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在"用本原性数学问题驱动课堂教学"的理念指导下,讨论了如何对高职高等数学课程教与学模式进行改革与实践,使学生更好的理解和掌握数学知识,提高数学素质,满足后续专业课程的需要,并为学生将来的可持续发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

化学学科理解是指对化学学科知识及其思维方式和方法的一种本原性、结构化认识。从“本原性问题”出发,启发“本原性思考”,可以帮助教师和学生形成“本原性理解”。沿着“是什么”“怎么样”“为什么”这一“本原性思考”路线,逐渐形成对某一化学知识点的“本原性理解”。“结构化”是将系统内部各要素按照一定关系形成关联结构的过程,即“结构”是“结构化”的结果。高中化学教学内容结构化的方法有基于知识关联的结构化、基于认识视角和认识思路的结构化、基于核心观念的结构化。“素养为本”的课堂要积极引导学生在教学内容结构化的自主建构中,本原性理解化学核心观念,发展学生化学核心素养。  相似文献   

本原性问题是数学学科中最原始、最本质的问题,本原性问题驱动下的数学变式教学围绕本原性问题,以驱动问题为媒介,通过不断地变更问题的情境或改变思维的角度进行教学,能够有效地激发学生理解和体验学习内容的本质,让学生始终处于主动学习的状态下,给学生充分思考的机会,引导学生通过自主探索去发现知识和方法,在变式中建构,变被动接受知识为主动探究,培养学生良好的学习习惯,提高学生学习数学知识的能力.  相似文献   

高等数学是高校大学生必修的基础课,然而其特有的严谨性、抽象性、逻辑性等特点决定了学生在高等数学学习中需要较高的理解能力。文章从理解性学习的内涵及在高等数学教学中的应用等方面进行了探讨,进而从学习情境、教学方法、多媒体教学、数学建模及学生反思等几个方面提出了促进理解性学习的途径。  相似文献   

<正>在高考和模拟试题中经常出现一类函数存在性和任意性问题,它们有时出现在压轴题、把关题位置,是考试的热点之一.这类问题往往又是学生难以理解的知识,很多学生对这些问题模糊不清、模棱两可,而这类知识在学生进入大学后,继续学习高等数学时显得很重要,这类问题弄不清楚,也会影响他们对高等数学的学习,如高等数学的基础问题:数集的确界、极限的"ε-N"定义等,对于这样的衔接性问题,都需要理解  相似文献   

一、放缩法的思想是本原的. 放缩法是高等数学学习中的常用方法,是思考不等关系的一种朴素思想,其原理其实是"常识".它作为一种本原的思想方法,具有极大的迁移性,对它的运用往往能体现出创造性.不等式的传递性是放缩法证明不等式的理论依据.  相似文献   

函数作为现实世界中变量间依赖关系的模型,无论是在初等数学还是高等数学都占有十分重要的地位。但是,如果初、高等数学教学衔接不到位,则会发生学习脱节的问题,使学生难以紧随教师的教学进度,全面掌握高等数学知识。通过探寻解决初、高等教学衔接问题的对策,能够提高教学的循序渐进性,便于学生的理解,达成知识与思维方式的顺利过渡。因此,文章整合国内外有关初、高等数学衔接问题的研究文献,梳理其他学者在该方面的教学心得,并由此总结出衔接不利的原因,以三角、反三角函数为例,提出解决衔接问题的建议,以确保学生可以从初等数学顺利过渡到高等数学,降低学习的难度,提高教师教学质量。  相似文献   

理解障碍是高校学生学习《高等数学》时普遍存在的问题。本文从数学理解障碍形成的原因入手,分析并提出了消除高等数学理解障碍的教学对策。  相似文献   

理解障碍是高校学生学习<高等数学>时普遍存在的问题.本文从数学理解障碍形成的原因入手,分析并提出了消除高等数学理解障碍的教学对策.  相似文献   

课堂深度学习可提升学生对知识的学科理解,促进学习内容结构化,知识学习功能化、素养化。教师应“纵向”分析学生的“过去—现在—未来”,“横向”分析学习内容的“课标要求—教材内容—评价目标”,确定丰富而明确的学习目标。教师还应通过情境、联结、本原、意义解读,挖掘学习内容的多重价值,创设情境以持续引发认知冲突,及时联结以建立知识内在关联,模型认知以实现学习内容结构化,再设情境以迁移解决实际问题。最后,教师应嵌入评价,持续推进学生对学习内容进行本原性理解、应用、分析、评价和创造,诊断并发展学生的核心素养。  相似文献   

In considering ??good teaching?? in mathematics, scholars usually refer to teacher knowledge and instructional practices that promote understanding. However, researchers have found that these two elements of instruction are often not as prevalent in urban contexts, a space where high percentages of students of color and the poor are educated. Additionally, recent work calls for understanding other classroom mechanisms that impact the mathematics learning of students of color. Using video, field notes, and an interview, this research examines a case study of one urban classroom of Latino and African American students. Their teacher engages them in substantive mathematics and reform-minded pedagogical strategies, but a number of relational interactions raise issues of how these micro-interactions can mediate access to mathematics. The study found four dimensions in which relational interactions mediated access to mathematics: addressing behavior, framing mathematics ability, acknowledging student contributions, and attending to culture and language. The paper ends with raising questions for future research and calling for a broader framing of instruction that incorporates relational dimensions of the classroom.  相似文献   

传统的教学观念和教学方法影响了学生对数学活动的理解,由此导致许多学生害怕数学,甚至放弃数学.教师忽视数学理解是问题的主要原因,其中教师在教学观念和教学方法上的落后是导致其对数学知识的理解和把握不够深入的主要因素.解决问题的方法是建立高效的师资培训机制,在各级培训中强调对数学的深层次理解.  相似文献   

Students often experience difficulty with attaching meaning to mathematics symbols. Many students react to symbols, such as the equal sign, as a command to “do something” or “write an answer” without reflecting upon the proper relational meaning of the equal sign. One method for assessing equal‐sign understanding is through nonstandard equations (e.g., 3 + 4 = __ + 5) where student answers provide cues about operational or relational interpretation of the equal sign. This study investigated the influence of symbolic and nonsymbolic presentations on a measure of nonstandard equations. A representative sample of 2nd‐grade students (n = 413) solved a set of nonstandard equations presented with symbols (i.e., symbolic) and the same set presented with pictures and stories (i.e., nonsymbolic). Students with and without mathematics difficulty demonstrated significantly higher scores on the nonsymbolic version without mathematics symbols. Results have implications for mathematics assessment and instruction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explored how engagement developed over time during a proportional reasoning unit for a group of US bilingual Latino/a students, with particular attention to aspects of social and cultural activity that supported students’ engagement. Our findings suggest that student mathematical engagement developed primarily as a relational process characterized by students’ social relations across time, their understandings about their relationships with mathematics, and the important relations emerging across proportional reasoning ideas.  相似文献   

符合学生专业学习需要的教学效果,是高职数学教育教学追求的目标。本文针对数学教学过程中有关有效教学时间、简单理解、有针对性处理教学内容,以及师生关系等与教学效果相关的教学思想与观念,阐述了数学教学效率意识的作用和意义,认为在高职数学教育教学中强调数学教学效率意识,对于高职数学教育教学的改革与发展有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

李军 《柳州师专学报》2010,25(4):130-132,136
学生数学认知结构的建构实质是指对数学概念、定理、公式和命题的理解,以及蕴涵其中的思想、方法的掌握和运用。学生数学学习的过程,实际上就是学生自身数学认知结构的不断搭建和完善的过程,是学生数学思维能力不断拓展和发展的过程。本文试就学生数学认知结构的建构过程中的一些途径和操作方法作一些探讨和总结。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to examine how fifth grade students were impacted by the infusion of multiple writing tasks in mathematics. In this study, writing tasks provided opportunities for students to communicate prior knowledge, share ideas to construct and justify arguments, for reflection, and assessment. In this deductive qualitative study, students’ work samples were analyzed. Findings indicated that students grew in their understanding of mathematics and ability to self-reflect and self-evaluate through multiple opportunities to write for a variety of purposes. The opportunities for constructing mathematical understanding with activities that included writing and discourse also fostered learning between peers. The findings suggest a variety of opportunities to write and engage in mathematics discourse encouraged reflection, evaluation, and learning. Implications for future research include the need to examine the impact of these activities on students’ mathematics understanding as measured by assessments or an analysis of student work samples.  相似文献   

影响大学生高等数学学习的因素及其教学对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生对高等数学产生“恐慌”或“畏惧”,学习效果差,其原因在于学生对高等数学的认知不足和学生本身对高等数学问题的认知策略贫乏。教师应该不断改进和优化教学方法,以消除学生对高等数学的“畏惧”。加强师生之间、学生之间的思想与学习上的交流,促进学生高等数学学习成绩的提高。  相似文献   

In this article, we describe how using prediction during instruction can create learning opportunities to enhance the understanding and doing of mathematics. In doing so, we characterize the nature of the predictions students made and the levels of sophistication in students’ reasoning within a middle school algebra context. In this study, when linear and exponential functions were taught, prediction questions were posed at the launch of the lessons to reflect the mathematical ideas of each lesson. Students responded in writing along with supportive reasoning individually and then discussed their predictions and rationale. A total of 395 prediction responses were coded using a dual system: sophistication of reasoning, and the mechanism students appeared to utilize to formulate their prediction response. The results indicate that using prediction provoked students to connect among mathematical ideas that they learned. It was apparent that students also visualized mathematical ideas in the problem or the possible results of the problem. These results suggest that using prediction in fact provides learning opportunities for students to engage in mathematical sense making and reasoning, which promotes students’ understanding of the mathematics that they learn.  相似文献   

In several of his works, Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947) presents mathematics as a way of learning about general ideas that increase our understanding of the universe. The danger is that students get bogged down in its technical operations. He argues that mathematics should be an integral part of a new kind of liberal education, incorporating science, the humanities, and “technical education” (making things with one’s hands), thereby integrating “head-work and hand-work.” In order to appreciate the role mathematics plays in modern science, students should understand its diverse history which is capable of bringing abstract ideas to life. Moreover, mathematics can discern the alternating rhythms of repetition and difference in nature constituting the periodicity of life. Since these same rhythms are to be found in his theory of learning as growth, there appears to be a pattern linking Whitehead’s approach to mathematics and his educational philosophy.  相似文献   

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