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颜之推是南北朝时期的著名学者,《颜氏家训》是其毕生经历、治学、教子、治家、治国思想的体现。颜之推高度重视早期教育,并强调父母在早期教育中的责任与作用;要抓住时机及早施教;父母要注重环境的影响作用并发挥榜样示范作用,坚持严爱结合的教育原则;早期教育的内容要涵盖德行养成教育、生活技艺教育、语言教育等以实现德艺双修的早期教育目标。以颜之推的早期教育思想为借鉴,现代家庭教育要在把握早期教育时机、科学合理实施家庭教育尤其是早期语言教育等方面,坚持严慈结合的原则,注重家风养成,使家庭教育进一步提升和完善。  相似文献   

实现四个现代化,科学是关键,教育是基础,早期教育是基础的基础。幼儿具有惊人的学习能量,早期教育可以加速儿童智力的发展,为后期学习奠定健全的基础。抓好早期教育是早出人才、快出人才的一个最基本的环节。一、早期教育的重要性当前,我国的教育落后于国家的发展需要,拖了四个现代化的后腿。怎么办呢?等待吗?不行。慢慢来吗?也不行。只有一个办法,要大上,要快上,要从幼儿早期教育抓起。去年,联合国在日内瓦召开第三十七次国际教育大会,对学龄前教育和当前儿童福利事  相似文献   

李盛琼 《学前教育》2006,(11):30-31
说起流动幼儿园,大家一定会想起大篷车。其实,我们的流动幼儿园不同于大篷车等形式的非正规早期教育。也不是要替代薄弱地区的早期教育,而是为了普及早期教育。我区是国家可持续发展试验区,构建和谐、公平的教育环境已成为全区教育发展的新目标。就我区早期教育现状而言,城区优质幼儿园比例较大,涉农地区早教发展滞后,城乡差异十分突出。要缩小城乡差距,必须不断增大优质早教的覆盖面。  相似文献   

提到早期教育,一些父母就会想到教孩子识字、计数、背诗词、学外语及进行其他文化知识教育。其实,这种理解是片面的、错误的。文化知识教育是早期教育,但它只是早期教育的一个方面。对婴幼儿进行早期教育,应该采取适宜的方式去启发孩子,让他愿意接受,让他从经常接触到的自然环境和社会生活中去学习知识、启迪智慧。另外,进行早期教育一定要充分考虑孩子的智能基础。早期教育的内容应该适合婴幼儿的年龄特点、  相似文献   

正确全面地认识早期教育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
正确全面地认识早期教育周国光早期教育的必要性和可能性已为大家所公认.但是,应当怎样认识早期教育?早期教育的目的要求是什么?早期教育要不要以读写算等知识技能的教育为重点?怎样看待早期教育的理论根据?对这些问题,可以说是众说纷纭,莫衷一是.本文的任务,不...  相似文献   

接受教育是所有人的基本权利,残疾幼儿的早期教育也应当得到切实保障和发展。近年来,国际社会非常关注特殊幼儿的早期教育问题。联合国教科文组织在2000年塞内加尔发表的《达喀尔行动纲要》中呼吁各国政府要加强对幼儿的关注和教育,指出儿童的早期教育是全民教育不可分割的基础部分,要扩大并改善幼儿,特别是处于不利地位幼儿的保育和教育。我国政府也加强了发展特殊幼儿教育的力度,2009年5月国务院办公厅转发的教育部等八部门《关于进一步  相似文献   

美国早期教育的不公平现象至今依然存在,着重表现为早期教育可获得性不公平、早期教育项目质量不公平以及资金投入不公平等方面。早期教育不公平问题的产生有复杂的历史和文化原因。美国政府和学界一直致力于解决教育不公平问题。美国经验的启示是,要进一步加强对教育公平问题的科学研究,把教育公平问题作为深化早期教育改革与发展需要解决的核心问题来考虑,通过解决教育公平问题推动社会发展。  相似文献   

文章针对当前社会上家长忽视儿童成长的客观规律,把儿童的早期教育片面理解为超前教育,急功近利,拔苗助长,重知识灌输、轻个性品质养成教育的现实,分析了不当的超前教育带来的危害:打击儿童的自信心,限制儿童的能力发展,养成儿童的不良学习习惯。提出要正确看待早期教育,莫把早期教育变成超前教育,应根据儿童身心特点抓好早期教育。  相似文献   

范瑞芝 《文教资料》2010,(4):128-129
早期教育处于基础教育的最前沿.是学校教育和终身教育的奠基阶段,是关系人生之本、教育之本、民族之本的教育。然而,河南省农村3-6岁幼儿家庭早期教育和当地早期教育机构的早期教育状况并不是很理想.是什么因素影响河南省农村幼儿早期教育的发展呢?本研究是在对河南省农村早期教育发展现状调查基础上的进一步研究,旨在发现影响河南省农村幼儿早期教育的具体因素,从而为更好地促进河南省农村幼儿教育事业的发展提供理论依据和教育策略。  相似文献   

《福建省03岁儿童早期教育指南》中明确提出:"学前教育机构要指导家长开展亲子游戏、亲子阅读等活动,为家长提供有针对性的、优质的早期教育指导服务,帮助家长转变教育观念,提高教育水平。"03岁儿童早期教育指南》中明确提出:"学前教育机构要指导家长开展亲子游戏、亲子阅读等活动,为家长提供有针对性的、优质的早期教育指导服务,帮助家长转变教育观念,提高教育水平。"03岁儿童是人一生中大脑迅速发展的重要时期,也是可塑性最强的时期,是成长过程中的一个重要环节,对人的终身发展起着重要的奠基作用。  相似文献   

Since inter‐ethnic tension and conflict is a potential problem in many parts of east and central Europe, much can be learned from the experience of the Banat region of Romania that is known for its very good inter‐ethnic relations. Efforts to make the study of multi‐ethnicity a part of the university curriculum stimulated the author and a number of other academics at the University of the West in Timi?oara to set up a Center for Comparative East and Central European Studies, a major project of which has been to prepare a multifaceted study of the ethnic and linguistic diversity of the Banat region of Romania. Aspects of this project are described and cited as an example of what can be done elsewhere to link higher education to the furtherance of the aims of civil society, one of which is inter‐ethnic tolerance and peace.  相似文献   

发展民族教育、开发人力资源是21世纪西部地区经济社会进步最主要杠杆之一。民族教育改革与发展,必须立足社会大视野,着眼于民族教育与民族经济社会发展的关系,与当地生产力发展相适应,与民族经济改.微展相衔接,与民族化氛围相协调。西部地区要抓住西部大开发的历史机遇,解放思想,深化教育改革,实现教育上的跨越。  相似文献   

Although the ethnicity-educational change nexus would seem to be of increasing interest to educational anthropologists, there has been surprisingly little effort made to systematically delineate variables or examine relationships in specific field settings. We have, for example, little knowledge of how and to what effect various ethnic groups have influenced ethnic education programs in public schools or have created and used their own nonformal educational programs outside of superordinate control. We need to determine under what conditions groups mobilizing around cultural symbols—i.e., the "old" ethnicity—as well as groups seeking to use ethnicity in resource competition—i.e., the "new" ethnicity—have sought to use education in formal schools, in nonformal programs, and by means of the media and resocialization, and so on, to help achieve ethnic movement goals for individual and social change (Bennett, 1974; Despres, 1975; Collins, 1976).  相似文献   

In UK higher education, ethnic differences in academic attainment are ubiquitous and have persisted for many years. They are only partly explained by ethnic differences in entry qualifications. They vary from one institution to another and from one subject area to another. This suggests that they result in part from teaching and assessment practices in different institutions and subjects. We do not really know whether ethnic differences in attainment are reflected in variations in the student experience. We do not know what factors are responsible for the ethnic differences in attainment that remain when differences in entry qualifications have been taken into account. Finally, we do not know what aspects of teaching and assessment practices are responsible for variations in the attainment gap.  相似文献   

We examine school choices made by western expatriate parents in post-colonial Hong Kong in order to understand the essence of imagined global citizenship and its implications for existing ethnic and class inequalities in the education system. Responding to changes in the global job market, a small but increasingly visible group of parents are seeking to challenge what they see as the constraints of expatriate life by developing global opportunities for their children through Cantonese language acquisition in the local education system. Drawing on the sociological literature on school choice and middle-class identity, we argue that these parents are negotiating for themselves a global imaginary in which cultures can easily be traversed and social class is levelled. But such global desires, we suggest, can also replicate colonial privilege in a way that marginalises poorer schools and other ethnic minorities in the education system.  相似文献   

民族地区教育发展水平尚不及全国平均水平的一半。加快民族地区教育发展,关键是要实行民族地区的教育由国家垂直管理,在“质”和“量”两个方面得到快速发展,创造条件尽快推行12年义务教育,积极推进高等教育改革,培养能够自主走上社会的人才,实施农民教育工程,提高少数民族地区农村干部和农民的科技文化素质,重视发展民族地区农村职业技术教育,为从根本上解决“三农”问题和加快城市化进程奠定基础,强化教育的服务意识。  相似文献   

It is essential that a solid research base be established to provide a foundation that will enable the field of early childhood teacher education to examine whether, for whom, and in what ways teacher education matters. The purpose of this article is to review several important domains in early childhood teacher education to illustrate the characteristics, key features, and significant gaps in current research, and to identify the kinds of research that are most needed to enhance the impact of early childhood teacher education. We conclude by identifying five crosscutting research priorities and describing what is needed to create a supportive environment that produces—and implements—early childhood teacher education research.  相似文献   

Help or Hindrance? Higher Education and the Route to Ethnic Equality   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Upward social mobility has been evident among British ethnic minority communities since the 1960s, and education appears to have had a key role in this process. Despite this, social scientists have been slow to consider the link between education, ethnicity and social stratification. The role of higher education has been particularly neglected. Although there has been some suggestion of an ethnic bias in the allocation of university places, previous work in this area has been limited by the nature of the data that have been available and by the types of analysis that have been conducted. This article includes detailed consideration of the key stages of the university application procedure, and particular attention is given to the role of candidates' predicted and actual A-level grades. Although young people from ethnic minority backgrounds are admitted into university in large numbers, it is suggested that higher education has an ambivalent role in relation to ethnic equality. Institutional biases mean that ethnic minority candidates are filtered into the new university sector, and it is concluded that biases in education and the labour market combine to create a cumulative pattern of ethnic disadvantage.  相似文献   

中国共产党历来重视培养和使用少数民族干部,把这项工作作为实现党的民族纲领,落实党的民族政策的关键环节.陕北公学成立以后特别是陕北公学后期加强了少数民族干部和人才的培养工作,先后组建蒙古青年队、少数民族文化工作队、民族部,开始了早期民族高等教育的实践与探索.  相似文献   

本文在深入研究和总结加拿大早期完全浸入式双语教育理论和经验的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,提出了在我国少数民族地区开展早期部分浸入式双语教育,并从理论支撑、选择缘由等维度探索了在我国少数民族地区通过该模式开展学前双语教育的可行性和对策.  相似文献   

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