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杨冬 《高校教育管理》2021,15(5):90-104
我国高校创新创业教育政策变迁历经发轫初创、试点实施、全面推广和转型升级四个阶段.本研究通过基于制度变迁理论解构我国高校创新创业教育政策变迁机制发现,其变迁主角以政府为主导且融合高校与社会,变迁目的 是基于"帕累托最优"的国家创新创业效益最大化,变迁动力是创新创业人才供给与社会需求的结构性张力和创新创业教育本体认识偏好变化,变迁方式以强制性变迁为主、诱致性变迁为辅,变迁路径是注重规模扩大与体系构建的后发外生型路径.虽然这一变迁有力地推动了创新创业教育的普及实施、体系优化和范式转型,但是其多主体协同合力仍待进一步提升,内外部价值效益尚需进一步平衡,方式惯性与路径依赖有待进一步超越.因此,我国需要健全创新创业教育多元利益主体的一体化参与机制,增强政策变迁的协同互动合力;注重创新创业教育社会价值与本体价值的平衡与统一,优化政策变迁的目标和动力机制;促进创新创业教育政策强制性变迁与诱致性变迁的有机耦合和联动推进,以"点面结合、重点突破"的方式优化政策变迁的路径;统筹创新创业教育的评价驱动和内涵发展,引领创新创业教育实践向提质增效的纵深层次迈进.  相似文献   

独立学院的制度化困境——多重逻辑下的政策变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立学院是一种中国特有的高等教育组织形式。从政策变迁的角度看,它具有"先发展后规范"的特征。它在发展过程中形成了"公办型独立学院"和"民办型独立学院"两种基本类型,但中央政策一直试图将其作为民办教育的一种类型来进行规范管理,两者之间的逻辑差异致使独立学院一直未能成为一种稳定的制度模式。本文借助组织分析中的多重制度逻辑理论框架试图对此进行解释。本文认为,在社会转型的基本制度背景下,政府、市场、家庭和教育多重制度逻辑的动态变迁以及相互作用造成了独立学院的制度化困境,应从高等教育多样性的角度重新思考包括独立学院在内的高等教育制度变迁。  相似文献   

高等教育质量观是人们对高等教育的认识观,是主观见之于客观的过程。质量和质量标准的多样化,实质上就是人们对高等教育的认识和要求的多样化,这种认识和要求的多样化,是社会经济对人才的规格、类型、层次需求的多样化,个体学习需求的多样化,尤其是办学主体多元化的结果。在高等教育大众化、多元化、国际化的今天,必须树立正确的教育质量观去对待独立学院的发展问题。一、独立学院为什么要树立新的教育质量观1.高等教育大众化阶段呼唤树立多样化的教育质量观教育质量观直接制约高等教育大众化进程。英国和美国的高等教育,由于教育质量观不同…  相似文献   

马克思主义理论教育评价的本质通过其历史现象表现出来。评价、教育评价、马克思主义理论教育评价是一般、特殊与个别的关系。马克思主义理论教育评价是评价主体依据一定的评价标准,在理论教育事实判断的基础上能动地判断理论教育价值的实践一认识过程。理论教育评价的主客体关系主要表现为两对关系:价值客体与价值主体的关系、评价客体与评价主体的关系。理论教育评价的本质是由其内部所包含的特殊矛盾决定的。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,我国各项高考改革政策应运而生,在探索中不断前进。教育政策的制定与实施本质上是教育政策主体的一种利益表达与整合过程,对高考政策进行价值分析有助于把握高考改革的历史变迁与发展趋势,有助于理性看待和评价高考。高考政策30年来的不断改革蕴涵着对公平与效率的追求、以人为本的理念、多元自主的格局和国际视野的改革眼光,体现了教育的发展和社会的进步。  相似文献   

价值与真理的有用性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
价值的本质只能是客体对于主体有用 ,而不能是主体对于客体的价值认识、价值判断。真理的本质只能是主体对于客体的认识如实即符合实际 ,而不能是真理对于主体有用。对于一事物的全部真理性认识可以相对地区分为事实真理和价值真理。价值真理不等于真理的有用性价值性 ,它们在反映对象和具体内容上是有很大区别的  相似文献   

倪若花 《文教资料》2013,(26):108-109
当前,部分独立学院贫困生资助工作以何种物质形式救助贫困生,对他们因经济窘困造成的成才困难认识不足,不能很好地将助学政策和人才培养结合起来.作者通过阐述“助学”和“育人”相结合的重要性,分析贫困生认定机制不健全、助学育人脱节、心理扶助薄弱等现实问题,从经济资助、心理扶助、能力提升方面寻找对策,进一步完善独立学院贫困生资助体系,全面教育帮扶贫困生.  相似文献   

论教育政策的主体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育政策的主体是教育政策运行过程中的决策主体、咨询主体和参与主体的总称 ,其中决策主体是教育政策最基本最首要的主体 ,在认识的逻辑上习惯于价值判断 ;咨询主体多采用不易受功利价值干扰的事实判断去认识事物 ,它有其独特的功能 ;参与主体是转化为客体的教育政策的主体。  相似文献   

大学理念是关于大学是什么即大学的本质的认识问题,它涉及大学教育的职能、存在价值、终极目的等形而上问题.作为反映社会与经济存在的大学理念,是一个不断流动与变迁的概念.现代大学理念至少包含以下内容:服务社会,以促进社会可持续发展和进步;满足社会对人才培养的需求,大学教育要大众化;顺应国际大学发展的趋势,大学教育要走国际化开放之路;追求民主与平等理想,实现大学教育的民主化;满足社会经济发展对高等教育的多种要求,高等教育要多样化;以人为本,实现大学教育人本化等.  相似文献   

王西斌 《文教资料》2013,(30):102-103
党课教育是针对那些思想上进,追求进步,同时志愿加入中国共产党而且品质优秀的大学生进行党的理论等教育的教育载体。形势与政策是把党的教育方针、政策等具有重要意义,以及以此为宗旨而贯彻到基层的理论及实践解读。独立学院大学生具有思想灵活、重视实用的特点,独立学院的党课要达到党课教育的初衷就必须把形势与政策作为其首选.以达到党课教育的理愿。  相似文献   

In an effort to increase student readiness for college and career, many States have adopted new academic standards encouraged by education reform advocates. These standards are commonly referred to as the Common Core Standards. Schools from States that have adopted the Common Core Standards have been compelled to significantly restructure their existing curriculum and adjust how they teach that curriculum. These requirements can be particularly onerous for rural schools. Neoliberalism is the underlying political philosophy undergirding these changes in the current school reform movement and is similar to the political philosophy that drove the changes in agricultural policies in the mid 20th century. Neoliberal political and economic philosophy as it correlates to education policy is buttressed by three values: (1) education fosters economic growth; (2) education policy modeled on efficiency and business practices; (3) high stakes testing to measure what a student has learned. These values have created an educational policy structure that attempts to quantify student learning, teacher effectiveness and school district value. By understanding the similarities between agricultural policies in the mid 20th century and current education policies, rural schools and communities will be able to change the narrative surrounding the education of their children.  相似文献   

It is assumed in this paper that the main trend in global education policies is based on an entrepreneurial model intended to submit school work to the same logic that prevails in economic systems at large. Thus, I try to recognise such a model in current educational changes in Portugal. Two paths for the entrepreneurialisation of school work were identified, both of which have a strong influence in this country. As it is the rule in a global context, slogans such as ‘educational excellence’, ‘success for all’, ‘lifelong learning’ or ‘acquisition of essential skills’ are the cornerstones of the educational policies nowadays in Portugal. The continuous improvement of school productivity appears to be the main goal of the public education system in these policies.  相似文献   

英国中小学课程政策的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
制约和影响英国中小学课程政策的因素十分复杂.然而,纵观英国课程改革和发展的历史进程,我们仍能发现,英国中小学的课程政策和各项改革措施无不受到英国实用主义的教育历史与文化传统、社会经济发展、主流政治意识形态、杰出政治家和教育家的关键作用以及其他欧盟国家和美国课程思想等因素的制约和影响.  相似文献   

Educating for citizenship is most often associated with a discourse of liberalism in which knowledge, skills and values of equality, rights, justice and national identity are taught. A competing neoliberal discourse with values of self-improvement, responsibility and entrepreneurialism is now quite pervasive in educational policies and practices, shifting goals and processes of education for citizenship. In Tanzania, neoliberalism's influence is evident in the private provision of schooling and pedagogy and curriculum oriented toward skills development. Neoliberal policies have created an opening for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to fill a need by providing secondary education as well as technical and entrepreneurial skills in efforts to make graduates more employable. This paper examines how an NGO entrepreneurship education programme integrated into formal secondary education in Tanzania articulates new goals and values of citizenship. In this model, learning is tied to markets; becoming a successful citizen includes acquiring business skills; and citizenship values include economic sustainability and self-reliance. This model of entrepreneurship education produces a paradox in educational goals for citizenship in that it aims to secure rights to education and provide for material needs while it also subjects young people and schools to economic and social risks tied to flexible and unstable markets.  相似文献   


This article argues that the growing social and economic inequalities of New Zealand society have their echoes in growing educational gaps. This does not mean that one directly determines the other, but that social and economic changes impinge both directly, through such things as housing patterns and community resources, and indirectly, through perceptions of aspiration and opportunity, on schooling systems and on students. For the period under review here, income inequalities have continued to rise in New Zealand, and for most of that time real incomes for the majority have fallen. Wealth and poverty, at least within the larger cities, have become more concentrated. Patterns of wealth and deprivation have reinforced processes of school segregation that have occurred under policies of school choice. Over the last few years, a range of social and educational policies have been developed to mitigate the worst effects of market policies. However, it is argued that until the earnings gap is closed, and in particular until child poverty is addressed through increases in social security, there is little chance that educational outcomes for deprived young people will improve significantly.  相似文献   

This article analyses the relationship between educational development and the socio-political and economic context of Malaysia. Under the rubric of Vision 2020, there is a liberalisation of educational policies leading to the democratisation, privatisation and decentralisation of the Malaysian educational system. In conjunction with mass education, both the primary and secondary school curricula were revised with great emphasis on the development of an all-round individual, the acquisition of basic skills, the inculcation of moral values, and the abolishment of early specialisation. The educational administrative system has been decentralised to promote school-based management and teacher empowerment. Furthermore, the private sector has been encouraged to play an active role in providing higher education.  相似文献   

新时期我国教育政策的价值取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
价值是事物存在的内在尺度。作为一种价值性的实践,教育政策的制定和执行必须基于鲜明的价值取向,唯有如此,方能以正确的价值观念来规范教育实践,指引教育事业向着好的方向发展。基于教育实践活动的性质和当前我国教育发展所存在的现实问题,新时期我国的教育政策应该确立以下价值取向:以人为本、公共性和正义的观念。  相似文献   

教育公平是一个独立的发展目标——辨析教育的公平与效率   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
教育公平从社会正义、平等、自由、人权的价值中产生,是一个独立的社会发展目标。我国教育理论界过于关注教育的公平与效率之争,是经济领域“效率优先、兼顾公平”的口号泛化的结果,也与我国“财政视角”的教育改革路径有关。教育的公平与效率问题应当具体分析,其冲突主要表现在教育资源的配置上。在义务教育阶段,公平与效率是高度一致的,但在入学机会问题上,主要是公平、公正的制度和政策设计问题,与效率无关。  相似文献   

Globalization of education refers to the worldwide discussions,processes,and institutions affecting local educational practices and policies.There are international organizations that directly and indirectly influence national school systems.There are multinational education corporations and schools.Government and professionals engage in global discussions about school policies.Today,the dominant educational ideology is human capital economics and consumerism.Human capital economics defines the primary goal of education to be economic growth.Educational discourses around the world often refer to human capital,lifelong learning for improving job skills,and economic development.Consequently,there is a burgeoning global market for global education business,for-profit education,global testing services,as well as shadow education.The author proposes that school policies should be evaluated on their contribution to the social conditions that provide the conditions for human happiness and longevity rather than being judged by their contribution to economic growth and income.  相似文献   

Comprehensive national educational change is a complex and often difficult process. In countries such as Viet Nam where the govemment exercises tight control over social and economic development strategies, wide scale changes to an education system are often not possible. Viet Nam's increasing engagement with private sector development has, however, enabled greater flexibility for improving and strengthening its education system. In response to Viet Nam 's transition to a market economy, educational planners have had to consider strategies for making the education system more responsive to current and future labour demands. Accordingly, beginning in the early 1990s, the Govemment of Viet Nam put in place policies to enable the education system to 'modemise'. Guided by the principle that an investment in education is an investment in economic development, the government has pursued and continues to pursue an agenda of educational refonn by means of curriculum reforns. Early evidence indicates that despite an initial rapid development and implementation of change-driven policies and Strategie directions, the pace of reform is slowing down. The thesis of this paper is that a programme of substanrial education change and innovation in VietNam is actually a programme of cautious reform based on select targeting of particular school populations, in this case, populations in the arger cities, economic priority zones and urban areas.  相似文献   

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