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本文针对发达国家、新兴工业化国家和地区教育现状及中国教育的特点,从普及教育和师范教育方面探讨中国教育的对策和发展方向。在教育投资、教师待遇、师范教育、师资培训诸方面提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

陈旧的教育理念和教育模式既是制约经济和社会发展的瓶颈,又是学校自身发展的藩篱。本文从师范教育的现状入手,在分析传统师范教育模式之弊端和高师教育发展机遇的基础上.提出了以师范性为核心的高等师范教育改革与发展思路。  相似文献   

陶行知在师范教育方面,积累了丰富的经验,理论上也有精辟、完备、创新性的论述。本文从师范教育的社会定位、培养目标、课程设置、培养对象、教育教学方法诸方面作了较系统的概括。旨在宣传其献身人民教育事业的高尚品德;学习其勇于实践敢于创新的精神;借鉴其科学理论,以推进我们的师范教育事业。  相似文献   

浅谈民族教师教育理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教育理念是指导教师教育的思想观念和精神追求。对于师范教育院校来说,具有明确和先进的教师教育理念,是教师教育的起始条件。目前,民族教师教育理念还停留在诸如终结式师范教育、重学术轻师范、分科设学、办学行政化等理念上。严重制约着民族教师教育的发展。民族教师教育若想实现快速发展,应对的策略首先是要转变观念,树立新的教师教育理念,包括树立发展性师范教育理念、师范性特色理念、课程综合化理念、教师为本理念等。  相似文献   

作为教育工作者.仅仅知道教育“是什么”而不知“如何教”.则不能成为一个完全称职的现代意义上的教育工、作者。教育的本质就是在教育要求制约下由施教者和受教者相互制约而形成的联系.这乃教育的“是什么”;  相似文献   

奥地利师范教育的现状与分析郑太年一、奥地利教育与师范教育概况一国师范教育的发展总是与其教育的发展紧密相联,教育的发展又深受该国的政治制度、经济发展、文化背景等因素的制约。奥地利60年代末以来师范教育发展的轨迹和状况充分体现了这一点。60年代末开始,人...  相似文献   

综合性学院发展师范教育的潜在优势与挑战   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在新成立的本科综合性学院中发展师范教育,是我国高教与高师结构性调整中出现的新事物。其与综合性大学办师范的潜在比较优势在于其师范地位、师范资源与本科人才定位上,其与独立设置的师范院校的潜在比较优势在于其中长期无转型之忧、教师培养的综合化、老师教育一体化、师范人才培养模式创新诸方面。但其近期发展师范教育也面临着内部与外部的诸多现实挑战。  相似文献   

关于改进教育见习的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合工作实际,分析了当前师范教育中教育见习工作存在的不足,提出了改进教育见习工作的建议。  相似文献   

藏区师范教育的发展对策汪晓萍作为祖国境内一个特殊的区域,由于自然条件、经济条件、办学条件、教育发展水平、教育内部结构、布局等多方面因素的制约与影响,藏区与内地师范教育存在着较大的差距。并且,由于地区经济发展的差距还有拉大的趋势。笔者认为,藏区师范教育...  相似文献   

杨朴庵为抗日战争、解放战争时期湖南教育界的中坚人物,著名的教育家。他的人生道路坎坷不平,但对湖南教育、特别是师范教育作出了重要贡献。他的教育思想涵盖了教育、教学及管理诸领域,其特点是朴实无华,既来源实践,又指导实践,理论与实践紧密结合。自当年至今,凡认识他的人无不崇敬和怀念。  相似文献   

This paper examines the practice of two novice teacher educators working as instructional coaches in a university-based teacher education program. Previous research suggests that the knowledge and skills required to be an effective teacher are distinct from those required to be an effective teacher educator. Yet novice teacher educators often receive minimal preparation. This qualitative study identifies dilemmas that novice coaches encounter during observation debrief conversations in order to inform coach training. The findings suggest that the process used by the researchers to surface dilemmas may also be a useful intervention in shaping the identity and practice of novice teacher educators.  相似文献   

教师形象是教师的教育理念、教育行为、人格品性等外显的综合表现.近代欧洲的三位教育家--洛克、卢梭和第斯多惠,分别在他们的著作中塑造了三种不同的教师形象,即:德性之师、率性之师与真理之师.三种教师形象既兼具师者的共性,又个性鲜明,对于当今时代塑造理想的教师形象有着一定的启示.  相似文献   

The growth in the field of self-study of teacher education practices has largely been based on teacher educators' desire to better understand teaching and learning about teaching. This paper reviews research over the last decade that has been important in shaping understandings of self-study and the issues, concerns and agendas that are emerging as crucial to furthering the work. A major purpose of the paper is to draw particular attention to ways of expressing the learning from self-study so that it might be meaningful and applicable in practice for other teacher educators; especially in relation to developing a pedagogy of teacher education.  相似文献   

This is the first report in a series of studies concerning student teachers’ readiness-for-the-job, defined by a framework of 11 international teacher competences (ITCs). Attaining readiness-for-the-job is connected to four characteristics of teacher education, namely; (1) employing the ITCs in day-to-day teaching in initial teacher education, (2) integrating the ITCs in the curricula of teaching programmes, (3) exercising the ITCs through practicum at schools and (4) by teacher educators modelling the ITCs. In the present study, a student sample from four teacher education colleges (n = 226) was surveyed to explore the extent to which students felt ready-for-the-job. The study outlines the degree to which the characteristics of teacher education are associated with student teachers’ readiness-for-the-job. The results identify the critical areas to be developed in these prospective teachers before they can actually become ready-for-the-job, and especially the central role of their teacher educators in shaping their professional competence.  相似文献   

A ‘break with tradition’ in interwar teacher education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
British teacher education in the interwar years was a contested field, dominated numerically by women but regulated by the Board of Education. The traditional perception of women’s residential training colleges was that they were autocratic and socially isolated. By focusing on Gipsy Hill Training College (GHTC), the first specialist training college for nursery school teachers, and its foundation principal, Lillian de Lissa, I challenge this perception. I explore the relationships between young women students’ social worlds, teacher educators’ understandings, teacher education curriculum and GHTC’s institutional culture. The main argument is that under de Lissa’s leadership GHTC was a socially and educationally progressive and democratic institution that focused on shaping students’ identities as women, teachers and citizens.  相似文献   

In contrast with its high level of popularity in both research and practice for in-service teacher development, teacher research has received much less attention in pre-service language teacher education as a reflective learning approach, particularly in China’s context. Action research, as a major form of teacher research, has rarely been employed by teacher educators. This action research study undertaken by a teacher educator aimed to address this dual gap by examining the effect of collaborative research experience undertaken by a cohort of English as a foreign language pre-service teachers in China. Triangulated research methods were employed to gather two sets of data respectively reflecting the student-teachers’ views of their collaborative research and the teacher educator’s perceptions of the action research. It was found that both groups highly endorsed their research experience. Meanwhile, issues also arose in terms of the sustainability of such research experiences for both groups. The study highlights the necessity of incorporating collaborative student-teacher research and teacher educators’ action research into pre-service teacher education programmes, which entails the need to transform the existing foundationalist teacher education paradigm into a post-foundationalist paradigm, and to recognize teacher educators’ action research on pertinent issues in teacher education.  相似文献   

The study examines pedagogical approaches in using wikis in teaching and learning in teacher education colleges. It focuses on: instructors’ motivation for wiki-based teaching; course types; teaching methods; evaluation; content structure; characteristics of student collaboration and learning outcomes; involvement of instructors in the learning process. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with 11 teacher educators from six colleges of education in Israel. The authors discuss added value and challenges of wiki-based teaching, the impact of assessment on shaping the learning process, as well as general conclusions regarding wiki-based pedagogy.  相似文献   

Predictions and preferences for teacher education in Australia in the year 2000 were identified by surveying teacher educators. The survey was undertaken in 1991, soon after dissolution of the binary system in Australian higher education and at a time of increasing government concern about teacher education. Respondents commented on the future research and teaching missions of teacher educators, the representation and status of teacher education within Australian universities, and relationships between teacher educators, schools and government. Forecasts concerning teacher education in the year 2000 were generally pessimistic, and they conveyed the sense that the training of teachers will be governed by an agenda over which teacher educators have limited direct control. The results of the survey are discussed with reference to the impact that recent changes in the Australian higher education system have had on teacher educators.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to our knowledge of teacher educators' strategies for, and dilemmas with, working with gender inclusion in teachers' education. It illustrates how gender is constructed and reconstructed in teachers' education. The study revealed that teachers' education is not only – as earlier described – a highly feminised field, it is also a discipline that is permeated by horizontal and vertical segregation typical of higher education. The study analyses how university teacher educators experience and handle consequences of this horizontal segregation, building on interviews with subject representatives at a Swedish university. The results exemplify how university teachers reflect on gender policies and their own roles when working with teacher students. Heteronormative patterns also become visible in strategies meant to facilitate gender equality and desegregation. The author argues for the need to include university teachers' perspectives in future strategies for developing gender inclusion in university education.  相似文献   

The constructivist pedagogies that are increasingly part of teacher education course work and expectations emerge from an intellectual world where knowledge is seen as created rather than received, mediated by discourse rather than transferred by teacher talk, explored and transformed rather than remembered as a uniform set of positivistic ideas. Increasingly, teacher educators ask new teachers to learn how to elicit and then use students’ existing ideas as a basis for helping them construct new, more reasoned, more accurate or more disciplined understandings. While the role a teacher plays in developing or shaping students’ thinking via constructivist pedagogies is obvious to teacher educators who advocate such strategies, the case of Taylor, a prospective English teacher, suggests that the role a teacher plays when using these strategies may not be at all clear to prospective teachers. Rather than understanding constructivist pedagogies as techniques for thinking with learners, for teaching them, Tayor saw these strategies as ends in themselves. Faced with models of constructivist pedagogies, Taylor concluded that the teacher's role ends when she has activated learners, invited them to talk, successfully engaged their participation. This article describes how she reached this conclusion and explores the ways in which constructivist pedagogies can lead prospective teachers to project a thin vision of their role as a teacher.  相似文献   

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