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This article examines copyright issues related to online course development and delivery. An overview and brief history of copyright law is presented, with attention to the ways in which various technologies have shaped modern interpretations of copyright law. Examples of recent lawsuits and several case studies provide a context for examination of fair use issues and liability for online copyright infringement. Finally, some helpful questions are presented on topics such as process issues, institutional policies, software and licensing, copyright issues, and other alternatives. These questions should provide a basis to help online course providers think through issues related to copyright, the Internet, and distance education.  相似文献   


The production of resource material, whether print based, in audio visual form or as computer software, raises a number of questions of copyright and performer's protection. These include not only the inclusion of existing material but also the ownership to the copyright in the finished product and the contractual arrangements regulating the exploitation of the product. Such issues are already complicated when both production and exploitation is confined to one country but they become even more so where production is a cooperative effort between different countries. This article will identify the copyright issues and explore how they may vary from one country to another but using the copyright law of the United Kingdom as an illustration of what may, or may not, be found in other legislations. Since the production of material as a cooperative venture will involve the preparation of contracts between the parties, the article will also examine the issues which may form part of the agreement and identify some of the dangers to be avoided.  相似文献   

版权制度是各国保护版权的基本法律制度,之中包括对数字版权实施保护的相关法律管理制度.通过回顾版权制度及其理念核心梳理我国版权制度,分析现行版权制度对数字版权保护不力的困境,从版权保护、对复制权定义的划分和合理使用三个方面对我国数字版权保护制度理念核心提出从复制转向传播的实施建议.  相似文献   

随着结构主义向后结构主义的转变,后现代作者理论与互文性理论双管齐下,抽离了著作权法的立法基础——作者与作品的所有关系以及作品的独创性,对著作权法构成了严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

确立期刊编辑出版者著作权是对编者权利的保护,是对编辑主体创造性劳动的肯定,也是对编辑主体积极性的激励。期刊编辑出版者著作权内容包括修改权、出版发表权、摘编权、复制发行权、获取报酬权、保护作品完整权以及版式设计专有使用权等。维护期刊编辑出版者的著作权要从强化著作权意识、依法取得著作权人作品的专有使用权、履行告知义务防止作者滥用发表权,追究法律责任来应对网络侵权等方面着手。  相似文献   


Practical information on the necessity for community colleges, instructors, and students to understand and abide by the copyright laws is essential. Whether developing, structuring, maintaining, or presenting courses, or instructing students on the development of their own papers, one must be knowledgeable about plagiarism, the Fair Use Act, and the Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act. Violations of the copyright laws can result in legal fees, awarding of compensation, loss of a position, and prison time.  相似文献   

演绎权之沿革及其理论思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
演绎权是著作权中一种十分重要的财产性权利,是对作品演绎的专有权。演绎权的保护直接关系到演绎作品的创作和利用。在19世纪中期以前,作者的著作权控制主要限于对作品的大量复制。自19世纪中后期以来,英美法院逐渐赋予作者控制其作品被他人再创作的权利,直至系统地限制他人创作演绎作品的自由。当著作权扩张到演绎权时,对演绎权的保护优先关注的是对作者受合法保护的著作权利益的保障。演绎权的设立是著作权扩张史中重要的里程碑。设立演绎权的正当性可以从激励与接近之间平衡的关系加以认识,一方面,需要通过将著作权保护扩张到演绎权从而在更大程度上激励作者创作;另一方面,也需要保障公众对作品接近的权利。  相似文献   

作者与著作权人不是同一人的情况下,作者与著作权人产生分化。大陆法系和英美法系的两大法律思潮对作者和著作权之间的利益调整产生着一定的影响。在当今强化著作权保护的前提背景下,考虑著作权人与作品使用者之间的利益调整问题之前,需再次从著作权法的原点出发,将作者和著作权人的关系重新进行审视。  相似文献   


An empirical examination of accredited American higher education institutions was conducted to obtain baseline data regarding distance education copyright, intellectual property, and antitrust concerns. Additionally, a multiple‐case study involving ten of the top thirty accredited distance education institutions in America was conducted. Policy approaches were examined for all institutions, and differences were discussed between public and private institutions as well as between the following Carnegie Classification institutions: Research I and II, Doctorate I and II, and Master's I and II. Data indicated that, out of the schools surveyed, 22% of the institutions in these Carnegie Classification categories published copyright and intellectual property policies on their institution's Web site. In the case study, it was found that 90% of the institutions centrally controlled their distance education program administration as well as the copyright and intellectual property policies related to it.  相似文献   


The upcoming round of exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 anticircumvention provision and the questions raised by the copyright infringement lawsuit filed against the against University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) for its streaming video practices illustrate the problematic state of the law concerning the digitization and streaming of video content by educators. This article reviews the current status of legislation and litigation and offers possible solutions for streaming video while librarians and educators await official instruction.  相似文献   

笔者对其他国家著作权法与我国的立法进行了比较分析,对我国的著作权犯罪的立法提出了独到的见解。  相似文献   

首发权基于著作权法赋予著作权人发表权之首要权益之意,系作者的权利。报刊社可以通过与作者签订授权合同依法获得并非著作权法意义上具有专有权性质的首发权。首发权与专有使用权既有联系又有很大区别。首发权诉求实质上是首发作品的时点垄断权,其经济权利的实质是转载摘编首发作品的报刊社向首发作品报刊社支付的被转载摘编作品的信息使用费。报刊社的首发权不具有对抗第三人的法律效力,须以公示和转授权成立与第三方许可使用合同为条件。基于报刊社首发权授权、转授权合同难以操作等原因,不应扩大首发权“有效抑制一稿多投行为”等作用。  相似文献   


The article examines the latest development in advanced computer‐graphics termed Virtual Reality (VR), which is a technology that entails a 3‐dimensional artificial environment in which the user perceives a sense of presence. The paper discusses the dilemma of defining VR, and the limitations of the current technology. Furthermore, the author describes his experience with VR and looks at the implications of this new technology for education.  相似文献   

在现代社会,作品的创作者与著作权主体会分离。法律的直接规定或是通过合同约定,可以让法人或其他组织享有作品的著作权,这样的作品可以统称为非自然人作品。我国的《著作权法》对此类作品进行了规定,但是存在定义模糊,分类标准不清晰,适用范围相互交叉,著作权归属原则不清的问题,实践中很容易产生纠纷。因此立足我国实践,借鉴发达国家有关非自然人作品著作权的归属制度,提出完善我国相关制度的建议。  相似文献   

从作权刑法保护的价值基础、侵犯作权犯罪客体、客观方面、主体、主观方面等角度对中西作权刑法保护的现状进行了分析,认为我国作权刑法保护应当结合我国具体实践借鉴西方国家立法进行完善,但不应盲从于西方。  相似文献   


This article describes activities and experiences that encourage students to construct and reconstruct knowledge of self and teaching through community building and reflective practices. Following the assumption that teacher education should focus on the human and ethical dimensions of teaching, and the conscious development of a sense of self, specifically the inner self, the author makes the claim that teaching is an act of “soul turning,” or self‐transformation. When students of teaching are given opportunities to reflect on who they are in the context of their teaching and in relationships with others, possibilities exist for the development of greater self‐understanding and awareness. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

网络传输作为新崛起的一种传播方式,急需被纳入版权保护体系来维护版权人的利益,而各国版权界对将其界定为何种版权权利来保护有不同意见,争论的焦点集中在发行权和公众传播权上。本文通过分析各国关于这两种权利的规定,认为将网络传输行为视为传播权来保护更为合适。  相似文献   

网络环境下著作权合理使用若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合理使用是各国著作权法的通行制度,互联网络的出现,使得大量的数字化材料能够被简便,高速,高质量,低成本地复制,并能在全球范围内被用户访问和下载,因此,它不可避免地带来诸如网上浏览信息,数字化图书馆和远程教学的合理使用等问题,这些问题的解决,必将丰富我国著作权法中合理使用的内容。  相似文献   



In this article, the author argues in favour of a decision‐making orientated science and technology curriculum for secondary school students. To achieve this, the curriculum should (i) expose students to open‐ended problems within their natural setting, (ii) provide students with real decision‐making situations and (iii) involve them in scientific‐technological social actions, e.g. in community institutions or industrial plants.  相似文献   



The article presents an account of the personal experiences of the author during his participation in an American graduate programme in science education. The author describes the Ph.D. programme and the institution administering it i.e. the SESAME Group at the University of California at Berkeley. He outlines the important features of the programme in relation to admission requirements, course work, qualifying examination, and thesis research. This formal characterization is contrasted with his personal impression, and an attempt is made to evaluate the merits of his one‐year participation in the programme. In the final section, the possibilities and desirable modifications for an adequate adaptation of such a graduate programme in FR Germany or Europe are discussed.  相似文献   

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