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This article investigates the role of autoethnographic research as the methodological tool of choice for a Chicana who positions herself along the liminal perspective. I posit that testimonios, autobiographical educational experiences, must be used as valid ethnographic research to contribute to existing knowledge around issues of educational equity. Producing autoethnographic research acknowledges and validates my Chicana presence as well as draws attention to my marginal position inside dominant structures of education. Autoethnography and critical race theory are the manners in which I think about the world and the ways I have chosen to engage in educational research. My work is derived from personal experience in Los Angeles urban schools and later in elite institutions of higher education. These distinct locations present a unique opportunity to problematize the internalized forms of class and racial structures that permeate educational institutions. Grounded in my own educational biography, testimonios frame my research perspective to interrogate the role that educational institutions play in the creation of particular ideologies in working-class students of color.  相似文献   

邓小平教育思想是指导当前我国教育改革和发展的重要思想,其中德育观在他的教育思想中占据着极其重要的地位和发挥着不可取代的作用,是推进当前学校德育工作,增强思想政治教育的强大思想武器。  相似文献   

Community colleges are seen as contradictory institutions. Supporters contend that community colleges increase baccalaureate attainment by providing access to higher education for students who would otherwise not attend college, while critics argue that these institutions decrease baccalaureate attainment for students who would otherwise attend a 4-year institution. Using the National Education Longitudinal Study, this article advances the literature on the impact of community colleges on baccalaureate attainment by estimating new models that allow controlling for pathways of enrollment while using different measures of educational expectations and correcting for college choice. Findings suggest that community colleges significantly reduce the probability of attaining a bachelor’s degree, as compared to 4-year institutions, an effect that remains after having taken into account non-traditional enrollment pathways, educational expectations, and self-selection into 2-year and 4-year institutions.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the November 2004 Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education.  相似文献   

In 2005, Louisiana implemented the Master Plan for Public Postsecondary Education: 2001 (Board of Regents, State of Louisiana, 2001) to restructure its higher education system in an effort to provide its citizens with high quality postsecondary educational choices. This restructuring forced its two-year and four-year institutions to redesign their developmental education programs. Subsequently, several two-year institutions partnered with four-year institutions to offer developmental courses on the four-year college campuses. However, little is known about the experiences of the two-year students in these settings, especially as they relate to classroom experiences. Thus, this phenomenological study explored the academic-social experiences of 20 students enrolled at the two-year college and taking classes at a four-year institution. The study was done in hopes of garnering a better understanding of factors that impact integration and persistence. This article focuses on how the students developed a sense of belonging in the classroom, and it makes connections as to how these students’ experiences may impact integration and persistence and/or transferability to four-year institutions. Additionally, recommendations for research and practice are presented.  相似文献   

This paper examines the issues surrounding the cultural transfer of educational practices and institutions between industrialised countries and developing societies. It pays particular attention to adult education, and – using the case study of the Folk High Schools of Sweden and the Folk Development Colleges of Tanzania between 1975 and 1996 – it tries to develop an argument about the conditions under which such transfers may be successful. It suggests that there needs to be something of a match between the ideologies, discourse and functions of the educational institution within both societies; that the transfer of more than one element of any educational system would assist take-up; that the issue of whether the transfer is a top-down or a bottom-up one is also important; and that such transfers are most successful when the receiving society takes control of the transfer and comes to own it and to adapt it to their own usages. The case study is based on a two year evaluation of the Tanzanian Folk Development Colleges under the aid programme of the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida).  相似文献   

This paper examines the issues surrounding the cultural transfer of educational practices and institutions between industrialised countries and developing societies. It pays particular attention to adult education, and – using the case study of the Folk High Schools of Sweden and the Folk Development Colleges of Tanzania between 1975 and 1996 – it tries to develop an argument about the conditions under which such transfers may be successful. It suggests that there needs to be something of a match between the ideologies, discourse and functions of the educational institution within both societies; that the transfer of more than one element of any educational system would assist take-up; that the issue of whether the transfer is a top-down or a bottom-up one is also important; and that such transfers are most successful when the receiving society takes control of the transfer and comes to own it and to adapt it to their own usages. The case study is based on a two year evaluation of the Tanzanian Folk Development Colleges under the aid programme of the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida).  相似文献   

周勇 《北京大学教育评论》2012,10(2):179-186,192
如何界定学科属性与专业内涵、树立学术声誉与专业影响,是教育学院发展的首要难题.哈佛教育研究生院的办学历程显示,由于无法超越大学校长、文理学术界和基金会等外界力量的影响,教育学院只得不断变换教育学的学科界定与专业内涵.教育学院因此而得以发展,其代价却是从未将教育学的学科属性与专业内涵确定下来.不过,只要教育学院在不断完善学科与专业建构的同时,还能在大学、基础教育界乃至社会积累更强大的学术势力,便可以持续推进学科与专业发展,进而争取更好的学术声誉与专业影响.  相似文献   

Individuals often wish to prepare for a diverse number of education-related positions where professional certification is unnecessary. In the past, teacher education has focused on preparing professionals to enter public schools and ignored the need for teachers in non-school areas. The emergence of variable teaching options in our present society suggests the need to design novel programs and experiences to meet this challenge. This paper describes a program in one institution which prepares undergraduates for a vast array of educational opportunities alongside the more traditional programs. Specific implications are listed for developing a similar differentiated teacher education program at other institutions.Dr. Christiansen is Associate Professor of Education, and Director of Student Services, including responsibility for the Selected Studies in Education Program, at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.  相似文献   

法国的“国家远程教育中心”是目前法国最具权威的远程教育机构,它拥有八所院校,每所院校都有自身所偏重的专业。由于这些院校的设立,使所有希望获得高等教育的法国公民有更大的选择余地得到深造。它的崭新的教育技术和教学方法打破了传统的教育模式。  相似文献   

“学而优则仕”是孔予重要的教育思想,它曾起到全民价值导向的作用,对中国的教育,乃至中国的社会产生了难以估量的影响。在我们今天的教育改革中,不能割断历史,不能无视这种厚重文化所产生的影响,而是要以史为鉴, 吸取精华,以期对当下推行的这场史无前例的教育改革有所启示。  相似文献   

The UNESCO World Declaration on Education for All from 1990 sets in motion the new agenda for educational reform that provides basic education for all disadvantaged children and adults in the global context. Since its formulation, a set of consecutive policy texts has been issued by international agencies to monitor, evaluate, and strengthen the capacity of governments to ensure that the goals of Education for All are met by 2015. This paper applies critical theory and discourse theory to provide an in‐depth analysis of the hegemonic ideologies of this global policy framework through the deconstruction of policy texts and discourses. It is argued that Education for All is a modernist project of the new imperialism, structured through the selecting, assembling and underpinning of policy discourses, to expand the ideological project of new capitalism in the global context. Discourse of inclusion is discussed both at the educational and political levels to portray the tensions of the global community in grappling with the issues of justice at the international, national, and local context.  相似文献   

自2003年中国开放教育资源协会(CORE:China Open Resources for Education)——推广、应用开放教育资源(OER)的高等学校联合机构,即中国开放教育资源共同体成立以来,我国开放教育资源共享事业有了一定的发展。然而,开放教育理念在中国内地的传播、发展与影响仍然较为有限。了解和掌握我国目前开放教育资源发展的实际状况与水平,对于进一步推动我国开放教育资源深入发展具有重要意义。我们通过调查和量化研究得出的初步结论是:我国大学的个人已经具备了发表和使用OER的基本硬件设施条件,免费的OER能够对大学和个人形成吸引。大学和个人都认同使用障碍主要来自缺少对OER本身的了解,在使用过程中担心产生知识产权问题,对于发表OER的阻碍则是激励机制的缺乏。对于发表和使用OER的动机,个人更看重对于个人职业发展的积极作用,大学更看重对大学自身知名度的影响和降低开发成本。  相似文献   

Assessment of educational effectiveness provides vitally important feedback to Institutions of Higher Education. It also provides important information to external stakeholders, such as prospective students, parents, governmental and local regulatory entities, professional and regional accrediting organizations, and representatives of the workforce. However, selecting appropriate indicators of educational effectiveness of programs and institutions is a difficult task, especially when criteria of effectiveness are not well defined. This article proposes a comprehensive and systematic approach to aligning criteria for educational effectiveness with specific indicators of achievement of these criteria by adapting a popular organizational training evaluation framework, the Kirkpatrick’s four level model of training criteria (Kirkpatrick 1959; 1976; 1996), to assessment in Higher Education. The four level model consists of reaction, learning, behavior and results criteria. Adaptation of this model to Higher Education helps to clarify the criteria and create plans for assessment of educational outcomes in which specific instruments and indicators are linked to corresponding criteria. This provides a rich context for understanding the role of various indicators in the overall mosaic of assessment. It also provides Institutions of Higher Education rich and multilevel feedback regarding the effectiveness of their effort to serve their multiple stakeholders. The importance of such feedback is contextualized both in the reality of stakeholder pressures and in theoretical understanding of colleges and universities as open systems according to the systems theory (Katz and Kahn 1966). Although the focus of this article is on Higher Education, core principles and ideas will be applicable to different types and levels of educational programs.  相似文献   

应试教育不只是一种教育观念、教育现象或教育模式,它已经成为一种教育制度,是一种重要的教育资源。它是一种非正式的、隐性的制度,由一些包含了一定的思维方式和价值观的隐性规则系统组成,深刻调节着人与人、人与教育、人与社会的关系,对人、教育和社会的发展产生着巨大的影响。中国文化的特质——天人协调、取象比类、崇德利用、贵和持中,以及其衍生出的思维方式和价值观决定了应试教育制度的生成,制约了应试教育制度的发展路径。  相似文献   

Sri Lanka is the first Third World country to have inaugurated, as early as 1945, a Free Education Scheme embracing primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Though introduced with a view to eliminating privilege in education, no feasibility study had been done to ascertain its economic and administrative implications. This scheme resulted in an unprecedented demand for education by an increasing population which in turn created a massive financial burden for the state. Consequently policies geared to reducing expenditure were adopted often without giving due consideration to long term adverse effects. The government has now permitted the establishment of fee levying educational institutions, a trend which indicates that free education in future is bound to be limited to the underprivileged.  相似文献   

Scientific positivism was one of the most influential ideologies of progress in the early modern period and had a powerful impact on the formation of popular educational movements in the 19th century in Europe. This paper considers the form it took in France, probably the most sophisticated example, which itself influenced other European movements. It traces, briefly, the rise of positivism from Bacon through the Scottish Enlightenment philosophers to Auguste Comte and then considers how this movement found an educational vehicle in, firstly, the French Grand-Orient organization of freemasonry and then through the universités populaires. It is argued that the strength of the movement was in its resistance to authoritarian epistemologies, in particular clericalism, and in its commitment to learning based on individual experience and experimentation. In France, it becomes adopted by the Radical Party, led by Jules Ferry, as an official ideology for reforming education having first been widely diffused through Masonic educational organizations. It informs a ‘third way’ politics opposed both to laissez faire capitalism and revolutionary Marxism offering an apparently ‘scientific’ neutrality. The study demonstrates the importance of freemasonry as a vehicle for popular educational movements in the 19th century and the notions of class harmony it promoted, which underpinned the foundations of the newly emerging welfare state.  相似文献   

Transforming the College through Technology: A Change of Culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article we address the implementation of sustainable technological change among the faculty, staff, and students in the College of Education and Human Services at a mid-western urban institution. We examine cultural factors common to institutions of higher education and then describe particular planning and implementation processes employed at one institution to move faculty and staff from a state of minimal technology use to one of substantial technological competence over a period of years. The process turns out to be robust and stable despite growth over time. We conclude with recommendations for other educational institutions facing similar needs for cultural change in the use of technology. James A. McLoughlin has been Dean of the College of Education and Human Services at Cleveland State University since 1995 and Interim Provost from 2000 to 2001; he received his Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Arizona. Lih-Ching Chen Wang is a Fulbright Scholar. She is currently an Associate Professor of Education in the Department of Curriculum and Foundations at Cleveland State University. Her work focuses on the integration of technology into teacher education. She holds a Ph.D. in Instructional Technology from Kent State University. William A. Beasley is a Professor of Education who specializes in Educational Technology and runs the Center for Teaching Excellence at Cleveland State University. He holds an Ed. D. in Gifted Education from the University of Georgia.  相似文献   

The national accreditation system for higher education institutions in the Russian Federation is presented. The procedure for the integrated assessment of university activities, which is provided by the Ministry of Education, is described. The article examines licensing and attestation requirements and the procedure for achieving state accreditation. The requirements for gaining public professional accreditation are examined, as well as the tasks of the Russian Association for Engineering Education in this field. The experience of Tomsk Polytechnic University in developing an internal attestation system and quality assurance for its educational process is discussed, as well as the involvement of the institution in international co-operation.  相似文献   

Preparation of educational media specialists in the United States can be understood only if the various forces which shape such programs are considered. One of these influencing factors, accreditation, is nationwide in its activities. Accrediting agencies have as their members most higher educational institutions and most educational associations such as the Association for Educational Communication and Technology (the national association of educational media specialists).  相似文献   

教育制度通过内含的伦理精神对教育者的实践活动进行价值引导,影响着教育者的教育道德价值观养成和教育德性的生成。这便是教育制度的德性所在。在现实教育中,无论是人们对教育制度的价值观念认识,还是具体文本的制定和实施,都存在着缺陷,导致教育制度的内在德性被遮蔽。教育制度的德性彰显要求我们真正做到以人文性为教育制度的基本价值取向,以学生为教育制度文本的真正主体,以公正为教育制度实施的德性原则。  相似文献   

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