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This paper examines the relationship between political change and epistemologies and methodologies employed at doctorate level. It does so by analysing the range of topics, questions and methodologies used by doctoral students at the University of Pretoria’s Faculty of Education between 1985 and 2005—a time-frame that covers the decade before and the decade after South Africa’s historical transition to democracy in 1994. During this period the composition of doctoral students at that faculty changed from being largely white and male to a more diverse population in terms of gender and race. A crucial shift took place after 2000 with the arrival of a Black dean who sought to introduce a transformational shift. The paper makes use of Karmon’s notion of epistemic environment, which refers to the way knowledge is conceptualised at institutional level. The data shows how the authoritarian and regulated epistemic environment that shaped the conception of knowledge at the faculty until 2000 created doctoral dissertations that aimed to correct and guide the society but lacked critical discourse and relevance to South Africa’s political, social and educational context. While the transition to democracy in 1994 produced merely semantic changes, if any, the strong internal initiative to change the research culture from 2000 onwards has managed to shift basic notions of truth and knowledge and the understanding of the role and nature of research. This movement was, however, constrained by the institution’s long-established epistemic environment.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on educational leadership in the context of social transition to post-apartheid democracy in South Africa. Transitional leaders manifest behaviours, attitudes, values and strategies that are deeply related to the contexts within which they work. Social norms and political climate may not be supportive of educational leaders wishing to rise to the challenge of unplanned transition; however this paper focuses on leaders who take up this challenge. Narratives of three educational leaders, two white and one black, provide an understanding of the complexities and challenges involved in bringing about change that goes against the grain of social, community, or institutional expectations. Five common strands that bind the narratives of the three leaders are revealed. These commonalities are: a sense of moral purpose, a sense of human frailty, a sense of racial inclusion, a sense of political complexity, and a sense of personal growth. In conclusion, seven propositions that may form the building blocks for new ways of thinking about leadership in post conflict societies are presented.  相似文献   

对立宪民主的追求是近代中国政治的主旋律。然而五四时期,受激进主义与保守主义思潮的影响,在中国知识界中形成了不同的民主观,设计出了异样的民主政制。激进知识分子对民主的理解发生了根本转变,主张直接民权、平民政治、阶级政治等,而胡适学人群、研究系学人群等坚守民主的原本意义,主张代议政治、贤能政治、阶级调和等。重温五四时期知识界关于民主政制的设计及论争,对当前我国民主政治的发展具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   


In the 1930s there emerged an initiative to teach black history and culture to white students, which pre-dates more widespread efforts of the post-Second World War era. This article analyses student work – considering sight, sound and text – and investigates what white students learned about African-American history and culture. Curriculum history has generally relied on textbook analysis, while this study examines non-traditional teaching materials and student work. It is argued that, while most of the student work reveals the reification of stereotypes of blacks as lazy and in need of white oversight, the school work of white students reveals an eagerness to understand African-Americans. However, white students could only understand African-Americans in relation to themselves and could not remove themselves from the centre of their study of black history and culture. Such attempts at learning an inclusive history from the learners’ viewpoints are rarely documented in the history of education.  相似文献   

黑色和白色是世界上最简单、纯净的两种颜色,却成就了中国画永恒的魅力。黑白之色,为何成为了中国画的灵魂标志?黑白之美,如何造就了中国画的精神气质?从黑白之源谈起,说明黑白两色,从一开始就受到华夏先祖的青睐,成为中国人重要的审美、说理的形式载体。从虚实相生、动静结合的角度谈了黑白之法,阐述了黑白之美及黑白两色的艺术前景。  相似文献   

Despite concern about the effectiveness of biracial schooling, there is little research which delineates what actually happens in desegrated classrooms. To generate information where the scientific knowledge base is limited, 10 second-grade teachers (five black and five white) were observed. The question raised was: In a sequence of teaching behaviors for reading groups, what are the proportions of positive and negative behaviors directed toward black and white children? In summing the behavior of all 10 teachers, the proportions of positive and negative behaviors directed toward black and white children were remarkably similar to the ethnic composition of the sample, yet these undifferentiated results did not hold for groups of black or white teachers. In addition to group differences, sketches of an individual white and a black teacher are presented, including observation results and data from a standardized interview of social distance.  相似文献   

胡适的日记、来往书信,以及北大收藏的相关史料表明:胡适任院长的时间是1932年2月,不是学界一般认为的1931年。胡适对于1930年代北大的中兴起了很重要的作用,但是他在开始的一段时间里是以兼职教授身份为北大帮忙,不愿意在北大正式任职。“九·一八”事变后,国内政治环境和北大校务方面的一系列变化最终促成了胡适出任北大文学院院长。  相似文献   

安德鲁斯的论著《讲述自由的故事》,将黑人自传研究纳入一个内含三重关系框架的大系统:黑奴作者与白人中介(白人速记员、白人编辑,白人出版商)、黑奴作者与白人读者、黑奴作者与废奴主义社会大环境。通过研究黑奴叙事的写作与阅读,安德鲁斯提出了颠覆性的观点:白人读者因为采用了双重阅读策略而导致黑奴叙事长期以来被误读和误解。  相似文献   

This paper aims to consolidate the major themes which emerge from the contributions to this special issue on democracy and education. It traces links between democracy in education and wider social formations, and charts possible directions for the processes of democratisation. It asks whether such moves are just a 'democratic face' to mask economic neo-liberalism, or represent real shifts towards social justice and equality. The paper looks first at the connections between democratisation of schooling and three dimensions of the social structure in a country: the political system and governance; wealth and poverty; and gender relations. It draws the obvious conclusion at this point that education is necessary but not sufficient to achieve radical change in these areas. Secondly, the paper synthesises nine of the emergent processes and avenues for democratisation in education: definitions of democracy; legislation and policy for democracy; decentralisation of education; teacher education; teacher unions and networks; governing bodies and parental participation; student associations and networks; partnerships with outside agencies; and research. The conclusion raises another set of questions about strategy within education, with so much clearly depending on the history of democracy (or its absence) in a country, and on what sorts of definitions, networks and allegiances are possible. Internationalisation and 'cosmopolitan democracy' will certainly become increasingly important in establishing the values involved, and comparative education has a significant role to play here.  相似文献   

This article focuses on work and life balance from a community college occupational dean perspective. It addresses definitions and concepts of work life and the nature of the role of occupational dean. The themes from this study include the use of time both at work and away from work, work/life crossover, perception of work/life, and work/life satisfaction.  相似文献   

美国黑人女作家托尼·莫里森的处女作《最蓝的眼睛》展现了一个黑人女孩为渴求一双白人所拥有的蓝眼睛而经历的悲惨遭遇。面对白人主流文化的强烈冲击,许多象故事主人公一样的黑人女性迷失在白人编织的理想关的神话里而无法自拔。然而,莫里森并非仅仅着重刻画白人理想关神话下的负面响应,同时也积极探讨了如何打破神话,在白人文化中保持黑人本色的有效途径。  相似文献   

The real and imagined racial differences and similarities between groups of students and staff have consequences in everyday experiences in South Africa. One aspect of engaging with the challenges facing higher education transformation post-Apartheid is through understanding how the racialized context interacts with the experience of teaching. This paper reports on what the narratives of four white academics reveal about their experience of teaching at the University of Cape Town (UCT). It analyses indicators of their identity as white academics and how they are both positioned and actively position themselves in relation to students and other academics at UCT. Their narratives reveal how academics simultaneously grapple with the privileges and limitations that accompany identifying as white. These tensions are explored through issues of black student development amid an alienating institutional culture and opposition to the behaviour of their white colleagues.  相似文献   

Black and white male schoolchildren covertly evaluated their own performance at a verbal task administered by black and white male experimenters. It was hypothesized that academically successful children would be predisposed to appraise themselves favorably, whereas relatively unsuccessful pupils would be biased toward self-criticism. The covert self-evaluations were assumed to represent at internalization of early experiences of predominantly positive or negative social reinforcement from adult socializing agents. The predicition for self-criticism was upheld in the white experimenter condition but not in the black experimenter condition. Relationships consistent with the theory were found between subjects' self-appraisals and their retrospective reports of positive and negative reinforcements received from parents and teachers in various typical situations. These relationships were more evident for black subjects than for white subjects. The extent to which children's self-praise and self-criticism mediated affect was assessed by means of a color conditioning technique. Contrary to predicition, possibly due to the easy nature of the experimental task.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):175-192

This article examines the identities of three black academics at historically white universities in South Africa. Three portraits that highlight politics within the professoriate as constituting a site for struggle are crafted. The wish is to shift the present focus in the South African literature by addressing the variety and complexity of black academics' everyday involvement in their oppression, demonstrating how that works. The analyses are set against the background of globalisation and the transformation of higher education worldwide. It is argued that the future of tertiary education in South Africa and elsewhere is likely to be influenced by battles within the academy about issues of diversity in regard to race, class and gender. Its outcomes are far from predictable.  相似文献   

美国黑人女作家托尼·莫里森的第一部小说《最蓝的眼睛》在声讨种族主义、探讨黑人出路的问题上采取了不同于以往多数黑人作家传统的做法,标志着黑人文学逐步走向成熟和理性.小说主人公的悲剧揭示了白人种族文化观对黑人的残害,而黑人对自身的不幸也有不可推卸的责任,黑人的自我歧视埋下了更加痛苦的种子.所以,黑人自我态度的改变成了他们实现真正自我的关键.  相似文献   

This article offers a theoretical analysis and phenomenological study of the leadership experiences of black women college students at a predominantly white higher education institution. Existing literature argues that leadership development is vital to the college experience as an opportunity to empower and engage students in social change. However, the implementation of these leadership development models fail to consider how the racial and gender identities of students influence leadership development or student peer interactions (Byrd, 2009; Kezar & Moriarty, 2000). Through black feminist standpoint theory, I present a theoretical framework that highlights the historical traditions of black women's leadership. These historical traditions grounded my qualitative study, which explores the experiences of contemporary black women's student leadership. Participants reported interpersonal interactions with oppression, more specifically: stereotypes, microaggressions, racialized and gendered self-presentation expectations, along with negotiating voice and silencing. A number of social factors were cited as sources of nourishment where women drew from historical traditions of black women's leadership to persist through oppressive challenges. Additional sources of nourishment included mothering, mentorship, allyship from white peers, and the formation of social networks.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,大学院长在学院和学校中发挥的作用越来越突出,其角色冲突也愈发明显,具体体现为角色间的冲突和角色内冲突两类。这两类角色冲突是由社会环境、学校内部管理体制外部原因和院长自身科学素养内部原因引起的,引起的角色冲突极大影响了学院甚至是学校的教育改革的进程,亟需社会、学校和大学院长自身进行调试,缓解角色冲突,保证教育事业健康发展。  相似文献   

陈独秀对资产阶级民主、社会主义民主及共产党内民主有深刻的观察与思考,但他本人没有走进上述任何层次的民主。要真正实现人民民主,必须消除坐而论道的陈独秀作风,这就是历史给予后人的启示。  相似文献   

“黑白“在我国美术世界中的重要地位有其历史的渊源。黑白木版画之所以具备丰富的艺术表现力,乃是缘于“黑白“的社会学与美学特性,同时也基于现代艺术心理学之科学依据。现代黑白木版画的创作是主体思维过程特征的一种反映,因此,必须在形象思维的基础上,充分发挥抽象思维的重要作用,使作品兼备观赏性的黑白形式美感和艺术性的黑白内美的特征,以利于我国现代黑白木版画语言的建构。  相似文献   

毛泽东民主法制思想是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分.毛泽东在民主法制建设中有许多成功的经验,也有深刻的历史教训,在实施"依法治国"方略的今天,对毛泽东思想中的民主法制思想进行探索和思考,既具有重要的理论意义,也有深刻的现实意义.本文从法制原则、宪法思想、刑法思想三个方面对毛泽东的民主法制思想进行了简单的分析.  相似文献   

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