struggle to realise education for sustainable development (ESD). One of the challenges teachers face with respect to ESD is the inclusion of even more content into an already overloaded curriculum. In response, it has been suggested that ESD should be introduced as an integrated perspective across the content of all existing subjects. This paper offers a model for how ESD can be realised in chemistry education. The model has been developed to support chemistry teachers in their educational planning and consists of 5 categories: chemical content knowledge, chemistry in context, the distinctiveness and methodological character of chemistry, ESD competences and lived ESD. The ESD model is illustrated through 5 ellipses, visualising the hierarchy of the categories, as they exist in different levels. All 5 ESD categories need to be considered in a holistic ESD approach.  相似文献   

化学学科理解是一种学习活动,其主体是高中化学教师,其功能是使教师丰富化学学科教学知识、完善化学学科教学思维、提升化学教学能力,为落实“素养为本”的教学目标做好理解方面的准备。教师应从以下三个方向来增进化学学科理解:既要关注知识的成立条件,又要关注知识的依存条件;既要基于知识内在结构进行完整性理解,又要基于知识结构化进行关联性理解;既要关注知识的科学属性,又要关注知识的实践属性、辩证属性等其他属性。  相似文献   

Volunteer non-major chemistry students taking an introductory university chemistry course (n = 17) were interviewed about their understanding of a variety of chemical diagrams. All the students’ interviewed appreciated that diagrams of laboratory equipment were useful to show how to set up laboratory equipment. However students’ ability to explain specific diagrams at either the macroscopic or sub-microscopic level varied greatly. The results highlighted the poor level of understanding that some students had even after completing both exercises and experiments using the diagrams. The connection between the diagrams of the macroscopic level (equipment, chemicals), the sub-microscopic level (molecular) and the symbolic level (equations) was not always considered explicitly by students. The results indicate a need for chemical diagrams to be used carefully and more explicitly to ensure learner understanding. Correspondingly, students need to interpret visual chemical diagrams using meta-visualization skills linking the various levels of representation, and appreciating the role of the diagrams in explanations need to be developed.  相似文献   

本文作者提出用“基础实验操作技术”、“物质性质实验”、“化学合成及表征”、“化学实验设计与研究”四门相对独立于理论课的实验课程代替现行的“四大化学”实验课。  相似文献   

笔者联系生活实际,介绍了相关化学常识及化学制品的各种用途。人人树立环境保护意识,让中学生正确的科学的认识自然,为学好化学知识奠定基础。  相似文献   

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