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University natural history museums are much like their public museum counterparts, yet they differ in some important ways including how they are funded and staffed and how they serve their parent institutions. These circumstances provide some unique opportunities for university‐based natural history museums but they also present challenges, especially for their public education goals. While there are surely a variety of creative solutions for resolving these dilemmas, this article explores how the graduate program at the University of Colorado Museum may be seen as an example serving as an interface between diverse facets of the Museum and its several audiences and constituencies. The usefulness of the program as a model and as a means of training and nurturing future museum professionals is discussed.  相似文献   

本文利用量化、质化内容分析方法,对国内外134所高校博物馆的空间分布、访客感知热点、大学/博物馆教育属性融合、休闲/教育社会功能、教育学习的情感体验影响因素等五方面进行分析。公众对国内外高校博物馆整体评价较高,其中,产生积极体验的影响因素,国内源于激发文化自信的身份认同,国外在于信息化完备、周边服务完善和感知自我社会地位提升;产生消极体验的影响因素,国内主要在于参观不便、展品管理不当、安全管理缺失和服务水准不足,国外则在于讲解服务不足、性价比低等。  相似文献   

以色列的两位学者基于社会文化理论设计了调查内容与方法,对4家自然历史博物馆的学生集体参观学习的过程、活动形式、交流互动和博物馆工作人员的导览内容、方式进行了分析,讨论了组织学生集体参观科技类博物馆不同策略下的学习效果。研究结果显示:传统的参观导览内容与方式,既不符合当代的科学教育发展趋势和博物馆对学习效果的新追求,也不适用于科技类博物馆基于实物展品的体验式学习和探究式学习。本研究的内容、方法、结果及其理论基础,对我国科技类博物馆均有启发。  相似文献   

广义的科学博物馆包括自然博物馆、科学工业博物馆和科学中心三种类型,狭义的科学博物馆指其中的科学工业博物馆。本文通过对比分析国内外科学博物馆的发展历程与现状,认为近年来中国的科学博物馆事业过于偏重于科学中心的发展,缺失了科学工业博物馆这一类型。本文提出:因科学工业博物馆在展示内容、展示方式上的独特优势,中国的科学博物馆应补上这一课,大力建设科学工业博物馆。  相似文献   

随着近年来我国自然科学类博物馆数量和规模的迅速增长,人才问题日益凸显。本报告通过问卷调查和访谈的方法,对我国自然科学类博物馆人才队伍结构以及人才队伍培养的现状、问题与需求进行调研和分析,认为我国自然科学类博物馆人才队伍存在学历结构偏低、经验不足等问题,同时人才培养缺少有效途径、有针对性的培养方案和足够的资源支撑。在此基础上,本文提出了建立人才队伍培养的差异化方案、专业化的人才队伍评估体系以及多元化的人才队伍培养资源等对策建议。  相似文献   

University‐based natural history museums are specialized cultural institutions that serve diverse constituencies. On one hand, these museums promote scientific research and collections through the work of curators and students and must advance the universities' missions. On the other hand, they must provide exhibition and public programs for the local community, or if they are a state museum, serve the citizens of the entire state through these activities. The challenge for university‐based natural history museums is to achieve a balance among their activities and services, given available resources. In the twenty‐first century, university natural history museums must further adapt by promoting social awareness of topics such as biodiversity and fostering learning in informal and formal settings. The Florida Museum of Natural History, an official State museum located at the University of Florida, is a prime example of a comprehensive university museum with a broad spectrum of programs that promote and enhance learning activities.  相似文献   

Abstract Although John Dewey's educational concepts have been discussed previously in relation to museums, his own writing about museums has received little attention. Dewey, who visited museums frequently throughout his life, recognized the powerful educational value of museums. He assigned a central role to museums as integrative components of raw experiences in his educational theory, and he made extensive use of student visits to museums at the Chicago Laboratory School. Early twentieth‐century museum educators and directors applied Dewey's ideas, and advocated a museum education philosophy, based on the progressive education movement, that has significance for current exhibition and educational practice.  相似文献   

University museums and their collections are among the oldest and most significant in the world, yet their role and future is being questioned. They have critical needs for facilities, staff, and support. At risk are millions of objects that document our natural and cultural history and programs for research, teaching, and public education and exhibits. The museums are attempting to redefine, reposition, and clarify their educational mission. Museums such as the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural history are successfully meeting the challenges through strategic planning and funding for new facilities. Other museums are finding solutions with partnerships, links, and tailor‐made service programs. New leadership and management will need to emerge for university museums to reestablish their stature and relevance. Physical and intellectual access to the museums and their objects is a key to their future. The new technologies are tools that museums can use to improve their interpretive programs and increase the depth of their research. Facing shared concerns and challenges, the museums are generating a growning sense of collective urgency and a call for intenational organization, advocacy, and cooperation, resulting in formation of the International Committee for University Museums and Collections.  相似文献   

近代博物馆源起于高校,并逐渐形成了一套较为完备的藏品管理体系。我国高校博物馆是博物馆体系的重要组成部分,但在藏品征集方面的受关注度远低于社会公共博物馆,高校博物馆藏品征集工作出现了藏品来源渠道少、监管松、经费不足等问题。本文拟以陕西省高校博物馆为例,通过分析其藏品征集现状,针对藏品征集中存在的问题,尝试对高校博物馆的藏品征集策略进行完善,为新时期中国高校博物馆的藏品征集工作提供一些思考。  相似文献   

As museum staff search for ways to broaden their audience, creative collaborations are emerging among various institutions with the hope that visitors who typically visit science centers, for example, will venture over to their local natural history museum. Typically, front-end evaluation is used for understanding details about visitors in the context of a proposed exhibition. Front-end evaluation can also help collaborating museums understand the nuances among their visitors regarding demographics, attitudes, and preferences for interpretive strategies. Carefully articulating the characteristics of the actual audience, potential audience, and target audience will help exhibit developers fine-tune their exhibitions to meet the needs and expectations of a more diverse public. This article presents partial findings from a front-end evaluation that analyzed the differences between visitors to natural history museums and science centers.  相似文献   

Throughout their history, museums have performed diverse public services: from preservation, collection, and exhibition, to interpretation, education, and civic engagement. As Stephen E. Weil ( 2002 ) explains, since the mid‐twentieth century, museums have experienced two major revolutions. First, a revolution in focus from collection‐oriented to visitor‐oriented practices, and second, a revolution in public expectations as museums secured a position within the nonprofit sector (81–82). With competition for public, private, and philanthropic support resting upon measurable results, the evaluation of museums depends upon its ability to “accomplish its purpose” (5). However, the question remains: what is the museum's purpose? Which is the more important: collection and artifact preservation, or public engagement and education? An overview of museum practices reveals a multiplicity of professional tasks distributed among three imperatives: preservation, scholarship, and programming (Weil 2002 , 11). The competition for resources devoted to each of these imperatives can spark controversy—particularly if museum professionals answer the question of the purpose of museums differently. Organizational communication scholar, Janie M. Harden Fritz, developed a theoretical framework that seeks to respond to such controversies in Professional Civility: Communicating Virtue at Work. This essay considers Fritz's “professional civility” in the context of the American museum sector, lending insight to the question of museum purpose and function.  相似文献   

A recent lecture series at the Harvard University Art Museums titled “Art Museums and the Public Trust” marked the eightieth anniversary of the founding of Harvard's famed Museum Course. A graduate seminar begun in 1921 by the Fogg Art Museum's associate director, Paul J. Sachs, the Museum Course became the primary training ground for art museum leadership in the first half of the twentieth century. The 2001 commemorative lecture series was intended to foster a healthy debate on the place of the art museum in Anglo‐American culture. Instead, the speakers, veteran directors of America's and England's most prestigious art museums, invariably returned to one concern: authority—theirs and that of the art museum itself in contemporary society. Authority was at the heart of the Museum Course decades earlier, tellingly explored in annual debates around two significant topics. The first debate involved the pros and cons of including period rooms in American museums. In the second, students argued about whether America's established art institutions should collect the work of living artists. Questions of how museums should respond to the interests of audiences and communities, their responsibility to contemporary artists, and the meaning of a public trust trouble America's museum leadership now as then. This article explores the common ground between the Museum Course debates of the 1930s and Harvard's recent commemorative “debates” by America's contemporary museum leaders and comments on its significance for today's museums.  相似文献   

在当今社会,博物馆为提升全民素质起到越来越重要的作用。为了更好地发挥博物馆的社会教育功能,博物馆馆员在教育活动设计或者展览设计的过程中有必要了解观众的参观需求以及参观偏好。因此,为了体现“以观众为中心”的工作理念,作者从“观众”的视角,对一次博物馆的参观体验进行观察和反思。本次探索发现,由于观众自身所处的社会文化背景的差异,他们面对同一件展品有着不同的关注点和兴趣点。这种差异性提醒博物馆馆员在与观众进行互动的过程中,需要了解观众的不同需求和不同偏好。并且,这种参观视角的多样性也为博物馆的教育工作提供了创意的源泉。  相似文献   

地球科学以地球为研究对象,是自然科学的一个重要组成部分,也是自然科学博物馆必不可少的展览内容之一。由于其涉及的范围较广,分支较多,在博物馆展览陈列的设计与布展中也面临着许多挑战。特别是目前我国博物馆事业进入了新的发展阶段,对地球科学的展览陈列也提出了新的要求。本文以2019年完成提质升级的湖南省地质博物馆地球奥秘厅为例,通过贴合时代发展的展览主题策划,将二元叙事结构运用于地球科学展览,在展览设计中探索性地采用了媒体化的途径与方法,为地球科学展览的策划和设计实践提供一种新的方式。  相似文献   

本文在课题调研和数据分析的基础上,提出了当前我国专业科技博物馆在场馆和观众数量快速增长的同时,在发展质量上存在诸多问题,制约着专业科技博物馆科普教育功能的发挥,提出了我国专业科技博物馆“十三五”期间的五个战略重点:全面免费开放;开展监测评估,进行分类指导;专业科技博物馆充分利用新媒体;强化专业科技博物馆科普职能;推动专业科技博物馆校结合。并针对存在问题提出了六项对策与建议。  相似文献   

The role of museum director is increasingly discussed and reported inside and outside the museum community. Turnover grows as museum missions expand and funding sources and amounts decrease. Finding a new director who will be effective when confronted by these pressures requires a realistic assessment by the searching institution of the job to be done. That realistic assessment requires recognition — not necessarily agreement — by both staff and trustees of what the problems and priorities are. There is no perfect director. But there are effective directors. This essay addresses some of the issues facing boards, staffs, search firms, and candidates — as seen from the limited perspective of one person.  相似文献   

While state funding represents a primary source of support for museums, its characteristics and significance have eluded recognition and analysis. Programs and funding mechanisms vary considerably among states, ranging from support for specific projects in museums by agencies that fund multiple types of cultural institutions to state agencies exclusively devoted to museums. The Museum Program of the New York State Council on the Arts, which supports all disciplines of museums, faced critical challenges to its leadership role as funding was restored following a period of severe retrenchment. It engaged in open dialogue with the museum community as it developed new initiatives and services to the field. The Program worked with service organizations to create new approaches for professional learning about museum practices, made revisioning permanent collections an overarching guidelines theme and challenged exhibition applicants to explore neglected topics. It also emphasized multiple interpretive perspectives, mutual engagement with communities and sequential educational activities that provide in‐depth learning experiences.  相似文献   

科技创新后备人才价值定位和培养需求的转变殷切呼唤新型科学教育实践载体和教学方式的支撑,在此背景下探索依托科技馆平台开展科技创新后备人才培养的实践路径势在必行。国际科学场馆教育在科技创新后备人才培养方面提供了诸多经验,其主要实践特征表现为:注重树立特色化的教育品牌、着力建设系统化的教学组织生态、全面推进科学普及和科技创新教育的协同发展、专注打造分层次模块化的创新课程体系。借鉴国际场馆创新教育的先进经验,我们可从科技馆教育的政策理念、学习资源、教师发展、课程教学、社会互联和技术支持维度入手映射科技创新后备人才培养的选才、育才和评价环节,构建依托科技馆平台开展科技创新后备人才培养的行动路径。  相似文献   

本文以CNKI数据库中1956—2021年高校博物馆相关文献为研究对象,通过科学计量工具CiteSpace软件对文献的作者、发文机构、关键词等进行分析,结合相关文献研读后发现,研究的主题主要围绕高校博物馆的建设、定位、藏品和教育功能四个方面;但研究人员和机构合作较少,多为独立研究,且核心问题研究薄弱;根据关键词突现功能分析了我国高校博物馆研究的发展趋势。从合作机制、运营机制、智慧博物馆和科普教育等方面对我国高校博物馆的建设与发展的重要问题进行分析和展望。  相似文献   

Abstract In this article, the editors of the recent National Research Council report Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits discuss the report’s implications for museum professionals. The report is a synthesis of some 2,000 studies and evaluations of learning in non‐school settings such as museums. Here we focus on three specific topics discussed in the full report, which we see as particularly important for museum professionals. These are: a framework for developing and studying science learning experiences; cultural diversity as an integral resource for learning; and assessment of learning. Many museums include “learning” among their goals and many researchers concern themselves with how museums and other settings can be organized to support learning. Yet this wealth of research is rarely brought into focus and offered as guidance to the museum community.  相似文献   

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