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我国高校许多研究课题不适应市场要求,大量研究成果难以推广应用,这是摆在科研人员及科研管理人员面前的一项重要任务.文章提出了研究课题选择要市场化、课题设计要市场化、课题研究要走向审场的观点,并从这三方面谈了一些新看法.  相似文献   

为了更好地贯彻落实党的“十六大”和十六届三中全会精神,帮助广大教育工作者明确我国教育改革与发展的若干重大研究课题,提高教育科研立项效益,推进我省教育科研工作发展,现将《教育部教育事业“十一五”规划研究课题》刊登如下。  相似文献   

远程教育研究课题选择的途径之探讨(连载之三)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何选择合适的远程教育研究课题需要一定的知识和技能。本首先描述了远程教育研究课题的类型,根据课题的内容可以分为远程教育研究和学科研究,基于课题的范围可以分为校内研究和跨校研究;进而分析了选择远程教育课题的六条途径,包括专家建议、献研究、理论运用。质量研究、个人经验以及教学实践,并提出了一系列选择远程教育研究课题的策略:继而提出了对远程教育研究领域的不同划分,并综合了英联邦国家、英美澳、亚洲、中国对远程教育研究重心的调查结果;最后根据本的分析和当前远程教育的现状和趋势,具体地提出了我国远程教育界所面临的重要研究课题。作希望,本能有助于我国的远程教育工作合适的研究题。  相似文献   

课题名称:我国基础教育课程改革中课程运作机制研究课题类别:国家青年基金学科分类:基础教育  相似文献   

随着我国成为世贸组织的正式成员,经济全球化开始影响我国经济社会的各个方面。职业教育如何面对经济全球化是当前和今后一个时期教育界一个重要的研究课题。  相似文献   

中国学前教育研究会学术委员扩大会于2001年2月27~2月28日在江苏无锡召开,会议就编制“十五”研究课题指南的基本原则、内容及课题的申报方法进行认真地讨论,完成了《中国学前教育研究会“十五”研究课题指南》及《中国学前教育研究会“十五”研究课题申报、评审办法》方案的拟订工作。现刊发《课题指南》,以帮助大家了解“十五”期间我国学前教育研究的重点领域和范围,并提供选题参考。  相似文献   

培养学生各种能力,是语文课程改革目标之一,更是语文教学中的重大实践研究课题。我国当今语文教学任务,主要通过课堂教学来完成。  相似文献   

预测未来10年我国成人教育科学研究的主要研究课题对科学研究工作具有导向作用。围绕成人教育自身改革和其与经济发展、社会转型的关系等领域,提出当前我国成人教育科学研究应当研究的主要热点问题是该文阐述的主要内容。  相似文献   

英语教学在我国受到越来越多的重视,很多语言学家和教育工作者为选取适合我国国情的英语教学模式进行了诸多探讨,ESL和EFL成了主要研究课题。就其本质来说,ESL和EFL是两种截然不同的英语教学模式。  相似文献   

过去十年,我国隐喻研究取得了巨大进步,但是当前我国隐喻研究中存在的若干问题却阻碍着本领域研究的进一步发展。本文对当前隐喻研究中的若干问题进行探讨,并对相关隐喻研究课题发表看法。  相似文献   

对全国教育科学规划课题材料的分析发现,"十五"期间,我国民族教育立项课题的选题、研究力量、方法技术、成果质量及其效益,总体上得到显著提升,尤其是若干主题在研究视角和研究结论等方面具有新意."十一五"期间,该领域要加强反思,在研究主题和研究设计等方面要进一步拓展.  相似文献   

衡水学院大学生科研创新课题选题从总体上讲是较好的,但也存在着选题过大、表述不完整、选题应用性滞后、选题重复等问题.对此应该从以下几方面进行调整与完善:选题要小而具体;教师指导要给力,避免重复选题;选题对实践要有指导价值;选题要结合自己熟悉的领域做深入探究;还要考虑自己的科研能力与完成的可行性.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen a rise of international large-scale assessments, which have become an influential instrument for informing educational policies. Likewise, they play an ever-increasing role in academic research. The vast information provided by the surveys relate to research topics relevant in various disciplines. We review the impact of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) on academic research and its representation in English language peer reviewed journals. Five literature bases were exploited for the bibliography and strict inclusion criteria set. Articles were analysed according to a comprehensive coding scheme and the resulting data was analysed with SPSS. Results map the evolution of PIRLS related research from the study's beginning, across geographic regions and disciplines. They describe types of research conducted and identify the most commonly investigated topics. Findings point towards topics that have so far been neglected, but would make valuable contributions to the research field.  相似文献   

A survey of 88 American higher education programs found that 9 of the programs offer an area of concentration in institutional research and 17 programs have an institutional-research core course. These programs are identified, and the content of the curriculum is described. Planning topics received the most emphasis in institutional research courses; topics related to facilities and research methodology received low emphasis scores. The theoretical or practitioner orientation of the core course is analyzed in the second section. In most of the courses, there was a positive correlation between the topics emphasized in the core course and the theoretical orientation of those topics, but the coefficient was significant in only a few cases. As expected, programs with an area of concentration tend to stress theoretical concepts in their core course, while programs without an institutional research concentration are more practitioner-oriented.  相似文献   

作为同时代的心灵思考者,薇依与弗罗姆有着许多的共同点,他们都曾致力对马克思主义哲学的研究,都有着不可忽视的信仰背景。本文即从原典出发,对两人思想相通之处作出初步的阐释,给予分析和肯定。  相似文献   

为了更好地管理科研课题和判断价值,进行课题分级是必要的.区分等级的标准应根据各校具体情况而定,既要依据学术质量也要便于管理.分级标准的制定原则是课题总量多则细分提升层次,课题少则粗线条鼓励为主.  相似文献   

Quality in higher education is an attractive and important field not only for higher education institutions but also for their stakeholders. However, the research field is very complex due to the overlapping and interlinking of its topics. Over the years, an enormous amount of studies has been devoted to exploring different topics. Nevertheless, few studies focus on exploring the main topics and assessing whether these topics are interlinked. Therefore, there is merit in reducing the complexity of this field by mapping, clustering and visualising the structure of publications’ topics. The research methodology is based on implementing the co-word analysis of keywords extracted from more than two thousand academic publications seeking to reveal the prominent topics and the connections among them from a static and dynamic point of view. Mapping the literature structure of the research field reveals four key areas in the research field where each contains topics that are very likely to be interrelated to each other rather than to topics from other different areas.  相似文献   

In the 40th publication year of the Community College Journal of Research and Practice (CCJRP), the authors present a 39-year retrospective on research on the community college through the lens of the journal. It is not known exactly what the body of community college research wholly consists of. Without access to the larger picture of community college research, both the research and practitioner communities remain generally unaware of the existing research, areas lacking in study, and opportunities to build upon past research and to explore adaptation of practices that have been implemented at other institutions. The purpose of this study was to explore the evolution of community college research by surveying topics in community college research published over the past 39 years within the context of the CCJRP, highlighting implications for future research, policy, and practice. Findings from this content analysis study demonstrate more attention to student success, teaching and learning, and community college leadership than other topics. Overtime, topics such as college mission and international perspectives cycled across the decades, while others, such as access, held steady. Findings also show the popularity of policy and innovation topics and changes in authorship over time, particularly as related to gender.  相似文献   

经调查,目前大部分大学新手英语教师的论文选题主要来源于教学经验、书评和原有的论文等。为了帮助新手教师们扩大选题范围,影视民族志被借用以此探究影视作品中的教学方法、理论及文化。它具体包括实证性研究和文献研究等。它的运用可以提高教师们的科研创新能力并丰富科研成果。  相似文献   

介绍一种新方法———h-b指数来确定学术研究的热点主题。实证研究表明,通过比较h-b指数和m,可以在一系列主题中区分新的所谓热门主题与老主题。  相似文献   

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