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本文对我国苔草属二柱苔草亚属Subgen.Vignea作了系统排列,并提出以下几点的看法:     1.二柱苔草亚属是苔草属中比较自然的一个类群,我国有48种、7亚种和1变种,隶属于16个 组。根据Takhtajan的世界植物区划,将它们分成4种成分,即:(1)环北方植物地区成分,占总数的 20.4%;(2)东亚植物地区成分,占总数的55.5%。实际上,只有4个分类群出现于中国-喜马拉雅森 林植物亚区,而其余的都均分布于中国-日本森林植物亚区,并且在这一亚区内有8个特有成分,占特 有成分总数的61.5%;显然,中国二柱苔草亚属在中国-日本森林植物亚区内的分化较其他地区更为强 烈;(3)伊朗—吐兰植物地区成分,占总数的16.7%;(4)印度支那植物地区成分和印度植物地区成 分,占总数的7.4%。     2.高节苔草C.thomsonii和云雾苔草C.nubigena类群是Subgen.Vignea中较为原始的种类, 它们为印度支那植物地区和印度植物地区成分。这样非但Subgen.Indocarex原始类群分布于东南亚 和马来西亚,而Subgea.Vignea的原始类群也分布于东南亚,这也是对Nelmes提出Carex起源于印度-马来西亚地区的一个佐证。  相似文献   

本文根据植物类群的系统发育和地理分布统一的原理,讨论了獐牙菜属植物的起源、散布和分 布区的形成。獐牙菜属包括11组16系154种,间断分布在亚洲、欧洲、北美洲和非洲。中国西南部- 喜马拉雅地区汇集了大多数种类、不同演化水平的类群以及形形色色的特有类群,成为该属的多样化 中心和多度中心。该属的原始类群和外类群也集中分布在中国西南山地,极有可能是该属的起源地。该 属的分布区类型中出现了各式的间断分布,根据有该属植物分布的大陆间及大陆与岛屿间分离和连接 的时间推测,该属的起源时间至少不会晚于晚白垩纪,也许更早,可追溯到中白垩纪。通过分类群间亲 缘关系和现代分布分析,显示出该属植物从起源地向周围和一定方向散布,形成了三个主要散布途径。在散布过程中植物本身也发生演化和就地特化,形成新的类群。  相似文献   

首次全面论述了全世界黄华属(豆科)植物地理。黄华属是豆科少数几个东亚-北美间断分布属之一。对黄华属5组21种的分布进行了分析,发现本属4个频度分布中心依次是:东亚地区(8种/3组,其中特有种4种),伊朗-土兰地区(7种/3组,其中特有种3种),落基山地区(7种/2组,均为特有种)及大西洋北美地区(3种/1组,均为特有种)。基于以下事实:在东亚地区存在本属最多的组与种;在此区可以见到黄华属系统发育系列;该属最原始的组种及最进化的组种也在该区出现等,可以认为东亚地区是该属的现代分布中心及分化中心。伊朗-土兰地区(中亚东部至喜马拉雅)及落基山地区所含种、组数仅次于东亚地区,而且多倍体现象多发生于这两区,因此可认为是本属的次生分布中心及分化中心。在此二地区,物种分化较活跃且复杂,先后描述了很多新种和变种,也曾进行过较多的归并处理。最近的分子生物学证据不断揭示,在这地区曾被归并的一些分类群存在着较大不同,从而提醒分类学家对年轻区系中物种分化较活跃的类群进行分类处理时,无论是建新分类群还是对某些类群进行归并,应持谨慎态度。作者根据黄华属植物的现代地理分布、形态演化趋势、现有的化石及地质历史资料,推测黄华属植物在中新世之前早已形成,并且在晚第三纪欧亚大陆与北美大陆失去陆地连接之前在两大陆已经存在,很可能是于早第三纪或晚白垩纪在劳亚古陆上起源于一个含羽扇豆生物碱的古槐成员。两大陆分离后,在不同的成种因子的影响下,形成了各自的演化格局:在亚洲,晚第三纪的喜马拉雅造山运动、古地中海消失及第四纪冰川作用引起的旱化、寒化,促进了该属植物的强烈分化;而在北美,第四纪的冰川作用及局部的山体隆起,可能是促进该属植物演化的主要动力。根据黄华属植物的系统演化趋势及原始类群的分布式样分析,东亚地区的中国-日本亚区可能是本属植物的原始类型中心。  相似文献   

兰科在横断山地区是维管束植物中的大科之一,共有91属,363种及9变种。 4属为我国特有属,其中1属为本地区所特有;155种及9变种为我国特有种。  其中69种及5变种为本地区所 特有。本文对属、种进行了分析,并对全部种的分布格局作了详细的介绍,概述了本地区兰科植物的区系组成及特点。本文从兰科植物属、种的分布提出了四川峨眉山是东亚植物区中划分中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区和中国-日本植物亚区的分界线上的一个重要的点的看法。  相似文献   

本文对蓝钟花属Cyananthus及整个狭义的桔梗科Campanulaceae(s.str.)的花粉、   染色体和形态性状作了深入的系统研究,表明蓝钟花属是该科的最原始类群,它的亲缘属有党   参属Codonopsis和细钟花属Leptocodon。  对蓝钟花属中各个种及它的亲缘属的地理分布分   析,揭示了该属是典型的中国-喜马拉雅区系的成分,横断山地区是该属的频度和多样性中心;   认为中国西南部及其邻近地区至少是桔梗科原始属的保留中心,甚至可能是该科的起源中心。   作者最后对蓝钟花属各个种的性状作了生物统计分析,在此基础上对全属进行了全面的分类   修订,把原有的26个种9个变种归并为19种(包括2亚种);对该属的次级分类也作了修订。   首次报道了该属的染色体数目和细钟花属的花粉形态。  相似文献   

 本文从兰科植物中一些属于中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区和中国-日本植物亚区典型分布属(或亚属的地理分布格局的研究,提出此两个植物亚区在我国四川省境内是以峨眉山和岷江为其分界,及这条线的走向是从南坪(九寨沟),松潘(黄龙寺)、茂汶、灌县(光光山)、宝兴、二郎山(天全以西)、峨眉山、石棉、西昌、德昌、米易至攀枝花市。  相似文献   

中国柳属植物地理分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了中国产柳属植物的分布,并探讨了该属的起源与演化问题。  我国产柳     属植物255种,约占全世界总数的46%,隶属于37个组,几乎包括了该属所有的进化类型。     因此,中国是世界柳属植物种数最多、类型最丰富的地区。青藏高原的出现,是形成这一分布     特点的重要原因。我国柳属植物主要分布在西北、东北和西南地区。西北地区是中亚分布区     的一部分; 东北地区是东北亚分布区的一部分; 它们又都有一些中欧-西伯利亚和北极-高山成     分。青藏高原与其他分布区间的联系很少,是柳属又一个重要的分布中心。作为泛北极植物 区系的典型属之一的柳属,可能起源于东南亚热带山区。  相似文献   

锦鸡儿属Caragana是一个典型的温带亚洲分布属。本属在青藏高原和喜马拉雅约有24种1变种,约占整个属的1/3。这些种类几乎全部处于演化高级阶段,且既有叶轴宿存类群,也有假掌状叶类群。反映出种的分化很活跃,在横断山地区形成本属的分布中心、分化中心。本区内绝大多数种类是特有分布。替代现象主要受气候、植被变化作用,沿横断山和喜马拉雅分布的长齿系Ser. Bracteolatae Kom.是一个典型的替代分布类群。锦鸡儿属植物生态适应性很强,可在其生长的灌丛中形成优势种。 寒化和旱化现象十分突出,它们有一系列森林种、草原种和荒漠种及相关的形态变异。用锦鸡儿属植物进行青藏高原和喜马拉雅区域内的分布区关系分析及最小生成树MST和特有性简约性分析(PAE),表明横断山地区特别是其北部是本属植物的一个地理结点。以此沿横断山向北部唐古特和西部藏东南适应性辐射。横断山和西喜马拉雅联系微弱,看不出植物长距离扩散的踪迹,大多是由于生态因子限制而产生的隔离。虽然本区不可能是锦鸡儿属的起源地,然而,通过本区与邻近地区的地理联系,可推测它们在我国适应性辐射方向是从东北向西南。结合豆科蝶形花亚科其它属化石记录及其分布区局限在温带亚洲等现象,认为锦鸡儿植物是一组特化、晚近衍生的类群,起源于北方东西伯利亚晚第三纪中新世后期至上新世。  相似文献   

本文根据植物类群的系统发育和地理分布相统一的原理,讨论了“低等”金缕梅类植物的起 源和散布。  “低等”金缕梅类植物(Endress1989a的概念)包括下列7科:昆栏树科、水青树科、连香 树科、折扇叶科、领春木科、悬铃木科和金缕梅科。  该类群共有13种分布区类型,东亚区的南部和 印度支那区的北部是它的现代分布中心;根据化石证据及原始类群和外类群的分布分析,以上地区最 有可能是这类植物的起源地。  “低等”金缕梅类植物起源的时间至少可追溯到早白垩纪巴列姆期,较可 靠的化石证据说明悬铃木类植物在早白垩纪阿尔必晚期出现,而昆栏树科、水青树科、连香树科和金 缕梅科植物的出现均不晚于晚白垩纪。  最后,从环境变迁和生物演化两个方面探讨了“低等”金缕梅类植物现代分布格局的形成原因。  相似文献   

 藤山柳属Clematoclethra(猕猴桃科)是中国特有属之一。本文作者研究了该属植物的   外部形态,统计了473张标本,结合地理分布,得出本属是一个单种属,并且是一个多型种的结   论。此种分为4个亚种。这与中国植物志的作者将本属分为20种和4变种不同。  本文作者   虽强调标本室分类是生物系统学研究的基础,是必不可少的一步,但这种分类,其方法上必须   根据大量标本,从研究性状变异开始,然后确定各分类群的划分和等级,最后才根据植物命名   法规的模式方法,给予它们正确名称。作者还根据本属的姊妹群猕猴桃属和它们的外类群水  东哥属的地理分布,推断本属是一个新特有属。  相似文献   

    本文分析溲疏属的重要形态特征的演化趋势,讨论亲缘属的系统位置和地理分布及区系特点,分类系统的修订和补充,并编写了分种检索表。认为雄蕊不定数,花瓣覆瓦状排列,花丝无齿,子房半下位的是属于原始性状,而雄蕊定数,花瓣镊合状排列,花丝具齿,子房下位的是进化性状,因此新溲疏组应包括在溲疏属内,该组与中间溲疏组是原始类群,而溲疏组是进化类群。国产52种被分为2组,4亚组和17系。溲疏属基本上是属于北温带分布类型,而我国的横断山脉至秦岭南部和华中一带为本属的现代分布和分化中心。  相似文献   

本文对中国乌头属Aconitum三亚属53种及变种的药用植物进行了比较解剖学的研究。纳出该属植物根部组织构造的6大类型和18种亚型,找出了鉴定乌头类药材的解剖学特征。并结合植物分类学。化学分类学、细胞染色体和毒性,探讨了该属组织构造与植物系统演化之间的相关性。结果表明根部具有较进化的I型和II型构造的植物,含毒性很大的双酯型生物碱,主要存在于乌头亚属乌头组3,5-11系中;较原始的Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型及少数小根类Ⅱ型构造的植物,含毒性较小的阿替生和胺醇类生物碱,主要存在于露蕊乌头亚属和乌头亚属乌头组1—2系;更原始的V型和Ⅵ型构造的植物,含毒性更小的牛扁碱型生物碱,主要存在于牛扁亚属中。本文还从解剖学的角度对乌头属下等级的系统位置作了讨沦。  相似文献   

In this paper the classification of the genus  Bergenia Moench is  provided, its geographic distribution analysed, and the phylogeny also traced.   Based  on an analysis of morphological characters such as leaves, ocreas, branches of inflorescences, Pedicels, hypan- thium, sepals, and glandular indumentum, thi genus is divided into 3 sections: 1. Sect. Scopu- losae J. T. Pan, sect. nov., 2. Sect. Bergnia, 3. Sect. Ciliatae (A. Boriss.) J. T. Pan, stat. nov. The Sect. Scopulosae J. T. Pan may be considered as the primitive one, while Sect. Ciliatae (A. Boriss.) J. T. Pan may be regarded as the advanced one, with Sect. Bergenia in between.         So far, the genus Bergenia Moench comprises 9 species in the total.  Southeast Asia and North Asia (south and east Siberia, USSR) each have only 1 species, West Asia (Afghanis- tan) has 2, Central Asia (Kirghizia-Tajikistan-Uzbekstan area, USSR) 3, South Asia 4 (Nepal has 4, India, Pakistan and Kashmir area each has 3, Bhutan and Sikkim each has 2), East Asia 6.  In East Asia, Mongolia and Korea each have only 1 species, but China has 6 (includ- ing endemic species 2 and new species 1).  Sichuan Province and Xizang Autonomous Region each have 3, Yunnan Province 2, Shaanxi Province (Qinling Mountains) and Uygur Autono- mous Region of Xinjiang each have only 1.        Thus the distribution centre of this genus  should be in the region covering Si- chuan, Yunnan and Xizang. Moreover, it is noteworthy  that Bergenia scopulosa T. P. Wang in Sect. Scopulosae seems to have retained primitive characters,  for exa- mple, non-ciliate leaves and ocreas, glabrous pedicels, hypanthium and  sepals,  and this primitive species is found in Qinling Mountains and Sichuan.  According to the distribution of the primitive species, the author suggests that the centre of origin of  this genus be in the region covering Qinling Mountains and Sichuan.  相似文献   

本文通过对东亚和南亚马兜铃属的研究,修改了马兜铃属的分类系统,补充论证了演化趋势;并   在分析该属地理分布的基础上提出马兜铃属分布与分化的第二个中心——中国的横断山区。  本文确   认2亚属、7组、4系、68种和1变种,其中有3新组、2新种及13个新异名。  相似文献   

国产乌头属的化学分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据二萜生物碱的类型、生物合成、在乌头属植物中的分布,并参照国产乌头属的系统分类、形态演化和地理分布,本文讨论国产乌头属的化学分类。 1.以牛扁碱型成分为主的牛扁亚属和以乌头碱型成分为主的乌头亚属可能在乌头属进化的初期阶段就已分化,各自沿着独立的道路发展。2.乌头亚属包括以下类群:(1)以阿替生型、维特钦型、乌头碱型胺酵和 酯碱为主的保山乌头系,主要分布于国产乌头属近代发展分化中心之一的横断山脉和金沙江流域,可能国产乌头组的近代分化就是由该系发展而来; (2)以乌头碱、中乌头碱、下乌头碱为主的乌头系,为进化程度较高的群,所含乌头碱及尼奥灵显示了该系与保山乌头系的亲缘关系; (3)以乌头碱和松果灵为主的准噶尔乌头系,所含乌头碱和松果灵显示了该系与保山乌头系的亲缘关系; (4)以滇乌碱类酯碱为主的显柱乌头系和蔓乌头系,为进化程度较高的群,其酯碱有别于乌头碱类。3.以阿替生及C19内酯型为主的甘青乌头系及圆叶乌头系,可能为进化早期形成的高山特化类群。4. 以阿替生和C19乌头碱型胺醇为主的露蕊乌头亚属,可能为特化类群。  相似文献   

阴山荠属的校订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genus Yinshania was established by Ma Yu-chuan and Zhao Yi-zhi in 1979, when only one species, Y. albiflora Ma et Y. Z. Zhao, was discribed from Nei Monggol.  In the present paper the genus Yinshania is revised and four new species, two new varieties and four new combinetions are reported.  There are so far eight species and two varieties in total in this genus.      Important morphological characters of the genus are analysed, which shows that the lateral nectariferous glands positioned at lateral base of the brevistamens are triangularovoid; there are dense minute pustules on the surface of valves, which is easily neglected because the pustules disap- pear or shrinked when dry; simple or furcate hairs are present in the most species, seldom absent; the shape of pollen grains is relatively steady, elliptic or long-elliptic, with the polar view trifid- circular, the equatorial view elliptic or long elliptic, the aperture 3-colpate, exine reticular.      The type of genus Yinshania is changed.  Cochlearia acutangula O. E. Schulz was published in 1929, but Y. albiflora Ma et Y. Z. Zhao in 1979.  They are the same species and a new com- binetion, Y. acutangula (O. E. Schulz) Y. H. Zhang, is made. Thus, the type of genus Yin- shania should be changed to Y. acutangula (O. E. Schulz) Y. H. Zhang.      Besides, He Ye-qi 6121 (paratype, PE), which is different from Y. acutangula var. albif- lora, is separated from it and transferred the typical variety, Y. acutangula.      According to the characters of fruit shape the genus Yinshania is divided into two sections, namely, Sect.  Microcarpa and Sect. Yinshania, and then Sect. Yinshania is subdivided into two series.      Sect. 1. Microcarpa. Silicles widely ovoid or subglobose, 1-2.2 mm long, 0.8-2.2 mm wide, the ratio of length and width about 1.1.      Sect. 2. Yinshania. Silicles oblong, oblong-ovoid or long-lanceolate, ellipsoidal, 1.5-4.5 mm long, 0.3-1.5 mm wide, the ratio of length and width about 2.5-3.3.      Ser. 1. Henryanae. Raches flexuose; plants densely  hairy; leaves  3-5-foliolate,  seldom pinnatipartite or pinnatisect.      Ser. 2. Yinshania. Raches non flexuose; plants sparsely hairy; leaves pinnatisect or pinna- tipartite.      The genus Yinshania is a genus endemic to China, with their range from eastern Xizang to western Hubei from northern Guizhou to central Nei Monggol.  The taxa are mostly of a small area.  Sect. Microcarpa is concentrated in Sichuan and southern Gansu;  Sect.  Yinshania is spread from Xizang and Sichuan, nouthwards to Gansu, Ningxia, Shanxi, Hebei and Nei Mong- gol (Ser. Yinshania); and from Sichuan south-eastwards to Guizhou and Hebei (Ser. Henrya- nae).  There are five species in Sichuan.  The present paper conjectures that the distribution centre of the genus is in the Hengduan Mountains and its adjacent areas.  相似文献   

中国-喜玛拉雅特有属——蓝钟花属的分类修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 Cyananthus Wallich ex Bentham, the only genus of Campanulaceae with superior ovary, is revised to clarify infrageneric relationships and phylogeny of the genus. Evidence obtained from the comparative gross morphology, anatomy, palynology, and karyomorphology recommends a new infrageneric classification of the genus, recognizing 23 species, belonging to two subgenera, four sections and four subsections. One subgenus(Subgen. Micranthus), one section(Sect. Suffruticulosi) and two subsections(Subsect. Flavi and Subsect. Lichiangenses)are described as new taxa. New combinations at sectional(Sect. Annui) and subsectional(Subsect. Stenolobi) ranks are also proposed. The genus Cyananthus is strictly distributed in the high mountains of China(Xizang, Yunnan and Sichuan), extending to Bhutan, Nepal and India(Kumaon-Garhwal, Assam and Sikkim), with altitudinal ranges from 2500~5300 m. It is observed that 13 species are endemic to SW China and only three species are endemic to the Himalayas(two species in Nepal and one to NW India). It is evident that Cyananthus is one of the most primitive genera of Campanulaceae and within the genus, subgenus Cyananthus(Sect. Stenolobi) is more primitive than the subgenus Micranthus. It is also suggested that SW China(most probably Yunnan) is the center of origin of Cyananthus, considering the occurrence of as many as 20 species of Cyananthus, representing several primitive taxa and many endemic species.  相似文献   

我国悬钩子属植物的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The genus Rubus is one of the largest genera in the Rosaceae, consisting of more than 750 species in many parts of the world, of which 194 species have been recorded in China.      In the present paper the Rubus is understood in its broad sense, including all the blackberries, dewberries and raspberries, comprising the woody and herbaceous kinds. So it is botanically a polymorphic, variable and very complicated group of plants. The detailed analysis and investigation of the evolutionary trends of the main organs in this genus have indicated the passage from shrubs to herbs in an evolutionary line, although there is no obvious discontinuity of morphological characters in various taxa. From a phylogenetic point of view, the Sect. Idaeobatus Focke is the most primitive group, characterized by its shrub habit armed with sharp prickles, aciculae or setae, stipules attached to the petioles, flowers hermaphrodite and often in terminal or axill- ary inflorescences, very rarely solitary, druplets separated from receptacles. Whereas the herbaceous Sect.  Chamaemorus L. is the most advanced group, which is usually unarmed, rarely with aciculae or setae, stipules free, flowers dieocious, solitary, dru- plets adhering to the receptacles and with high  chromosome numbers  (2n = 56). Basing upon the evolutionary tendency of morphological  features,  chromosome nu- mbers of certain species recorded in literature and the distribution patterns of species, a new systematic arrangement of Chinese Rubus has been suggested by the present authors. Focke in his well-known monograph divided the species of Rubus into  12 subgenera, while in the Flora of China 8 sections of Focke were adapted, but some im- portant revisions have been made in some taxa and Sect. Dalibarda Focke has been reduced to Sect.  Cylactis Focke.  In addition, the arrangement of sections is presented in a reverse order to those of Focke’s system.  The species of Rubus in  China are classified into 8 sections with 24 subsections (tab. 3) as follows: 1. Sect. Idaeobatus, emend. Yü et Lu(11 subsect. 83 sp.); 2. Sect. Lampobatus Focke (1 sp.); 3. Sect. Rubus (1 sp.); 4. Sect. Malachobatus Focke, emend. Yü et Lu (13 subsect. 85 sp.); 5. Sect. Dalibardastrus (Focke)Yü et Lu (10 sp.); 6. Sect. Chaemaebatus Focke (5 sp.); 7. Sect. Cylactis Focke, emend. Yü et Lu (8 sp.); 8. Sect. Chamaemorus Focke (1 sp.).      In respect to the geographical distribution the genus Rubus occurs throughout the world as shown in tab. 2, particularly abundant in the Northern Hemisphere, while the greatest concentration of species appears in North America and E. Asia.  Of the more than 750 species in the world, 470 or more species (64%) distributed in North America.  It is clearly showm that the center of distribution lies in North America at present time.  There are about 200 species recorded in E. Asia, of which the species in China (194) amount to 97% of the total number. By analysis of the distribution of species in China the great majority of them inhabit the southern parts of the Yangtze River where exist the greatest number of species and endemics,  especially in south- western parts of China, namely Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou (tab. 3. 4.).  It is in- teresting to note that the centre of distribution of Rubus in China ranges From north- western Yunnan to south-western Sichuan (tab. 5), where the genus also reaches its highest morphological diversity.       In this region the characteristics of floristic elements of Rubus can be summarized as follows: it is very rich in composition, contaning 6 sections and 94 species, about 66% of the total number of Chinese species; there are also various complex groups, including primitive, intermediate and advanced taxa of phylogenetic importance; the proportion of endemic plants is rather high, reaching 61 species, up to 44% of the total endemics in China.  It is noteworthy to note that the most primitive Subsect. Thyrsidaei (Focke) Yü et Lu, consisting of 9 endemic species, distributed in southern slopes of the Mts. Qin Ling and Taihang Shan (Fig. 4). From the above facts we may concluded that the south-western part of China is now not only the center of distribu- tion and differentiation of Rubus in China, but it may also be the center of origin ofthis genus.  相似文献   

The Astilbe Buch.-Ham.  ex D. Don was founded in  1912.  There are now 18 species throughout the world. USSR, Thailand, Indonesia, Bhutan, Nepal d Kashan- mir each has only 1 species; Korea, Philippines and USA each has 2; India 3; Japan 6; and China 7 (including 3 endemics and 1 new variety). And northeast China, north China and northwest China each has 2;  central China and southwest China  each 4; eastern  China 5. Thus the distribution centre of this genus seems  to be in the region  covering Japan and eastern, central, and southwest China.       This genus is divided into two sections: Sect. Simplicifoliae Engl.  and Sect. Astilbe. Sect. Simplicifoliae may be considered as the primitive one because it has 5 ordinary petals. This section consists of about 10 species: 5 in  China (east China 4; southwest China 3; ce- ntral China, north China and northeast China each 2; Northwest China 1), 5 in Japan, 2 in Korea, 1 in Philippines and India each. According to the distribution of this section, the author suggests that the centre of origin of this genus be in the  forested  parts  from Japonthrough east China to southwest China.  相似文献   

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