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PromptCat is a new service offered by OCLC, in conjunction with monograph materials vendors, that provides libraries with a full bibliographic record from the OCLC Online Union Catalog (OLUC) simultaneous to the supply of materials from a vendor. The library's holdings are set automatically on the OLUC record. Because PromptCat eliminates the need for libraries to do individual title-by-title searching and record selection when materials are received, it will streamline local cataloging activities. It may also provide an impetus for libraries to reevaluate local editing practices and determine whether materials can be processed quickly upon receipt in acquisitions rather than in copy cataloging.This article addresses issues relating to PromptCat, including tests of the service conducted at The Ohio State University (OSU) and Michigan State University (MSU), an estimated cost/benefit analysis based on OSU's approval plan, and issues including coordination between OCLC, materials vendors, system vendors, and the library as well as workflow, organizational implications and staffing issues.  相似文献   

从文本特征对文本分类结果的整体影响的角度出发,提出一种基于粒子群优化的文本特征选择方法(PSOTFS),使用粒子群算法来挖掘文本特征选择规则。PSOTFS首先使用开方检验对文本特征进行预选择,然后使用粒子群算法对预选择得到的文本特征进行精选。PSOTFS以一个粒子表示一条特征选择规则,特征选择规则集对应某个粒子群,采用分类准确率作为适应度函数,采用分组的方式对粒子的维度进行降维。实验结果表明,PSOTFS比开方检验、信息增益、文档频率和互信息方法能得到更好的分类效果。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(41-42):375-385
The Internet has provided OCLC with another delivery mechanism to support its chartered public purpose of ex- access to the world's information and reducing rising information costs. This network of networks has helped OCLC and its member libraries reach electronically a new audience of end users with new products and new technologies designed especially for them. OCLC offers three reference products via the Internet: The First - Search Catalog, the EPIC service, and The Online Journal of Current Clinical Trials. All can be accessed using the Internet from an enduser's home, office, dorm room, laboratory, hotel room-or any other location with a modem nearby-as well as from a library. FirstSearch is a new online information service designed for library patrons, with an end-user interface that allows patrons to move through the online search process in just a few simple steps, without special training or online searching experience. The EPIC service is an online information service with a command interface designed for the advanced searcher. Both of these services offer access to a number of databases, including the OCLC Online Union Catalog, an electronic card catalog of 28 million records used by more than 16,000 libraries.  相似文献   

OCLC s main courses, major activities of every stage, policy, tactics and strategy of practice and the trend of late as well are presented.In addition to its previous work of regarding the precataloging.interlibrary loan and reference service as its chief activity targets, OCLC also builds its network system by using the "Telenet" photoconductive fibre line to develop its services of PRISM and EPIC in order to bring library micorcomputers into play and to carry on the microcomputer reference service by means of connecting to various kinds of data bases.  相似文献   

基于多层特征的字符串相似度计算模型   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12  
章成志 《情报学报》2005,24(6):696-701
针对计算字符串相似度传统方法的不足之处,提出以相似元作为字符串的基本处理单元,综合考虑相似元的字面、语义及统计关联等多层特征的字符串相似度计算方法。对常规计算方法中存在的,由相似元排序引起的相似元位置信息丢失问题进行了修正。实验结果表明该算法的有效性,并且对句子间、段落间的相似度计算有启发意义。  相似文献   

VisualDx is a clinical decision support tool that uses images and searchable clinical features to assist physicians in the diagnostic decision-making process. VisualDx is a database of more than 24,000 high-quality images covering a wide variety of conditions and drug eruptions. In addition, VisualDx integrates within both UpToDate and many electronic medical records and features a mobile version. This column includes a sample search and a review of the features of VisualDx.  相似文献   

文章在分析移动商务环境下个性化主动信息服务的特征与服务流程的基础上,结合移动商务的信息特征与用户需求,构建了多技术融合的移动商务个性化主动信息服务机制模型。该模型不仅能够使海量信息资源为移动商务信息服务所用,也能最大限度地满足多样性、个性化的用户需求。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of computer-mediated communication apprehension on motives for using the interactive features on Facebook. An online survey was completed by 417 undergraduate students. Guided by uses and gratifications theory, communication apprehension in a computer-mediated context was found to be inversely related to interpersonal, self-expression, entertainment, and passing time motives for using Facebook. This study also investigated how Facebook motives predict the use of its interactive features. Interpersonal communication, self-expression, and entertainment motives all significantly predicted use of interactive features on Facebook.  相似文献   

This paper uses a frame analysis method to highlight the ways in which the quick-service restaurant (QSR) industry – or fast food restaurant industry – uses official websites to communicate messages about nutrition and health to consumers and other relevant publics, especially using the language of corporate social responsibility. In the context of the increasing association of QSR industry food to the obesity epidemic in the U.S.A., several large fast-food chains have developed elaborate communication strategies to address the health concerns among the general public of their foods. Using a frame analysis method, I demonstrate that the industry consistently draws on metaphors of ‘individual responsibility’ and ‘personal choice’ in choosing healthy food, while establishing the primary role of moderation and exercise in preventing obesity. As a contribution to the field of PR, this emic frame analysis features an integrative approach that combines both message features in context with message intention. I also discuss practical applications of the study findings.  相似文献   

传统档案管理中识别照片档案内容完全依靠手工著录文字说明,但实际管理中存在文字说明著录不全导致照片内容展示不全等缺点。在回顾照片档案管理现状和图像内容搜索技术发展的基础上,本文提出基于深度学习的以图搜图照片档案管理系统架构,并运用Keras深度学习框架和VGG16网络模型成功实现照片档案以图搜图实验。运用深度学习方法来对照片档案进行图片内容识别,对照片档案中的内容进行特征提取,实现以图搜图,为照片档案的管理利用和资源开发提供理论支持和实践思路。  相似文献   

提出基于色度特征和动态时间卷曲算法,实现MIDI、MusicXML两种乐谱格式与WAV、MP3两种音频格式间的对位,并使用真实录音作为音频进行实验,采用人工标注正确时间的方式评估结果,使得对算法效果的评价更接近现实情况。实验结果显示该算法基本能够达到预期效果。  相似文献   

The MEDLINE database available on BRS provides searchers with flexible capabilities for efficient searching. Several new and unique features are highlighted and illustrated. The special sort and merge features are described for enhancing printouts. Several non-traditional uses of the MEDLINE database are suggested: interlibrary loan verification, table-of-contents service, and cross-file searching of companion BRS produced PRE-MED and PRE-PSYCH databases.  相似文献   

数据空间是基于pay-as-you-go思想进行集成的一种数据组织形式。文章以NSTL智能检索平台的实践为背景,提出采用数据空间理念构建知识关联网络,实现pay-as-you-go模式的关系发现应用。  相似文献   

林婷 《图书情报工作》2015,59(16):60-67
[目的/意义]研究如何优化我国高校图书馆对Folksonomy的管理,提升高校图书馆Folksonomy的服务能力,加大高校图书馆Folksonomy的推广力度。[方法/过程]运用经典扎根理论,调研高校图书馆存在的Folksonomy管理问题,构建我国高校图书馆Folksonomy管理机制模型。[结果/结论]研究结果表明,高校图书馆Folksonomy的管理机制是由具多样性特点的运行机制、具隐性特点的约束机制和具多重性特点的动力机制共同组成的,管理各环节之间并非单向关系,而是双向互相约束。  相似文献   

传统的关键词自动抽取常以候选词的出现频次、位置等非语义信息构建特征,并未考虑关键词在学术文献中承担的特定语义角色,即词汇功能。通过对现有数据统计,本文发现作者标注关键词中约有67.99%是研究问题或研究方法词。因此,本文将关键词的词汇功能分为三类:“研究问题”“研究方法”和“其他”,在传统的词频特征以及位置特征基础上,融合词汇功能特征,使用计算机领域的学术文献基于分类和排序两种思想进行关键词抽取实验。实验结果表明,融合词汇功能后,关键词抽取效果得到明显提升。相较于基准实验,二分类模型的准确率Acc和F值分别相对提升24.63%和25.19%,达到了0.840和0.666;排序模型的MAP、NDCG@5和P@5分别相对提升168.32%、189.50%和148.30%,提升至0.813、0.828和0.447,证明了学术文献词汇功能特征在关键词自动抽取中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

张效梅 《大观周刊》2012,(8):146-146
儿化音是北京话音系统里的一种很特别现象,同时也是“北语的特征,过于标准音中的重要分子”,儿化在北方话和普通话语音系统中均占很重要的位置。本文将从语法、语用、语义等方面分析北京话里的“儿化”现象,从中总结出北京话中使用“儿化”时,在语用中的规律。  相似文献   

国外手机二维码技术在图书馆中的应用及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过介绍手机二维码在使用中方便、快捷、准确等特点,论述手机二维码在日韩等国家的成功业务模式。对手机二维码技术在图书馆中的应用进行了探讨,并结合我国手机二维码技术还不成熟、尚处于市场导入期这一特殊情况,对手机二维码在我国图书馆中应用可能出现的问题及解决办法进行分析。  相似文献   

This study examines audience uses of three types of interactivity, user motivations for visiting an online newspaper, and the relationship between user motivations and use of the different types of interactive features. There are three types of interactivity on a continuum: medium, human/medium, and human interactivity. In an online survey of 542 respondents, results indicate that medium interactive features were used most frequently and human interactive features used the least. Three motivations for using online newspapers emerged—information seeking/surveillance, socialization, and entertainment. In addition, further analysis found that although all three motivations were predictors of use of medium interactive features, the information seeking/surveillance motivation was not a significant predictor of use of human/medium and human interactive features.  相似文献   

Chat reference services offer the opportunity to provide immediate access to quality information to meet the medical information needs of students, faculty, staff, physicians, nurses, and allied health care professionals. Part 1 of this two-part article on chat reference service in medical libraries is an introduction to the management of chat reference services and to features available for chat reference. The management of chat reference services raises issues of planning, staffing, selecting, and marketing. Planning issues focus on the identification of the users, the users' medical information needs, and the users' information-seeking behavior. Staffing issues relate to the selection of chat hours, the location of the chat service, and participation in collaborative agreements. Selecting chat software weighs the sophistication of the chat features against the related cost. Marketing uses techniques similar to traditional reference services and often begins slowly as chat expertise develops. Part 2 of the article discusses trends in chat reference services in medical libraries.  相似文献   

链接分析是近些年来信息计量学研究的一个热点问题。以国内2000-2010年链接分析的部分研究成果为对象,运用词频统计、共词网络等方法对其进行计量分析。研究发现,国内链接分析研究目前主要集中在图书情报学和计算机科学领域。这两个领域的研究既有一些交叉的内容,也各自有一些学科特色鲜明的研究子主题。  相似文献   

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