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very与much都有“很”、“非常”的意思,是程度副词,但在用法上却有很大差异,现将它们的用法比较如下。一、very只能修饰形容词、副词的原级,表示“很,非常”;much则用于修饰形容词、副词的比较级,表示“更……”“……得多”。试比较:He speaks Endish vcry well.他英语说得很好。He speaks English much better than I.他的英语说得比我好多了。  相似文献   

一、当句中动词为不及物动词或其的宾语指物时,than后的人称代词既可以用主格,也可以用宾格。例如: He runs much faster than I. =He runs much faster than me. 他比我跑得快得多。 She speaks English better than he. =She speaks English better than him.她英语  相似文献   

在英语中,有一些副词和副词短语可以用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级,表示比较的程度。举例如下:1.much“……多”She’s much better today.她今天好多了。He runs much faster than I.他比我跑得快多了。He looks much younger in red.他穿红色看起来年轻多了。2.far“……得多”  相似文献   

不少初学(自学)者将“他的英语说得比他班上的任何学生都好”译成:1.He speaks English better than any other student in his class.2.He speaks English better than any student in his class.两种译文的差别仅在于 other 一词。一词之差,使得译文1是对的,译文2未忠于原文,这可以从下面两个句型的分析比较中得到解释:句型 A:“…比较级 than any other 单数可数名词 …”是对同一范围中的两者进行比较。句型 B:“…比较级 than any 单数可数名词…”是对不同范围的两者进行比较。比如:3.Tom is taller than any other boy in his class.4.Tom is taller than any boy in Class Four.句3是在同一范围内,即在同一班级学生之间进行比较,因而适用于  相似文献   

be good at sth.(be good at doing sth.)意为"擅长做某事"。例如:He is good at English.他擅长英语。I'm good at singing.我擅长唱歌。do well in意为"在……方面干得好"。例如:She did better than I in math.她在数学方面比我学得好。  相似文献   

1.比较对象的“一致性”问题我们都知道,只有同类事物才能比较,在使用比较级时,一定要注意相互比较的对象要有可比性,要对等。作为比较对象的成分不能省去。例如: 误:Your spoken English is better than I. 正:Your spoken English is better than mine. 误:The population of China is bigger thanAfrica.  相似文献   

like可用作动词和介词,它的用法有如下几点值得同学们注意: 一、作动词,表示“喜欢;爱好” 1.后接名词或代词,例如: I like English very much. 我非常喜欢英语。 Tom has a bird. but he doesn’t likeit at all.汤姆有一只鸟,但他一点也不喜  相似文献   

My name is Zhang Rui.As my parents are both English teachers, I showed great interest in English even when I was a very little girl.Whenever my father was reading English, I always sat at the desk listening to him quietly. His reading sounded so interesting to me. Soon they began to teach me English and I learned quickly and happily. I studied English even harder after I got a chance to talk with an American. That took place when my father took me to the city of Jinan where I happened t…  相似文献   

1.我很喜欢英语。 [误]I very like English[正]I like English very much.[析]very不能直接修饰动词。2.她睡得很熟。[误]She is very asleep.  相似文献   

U nit51.我劝他学点法语,可他认为这不是一个好主意。【误】I persuaded him to learn som e French,but he didn t think itwas a good idea.【正】I tried to persuade him to learn som e French,but he didn tthink it was a good idea.【析】persuade指以道理、请求等“劝服”、“说服”。“劝说某人做某A School G arden Of English中学英语园地事”常用“persude sb to do sth”或“persude sb into doing sth”来表达。persuade sb to do sth只能表示“劝某人做某事”并取得成功,如果未收到说服之效,只可说“try to persuade sb…  相似文献   

1.little,a little[同]两者都可用作名词、形容词或副词,均可以在句中作主语、宾语、定语或状语。作定语时,两者都只用来修饰不可数名词。[异]little表示否定含义,意为“很少;几乎没有”,a little表示肯定含义,意为“有一些;有一点儿”。例如:—Can you speak English?你会讲英语吗?—Yes,but only a little.会,但只会一点儿。I am new here,I know little about the school.我是新来的,对这个学校不太了解。He sleeps little.他睡得少。He slept a little.他睡了一会儿。[练习]用little或a little填空。1.I have very time for reading…  相似文献   

1.我通过大声朗读学英语。误:I learn English with/in reading aloud.正:I learn English by reading aloud.析:介词by,with和in都可表示"用……方法"之意。但by强调方式,后  相似文献   

1.how 例句:How did he go to sckool yesterday?昨天他是怎么去上学的?(L 53) how是副词,意思是“怎样”,“通过什么方式”。例如: How can I learn English better?我怎样才能把英语学得更好? How did they go to the zoo?他们是怎样去动物园的?  相似文献   

形容词、副词的比较级是初中英语学习中的一个非常重要的语法项目,也是历届中考考查的热点之一,下面就比较级中的几个疑难问题剖析如下:一、关于比较级中比较对象一致的问题在使用比较级时,一定要注意前后比较对象要一致,即人对人,物对物。例如:我的英语比吉姆的英语好。[误]My English is better than Jim.[正]My English is better than Jim’s.狗的耳朵比猫的耳朵长。[误]The ears of dogs are longer than cats.[正]The ears of dogs are longer than those of cats.二、关于比较级修饰语的问题比较级前不可用very,quite,so,too等来…  相似文献   

ol“更不用说”有好几种表达法。为了便于同学们能正确地使用它们,现将表示这一意义的短语归纳如下,并作简析。一、m uch less,still less,even less等表示语意程度较前减弱,对另一件事加以强烈的否定,故常用于否定句中。例如:W e fear no death,stillless difficulties.我们死都不怕,更不用说困难了。M r Brown knows little of English,and m uch less of French.布朗先生几乎不懂英语,更不用说法语了。二、m uch m ore,still m ore,even m ore等表示语意程度较前加强,更加肯定另一件事,故常用于肯定句中。例如:It is difficult to und…  相似文献   

一、分清本义与引申义1.用于本义as well as用于本义,可视为as...as结构与well的自然搭配,其意为“与……一样好”,在否定句中可用notso well as代替not as well as。如:He speaks English as well asshe.他说英语说得跟她一样好。She plays every bit as well asthe men.她打得一点不比男人们差。He doesn’t play half so well ashis sister.他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半。He sings as well as,if not bet-ter than,Mary.他要是唱歌不比玛丽唱得更好,但至少也是一样好。2.用于引申义用于引申义,表示“不但……而且“”既是……也是“…  相似文献   

1.问:1)I don蒺t know what蒺s English for this?A.an B.in C.the D./答案是C,但B为什么不可以呢?2)He walked slowly he had been expecting me and he bent downhis head and said,“May I get in?”A.when B.as if C.even if D.just as答案为B,但我觉得C好像更恰当。(安徽舒城中学方武刚)答:1)选C。这是我们常听到的表达法。句中English 意为“英语中的对应词语”“英语译名”,如:What is the English for the Chinese“ding-hao”?汉语的“顶好”英语怎么说?Tell me the English for“民主”.告诉我…  相似文献   

1.I think if I make a pen that has a machine init,I'll be able to write faster.我想 ,如果我造一个里面装有机器的钢笔 ,我就能写得更快一些。该句中 that has a machine in it为定语从句 ,修饰 a pen。定语从句的引导词 that本身没有意义 ,它的意义等同于被修饰的词。be able to表示能力。它与 can/could的区别 :can和 am/is/are able to表示现在的能力 ;表示将来的能力要用 shall/will be able to。例如 :1He can speak English very well.他英语讲得不错。2 I'm sure I shall be able to speak Englishvery well some day。我…  相似文献   

very是个很常用的词,但因受汉语的影响,它也是个很容易用错的词。请注意下面的几个错句: 1.我很喜欢英语。误:I very like English. 正:I like English very much. 析:very不能直接修饰动词。修饰动词只能用 very much,一般置于动词后。  相似文献   

谦虚在中国被称为传统美德,但不一定“放之四海而皆准”。当美国人赞扬你道:“Your English is very good.”时,你可能会说:“No,my English is very poor(不好).”但是,美国人却并不会把你这种表示看作是自谦,相反,有些美国人会为他们的结论遭到了否定而感到尴尬;还有些美国人则会以为这种自我否定是为了引出更多赞扬的一种策略。实际上,美国人的这种赞扬不过是一种友好的表示,你不如愉快地接受,说一声:“Thank you!” 当英、美国家的人对你表达感谢时,你最好不要说:“It's my duty (This is what I should do).”因为这句话的引申意为:“职责要求我这么干。我自己可不一定乐意。”这会让他们感到很失望。为了表示主观上你乐意帮忙,应该说:“It's my pleasure.”或“My pleasure.”  相似文献   

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