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[目的/意义]研究者唯一标识符是解决机构知识库(IR)作者名称歧义问题的重要途径。通过研究近年来最受关注的新型研究者唯一标识符ORCID在IR中的整合应用,构建基于iAuthor的IR整合方案,以期对国内IR的可持续发展提供借鉴。[方法/过程]通过文献调研和ORCID在各个领域的应用实践案例分析,为IR解决名称歧义问题、构建作品认领机制、完善科研评价与管理找到新的途径。[结果/结论]ORCID在各种IR系统的整合案例展现出较好的应用效果,为IR有效管理研究者及其学术资源、帮助科研机构进行学术绩效评估、实现成果自动推送、与更多的数据系统关联等长期可持续发展问题提供了较好的解决方案。结合国内实际,基于iAuthor构建IR与ORCID的技术整合方案。  相似文献   

Information about faculty and their publications can be found in library databases such as the Library of Congress Name Authority File, VIAF, WorldCat, and institutional repositories; in identifier registries such as ORCID and ISNI; and on academic social networking sites such as Academia, Google Scholar, and ResearchGate, but the way search engines use such identifiers and profiles is unclear. Therefore, researchers at a large comprehensive university conducted several rounds of web searching before and after the creation and modification of faculty authority records. The sample consisted of 24 faculty and the 35 publications associated with their authorities. The researchers searched for the faculty and their publications on the social networking and identity websites directly, and then used Google, Bing, and Google Scholar to record which of the faculty members’ profiles and publications were found within the top 50 results. Faculty with more profiles were more visible in search engine results, and faculty with authority records ranked more highly in Google. Results related to publication discovery and ranking were more inconclusive, but revealed clear differences between search tools. The implications of this exploratory research can support educational efforts about academic identities and scholarly profiles, begin a research agenda, and inform methodological development surrounding the influence of identity records and academic social networking profiles on web visibility.  相似文献   

This article describes a project promoting ORCID registration at Emory University's School of Law in the fall of 2022. Although ORCID iDs are commonly used by scholars and researchers in the sciences, legal scholars are less likely to make use of such digital identifiers, and this case study highlights some challenges specific to promoting ORCID to an audience of law school faculty. The article also identifies ways that faculty priorities and features common to legal scholarship were incorporated, and it describes methods applied as well as preliminary results.  相似文献   

科学家国际化识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 面向国内科学家国际化学术交流需求的步步逼近,研究建立中国科学家国际化识别的解决方案。[方法/过程] 分析人名唯一标识符的发展特征和研究者识别国际规范的发展趋势,基于ORCID研究提出中国科学家的国际化标识服务方案。[结果/结论] 创建中国科学家在线--iAuthor,提供中国科学家"全球学术身份证"标识服务,并嵌入科研工作流的投稿、文章发布、存储等环节。iAuthor目前注册用户已超过15 000人。大数据时代下不同系统的信息精确识别和互操作,将依赖于更多重要中间组件,例如国际唯一标识符。iAuthor建立的中国科学家国际标识符服务,将可能支持更多来源的信息资源在研究型图书馆实现融汇和互操作。  相似文献   

The presenters gave an overview of ORCID and examples of how organizations are integrating ORCID identifiers (iDs) into their systems. In its twin roles as a scholarly association and a publisher, the Modern Language Association is exploring how best to integrate ORCID iDs into the publication process and into its member services. Librarians are well-positioned to partner with new and established scholars in accurately capturing their record of scholarship, and to work with internal partners such as research offices and graduate schools. As a member of the University of North Carolina system, East Carolina University researchers are interested in the potential for ORCID profiles to supplement information in the statewide profile system REACH NC. Texas A&M University is one of nine institutions recently selected to participate in an ORCID Adoption and Integration Program (funded by the Sloan Foundation) for their proposal to integrate ORCID iDs into their open-source Vireo Electronic Thesis and Dissertation management system, the university’s institutional repository, and their VIVO profile system.  相似文献   

To date, there is no unique accepted and standardized method for identifying journal articles, authors, and other elements of bibliographic metadata, although in recent years a considerable number of identifiers have been developed. The problem of identification becomes particularly urgent when the same information is used in different scientometric and bibliographic databases, when it is necessary to carry out complex data processing with their further integration. The need for unique identifiers outside of a system is a universal requirement. Initiatives to construct identifiers and systems appear regularly in the scientific press; however, they have not achieved the necessary degree of interoperability. This paper presents the general problems that are associated with metadata identifiers of scientific publications, analyzes a number of the existing systems and technologies, and indicates the current initiatives to remove the gap in the area of identification.  相似文献   

代妮 《编辑学报》2021,33(5):492-496
鉴于我国科技期刊界存在盲目宣传推广开放研究者与贡献者身份识别码(ORCID)的倾向,本文介绍了 ORCID组织搜集世界范围内各个国家、组织、个人等层面的科研相关信息的情况,它的主要目的是为其赞助商和高端会员提供会员和相关行业的各类科研领域情报素材和初步分析成果等;深入分析了 ORCID组织的身份认证存在的逻辑漏洞、对学术交流自由的损害、对各类隐私的安全的威胁和信息管理中存在的安全问题等.在此基础上,分别对国家相关部门、科研机构及科研人员、科技期刊及其办刊人等,从提高科技安全底线思维意识、加强国家政策立法监督引导,扩大全球学术交流、反对学术霸权,提高科研信息技术监管等方面提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

Altmetrics have been proposed as a way to assess the societal impact of research. Although altmetrics are already in use as impact or attention metrics in different contexts, it is still not clear whether they really capture or reflect societal impact. This study is based on altmetrics, citation counts, research output and case study data from the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF), and peers’ REF assessments of research output and societal impact. We investigated the convergent validity of altmetrics by using two REF datasets: publications submitted as research output (PRO) to the REF and publications referenced in case studies (PCS). Case studies, which are intended to demonstrate societal impact, should cite the most relevant research papers. We used the MHq’ indicator for assessing impact – an indicator which has been introduced for count data with many zeros. The results of the first part of the analysis show that news media as well as mentions on Facebook, in blogs, in Wikipedia, and in policy-related documents have higher MHq’ values for PCS than for PRO. Thus, the altmetric indicators seem to have convergent validity for these data. In the second part of the analysis, altmetrics have been correlated with REF reviewers’ average scores on PCS. The negative or close to zero correlations question the convergent validity of altmetrics in that context. We suggest that they may capture a different aspect of societal impact (which can be called unknown attention) to that seen by reviewers (who are interested in the causal link between research and action in society).  相似文献   

科研实体唯一标识系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贤信  曾建勋 《图书情报工作》2015,59(12):113-119
[目的/意义] 从科研实体间的关联关系出发,构建科研实体唯一标识符的关联元数据框架,分析科研实体唯一标识系统的运行及应用机制,为我国开展科研实体唯一标识项目提供建议。[方法/过程] 利用文献调研现有科研实体唯一标识符项目概况及其发展历程,通过网站调研分析各类科研实体唯一标识符的元数据结构以及唯一标识符系统的运行机制;通过对各大数据库系统的使用实践验证该系统科研实体的关联方式与效果。[结果/结论] 构建以实体唯一标识符为节点的关联元数据框架,形成以“ID”为中心的科研实体网络格局。指出科研实体唯一标识符系统应完善页面功能和后台功能、强化数据质量控制、加强应用机制建设;我国相关个人与机构应提高自觉标识的意识,加强科研实体唯一标识系统间的关联,强化科研实体唯一标识符的应用与共享,实现科研实体的一体化标识标注。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]近年来全球范围内的科研人员流动越来越频繁,对流入国和流出国均产生较大影响。本文旨在分析全球范围内科研人员流动的模式及其影响因素。[研究设计/方法]以ORCID数据集中全球范围内的35.7万有博士学位的学者的简历(含教育背景和任职经历等)作为数据来源,从生源国、博士培养国、就业国三个层面,将学者的流动模式分为五类:A-A-A、A-A-B、A-B-B、A-B-A、A-B-C(A、B、C指不同的国家),采用多分类无序逻辑回归模型等研究方法,探讨五种流动模式的影响因素。[结论/发现]①跨国流动的科研人员占少数(近四成);②来自发达国家的科研人员中,发文量突出者或高水平论文数量突出者更倾向于跨国就业;③来自发展中国家的科研人员中,发文量虽不突出但高水平论文数量较多者更倾向于留在获取博士学位的国家就业。[创新/价值]用ORCID数据集追踪全球科研人员流动的方法具有新颖性,对科研人员流动模式及其影响因素的分析可以为我国人才发展战略提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A large number of overseas elites were brought back to China by the policy in the past decade. However, name disambiguation defied investigations on the relationship between their mobility and research performance. By taking advantage of the ORCID website and applying causal inference strategies, we investigated 2489 China-connected scientists’ academic performance in the Web of Science database in terms of their job mobility, including 1388 scientists who moved to China the treatment group, and 1101 scientists with a possibility to move to China the control group. The results show that first, scientists moving to China have a new growth pattern where both their productivity and the rates of being corresponding authors in publications grew more rapidly than before; however, they made fewer contributions to the four top journals, Nature, Science, Cell, and PNAS. Second, the research performance of the scientists is affected by the time of mobility towards China, the countries from which they moved, and the disciplines of their publications. Last, China now maintains symmetrical inflow-outflow patterns with most countries, especially developed countries in Europe and North America, with only a few exceptions (e.g., Pakistan).  相似文献   

开放仓储目录是对开放仓储的描述说明和索引,是开放学术资源利用、发现、共享的基础。本文首先通过对OpenDOAR、ROAR、BASE等5个国际主流开放仓储目录的建设现状进行调研分析,发现在国际开放仓储目录建设方面,还存在仓储目录收录不够完整、目录元数据项不够丰富、目录更新时效性有待提高、揭示系统功能相对单一等不足。在此基础上,本文提出开放仓储目录元数据整合研究,包括元数据描述规范设计、基于OAI协议和ETL工具收割元数据,使用数据清洗工具OpenRefine对元数据进行“形式去重”和OAI-Identify获取结果的“内容去重”,并建立对多源异构仓储目录进行匹配融合的方法路径,形成数据内容更丰富、数量更加全面的全球开放仓储目录GOAR核心集和扩展集。最后从建立动态更新融合机制、常态化监控机制和目录发布系统三方面提出下一步研究方向。  相似文献   

Purpose: Bibliometric analysis of publications was used to investigate the research output relating to the development of drugs in Norway and to evaluate the impact of Norwegian involvement in this research. Material and methods: One hundred and nine articles published between 2002 and 2008 were analysed. Bibliometric methods used were as follows: information on peer review, impact factor (IF), the Science Citation Index (SCI) and the representation of Norwegians in the list of authors. Results: All publications were in journals with peer review or in publications with corresponding evaluation. Industrial support, international research cooperation and drug development in phases I, II and III seem to promote publication in journals with high IF and a high SCI. In 63% of the international project articles, the Norwegian contributors were not represented in the list of authors. Conclusion: In addition to a scientific standard secured by referees, three probably independent factors – industrial support, international cooperation and early phases of the research (phases I, II and III) – seem to promote publications in journals with high IF and a high SCI. A more active Norwegian contribution to the research should be encouraged.  相似文献   

As science is becoming more interdisciplinary and potentially more data driven over time, it is important to investigate the changing specialty structures and the emerging intellectual patterns of research fields and domains. By employing a clustering-based network approach, we map the contours of a novel interdisciplinary domain – research using social media data – and analyze how the specialty structures and intellectual contributions are organized and evolve. We construct and validate a large-scale (N = 12,732) dataset of research papers using social media data from the Web of Science (WoS) database, complementing it with citation relationships from the Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) database. We conduct cluster analyses in three types of citation-based empirical networks and compare the observed features with those generated by null network models. Overall, we find three core thematic research subfields – interdisciplinary socio-cultural sciences, health sciences, and geo-informatics – that designate the main epicenter of research interests recognized by this domain itself. Nevertheless, at the global topological level of all networks, we observe an increasingly interdisciplinary trend over the years, fueled by publications not only from core fields such as communication and computer science, but also from a wide variety of fields in the social sciences, natural sciences, and technology. Our results characterize the specialty structures of this domain at a time of growing emphasis on big social data, and we discuss the implications for indicating interdisciplinarity.  相似文献   

In assessing the role that organizations of scientists with publishing activities – such as scholarly societies – can or should play in furthering the science and practice in their chosen fields, they face a dilemma: should they primarily be fund‐raising organizations for other activities in their disciplines, using their publications to bring in the necessary money, or should they be promoters of efficient scholarly communication and use their publications more directly to that end – for instance, by embracing ‘open access‘.  相似文献   

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