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通过对四节有关代数教学录像课的量化分析及对教师在课堂教学中各类评价行为的统计分析表明,教师课堂评价行为占用时间接近课堂总时间的1/5,在课堂练习环节出现次数最多,所用时间也最长;在教师课堂评价行为中评价形式多样,以肯定性评价行为居多;表扬性评价较为保守,形式单一,却不失公正;教师课堂评价行为主要关注学生知识、技能的掌握,较少涉及学生情感、态度等;课堂教学中教师正确的评价行为能激励学生产生内在的学习动力,激发学生的潜能。  相似文献   

通过对四节有关代数教学录像课的量化分析及对教师在课堂教学中各类评价行为的统计分析表明,教师课堂评价行为占用时间接近课堂总时间的1/5,在课堂练习环节出现次数最多,所用时间也最长;在教师课堂评价行为中评价形式多样,以肯定性评价行为居多;表扬性评价较为保守,形式单一,却不失公正;教师课堂评价行为主要关注学生知识、技能的掌握,较少涉及学生情感、态度等;课堂教学中教师正确的评价行为能激励学生产生内在的学习动力,激发学生的潜能。  相似文献   

现代教学理论提倡教师要引导学生在学习过程中进行知识的自我建构。"学导课堂"的练习环节正是通过重建课堂结构,创新练习在课堂中的顺序、设计思路以及呈现方式,让学生在课前试一试、课中想一想、课尾编题展示,使他们主动参与课堂练习,真正成为设计、思考、解答练习的主人,进而建构属于自己的数学知识体系。  相似文献   

现代认知科学尤其是建构主义理论认为,知识并不能简单地由教师传授给学生,而只能由每个学生依据已有的知识和经验主动加以建构。对于每节课的课堂练习要精心设计,做到由易到难,题型丰富,层次清晰,尽量减少重复练习,真正让学生练有所获,练有发展,使课堂练习成为提高教学质量的重要环节,学生的数学能力在练习中获得提升;课堂还应发挥学生之间相互评价和学生的自我评价功能,实现多元评价方式,形成积极向上的学习氛围,促进学生主动性发挥,从而提高课堂的学习效率,构建理想的数学课堂。  相似文献   

在日常的教学工作中,课堂练习环节存在明显的缺陷,主要表现为大部分教师对于课堂练习前的准备不充分,研究不深入,课堂中讲与练很随意;教师对学生的目标达成度不能有效把握;学生的自主学习,消化课堂知识的时间少;课堂上学生能力(把学到的学科知识转化为运用知识解决实际问题的能力)培养不足,也就是说目前的课堂练习没有真正的体现出其教学功能,实效性不强.  相似文献   

课堂教学是教师与学生、教材与学生、学生与学生“思维碰撞”的场所,在课堂上最大限度地调动学生思维参与的积极性,是课堂教学的重要任务.学生学习的有效性首先体现在学生是否积极主动地参与学习,以保证对知识的主动建构;教师教学的有效性首先体现在能否调动学生的学习积极性,促进学生对知识的主动建构.因此,在课堂教学活动中,教师依据教材特点创造性地处理教材内容,以问题情境激发学生学习的积极性及主动性是极其必要的.  相似文献   

课堂练习是数学课中不可缺少的重要环节,在课堂中进行行之有效的课堂练习,既能够考查学生是否掌握了新学的知识,加深对于知识的理解和消化,又能够真正地使学生参与到课堂教学中来,发挥其主体地位,进而开拓学生思维,激发学生学习的兴趣,这样就能够大大提升课堂教学效率。但是课堂练习的应用也是有一定技巧的,只有适当、适度的练习才能够真正达到辅助教学,提高学生数学学习的作用。  相似文献   

课堂练习是"教"和"学"两方面的主要交汇点,它不仅是衡量学生是否掌握知识的标准,也是教师了解学生学习情况的有效方法.有效的课堂练习,既能使学生巩固所学的知识,又能训练学生的能力,提高课堂效率.文章结合教学实践谈提高课堂练习有效性的一些尝试.  相似文献   

“快速应答”是初尤其是低年级课堂教师经常采用 的一种教学手段。鉴于学生的年龄特点及初中英语基本句型高 复现的要求,“快速应答”能够有效地帮助学生积累对话材料, 并增加课堂练习的趣味性。本文从“快速应答”的理论依据、实 施要点和实施效果等方面阐述了“快速应答”的作用以及在初 中英语教学中的应用。  相似文献   

小学数学课的学习,离不开课堂练习,课堂练习不仅能及时将学生对知识与技能的掌握情况反馈给教师,而且能使学生对新知识的掌握进一步巩固。所以有效的课堂练习,是一节成功课堂必不可少的重要环节之一。根据我自己在一线小学数学课堂十多年的经验和体会,浅谈一下课堂练习的有效  相似文献   

Student engagement is highly visible in higher education research about learning and teaching, but lacks a single meaning. It can be conceived narrowly as a set of student and institutional behaviours in a classroom or holistically and critically as a social–cultural ecosystem in which engagement is the glue linking classroom, personal background and the wider community as essential contributors to learning. The narrow view is characterized as a mainstream view of student engagement, and the holistic and critical view as thinking beyond this mainstream. The article first discusses the mainstream view. Here, engagement is seen as a generic indicator of quality learning and teaching and successful student outcomes. Second, it critiques this view, arguing that it is too narrow and should embrace the more holistic vision. Third, the article discusses a holistic view of student engagement. Foremost, it advocates active student participation in classroom and curriculum management, wider community development through critical active citizenship and personal and social well-being.  相似文献   

Outside work can complement what goes on in the classroom in ways that benefit both the community and students. Of course, AQ readers may have heard of tendentious programs and faculty ideologues, who channel student enthusiasm into partisan activism. Still, statistical survey analysis presented here by Mary Prentice suggests that participation in service learning can increase students’ civic engagement, when civic engagement is defined as more than just political action.Outside work can complement what goes on in the classroom in ways that benefit both the community and students. Of course, AQ readers may have heard of tendentious programs and faculty ideologues, who channel student enthusiasm into partisan activism. Still, statistical survey analysis presented here by Mary Prentice suggests that participation in service learning can increase students' civic engagement, when civic engagement is defined as more than just political action.  相似文献   

Howard  Tyrone C. 《The Urban Review》2001,33(2):131-149
An increasing amount of scholarship has documented the salience of culturally relevant teaching practices for ethnically and linguistically diverse students. However, research examining these students' perceptions and interpretations of these learning environments has been minimal at best. In this article, the author details the findings from a study that sought to assess African-American elementary students' interpretations of culturally relevant teachers within urban contexts. Student responses indicated that culturally relevant teaching strategies had a positive affect on student effort and engagement in class content and were consistent with the theoretical principles of culturally relevant pedagogy. The qualitative data revealed three key findings that students preferred in their learning environments (1) teachers who displayed caring bonds and attitudes toward them, (2) teachers who established community- and family-type classroom environments, and (3) teachers who made learning an entertaining and fun process.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that the examination of students' work may lead to changes in teaching practice that are more effective in terms of students' mathematical learning. However, the link between the examination of students' work and the teachers' actions in the classroom is largely unexamined, particularly at the secondary level. In this paper, I present the results of a study in which teachers had extensive opportunities to examine the development of students' conceptual models of exponential growth in the context of their own classrooms. I describe two related aspects of the practice of one teacher: (a) how she listened to students' alternative solution strategies and (b) how she responded to these strategies in her practice. The results of the analysis suggest that as the teacher listened to her students, she developed a sophisticated schema for understanding the diversity of student thinking. The actions of the teacher supported extensive student engagement with the task and led the students to revise and refine their own mathematical thinking. This latter action reflects a significant shift in classroom practice from the role of the teacher as evaluator of student ideas to the role of students as self-evaluators of their emerging ideas.  相似文献   

Setting instructional goals to drive student engagement in the classroom is essential, as research has shown that improved student engagement in a course will affect student success, as well as the development of key personal and professional skills. Student engagement is a multifaceted concept with multiple perspectives. In focusing on the behavioral perspective of student engagement, various effective teaching practices can be implemented to encourage engagement in a diverse study body. Utilizing validated tools, such as the Natl. Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Engagement Themes and Indicators, can ease the development of classroom approaches to student engagement with convenience and flexibility. Semester‐long student engagement in a food science undergraduate product development capstone course was encouraged through instructional approaches styled around the NSSE Engagement Themes and Indicators. The variety of instructional approaches utilized in the capstone food science course are described in detail and discussed in relation to the NSSE Engagement Themes and Indicators with which they align.  相似文献   

回顾与反思:二十世纪课堂教学中学生主体参与的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在课堂教学中注重学生的主体参与是20世纪教育改革的重要趋势和现代教学的标志,纵观20世纪国内外关于课堂教学中学生主体参与的研究,发现主体参与是教育现代化过程中追求教育民主、公平、机会均等的产物,是现代教育追求的一种理想境界,其目标是促进学生的自由全面发展,它的研究涉及到课程、教学方法、教学原则、教学策略、课堂气氛和师生关系等方面。  相似文献   

Recently much research has focused on student engagement, both at school and at university. This attention is motivated by the role that engagement plays in student learning and in the student experience. Acknowledging that student engagement is a multifaceted construct we focus on the contribution that teaching and teacher traits make to the quality of student engagement, from the student’s perspective. In this small scale study, we adopt a qualitative methodology to investigate students’ perceptions of what factors impact on their engagement and what role the students themselves have in fostering such engagement. Focus group and one-to-one interviews with students in the last year of school and at university were analysed to reveal four overarching themes related to engagement in classroom life including the importance of active listening on the part of both students and teachers. The resulting Refined Quality Teaching Initiatives Framework outlines how dual engagement and active listening can be viable pedagogical strategies both at school and university. The framework also brings to the fore the active role and responsibilities that students have, in their own perceptions, for engagement in the classroom. We conclude with a reflection on the implications of our findings for teaching and teacher training.  相似文献   

四、促进学生课堂提问的策略1 .国内研究者促进学生课堂提问的策略1培养问题意识国内的研究者 (欧阳文 ,1 999;姚本先 ,1 995)认为 ,问题意识的培养是促进学生提问的前提。问题意识 (question awareness)是指学生在认知活动中意识到的一些难以解决的、疑虑的实际问题或理论问题时产生的一种怀疑、困惑、焦虑、探究的心理状态。这种心理状态驱使学生积极思维 ,不断提出问题。具有强烈问题意识的思维 ,体现了个体思维品质的活跃性和深刻性。而强烈的问题意识 ,又可作为思维的动力 ,促使人们去发现问题 ,解决问题。培养问题意识的可行性策略有 …  相似文献   


Research consistently shows that teaching behaviour is a highly-important indicator of learning environments. Based on a teacher effectiveness model with six observable teaching behaviour domains (safe learning climate, efficient classroom management, clarity of instruction, activating teaching, teaching–learning strategies, and differentiation), the present paper examines the psychometric quality of the My Teacher questionnaire for capturing student perceptions of teaching behaviour in the Spanish secondary-education context. Additionally, this study validated the model of teaching behaviour and student engagement and its relevance in Spain. 7114 students of 410 teachers attending 56 public and private Spanish schools constituted the sample. The six teaching behavioural dimensions model were confirmed in the Spanish context. Regarding student academic engagement, the presence of two domains (behavioural and emotional engagement) were confirmed. Furthermore, results of a multiple-group structural equation modeling path analysis, examining the relationship between teaching behaviour and student engagement across different teaching experiences, revealed differential effects of teaching behaviour influences on students’ engagement. The percentage of explained variance was larger for emotional engagement than for behavioural engagement. Furthermore, teachers’ teaching experience explained differences in the relationship between perceived teaching behaviour and engagement. Two domains (learning climate and activating teaching) appeared to be the two most-important teaching domains for students’ behavioural engagement while, for emotional engagement, the most important domains for student engagement were learning climate and teaching learning strategies.


Classroom management practices were studied in middle school classrooms with positive interpersonal classroom climates, high levels of student engagement, and high levels of autonomy support. Students' motivational responses to autonomy-supportive instructional interactions were explored to understand variability within classroom management practices identified and described in this study as providing autonomy support. Our findings suggest proactive classroom management is enacted through instructional interactions wherein teachers scaffold students' autonomous self-regulatory capacities that sustain student engagement in classroom activities by supporting students' strategy use, transferring responsibility to students, encouraging students' to structure physical and social contexts to support learning, and promoting prosocial behavior.  相似文献   

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