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目的:结合文献探讨骨旁脂肪瘤的命名、病因、临床病理表现和影像学特点.方法:将国内文献的15例一起列入临床资料分析,本病发生于任何年龄,成人多见,以四肢长管状骨为好发,右侧多于左侧,其次发生于扁平骨(骨盆、肩岬骨、肋骨)、不规则骨(腰椎、骶尾椎)、短管状骨和跗骨;本文22例术前均行X线摄片,7例行CT检查,2例行MRI检查.结果:本病临床误诊率为40.91%,X线误诊率27.27%,CT及MRI诊断率100%;22例均手术切除,病理报告为脂肪瘤,有2例低度恶变;随访2年5例,3年2例(包括恶变1例),4年2例,无一例复发.结论:骨旁脂肪瘤是最佳的命名,病因未明,但与遗传、先天因素、创伤和炎症因素有关;病理表现为带骨蒂的脂肪瘤,细胞学形态为脂肪组织;影像学具有特征性表现;包膜外边缘切除加基底部骨突切除是治疗和防止本病复发的可靠方法.  相似文献   

骨旁脂肪瘤临床影像学表现与病理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:结合文献探讨骨旁脂肪瘤的命名、病因、临床病理表现和影像学特点.方法:将国内文献的15例一起列入临床资料分析,本病发生于任何年龄,成人多见,以四肢长管状骨为好发,右侧多于左侧,其次发生于扁平骨(骨盆、肩岬骨、肋骨)、不规则骨(腰椎、骶尾椎)、短管状骨和跗骨;本文22例术前均行X线摄片,7例行CT检查,2例行MRI检查.结果:本病临床误诊率为40.91%,X线误诊率27.27%,CT及MRI诊断率100%;22例均手术切除,病理报告为脂肪瘤,有2例低度恶变;随访2年5例,3年2例(包括恶变1例),4年2例,无一例复发.结论:骨旁脂肪瘤是最佳的命名,病因未明,但与遗传、先天因素、创伤和炎症因素有关;病理表现为带骨蒂的脂肪瘤,细胞学形态为脂肪组织;影像学具有特征性表现;包膜外边缘切除加基底部骨突切除是治疗和防止本病复发的可靠方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肾癌伴下腔静脉癌栓的诊断及治疗。方法:回顾性分析2006年1月至2008年5月肾癌伴下腔静脉癌栓患者的临床资料,包括临床表现、术前诊断、手术方法和患者的预后。其中男1例,女1例,临床主要表现为腰痛、血尿及腹部肿物,术前经彩色多普勒超声、CT确诊有癌栓。结果:2例手术者中,术前多普勒超声及CT均可发现腔静脉癌栓。手术均行肾癌根治加腔静脉内癌栓切除,术后随访1例于术后一年肿瘤复发转移死亡,1例现无瘤存活。结论:彩色多普勒超声、CT对肾癌伴下腔静脉癌栓诊断率较高,可准确判断癌栓位置,对无淋巴结和远处转移者,积极行肾癌根治术加下腔静脉癌栓取出术是治疗肾癌合并静脉瘤栓的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的:乳腺叶状肿瘤临床酷似纤维腺瘤,分析其临床病理特点并与乳腺纤维腺瘤鉴别.方法:对比治疗的乳腺叶状肿瘤和纤维腺瘤患者,回顾性分析临床特点.结果:所有患者均经手术治疗,术后5年生存率100%,乳腺叶状肿瘤术后复发率14.28%,纤维腺瘤术后复发率2.50%,分叶状肿瘤的误诊率37.5%.结论:临床表现不易鉴别,诊断主要依靠病理组织检查.术前空芯针穿刺为最佳方法.治疗均以手术切除为主.叶状肿瘤临床具有恶性倾向,手术要求切缘净.主要并发症是局部复发,其原因为手术技术所致.局部切除后反复复发者应行乳房切除.  相似文献   

1 病例介绍 患者女性,67岁,于2008-10月出现腰骶部疼痛,呈间竭性钝痛,进行性加重,以夜间为著,未予诊治.于2009-02月转为持续性钝痛,并出现二便排出困难.CT检查初步诊断为"骶尾部肿瘤"入院.体格检查:患者神志清楚,一般情况较好,骶尾部皮肤外观、色泽正常,压痛明显,未触及肿块.  相似文献   

目的:探讨唾液腺良恶性多形性腺瘤临床病理特点.方法:对经病理复片诊断为唾液腺良、恶性多形性腺瘤的172例临床病理材料进行回顾性分析.结果:良性多形性腺瘤163例,腺瘤型52例(31.9%),肌上皮型60例(36.8%),粘液型51例(31.3%).恶性多形性腺瘤9例,恶变均为上皮性,腺癌3例,腺样囊性癌3例,粘液表皮样癌2例,腺鳞癌1例.颈淋巴结转移2例,局部复发2例,均为侵袭性癌,恶性成分都超过50%,组织学表现为高度恶性.结论:良性多形性腺瘤不同亚型预后无明显差异,恶性多形性腺瘤侵袭性癌多见,恶性成分常多于良性成分,侵袭性癌、组织学分级高度恶性者易发生颈淋巴结转移和复发.  相似文献   

目的:研究经关节镜微创治疗腘窝囊肿的短期临床疗效.方法:选取病例为2016年05月至2017年06月通过膝关节MRI平扫确诊是腘窝囊肿31例本院患者,在腰硬联合或全麻行关节镜下膝关节探查清理及腘窝囊肿摘除手术,其中男16例,女15例;年龄28~65岁,平均43.6岁;右膝15例,左膝16例.术前及术后随访均采用Rauschning和Lindgren标准进行分级,31例腘窝囊肿患者术前分级:0级0例,Ⅰ级2例,Ⅱ级6例,Ⅲ级23例.结果:31例患者均获得随访,随访时间达8~15个月(平均10.8月).末次随访时根据Rauschning和Lindgren分级标准:0级22例,Ⅰ级7例,Ⅱ级2例,Ⅲ级0例,较术前改善(Z=-6.881,P=0.000)术后MRI显示26例囊肿彻底消失,5例囊肿明显缩小,无复发.结论 :关节镜下膝关节探查清理及腘窝囊肿摘除手术的效果确切,创伤小,恢复快,复发率低,短期随访效果良好.  相似文献   

目的 :研究螺旋CT双期增强扫描在胰头癌早期诊断和手术评估中的作用 .方法 :对2 0例胰头癌患者行螺旋CT双期增强扫描 ,扫描延迟时间分别为 4 0s和 70s ,对比剂用量 10 0ml,注射速度 2ml/s .比较肿瘤及正常胰腺CT值在两期中的变化 .根据CT征象对肿瘤可切除性进行评价 ,并与手术结果比较 .结果 :胰头癌在胰腺期以低密度影清晰显示 ,肝脏转移、淋巴结转移及胰周血管侵犯在门脉期清晰显示 .2 0例肿瘤中 ,术前认为可切除者为 12例 ,术中切除11例 .结论 :螺旋CT双期增强扫描能更清晰显示胰头癌有利于胰头癌的早期诊断和可切除性的判断 .  相似文献   

目的:探讨鞍区肿瘤的MRI表现特征,提高对鞍区肿瘤的诊断准确性.方法:回顾性分析经手术病理确诊的26例鞍区肿瘤的MRI表现.结果:垂体瘤17例,颅咽管瘤6例,脑膜瘤3例,MRI具有特征性,术前诊断准确率较高.结论:MRI对鞍区肿瘤的诊断与鉴别诊断具有重要临床价值.  相似文献   

胎儿型畸胎瘤在临床上较为罕见,据国外资料统计,其好发部位主要是尾骨区和颈部,我院自1994年以来收治2例胎儿骶尾部畸胎瘤患者,本文就其临床情况作一总结。 1 病例资料 例1:患者,24岁,主因孕36周第一胎,腹部憋胀一个月,于94—11—15入院。患者既往月经规律,停经4个月出现胎动,6个月时出  相似文献   

一个在因特网上虚拟的网络教室的基本设计思想、主要功能和开发技术,以及利用Active Server Page技术进行动态网页设计和网络教学资源开发的方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel low-pass filter (LPF) with sharp rejection, wide stopband and compact size, which are realized by the defected ground structure (DGS) and the defected microstrip structure (DMS). The equivalent circuit model is proposed and the circuit parameters are extracted by the circuit simulation software. The parameters measured are 3 dB cutoff frequency fc of 5.2 GHz, the insertion loss less than 0.5 dB from DC to 4.0 GHz and S21 less than -20 dB within the wide stopband from 6 GHz to 16 GHz. The results of the circuit optimization agree well with those of the full wave simulation and the measured ones, which validate the effectiveness of the equivalent circuit model. The size of the proposed LPF is decreased compared with normal LPF. This LPF can be applied in rectennas to eliminate high order harmonics.  相似文献   

Using FEM to predict tree motion in a wind field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we propose a finite element (FE) simulation method to predict tree motion in a wind field, Two FE tree models were investigated: One model was generated based on a realistic nature-looking geometric tree model, and the other was a symmetric model to investigate the influence of asymmetric material properties on tree motion. The vortex-induced vibration (VIV) theory is introduced to estimate the fluctuating wind force being exerted on tree stems and the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis is also included in the simulation. The results indicate that asymmetric material properties result in the crosswind displacement of the investigated node and the main swaying direction deviation. The simulation reveals that under wind loading, a tree with leaves has much larger swaying amplitude along the wind direction and longer swaying period than a tree without leaves. However, the crosswind swaying amplitude is mainly due to branch interaction. The numerical simulation proved that the interaction of tree branches can prevent dangerous swaying motion developing.  相似文献   

In this paper, an application of a nonlinear predictive controller based on a self recurrent wavelet network (SRWN) model for a direct internal reforming solid oxide fuel cell (DIR-SOFC) is presented. As operating temperature and fuel utilization are two important parameters, the SOFC is identified using an SRWN with inlet fuel flow rate, inlet air flow rate and current as inputs, and temperature and fuel utilization as outputs. To improve the operating performance of the DIR-SOFC and guarantee proper operating conditions, the nonlinear predictive control is implemented using the off-line trained and on-line modified SRWN model, to manipulate the inlet flow rates to keep the temperature and the fuel utilization at desired levels. Simulation results show satisfactory predictive accuracy of the SRWN model, and demonstrate the excellence of the SRWN-based predictive controller for the DIR-SOFC.  相似文献   

高职院校作为一种特殊的事业单位,其物资与库存管理与企业差别极大,其WMS系统的设计与开发也不可能沿用企业模式,本文通过一个开发实例,从系统的需求分析、总体设计、主要功能模块以及软件开发平台选择等方面介绍了面向高职院校物资与库存管理的WMS系统的设计思路及过程。  相似文献   

Objective: To gain further understanding of the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). Methods: Analysing clinical and laboratory data on ten cases of APS. Results: Thrombocytopenia appeared in all cases. Venous thrombi of limbs appeared in five cases and neurological abnormalities in two cases. Renal impairments were found in three cases. One case manifested left renal venous thrombi and the other two cases thrombotic microangiopathy. Budd-Chiari syndrome was found in one case. One of the ten cases was catastrophic APS (CAPS) presented as acute diffuse swelling, cyanosis, pain, ischemia and necrosis in fingers and limbs, recurrent shock, ascites, hepatic and respiratory dysfunction. Anticoagulants and corticosteroids could be effective foctive for dealing with APS. It was critical to treat catastrophic APS with anticoagulants or plasmapheresis as early as possible. Conclusion: APS shows variable manifestations for good prognosis, but catastrophic APS has fatal risk. The main treatment for APS is the use of anticoagulants and immunosuppressives.  相似文献   

The eigenface method that uses principal component analysis (PCA) has been the standard and popular method used in face recognition. This paper presents a PCA - memetic algorithm (PCA-MA) approach for feature selection. PCA has been extended by MAs where the former was used for feature extraction/dimensionality reduction and the latter exploited for feature selection. Simulations were performed over ORL and YaleB face databases using Euclidean norm as the classifier. It was found that as far as the recognition rate is concerned, PCA-MA completely outperforms the eigenface method. We compared the performance of PCA extended with genetic algorithm (PCA-GA) with our proposed PCA-MA method. The results also clearly established the supremacy of the PCA-MA method over the PCA-GA method. We further extended linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) approaches with the MA and observed significant improvement in recognition rate with fewer features. This paper also compares the performance of PCA-MA, LDA-MA and KPCA-MA approaches.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAPSisthesumtotalthatcoversaseriesofclinicalmanifestations,causedbyantiphospho lipidantibodies (APL)associatedwithhabitualabortionorintrauterinefetaldeath ,arterialandvenousthrombus,thrombocytopeniaandhemo lyticanemia.APL ,acomplement fixingant…  相似文献   

We proposed the flat-type permanent magnet linear alternator (LA) for free piston linear alternators (FPLAs) instead of the tubular one. Using the finite element method (FEM), we compare these two kinds of LAs. The FEM result shows that the flat-type permanent magnet LA has higher efficiency and larger output specific power than the tubular one, therefore more suitable for FPLAs, and that the alternator design can be optimized with respect to the permanent magnet length as well as the air gap.  相似文献   

讨论了随着铜电极在ODT溶液中浸泡时间的增长,成膜铜电极的腐蚀电阻、双电层电容的变化规律.结果表明ODT在铜表面30min内即可自组装形成致密、均匀、稳定的单分子膜.  相似文献   

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