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张琳  刘冬东  吕琦  孙蓓蓓  黄颖 《情报学报》2020,39(5):492-499
量化测度研究成果的学科交叉性是交叉科学研究中的重要问题,对于理解学科交叉现象与学科发展规律具有重要意义。基于引文关系的学科多样性测度是学科交叉测度的主流方法,现有的研究大多将论文的参考文献作为一个整体来探究论文的学科交叉程度,忽略了不同章节参考文献的分布、不同参考文献的重要程度以及相同参考文献的多次引用等情况。本文尝试基于论文中不同章节的引文标注位置来探究不同章节的学科交叉程度,进而根据不同章节参考文献的重要程度来计算论文的加权学科交叉度。以2007-2016年发表在PLoS ONE期刊上的研究论文为例,研究结果表明:(1)引言(Introduction)、讨论(Discussion)、方法(Method)和结果(Results)四个章节的学科交叉程度依次降低;(2)与基于整体参考文献的学科交叉测度相比,基于引文标注位置的加权学科交叉度数值相对较低且分布更为集中。基于引文标注位置的学科交叉测度方法可以从内容的微观层面更加细致地测度论文的学科交叉水平,为交叉科学研究成果的测度和高交叉研究成果的识别提供了新的视角与思路。  相似文献   

结合英文论文标题的已有研究成果,深入中文论文标题的探讨,通过数据统计定量分析中文论文标题类型的下载和引用的特点,以及标题长度和带冒号的标题对下载和引用的影响,揭示论文标题与下载和引用的关系,填补了国内关于这一研究的空白。  相似文献   

探究参考文献跨学科性与论文学术影响力的关系,能够为学科领域的进一步发展提出参考建议,对促进科学发展具有重要意义。本研究以Web of Science核心合集2001—2020年仿生学领域的期刊论文和会议论文为数据集,从学科丰富性、平衡性、差异性及综合角度,对参考文献跨学科性与论文学术影响力之间的关系进行探讨,并比较其在不同合作模式下的区别。研究结果表明,综合性指标Rao-Stirling指数负向影响学术影响力;学科丰富性、平衡性和差异性对学术影响力的积极影响均存在阈值;不同合作模式下,参考文献跨学科性与论文学术影响力的关系有一定区别。进行学科交叉科研活动时,在学科丰富性、平衡性和差异性方面都要遵循适度原则;根据合作者的性质采取不同的合作策略;积极与国际高水平机构交流、合作;高等院校则应该加强学科交叉培养,打造知识复合型人才。  相似文献   

许鑫  叶丁菱 《情报学报》2022,(3):275-286
伴随数据论文影响力的凸显,数据计量逐渐兴起。本文基于数据计量,融合多维度、多指标综合评价数据论文的影响力。首先,本文通过信息传播模式分析数据论文影响力的产生机制,解析出数据论文影响力可以划分为潜在影响力、学术影响力和社会影响力三个维度。其次,融合Altmetrics与引文分析甄选指标构建数据论文影响力评价体系。最后,利用相关性分析以及三维空间差异性分析解构数据论文影响力评价结果。研究结果表明,三维度影响力反映出数据论文综合影响力,三者相互补充与促进。同时,数据论文应在整体上促进评审机制、引用机制和激励机制的针对性发展,在内部促进数据论文质量、内容、逻辑和时效的优化。  相似文献   

开放存取论文下载与引用情况计量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于"中国科技论文在线"的论文引用、下载数据,对开放存取论文被引用的年代分布情况、被引频次与下载频次的相关关系进行研究。结果表明:①开放存取论文达到被引峰值的时间在延长,互联网并没有加快开放存取论文的老化,反而有延缓之势;②单篇论文的下载频次与被引频次之间的相关性不显著;③应用性、综述性论文更容易出现"高下载低引用"现象;④从长期、整体角度来看,开放存取论文的下载频次与被引频次之间呈现正相关趋势;⑤被引频次侧重于反映开放存取论文的内在质量,下载频次则反映外部评价指标(可识别性、可获得性、传播速率等)。图3。表2。参考文献39。  相似文献   

丁文姚  李健  韩毅 《图书情报工作》2019,63(22):118-128
[目的/意义] 探索期刊论文科学数据引用特征与规律不仅有助于描述学科领域对科学数据的利用情况,还能够揭示学术成果表达中的数据引用模式。[方法/过程] 以我国图书情报领域6种期刊2017年与2018年第一期刊载论文为样本,结合国家标准《信息技术科学数据引用》的引用元素,采用内容分析法从9个维度对样本论文的科学数据引用行为进行数据编码,应用统计学方法描述图书情报领域期刊论文科学数据引用特征并探索不同维度特征间的关联关系。[结果/结论] 图书情报领域期刊论文广泛引用来自国内外的统计整理类科学数据,对期刊论文中个人研究科学数据的引用量较大;科学数据引用标注方式与科学数据类型存在一定对应关系,但多样化的标注方式缺乏统一性;二手引用现象较为突出,二手引用程度与科学数据创建者类型相关。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对Mendeley阅读数据的分析,探讨引用行为之外更广范围的论文使用行为,以进一步完善学术论文的影响力评价体系。[方法/过程]选择社会学、历史学、生态学和应用物理学四个学科领域,从Scopus、Altmetric.com采集被引数据和阅读数据,并进行相关性分析。从身份、国别以及学科三个角度对Mendeley阅读数据Top100的文献用户身份和行为特征进行深入的探究。[结果/结论]在四个学科文献集合中,Mendeley阅读数据均比被引频次的覆盖率高,说明引用行为只是论文使用的冰山一角。对于不同使用动机的用户,其使用行为都存在学科差异;不同国家使用者对论文的使用习惯有地域差异;学术论文的跨学科使用情况与自身学科特性密切相关。  相似文献   

文章对我国6个学科的社科学术期刊3类评价指标及其相互间的相关性进行分析。研究表明:分学科而言,3个特征指标之间相关性不明显;3个转载指标间具有较强的相关关系,特别是综合指数和转载量、转载率之间具有强相关性;除了复合即年指标外,其他引用指标间均呈现出一定程度的正相关关系,影响力指数与其他引用指标间呈现出较强的相关关系,复合影响因子、复合他引影响因子、5年复合影响因子两两间呈强相关关系;期刊特征指标与转载指标、引用指标之间的相关性均不显著。转载指标与引用指标间具有中度的相关关系。评价体系不宜同时使用正相关度较强的多项指标,或者应适当控制其总权重;期刊选文时不应太注重基金论文比、平均引文数等特征指标,应注重论文的学术质量。总体上看,高等院校学报和专业社科期刊相比,3类评价指标之间的相关性差异不明显,高等院校学报人不必因为影响力的原因而纠结是否进行专业化发展,而应该根据自身资源条件选择发展策略。  相似文献   

借助主成分分析,以PLoS ONE的Article-Level Metrics为数据源对物理学、化学、社会学、免疫学四学科的科学评价主要维度进行解析。分析表明一维空间的科学评价在覆盖50%信息的同时将损失其余的50%,3个维度才能以80%的精度描述论文的学术影响力,进而将科学评价的3个维度分别命名为引用维、共享维与利用维,从而说明以引用为基础的传统科学评价的片面性,并揭示科学评价的多维构成。  相似文献   

论新闻学的学科影响力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从新闻学所能影响的决策者、研究者、实践者和学习者等四个方面探讨该学科影响力,并对教育部高校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖数据统计、全国优秀博士学位论文数据统计、2008年度CSSCI刊物新闻学与传播学论文和他学科论文引用被引用数据统计进行考察分析.在此基础上,就新闻学如何进一步提升学科影响力的问题提出了对策.  相似文献   

学术论文的下载频率与被引频率的相关性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为深入研究网络传播对提高学术期刊影响力的作用,从微观层面入手,对一篇学术论文网上下载频率和被引频率的相关性进行研究,给出了相关性的量化计算指标和计算方法.以<西安交通大学学报>的数据为例,对其1994年第1期、2006年第1~3期、2007年第1期发表文章的下载频率和被引频率进行统计,计算出两者的简单线性相关系数,并进行了分析.研究结果表明,网络传播是提升期刊影响力的必要条件和手段,吸引和发表优秀稿件才是提升期刊影响力的充分条件.  相似文献   

As interdisciplinary research attracts more attention, interdisciplinarity has also become a significant factor to be explored for scientific impact. This study explored the influence of interdisciplinarity on scientific impact in the field of climate change, based on data from Web of Science. Taking newly-developed indicator DIV* and its components variety, balance, and disparity as interdisciplinarity measures, we used OLS regression with robust standard errors and topic analysis to analyze their relationships with short-term and long-term scientific impact, respectively. We found that (1) DIV* has an inverted U-shaped relationship with scientific impact in overall positive correlation. Since most scientific publications are distributed before the inflection point of the U-shaped curve, both long- and short-term scientific impact increased with the growth of interdisciplinarity with a declining growth rate in most cases. (2) For the three components of DIV*, balance and disparity are negatively and positively correlated with scientific impact, respectively, while variety has an inverted U-shaped relationship with scientific impact. (3) In terms of eight sub-topics of climate change research classified by LDA, a technique used for topic modeling, their relationships between interdisciplinarity and scientific impact are generally consistent with the overall data sample. Before the inflection point, high scientific impacts benefited from high interdisciplinarity. These findings provided theoretical and decision-making support for evaluating the impact of interdisciplinary research in the field of climate change.  相似文献   

How does the published scientific literature used by scientific community? Many previous studies make analysis on the static usage data. In this research, we propose the concept of dynamic usage data. Based on the platform of realtime.springer.com, we have been monitoring and recording the dynamic usage data of Scientometrics articles round the clock. Our analysis find that papers published in recent four years have many more downloads than papers published four years ago. According to our quantitative calculation, papers downloaded on one day have an average lifetime of 4.1 years approximately. Classic papers are still being downloaded frequently even long after their publication. Additionally, we find that social media may reboot the attention of old scientific literature in a short time.  相似文献   

《Journal of Informetrics》2019,13(2):593-604
In the past few decades, there has been increasing interest in public-private collaboration, which has motivated lengthy discussion of the implications of collaboration in general, and co-authorship in particular, for the scientific impact of research. However, despite this strong interest in the topic, there is little systematic knowledge on the relation between public-private collaboration and citation impact. This paper examines the citation impact of papers involving public-private collaboration in comparison with academic research papers. We examine the role of a variety of factors, such as international collaboration, the number of co-authors, academic disciplines, and whether the research is mainly basic or applied. We first examine citation impact for a comprehensive dataset covering all Web of Science journal articles with at least one Danish author in the period 1995–2013. Thereafter, we examine whether citation impact for individual researchers differs when collaborating with industry compared to work only involving academic researchers, by looking at a fixed group of researchers that have both engaged in public-private collaborations and university-only publications. For national collaboration papers, we find no significant difference in citation impact for public-only and public-private collaborations. For international collaboration, we observe much higher citation impact for papers involving public-private collaboration.  相似文献   

Do more distant collaborations have more citation impact?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Internationally co-authored papers are known to have more citation impact than nationally co-authored paper, on average. However, the question of whether there are systematic differences between pairs of collaborating countries in terms of the citation impact of their joint output, has remained unanswered. On the basis of all scientific papers published in 2000 and co-authored by two or more European countries, we show that citation impact increases with the geographical distance between the collaborating counties.  相似文献   

This study investigates the trend of global concentration in scientific research and technological innovation around the world. It accepts papers and patents as appropriate data for revealing the development and status of science and technology respectively. The performance of these outputs in production and citation impact is taken into consideration in the analysis. The findings suggest that both papers and patents are geographically concentrated on a small number of countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, and France. China has made great progress in paper production and citation impact, and Taiwan and Korea have experienced a rapid growth in patents over the past years. The degree of concentration dramatically decreases when the data from the United States are excluded, indicating the effects of the U.S.’s participation on the concentration. Patents show a higher degree of concentration than papers. With time-varying aspects taken into consideration, the study indicates that the degree of concentration of papers and patents has gradually decreased over time. The concentration of patents has declined more slowly than that of papers. This decrease of the concentration is mainly due to the reduction of the predominant role of the U.S. in world R&D output.  相似文献   

为了探讨同行评议、影响计量学以及传统文献计量指标在科学评价中的有效性,本文选取F1000、Mendeley以及Web of Science、Google Scholar数据库,采用SPSS 19.0软件,将心理学与生态学的1,3篇论文的同行评议结果即F1000因子、Mendeley阅读统计、期刊影响因子,以及Web of Science、Google Scholar数据库中被引频次进行相关分析。结果表明:同行评议结果、传统引文分析指标以及以Mendeley为代表的影响计量指标具有低度正相关性,这意味着上述指标在科学评价中审视视角的不同以及数字时代科学评价的多维构成;心理学筛选数据中F1000因子与期刊影响因子相关度几近为0,这一结论进一步证实了期刊影响因子与单篇论文影响力的严重背离;生态学与心理学指标相关分析结果的不同折射出科学评价中自然科学、社会科学的差异。图3。表4。参考文献10。  相似文献   

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