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文章重点关注2011—2012年国外语言哲学研究中的若干前沿热点问题。其中,较为值得关注的问题包括指称理论的新进展,模糊性问题研究,语用学和语义学之争,语境论的新进展,语义随附性与语义倾向论,对反事实条件句的研究。  相似文献   

文章追踪研究了2007年-2008年国外语言哲学研究中的几个热点问题。在2007年,值得关注的问题有二维论之争、韦斯坦的指称论、语境论和语义的最低纲领论、关于布兰顿语言哲学的争论、意义的自然主义和含糊性问题。在2008年,值得关注的问题则涉及指称论、成真条件最大论、语义学、语境论以及语义学与语用学的区分等问题。  相似文献   

文章对社会科学与自然科学中解释与理解之争的四个阶段进行了论述,澄清了其问题域和哲学实质,通过分析语境在理解和解释中的作用,主张以语境论整合这一争论。  相似文献   

本文结合莫言小说日译评价争议,研究译者行为批评中的译评者类型,指出有必要认识和区分“专业译评者”和“非专业译评者”及其译评类型。 译评者的务实目标影响其对译文质量的评价。 同时,译者也有其务实目标和目标读者定位。当译评者与译者务实目标一致,译评者正好是译者定位的目标读者,译评呈现好评,反之为差评,皆为印象式译评。专业译评者应采取描写式动态评价,辨析译者务实目标,考察译文是否吸引到译者定位的目标读者。  相似文献   

文章将语境分为上下文语境和情景语境 ;模糊语义分为相对的动态模糊语义和静态模糊语义。文章从五个方面讨论了语境对模糊语义的影响 ,并得出结论 :语境对动态模糊语义极为重要 ,动态模糊语义的研究有助于静态模糊语义的理解  相似文献   

文章从语用学和认知语言学的哲学立论之本谈起,再逐步剖析和详解了二者之间的纷争与纠缠,最后指出:语用学迄今为止尚未脱离它的创始意图,即语义+语境的拓展;认知语言学则致力于概念结构的身体基础及其心理的建构模式。前者也倚重动态的语境,但却是静态过程的一种延伸,结果含义成了字面意义+语境变量的产物。后者处处强调动态的衍生和过程,表达和理解时充满主—客—主的多重互动,所有的符号都是交际境况的即时产品,字面意义的提法只不过是默认识解的代名词而已。即便在对待共同的议题,如关联时也表现出交际价值与心理取向的不同侧面。  相似文献   

文章将语境分为上下文语境和情景语境;模糊语义分为相对的动态模糊语义和静态模糊语义。文章从五个方面讨论了语境对模糊语义的影响,并得出结论:语境对动态模糊语义极为重要,动态模糊语义的研究有助于静态模糊语义的理解。  相似文献   

由静态的语言意义到动态的言语意义有一个转化过程,而语境在帮助实现这一转化时表现的内在规律性则是语境制约语义的方式。常见的具体方式有语义限制、关系映证、矛盾转伦。  相似文献   

所谓话语的理解,就是对语义的理解。认知是一个哲学因素,引用哲学因素到语言学研究领域,是人类研究语言学的一大进步。所谓认知语境,就是客观世界和客观存在在大脑中的反映,是人对外部世界的认识,是人的知识。认知语境不仅有助于对话语本身的理解,更能清楚地表明交际意图。所以,离开认知语境的语义理解一定是不完善的。  相似文献   

从语用顺应论的角度来看,翻译是一个不断选择且动态顺应的过程。归化和异化作为翻译的两种策略一直是翻译研究和争论的焦点之一。针对这一问题,从顺应论的角度去审视归化和异化,并以鲁迅的异化观为个案进行分析,指出顺应论为正确看待归化与异化之争提供了新的视角,是偏向于归化还是异化,其本质就在于是否顺应了翻译目的、读者的认知语境、历史背景等因素。  相似文献   

真理是古今中外的科学家哲学家始终探讨和解决的问题。但是,什么是真理?真理是客观的,还是主观的,两者有没有关系?如果有关系,是主观符合客观,还是客观符合主观是一直争论的问题。因为这两种符合必须解决主观和客观之间的连接和沟通问题。马克思主义提出了实践是连接主观和客观的桥梁,是把两个异质性的东西沟通起来的有效途径。但是要把两者联系起来需要进一步探索深化,寻找更源始的基础,使理论和结果更加有效统一起来,将真理看作是一个从遮蔽到解蔽的辩证过程,揭示真理的内在意蕴。  相似文献   

“言意之辩”是中国哲学史上的基本论争之一,也是一个涉及语言哲学的理论问题。以先秦“言意之辩”为切入点、勾勒中国古代语言哲学讨论的一些基本问题如语言与客观对象的关系,语言与思维的关系,并由此凸显出中国先秦哲学家们对语言问题的哲学思考。先秦的“名实之辩”主要是在认知领域讨论语言与客观对象的关系,“言意之辩”则是在“名实之辩”基础上的思想上的转进,主要涉及语言与思维,语言与人的关系,讨论问题的层次有两个:一是具体的语用层面,在日常生活中语言的表意功能,二是在哲学层面,语言对于形而上问题能否把握,如果能,又如何表达。  相似文献   

Our project is intended to supplement and extend research that emphasizes how the rhetoric informing the euthanasia debate admits a call of conscience and how this call would have us act heroically as we acknowledge what is arguably some particular truth that is at work in the debate (e.g., only God has the right to take a life). The relationship between conscience, acknowledgment, heroism, truth and rhetoric, we submit, presupposes the workings of our metaphysical desire for perfection—a desire that is definitely on hand when debating issues of the “good life” and the “good death.” The relationship constitutes a rhetoric of perfection that plays an essential role in the euthanasia debate as a whole. Such a rhetoric lies at the heart of the recent and much publicized case of Terri Schiavo—a young woman who lived in a persistent vegetative state for 15 years before she was allowed to die the “dignified” death that she supposedly wanted all along.  相似文献   

追求真理是哲学的内在本质要求,对真理问题不断反思是哲学家们绕不开的路。德国古典哲学中自我学说的发展历程隐含着德国古典哲学家(特别是从康德到黑格尔)对真理和形而上学问题的回答。这一阶段自我学说的发展呈现为自我的逻辑化和自我的本体化逐渐融合统一的过程,这一过程同时也是德国古典哲学家以自我为明证性基础寻求真理的过程。揭示自我的形上建构过程及其内在逻辑必然性不仅能够加深对真理问题的认识,同时也有助于探询现代之后自我解构的深层次缘由。  相似文献   

根据蒯因论题"认识论成为心理学的一章",有些哲学家例如普特南等认为,自然化认识论拒斥了认识论的规范性问题,因而是纯粹描述性的。通过对蒯因文本严谨的解析,我们发现,自然化认识论并未抛弃规范性;相反,蒯因还有过建构理论的理想和实践,依然在探讨真理问题,还尝试建立科学预测的若干规范,等等。总之,自然化认识论仍然是规范的。  相似文献   

20世纪初的北大校园,以姚永朴为代表的桐城派与以黄侃为代表的章门弟子的文学思想论争可谓针锋相对,二者在"文与道"、"阴阳刚柔"、小学思想上都有所分歧。对于文学的观照采用不同的视角,一个从儒家雅正传统出发,一个从道家自然本真出发。这一次思想论争有其产生的主客观条件,主观方面是学术背景的不同,客观方面是北大开放的学术风气。从《文学研究法》和《文心雕龙札记》两本书出发,可窥测两派论争的大端。  相似文献   

科学的任务就是透过现象认识隐藏在现象背后的本质和规律,这个本质和规律就是科学真理。人们始终相信可以根据一定的标准来确定或判断一个科学命题或科学理论是不是科学真理。因此,在科学主义阵营中,主流思想认为科学真理具有和人文真理不同的显著的特点,它的绝对性和确定性是不言而喻的。但是这种观点不仅遭到人文学者关于人文真理看法的影响和渗透,而且也受到科学哲学内部哲学家的反思和批判,科学真理新的特性正在得到揭示。本文主要从科学哲学内部的某些哲学家思想来说明这个现象,即科学真理的绝对性和确定性正在动摇。  相似文献   

围绕道德的普遍客观性问题,当代西方哲学家们的各种不同观点引发了当代伦理学中的实在论在反实在论的论战。论战的焦点在于:是否存在普遍客观的道德原则?如何解释当代西方的道德现状?虽然实在论观点拥有广大的支持者,但反实在论的看法同样引来了越来越多的赞同者。综合不同哲学家的观点,一种“无道德的”伦理学正在西方兴起。  相似文献   

In this interview, Christopher Norris discusses a wide range of issues having to do with postmodernism, deconstruction and other controversial topics of debate within present–day philosophy and critical theory. More specifically he challenges the view of deconstruction as just another offshoot of the broader postmodernist trend in cultural studies and the social sciences. Norris puts the case for deconstruction as continuing the ‘unfinished project of modernity’ and—in particular—for Derrida’s work as sustaining the values of enlightened critical reason in various spheres of thought from epistemology to ethics, sociology and politics. Along the way he addresses a number of questions that have lately been raised with particular urgency for teachers and educationalists, among them the revival of creationist doctrine and the idea of scientific knowledge as a social, cultural, or discursive construct. In this context he addresses the ‘science wars’ or the debate between those who uphold the values of scientific reason, progress and truth, and those (like the ‘strong’ sociologists of knowledge) who would reject such values as merely the expression of a dominant ideological consensus. Norris also discusses the emergence of anti–realism as a strongly marked trend within recent analytic philosophy, one that denies the existence of objective (‘recognition–transcendent’) truths in mathematics, the physical sciences, history and other disciplines. Thus statements are thought of as possessing a truth–value just insofar as we possess some adequate proof–procedure or some means of finding them out through empirical or other methods of enquiry. Norris offers a range of arguments against this anti–realist position and brings out its convergence with various postmodernist lines of thought. Through a running commentary on Derrida’s work in relation to these developments he shows how deconstruction has been misconstrued by sociologists, cultural critics and educational theorists whose understanding has often been based on a limited acquaintance with the primary texts. Above all Norris calls for a renewed engagement with the philosophic discourse of modernity and a willingness to challenge postmodern scepticism and value–relativism in a spirit of open–minded critical debate.  相似文献   

One of the oldest problems in philosophy concerns the relationship between free will and moral responsibility. If we adopt the position that we lack free will, in the absolute sense—as have most philosophers who have addressed this issue—how can we truly be held accountable for what we do? This paper will contend that the most significant and interesting challenge to the long‐standing status quo on the matter comes not from philosophy, jurisprudence or even physics, but rather from psychology. By examining this debate through the lens of contemporary behaviour disorders, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, it will be argued that notions of free will, along with its correlate, moral responsibility, are being eroded through the logic of psychology, which is steadily reconfiguring large swathes of familiar human conduct as pathology. The intention is not only to raise some concerns over the exponential growth of behaviour disorders, but also, and more significantly, to flag the ongoing relevance of philosophy for prying open contemporary educational problems in new and interesting ways.  相似文献   

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