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This study examined whether 12‐month‐olds will accept words that differ phonologically and phonetically from their native language as object labels in an associative learning task. Sixty infants were presented with sets of English word–object (N = 30), Japanese word–object (N = 15), or Czech word–object (N = 15) pairings until they habituated. Infants associated CVCV English, CCVC English, and CVCV Japanese words, but not CCVC Czech words, with novel objects. These results demonstrate that by 12 months of age, infants are beginning to apply their language‐specific knowledge to their acceptance of word forms. That is, they will not map words that violate the phonotactics of their native language to objects.  相似文献   

论英语德语语法层次结构构建的相似性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于英语德语两种语言在历史上的亲缘关系,两种语言在语法层次构建方式上十分相似,分别体现在词素、词、词组、分句、句子各层面上。  相似文献   

Jill Lany 《Child development》2014,85(4):1727-1739
Statistical learning may be central to lexical and grammatical development. The phonological and distributional properties of words provide probabilistic cues to their grammatical and semantic properties. Infants can capitalize on such probabilistic cues to learn grammatical patterns in listening tasks. However, infants often struggle to learn labels when performance requires attending to less obvious cues, raising the question of whether probabilistic cues support word learning. The current experiment presented 22‐month‐olds with an artificial language containing probabilistic correlations between words' statistical and semantic properties. Only infants with higher levels of grammatical development capitalized on statistical cues to support learning word‐referent mappings. These findings suggest that infants' sensitivity to correlations between sounds and meanings may support both word learning and grammatical development.  相似文献   

正确理解与翻译商务英语中的复合句是商务英语学习的难点,而要正确理解与翻译这些句子,关键是要弄清英汉两种语言在结构、语序、语态方面的差异,并在此基础上,处理好句子中各成分之间复杂的语法修辞关系和内在逻辑关系。  相似文献   

为了英语学习者在英语阅读中能够更好地理解原文,文章从英语的句法功能:名词性从句、形容词性从句以及状语从句三个方面阐述了如何通过分析句子结构来理解英语的长难句。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Bangla language is characterized by a rich sys-tem of inflections(VIBHAKTI),derivation,and compound formation(Saha et al.,2004;Dash,1994;Chakroborty,2003),which is why the NLE using Bangla(output generation)is a very challenging task.Natural Language Engineering(NLE)is the process of computer analysis of input provided in a human language(natural language)and conversion of this input into a useful form of representation.The input of an NLP system can be:written text …  相似文献   

对举格式在汉语中大量存在着,这是其它语言所不能及的语法现象。本文首先为这种格式下了定义,并且按照对举语句中语素或词的意义关系进行分类。随后与印欧语的代表——英语进行对比,从民族心理,语音特点及语言组织形式,语义表达功能三方面来分别论述对举格式的生成机制及在汉语中大量存在的可能性、合理性。  相似文献   

本文主要以韩礼德提出的语法隐喻理论为指导,分析了以往一些省市中考英语真题及练习题中的同义句转换,并揭示出其中蕴含的语法隐喻现象。以语法隐喻为指导来设计初中英语同义句转换题型,可以把语法隐喻循序渐进的引入课堂,有助于提高学生的思维水平,丰富学生的英语表达,扩展词汇量,提高外语水平。  相似文献   

参照塞莱斯科维奇的"脱离源语语言外壳"这一理论,在英汉视译中译员在理解源语语料的意义后,应抛弃语言外在形式,把源语语料按照类意群进行切分,依据顺句驱动原则把源语的信息和内涵移植到目的语中。在英汉视译中,定语从句的视译是重点也是难点,由于英汉两种语言在语序、语法规则等诸多方面存在显著的差异,稍有不慎将影响译文的质量。  相似文献   

英语成对词是英语惯用语的主要组成部分之一。英语成对词主要由同一词、同义词、反义词、意义相关的词等多种形式构成 ,其功能表现在两个方面 :一是具有名词、动词、形容词、副词的语法功能 ,可充当各种句子成分 ,二是用于转义、口语、俚语和古语中的文体功能。  相似文献   

林海权 《闽江学院学报》2002,22(1):69-73,100
本文以语气动词“之”在句中的分布(句子的各种成分,复句上下分句的主谓之间,单句和主谓之间)为纲,以同一或不同古籍中与本句句式相同或相近而不用“之”的句子作为参照,进一步论述前组用在主谓之间的“之”字的词性及其语法作用。  相似文献   

Eighteen-month-olds' spatial categorization was tested when hearing a novel spatial word. Infants formed an abstract categorical representation of support (i.e., placing 1 object on another) when hearing a novel spatial particle during habituation but not when viewing the events in silence. Infants with a productive spatial vocabulary did not discriminate the support relation when hearing the same novel word as a count noun. However, infants who were not yet producing spatial words did attend to the support relation when presented with the novel count noun. The results indicate that 18-month-olds can use a novel particle (possibly assisted by a familiar verb) to facilitate their spatial categorization but that the specificity of this effect varies with infants' acquisition of spatial language.  相似文献   

Individual differences and the development of joint attention in infancy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study examined the development of joint attention in 95 infants assessed between 9 and 18 months of age. Infants displayed significant test-retest reliability on measures of following gaze and gestures (responding to joint attention, RJA) and in their use of eye contact to establish social attention coordination (initiating joint attention, IJA). Infants displayed a linear, increasing pattern of age-related growth on most joint attention measures. However, IJA was characterized by a significant cubic developmental pattern. Infants with different rates of cognitive development exhibited different frequencies of joint attention acts at each age, but did not exhibit different age-related patterns of development. Finally, 12-month RJA and 18-month IJA predicted 24-month language after controlling for general aspects of cognitive development.  相似文献   

阅读英语文章时 ,仅仅分析句子的语法成分是不够的 ,重要的是领会文章内在的深刻含义及作者要表达的真实思想感情。同时还应该学会欣赏那些修辞好的句子和段落  相似文献   

一致式向隐喻式的转化与英语语句的信息密度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概念隐喻中一致式和隐喻式的转化对英语语句信息高密度的形成意义重大。一致式和隐喻式是概念语法隐喻中的两个至关重要的基本概念,二者具有在意义上相同而在语法功能上不同的特点。一致式向隐喻式的转化在英语名词化过程中具有不可替代的作用。对名词化形成过程的分析揭示出名词化的浓缩功能可以提高英语语句的词密度,从而达到提高英语语句信息高密度的功效。  相似文献   

We used an immediate recall paradigm to study the effects of list organization and semantic and grammatical features of printed stimuli on working memory capacity in deaf students with differing English language abilities. Thirty lists of five organizational types (random words, semantically related words, semantically paired words, scrambled sentences, and grammatical sentences) were presented to two groups of deaf students who differed in their proficiency in the English language. The students were required to recall the lists in writing. The results indicate that, overall, the students with higher levels of English language proficiency recalled significantly more than those with lower levels. Additionally, semantic and syntactic organization of the lists had different effects on the two groups of students. Semantic pairing aided the low-level group significantly more than the high-level group, whereas the syntactic organization of the grammatical sentences aided the high-level group significantly more. Implications for assessing language ability in deaf students are discussed.  相似文献   

抽象名词广泛应用于各种文体是现代英语的一大特点。英语抽象名词主要由动词或形容词派生而成或由动词短语和介词短语转化而来。抽象名词意义虚泛,概括性强,具有言简意赅的效果。抽象名词的理解难度较大,英汉语言转换时易产生误译或生硬不自然的译文,因此需要引起足够的重视。为避免出现不符合汉语习惯的译文,英汉翻译中,译者在正确理解抽象名词的基础上,对其可作一些翻译处理:抽象名词译成动词;用实体词取代抽象名词;借用修辞手法使抽象词义具体化:抽象词语义重心译成具体词语义重心:抽象名词译成句子。  相似文献   

现代汉语虚词“来着’’在北京大学汉语语言学研究中心(CCL)语料库中的分布显示,它有两项主要的语法意义:一是表示“过去”,二是表示“一时忘记而寻求提醒”。表示前一项语法意义时,“来着”主要用于陈述句,表示后一项意义时.“来着”主要用于疑问句。当“来着”表示“过去”时,它与句末助词“了”、“的”等在意义和用法上有所不同。另外,在与其他词语的共现方面,使用“来着”的句子也受到一定的限制。  相似文献   

Although recent behavioral and neural research indicates that infants represent the body’s structure, how they engage self-representations for action is little understood. This study addressed how the human face becomes a reaching space. Infants (N = 24; 2–11 months) were tested longitudinally approximately every 3 weeks on their ability to reach to a vibrating target placed at different locations on the face. Successful reaches required coordinating skin- and body-based codes for location, a problem known as tactile remapping. Findings suggest that a functional representation of the face is initially fragmented. Infants localized targets in the perioral region before other areas (ears/temples). Additionally, infants predominantly reached ipsilaterally to targets. Collectively, the findings illuminate how the face becomes an integrated sensorimotor space for self-reaching.  相似文献   

《国语》中的判断句都是无判断词判断句,其判断谓语有名词性词语,动词性词语和形容词性词语,“是”不是单纯的指代词,它还有超出其指代性的语法特征,“为”具有判断主语和主语所指属性及其类别的功能。  相似文献   

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