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为了提高学生的外语(或二语)水平,很多国家降低了学生学习外语的年龄。这种做法和神经科学关于双语者二语习得起始年龄的研究结果相一致。相关的研究表明,早期的二语习得者其二语大脑加工模式类似于第一语言和母语单语者,而晚二语者的二语加工有激活脑区扩大、激活水平提高的倾向。早二语者更有可能获得接近母语者的二语水平。让学习者在较小的年龄接触外语是一个有效的方法。汉语是外语教育低龄化的受益语言,覆盖低龄学习者,帮助国外解决低龄学习者汉语教学师资问题应该成为汉语国际推广的重要内容。国内的对外汉语教学界要加强针对低龄儿童的教学研究,建立低龄儿童汉语教学师资培训机制,以顺应国外外语教育的发展趋势,促进汉语国际推广。  相似文献   

Developments in early intervention have paralleled those in early language intervention. Such parallels are not surprising given that general early childhood special education and language intervention practices have been influenced by the same theories of development and learning. In addition, because of the importance of communication to learning and academic achievement, and the prevalence of communication problems in children with special needs, language intervention has been fundamental to early intervention services and, reciprocally, language intervention practices have been challenged as a result of changes in early childhood services. In light of this relationship, this paper provides a focus on developments in language intervention within a framework of early intervention.  相似文献   

Investigators of early language development have noted that teachers tend to select specific language objectives and teach them didactically, whereas parents are more likely to adopt open-ended objectives and teach them opportunistically. The authors have called the former approach directive, because of its reliance on teacher-controlled precision teaching, and the latter nondirective, because of its reliance on child-centered supportive techniques. This article explores the relative emphasis given these two approaches in early intervention by examining language objectives on Individual Educational Programs (IEPs) drawn from 20 programs in 10 states. It also analyzes the directive versus nondirective nature of language items on eight major developmental inventories that are used both to assess children's language and as the source of language objectives. The primary finding—a preponderant directive orientation on both IEPs and inventories—is discussed in terms of the literature on language development in normal and handicapped preschoolers.  相似文献   

吴慧清 《海外英语》2012,(15):34-35
Language transfer is one of the areas that have received special attention in the research of third language(L3).This paper focus es on the transfer of syntax from first language(L1) and second language(L2) in the early stage of third language acquisition(TLA).It aims at finding out whether L1 or L2 is the main source of transfer and trying to account for this phenomenon in light of typology and psy chotypology theories.A story telling task is used among 8 university students who have Chinese,English and French as L1,L2 and L3.The findings indicate that although both L1 Chinese and L2 English exert influence on L3 French production in the form of transfer,more L2 transfer occurs due to the typological and psychotypological similarity between L2 English and L3 French.The results confirm previous studies on the important roles of typological and psychotypological similarity in determining the source of transfer in a multilin gual’s language production.Some pedagogical implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

Investigators of early language development have noted that teachers tend to select specific language objectives and teach them didactically, whereas parents are more likely to adopt open-ended objectives and teach them opportunistically. The authors have called the former approach directive, because of its reliance on teacher-controlled precision teaching, and the latter nondirective, because of its reliance on child-centered supportive techniques. This article explores the relative emphasis given these two approaches in early intervention by examining language objectives on Individual Educational Programs (IEPs) drawn from 20 programs in 10 states. It also analyzes the directive versus nondirective nature of language items on eight major developmental inventories that are used both to assess children's language and as the source of language objectives. The primary finding—a preponderant directive orientation on both IEPs and inventories—is discussed in terms of the literature on language development in normal and handicapped preschoolers.  相似文献   

对于出生在聋人父母家庭里的聋儿来说,跟他们的父母习得手语就如同健听儿跟他们的健听父母习得口语一样自然而轻松。那么作为一种以完全不同的形式——通过视觉手势而非听说形式来表现的语言,自然手语的习得与有声语言的习得又有何异同呢?文章以英语和美国手语为例对有声语言习得和聋人手语习得过程进行了比较和分析;文章还探讨了自然手语习得研究对聋儿早期语言发展的启示。  相似文献   

The last decade has produced an explosion in neuroscience research examining young children's early processing of language that has implications for education. Noninvasive, safe functional brain measurements have now been proven feasible for use with children starting at birth. In the arena of language, the neural signatures of learning can be documented at a remarkably early point in development, and these early measures predict performance in children's language and pre‐reading abilities in the second, third, and fifth year of life, a finding with theoretical and educational import. There is evidence that children's early mastery of language requires learning in a social context, and this finding also has important implications for education. Evidence relating socioeconomic status (SES) to brain function for language suggests that SES should be considered a proxy for the opportunity to learn and that the complexity of language input is a significant factor in developing brain areas related to language. The data indicate that the opportunity to learn from complex stimuli and events are vital early in life, and that success in school begins in infancy.  相似文献   

Separate language classes are valuable in providing a secure early base for language handicapped children in ordinary schools, suggests Alan Hurford, student educational psychologist, Newcastle University, and David Hart, educational psychologist, Newcastle upon Tyne  相似文献   

介绍了模因的基本概念,分析了语言模因主要通过教育和知识的传授、语言本身的运用以及信息和文化的交流这三种主要途径进行复制和传播。具体探讨在语言模因的生成、复制、传播的过程中,语境所发挥的重要干预作用,指出在模因的生成阶段,语境干涉多表现为制约作用,而在模因的接受过程中语境干涉则更多表现为对语用推理活动的推进。  相似文献   

《创世纪》是圣经文学中的重要文本,它所存在的语言矛盾主要是由早期叙事和晚期编辑两方面原因造成的。这二者也是形成《创世纪》文本叙事语言质朴凝练风格的重要因素。同时,由众多对话构成的叙事语言是《创世纪》叙事的典型风格。  相似文献   

3-6岁幼儿处于语言发展的关键期,这一阶段的幼儿认知结构中知觉成分占主导,其思维方式表现为直观形象思维。打比方是幼儿园语言教学中常用的一种方法,这种方法对幼儿具有重要的语言教育价值:打比方为幼儿创造良好的语言环境,有助于其语言的习得;打比方符合幼儿思维发展特点,有益于其学习支架的搭建。在幼儿园语言教学中运用打比方具体体现为:打比方以幼儿已有生活经验为支架加深幼儿记忆,化未知为已知;依靠灵活多变的教学方法激发幼儿兴趣,化抽象为具体;创设具体情境降低知识难度,化深奥为浅显;寓创造于活动之中活跃课堂氛围,化平淡为生动。幼儿园教师在语言教学过程中,要善于巧妙运用打比方,如此方能产生好的教学效果。  相似文献   

语言的定义   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
语言观的问题是语言研究的首要问题,是关系到语言研究的理论、目标、范围、途径、方法、重点、结果,乃至语言政策的制定等的关键问题。但语言学家在语言观上的分歧之大出人意料。本文搜集了自十九世纪初迄今六十多种关于语言的定义,分析了语言学家对这种分歧采取的四种态度,据此而认为“语言是人类认知世界及进行表述的方式和过程”。  相似文献   

Children with specific disorders of language have failed to develop normal means of spoken and written communication. International studies suggest that 5–10% of children enter school with a significant language disorder that puts them at risk educationally and also affects their social and emotional development.

The invisible nature of language disorders makes early detection and remediation difficult. In multilingual settings, such as Singapore, early detection may be particularly difficult, and remediation is complicated by the desirability of maintaining the range of languages used in the home and at school. Two case studies of specific spoken language disorder and two of written language disorder are presented to illustrate means of remediation and the importance of early intervention.  相似文献   

一、IntroductionLanguagetestingisrelatedtothelanguage ,languagelearningandlanguageteaching .Wardhaughhasrightlyobservedthatlanguageteachinginvolvesatleastthreedis ciplines:linguistics ,psychology ,andpedagogy .Linguis ticsprovidesinformationaboutlanguageinge…  相似文献   

Halliday(1985/1994)提出的语法隐喻理论为儿童语言习得提供了一个新视角。语法隐喻对儿童意义潜势的发展意义重大,是其语法能力提高的一个重要标志。本文在回顾Halliday有关语法隐喻及其个体发展研究的基础上,着重评述Painter(2003),Torr(2003)和Derew ianka(2003)等采用纵向研究的方法对英语国家儿童母语习得过程中语法隐喻个体发展情况的实证研究,以探讨儿童语法隐喻习得的规律。  相似文献   

Research into the long‐term effects of language delay reflects an increasing concern that many children’s needs are not being met by current early years educational practice. This paper reports on a two‐part intervention designed to improve language skills within a nursery setting. In the first part of the intervention, a directly taught small group was found to be effective in improving language skills in children with language delay. However, in the second part of the intervention, creation of a “language rich” nursery environment was not fully implemented by nursery staff. A baseline assessment of all the nursery children revealed that alongside the high incidence of language delay in the nursery population there was also a high incidence of delay in non‐verbal reasoning skills as assessed by a single sub‐test from the British Ability Scales II Early Years. The findings raise the question: how can educational psychologists and speech and language therapists work together with teaching staff to create a “language rich” environment in the early years that will address the needs of all children?  相似文献   

当人类精神活动能够进行深刻的思想与反思时,人的主体性特征会产生出一定的张力,这种张力既能适应环境,创造出带有地域特征的民族文化,又能释放出无穷的创造力。而且,这种创造力表现的是一种强烈的人的自我意识。进一步讲,因为人在与人和自然的关系中被塑造,所以,人作为具有主体性特征的对象,在自身具有了符号意义的同时,也创造性地增加了除物理世界之外的精神世界和作品世界。更进一步,从客观世界到符号世界只是语言的早期形成,而语言世界形成之后,人的语言认知模式,已不仅仅是从语言世界到现实世界,还有从语言世界到语言世界的认知模式。  相似文献   

从海德格尔对传统语言观的批判及其自己语言观的阐述两个方面,分析其前后期语言观的内在关联,并以此试图表明要究其前后期思想的关联,必须紧紧抓住存在的意义这一线索,海氏思想所涉及的所有领域均以此为出发点。  相似文献   

Franz Boas认为语言是由文化决定的。作为文化的重要组成部分,语言反映文化而且是理解英语文化中的性别歧视的关键。试图从劳动分工,宗教意识和早期教育的角度分析性别歧视的起源,同时从文化出发讨论性别歧视并描述其在语言中的反映。  相似文献   

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