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区分认知理性与实践理性是解读儒家性善论教育思想基础的前提。"性善论"是一种实践理性哲学的概念,它具有十分重要的教育学意蕴,强调性善意味着人与物的区别,人的价值的凸显;强调性善即是对人的道德主体性的肯定;强调性善才可能确立"道之以德"的正确教育原则,才可能为道德教育定性。  相似文献   

教育理论和实践总是离不开对于人性的理解和认定,人们的儿童观和教育观总是以特定的人性思想为基础。对教育思想中的人性论进行了梳理,对人的基本属性即人的自然属性、社会属性、精神属性与教育之间的关系进行了探讨。研究认为,精神性、生命性、差异性、创新性等,是“人性化教育”的核心思想与实践原则。  相似文献   

教育与人性观紧密相联,教育以人性假设为前提,不同的人性假设会导致不同的教育理念和方法等。本文主要分析人性假设的一支—性恶论的代表人物、基本观点、相关教育理论,力图从中寻找它的教育意义和启示。  相似文献   

人性假设是教育管理的重要出发点,中国文化形成了以人性善为主的人性假设思想,西方文化则孕育了以人性恶为主的人性假设思想,中西不同的人性假设形成教育管理的重大差异。中国历史上很长时间忽略了教育管理权,西方则很早就发挥了国家在教育管理中的作用;中国教育管理人治色彩浓厚,西方教育管理法治色彩明显;中国教育管理强调道德约束,西方教育管理重在利益刺激;中国教育管理凸显权威管理,西方教育管理重视民主管理;中国教育管理以维护稳定为根本,西方教育管理则以提高效率为要义;中国教育管理改革意识相对淡薄,西方教育管理改革意识强烈。  相似文献   

教改性质的历史分析:逡逡巡巡步向理想   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
单文经 《教育学报》2006,2(2):25-35
单单是从我个人二三十年的教育研究经历,就已经看到不少的“教改精英”——不论是教育行政主管、抑或是教育学者专家、或是一些关心教育问题的民意代表或意见领袖——在提出教育改革的主张时,可能有意或无意地忽略了教育改革的历史殷鉴,因而存在着不少学者所批评的:教育改革的言说或行动充满了“忽略历史” (ahistorical)的缺憾。我认为研究教育改革的历史,可以使我们与现在保持一段心理距离,让我们能够大大方方地评估过去改革的经验,并且从中获取宝贵的教训。从本文章的分析之中,似可理解教育改革乃是逡巡慢步朝向教育的理想逐步前进,而无法欲求急促见效或是快速直达也。  相似文献   

The basic principle of educational equality is that each child should receive an equally good education. This sounds appealing, but is rather vague and needs substantial working out. Also, educational equality faces all the objections to equality per se, plus others specific to its subject matter. Together these have eroded confidence in the viability of equality as an educational ideal. This article argues that equality of educational opportunity is not the best way of understanding educational equality. It focuses on Brighouse and Swift's well worked out meritocratic conception and finds it irretrievably flawed; they should, instead, have pursued a radical conception they only mention. This conception is used as a starting point for developing a luck egalitarian conception, pluralistic and complex in nature. It is argued that such a conception accounts for the appeal of equality of opportunity, fits with other values in education and meets many of the objections. Thus, equality is reasserted as what morally matters most in education.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的迅猛发展,人们对人才的重要性和人才标准的认识发生了重大变化,由强调精专实用转为更重视人才的综合素质。为适应这一转变,在全面推进教育体制改革的大背景下,党中央国务院颁布了《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》。理论界、教育界,尤其是高等学校对素质教育进行了广泛深入的理论研究和实践探索。本文从素质的概念和目前高校素质教育的现状出发,阐述了对高等学校素质教育的必要性,长期性和实践性的认识。  相似文献   

教育家都把教育看作是培养人的活动。要对教育本质的问题有较深刻的理解 ,必须首先回答人的本质。从某种程度说 ,人是两种存在纬度的结合 :“是其所是”的客观物在和“是其所不是”的自我超越。人的超越性不仅在于实践活动 ,更在于精神活动。因而可以说 ,教育的本质是将教育作为以人为对象的塑造与建构人的精神世界的一种特殊的精神生产活动 ,指向人的精神生活领域 ,其根本目的是培养人的精神世界。  相似文献   

研究性学习是一种新的教学理念、教学方式,同时也是一门课程,是为了适应素质教育和信息社会的需要在全国上下逐步展开的。本文就研究性学习的本质,以及在实施研究性学习的实践中存在的一些误区谈谈初步认识。  相似文献   

中国古代人性论与教育观的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育是培养人的社会活动,人性论与教育观有着密切联系的内在逻辑性。中国古代的思想家、教育家很早就自觉地将人性与教育关联在一起,可以说,人性论是他们确立教育观的理论基础。根据古代思想家们对教育作用、教育对象、教育内容和教育方法四个方面的阐述,论证中国古代人性论与教育观的关系,试图去寻找中国教育理论发展的思想根源。  相似文献   

如果孤立地在形而上意义上抽象地讨论人性的善恶,在今天看来,其意义确实不大。但若从人性与道德教育的联系来看,情况可能就大不一样了。传统的人性理论是道德教育与道德修养学说的理论前提,这使得我们有必要对道德教育与道德修养的理论前提及目的进行反思,对道德教育所依据的原则规范的内容及特性进行再认识,以发掘传统道德教育与修养学说对今天的道德教育活动的有益借鉴和积极启示。  相似文献   

城市化进程中农民工社会权性质的受教育权初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民工社会权性质的受教育权的缺失体现在农民工教育制度安排上还不是常态;教育机构设施不健全;教育培训上没有做到实质的公平.城市农民工不是城市的他者.同时国际和国内法都赋予了农民工的教育权.公权力机构有义务满足农民工的教育需求.加强教育立法、扩大行政诉讼范围和加大输入地政府政策扶持、资金投入和设施保障是完善农民受教育权的基本路径.  相似文献   

从教育装备的起源和教育装备的本质出发,运用历史引证、逻辑分析、理性判断的方法对教育装备的定义进行论证。通过这一论证,使得教育装备发展史的研究更加清晰,断代更加有据,目的更加明确。  相似文献   

David Bakhurst's 2011 book ‘The Formation of Reason’ explores the philosophy of John McDowell in general and the Aristotelian notion of second nature more specifically, topics to which philosophers of education have not yet given adequate attention. The book's widespread appeal led to the symposium ‘Second Nature, Bildung and McDowell: David Bakhurst's The Formation of Reason’, which appeared in the first issue of the 50th anniversary volume of the Journal of Philosophy of Education in 2016. Despite its obvious educational relevance, whether and how Bakhurst's McDowellian line of philosophical argument shapes the domain of educational enquiry or discourse remains up for debate. The rich contributions of Sebastian Rödl, Paul Standish and Jan Derry help us confront this issue. Proceeding with an analysis that is partly explanatory and partly critical of the central aspects of their respective views, I try to show that the basic attraction of the McDowellian/Bakhurstian line of argument concerning educational thinking is that it enables us to address education in the proper context of the natural and the social. In other words, their depiction of a human being as a natural animal in a normative world allows us not to be perturbed either by the natural‐scientific conception of the natural or by the social constructivist thinking of the social, both of which have occasionally distorted how education is addressed and therefore impoverished our understanding of education itself. I conclude with a brief word on the significance of continuing and advancing the conversation initiated by the symposium by noting two viable examples of future work.  相似文献   

This article has a dual purpose. The first is to pay tribute to the work of Richard Selleck and Geoffrey Sherington; the second to argue that historians of education can make substantial contributions to current and future educational policy and practice by identifying what Ravitch has called ‘time-tested truths’. The nature and purpose of historical study are examined with particular reference to education and to making maps of the past. Examples are provided of the application of historical perspectives to contemporary education issues in 1985 and 1996. The final section draws upon an analysis by leading historians in the USA of the failures of school reform, and a research project into the establishment, nature and likely fate of the Department for Education and Employment in the UK. The basic conclusion is that the development of the field of educational administration requires both specialist historical studies and those informed by a broader understanding of educational and human perspectives.  相似文献   

The conception of time that dominates in the educational world of today is that of measurable, invested and managed chronological time. It is the conception of time that corresponds to current priorities such as performativity, global synchronization of educational systems, raising standards and meeting the challenges of the market. The educational transformation of the self and the world, however, requires another conception of time, one that frames another kind of thought and another meaning of education. This article discusses these two conceptions of time by employing the distinction between chronos and kairos. The aim is not to turn this distinction into a dichotomy; instead, the aim is to recuperate the conception of time as kairos and connect it with a desire of philosophy and with education as a lifelong effort towards transformation rather than success. In a complex relation with chronosophy as time management, kairosophy is thus introduced as a critical reflection on lived time.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the idea that education should function to promote economic progress has played a major role in shaping educational policy. So far, however, philosophers of education have shown relatively little interest in analysing this notion and its implications. The present article critically examines, from a philosophical perspective, the link between education and the currently prevailing understanding of economic progress, which is grounded in human capital theory. A number of familiar philosophical objections to the idea that economic progress is a worthy educational aim are raised, but it is held that many of these objections stem from a partial understanding of economic theory. The article then moves on to investigate the foundations of human capital theory's conception of economic progress. It is argued that there are inherent tensions between the philosophical foundations of the economist's conception of progress and the very essence of education. The article concludes by suggesting that in order to resolve these tensions we should consider grounding the economic theory that guides educational policy‐making in an intersubjective or objective conception of welfare.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Recent educational theorising about the nature of teaching, learning and assessment has made much of a distinction between processes and products and of so-called process models of education und curriculum. Following on from reflections on the historical provenance and subsequent evolution of process talk in psychology and the philosophy of mind it is argued in this article that such talk can only import serious conceptual confusion and ambiguity into our attempts to understand clearly and adequately the business of human learning. In the light of this it would be altogether better for us to expunge the language of process from the discourse of education.  相似文献   

刘维娜 《海外英语》2011,(8):117-119,129
The rapid economic development has enhanced the national strength and improved people’s living standards while it also caused confusion in education values. The author tries to look back to different views of human nature in the west and in China, together with the corresponding educational ideas; to expound the most original and fundamental teaching beliefs Chinese people should hold.  相似文献   

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