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"预设"( presupposition )也称之为前提,是语义学中的重要概念。上个世纪70年代曾有大量文献讨论过这个概念。一般说来预设分为语义预设和语用预设。语义预设是以真值条件为基础的,存在于句子结构与句意之中。语用预设是关于说话与语境之间的关系,其特征是预设的合适性和共知性。本文从语义学和语用学角度浅谈"预设"在语义学中和语用学中的区别和联系。  相似文献   

徐蔚雯 《考试周刊》2010,(53):176-177
"概念图"在科学教学中的运用,以及概念转变的科学教学,已经成为当前国际科学教学研究的两大重要前沿课题. 一、"概念图"的涵义 (一)"概念图"的涵义 "概念图"产生于1972年,是诺瓦克和高文根据奥苏贝尔(D.Ausubel)的认知理论发明的一种图式工具,用来描述一个人的概念知识,引导学生将新学习的概念与已有概念图式沟通.  相似文献   

中国社会在形态上已经进入信息化时代,无论网民数量还是网络经济发展的速度,均堪称世界第一。当总理在《政府工作报告》中先后8次提到互联网、移动互联网等新兴行业,并且提出了"互联网+"这个新概念后,更是引来上百万网民点赞。"互联网+"在中国的迅猛发展,不但提升了一个又一个传统行业的层资助,也给每一个人带来了机遇、希望与挑战。那么对于中国教育领域,"互联网+"又意味着什么呢?  相似文献   

《他们仰望上苍》是哈莱姆文艺复兴时期著名作家赫斯顿的代表作。作者在作品中引入话语概念,解析了女主人公——黑人妇女简妮从"失语状态"到"发出声音",最终争取到话语权力,达到自我成长的过程。从一个侧面描绘了一个黑人女性争取生存权、反对种族歧视、男权主义的曲折成长过程,从而开启了探索黑人女性生存状态的先河。  相似文献   

赵婷 《考试周刊》2009,(52):234-234
文章从目前幼儿教育认识上和实践中存在的误区入手,分析了"机构教育"与"家庭教育",旨在为幼儿的终身发展提供良好保障的教育对策.  相似文献   

汉语中的"教育戏剧"一词最初直译于英国的DIE(Drama in Education),单指学校课堂教学中所采用的戏剧方法,但在当前的使用中却常常发生概念泛化、混淆等现象。为了使未来的"教育戏剧学"能够有一个牢靠的概念基础,在汉语语境下重新定义教育戏剧的概念以增加其外延是从其混乱中突围的一种选择。教育戏剧应该是广义戏剧与广义教育的交集,即通过想象与扮演的方式有意识地再现并传递善的人类经验的社会活动。  相似文献   

  "练笔",安排在课文之后,体现了读与写的直接结合。在写法上,以仿写为主。既仿内容,也仿写法,可以把课文中学到的写作方法直接迁移到"练笔"的实践上来。如我爱故乡的杨梅》,"练笔"安排的是写一种水果,和课文内容相对应;在写法上,要求写出它的样子、颜色、味道,同课文的写法也相对应。根据心理学迁移原理,相似点越多,越容易实现迁移。因此,这类"练笔",较容易使学生把从课文中学到的写作方法应用到练习上来。  相似文献   

长期以来,身体只是作为心灵的物质载体存在于知识教学世界中,处于"被用"而"不知"的状态,最终造成身体的压抑乃至消隐。基于"身体认知"、"身体场"等理论视角,在知识教学中应重建"身体"概念。知识教学的目的,绝非"心灵成长、身体遭罪"。知识教学的身体检视,不仅在于将身体认知作为一个新的问题域,更应从"抽象主体"回归"身体主体",并据此观照当下知识教学中的身体遭遇,给身体一个舒适性存在。  相似文献   

历史叙事的首要原则是"真实性",教育叙事的首要原则是"教育性"。具有双重学科属性的教育史学,其叙事研究也兼有教育叙事和历史叙事的特点。教育史叙事的"真实性原则"体现在"生活真实""、逻辑真实"以及"情感真实"三大层面;其"教育性原则"体现在"教育性的历史"和"历史的教育性"两大层面。在这个意义上,"教育"历史的"真实"叙事得以被重新理解和研究。  相似文献   

物体的"热力学能"概念是热学教学的一个重点,只有正确理解这一概念,才能深刻领会热力学第一定律。"热力学能"比较抽象,且易与"热能""温度"等概念相混淆,所以讲授难度较大。下面根据教学实践谈谈笔者对这个问题的讲述方法。 在教学中,笔者首先在宏观上从"能"的一般定义引出"热力学能"的概念:"热力学能"是物体内部的状态决定的能;  相似文献   

德国教化思想研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教化是德国教育学的核心概念之一,体现了德国教育学的人文特性和民族特色.从作为目的的教化来看,教化体现了一种非政治的带有美学色彩的全人理想;从作为过程的教化来看,教化体现了异化与复归的无尽的辨证过程,人与世界(文化)的无尽的相互作用.教化的文化关怀,体现了德意志民族对自身文化身份的寻求及其与纳粹的千丝万缕的联系;教化的非政治性,体现了一种对教育的自身逻辑的寻求,但在教育日益工具化和教育科学日益科学技术化的今天,正面临严重的挑战.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay Christiane Thompson discusses the systematic outcomes of Theodor Adorno's philosophical work for a reworked theory of Bildung (an important term in the German tradition of philosophy and history of education). In his essay "Theory of Halbbildung ," Adorno revealed the inevitable failure of Bildung , on the one hand, and the necessity of Bildung (in view of a critique of society), on the other. After having exposed this contradiction, Thompson seeks to analyze Bildung 's systematic role by turning to Adorno's reflections on art and metaphysics. Adorno's concept of aesthetic experience hints at the possibility of a more genuine approach to Bildung and culture, one that makes the borders of our experience visible and, as a result, suggests a different relation to ourselves and to the world. She concludes by examining the critical dimensions of this different Bildung as well as its pedagogical relevance.  相似文献   

采用文献分析法,并加入质性研究的访谈叙事法,前者从黑格尔的精神现象学,论述教化的本质与意涵;后者则辅助说明教化蕴含的人文、伦理与审美的力量可以深入学生的心灵,唤起学生的自尊、自信和自主性,也可激发教师反思并改变其对学生的态度,落实以学生为中心的教育理念,并彰显思觉行盼是教化哲学观的基本要素,促使教育活动得以兼顾具自主意识的个体主体性与实践伦理的社会性。质言之,若教育活动不违其以德为核心的本质,则教育与教化乃一体之两面,即两者均在化育人才,使其知书达礼,恪尽职责,有守有分,是士人、是君子、是高尚品格的仁者,乃至于圣人。确立了教化乃主体性与社会性辩证合之知行活动,具有批判性思考的社会性意义,也是诗意教育学理情兼容并蓄的旨趣,故对受工具理性扭曲的台湾教育可发挥震聋启喟之功,对透过诗意教育学的倡导,以导正被扭曲之教育本质、学术研究与学习自由以及教师尊严等,提供本土教育改革理论建构的参照。  相似文献   

In the research on education, the field roughly covered by the concept of Bildung has seen a wide-ranging discussion philosophically but less has been said and done from an empirical and vocational perspective. Bildung includes matters such as: formation of character, ethical and aesthetic knowledge/capability, capacity for wise deliberation and reflection as well as the development of personal autonomy. The focus here is on how narratives about teaching and curricula, both enacted and experienced, can be used to articulate significant aspects of Bildung-related practical knowledge. The empirical basis for this draws on a variety of narrative sources. By presenting, comparing and discussing narratives, it will be argued that there is a number of Bildung-related educational matters, not least in vocational education and training, where a narrative articulation can contribute. These can be differentiated in at least five groups: enriching knowledge of vocational tasks; conceptual development and critical reflection; advancement of practice; development of ‘practice fields’ and the articulation of patterns of vocational Bildung affordances. In distinguishing these different ways in which vocational Bildung as a form of practical knowledge can be enriched through narrative studies, the article contributes to our capacity for doing systematic research in the subject area.  相似文献   

This analysis seeks to unite both an architectural and an educational perspective on the transformation of the university into a postmodern institution. Our point of departure is an analysis of the new buildings for the Faculty of Humanities University of Copenhagen which are located on the island area of Amager, to the south of Copenhagen's centre. To put the transformation into perspective we will also consider the respective older buildings that house the universities of Copenhagen and Oslo. The analysis will illustrate how the university as an institution has changed in terms of characteristics, position in society and its understanding of itself. Previously, the university was a clearly defined institution, which had both the process of Bildung (liberal education) and the production of objective knowledge as its goal. Today's university has become a institution, which seeks to develop competence rather than Bildung and to facilitate knowledge in the Network Society. These changes can be explicated by the French philosopher Lyotard's analysis of the position of knowledge within the postmodern sphere.  相似文献   

The approach of vocational Bildung didactics has been developed to investigate practical knowledge in matters of education for Bildung and phronesis (practical wisdom). Case narratives of unusual richness or success are at the core of the approach, each case representing an articulation of someone’s practical knowledge. The concept of a practice as developed by MacIntyre is introduced here as a way of situating the practical knowledge of Bildung and phronesis gained from case narratives. A series of case studies are discussed to examine the practices that surfaced. The result is a differentiation of MacIntyre’s concept in two directions: one more specific called vocational practice and one more general called a cultural practice. This differentiation is then applied to the case studies and it is argued that it helps illuminate aspects of them that previously were difficult to comprehend within the framework of vocational Bildung didactics. The conclusion is that biographical cases where cultural and vocational practices intersect are uniquely positioned to afford knowledge of how such intersections have been achieved through education and what they have meant for the person initiated into such matrixes. This, in turn, contributes to the insight with which we are able to design vocational education and training curricula that support initiation into dynamic vocational practices with a focus on the goods and virtues possible to develop through them.  相似文献   

Bildung, a German pedagogical term with the sense of ‘educating oneself’, refers to some of the most complex human activities. It is constitutive for human existence, because it is related to the characteristic of meaning. Because of the great relevance of Bildung for people, education is essential for furthering it. The two purposes of this contribution are: i. to examine the structure of one main process component of Bildung, namely the process of designing an image (Bild) of the changes to be furthered in the educand, and ii. to explain this process component of Bildung. This process is theoretically structured as a subject‐object transformation, and the attempt is made to explain this from an idealistic perspective. Building upon this foundation, the article shows how the process of designing an image for Bildung can be furthered educationally.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags steht die Frage, was Humboldts Theorie des Verstehens im Blick auf die Herausforderung der Erziehungswissenschaft durch die zunehmende sprachlich-kulturelle Pluralit?t moderner Gesellschaften zu leisten vermag. Zur Kl?rung dieser Frage wird zun?chst Humboldts hermeneutische Auffassung des Verstehens als Methode der historischen Forschung er?rtert (1), um dann die Bedeutung seiner Sprachtheorie für eine Konzeption des Verstehens als grundlegender Form menschlichen Welt-und Selbstbezugs zu rekonstruieren (2) und im Blick auf eine Theorie interkultureller Bildung zu interpretieren (3). Die zentralle These lautet, dass Humboldts Auffassung der Sprachen als je verschiedener Weltansichten seiner Konzeption des Verstehens insofern eine entscheidende Wendung gibt, als darin die Vielfalt der Sprachen nicht nur als MLoglichkeitsbedingung, sondern zugleich auch als Grenze interkulturellen Verstehens begriffen wird. Sofern Bildung mit Humboldt als Transformation der eigenen Weltansicht durch die Auseinandersetzung mit fremden Sprachen gefasst werden kann, stellt diese Grenze des Verstehens auch eine unhintergehbare Bedingung von )interkultureller) Bildung dar.
Summary „All understanding is simultaneously a noncomprehension — Wilhelm von Humboldt’s contribution to hermeneutic and its significance for a theory of intercultural education” At the centre of this paper lies the question of what Humboldt’s theory of understanding has to offer in terms of the challenges facing educational sciences as a result of increasing linguistic cultural plurality in modern society. To clarify this question, Humboldt’s concept of understanding will be discussed as a historical research method (1). His theory of language will then be reconstructed as a concept, which views understanding as a fundamental form of human world-and self-reflection (2) and interpreted from the perspective of a theory of intercultural education (3). The main argument is that Humboldt’s view of languages as different world views gives this concept of understanding a decisive turn, since the multiplicity of languages is not only seen as a facilitating condition, but equally as the boundary of intercultural understanding. As far as education can be seen with Humboldt as a transformation of one’s own world-view through confrontation with foreign languages, this boundary of understanding is also an unavoidable condition for (intercultural) education.

In the light of the modern idea of a sovereign and self-transparent subject, the paper evaluates the philosophical and ethical relevance of Bildung . As a first step, (the early) Nietzsche's and Adorno's criticism of Bildung is explicated, a criticism based upon the thinkers' critical stance towards the modern epistemological relation of subject and object. However, neither thinker abandons the concept of Bildung . The second part of the paper accordingly reconstructs Nietzsche's and Adorno's adherence to Bildung understood as a different relationship of subject and object within Bildung . In the paper's concluding reflections there is an attempt to assess the systematic educational consequences, and to shed light on the ethical relevance, of a non-transparent subject of Bildung.  相似文献   

德国政治教育概念辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
德国政治教育有深厚的传统和底蕴,其政治教育的概念与内涵与德语“政治”(Politik)的语源及德国古典人文主义“Bildung”教育观有深刻的渊源。当代德国政治教育作为公民教育的重要组成部分,注重对青少年的政治认知能力、政治认同感和政治参与意识的培养,注重“知”与“行”的统一,注重政治教育在青少年政治社会化中的重要作用。  相似文献   

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