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Ocean is the largest carbon reservoir on Earth. By taking up about one-third of all human carbon emissions, it has effectively reduced atmospheric carbon dioxide and eased global climate change. Scientists have studied extensively on the mechanisms of C02 absorption in the ocean, or the so-called "carbon pumps", from physical to chemical and biological pumps. Microbes, traditionally regarded as organic matter decomposers, had been long neglected until a few years ago Prof. JIAO Nianzhi from Xiamen University proposed the concept "microbial carbon pump (MCP)" illustrating that these tiny marine inhabitants are also producers of refractory dissolved organic carbon, a persistent form of matter which can be stored in the ocean for thousands of years and thus constitute an ideal carbon pool. Today, the MCP concept has been widely accepted as a promising sequestration strategy, and Prof. JIAO is working hand in hand with scientists from all over the world under the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Working Group 134 to better understand how to use these magic creatures for preserving carbon in the deep blue.  相似文献   

Since 1981, carbon scientists from around the world meet every four years to exchange the latest knowledge in carbon cycle research. When the 9th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (1CDC) opened in Beijing on June 3, 2013, over 500 scholars from 31 countries celebrated their "'Olympics" once more.  相似文献   

The region of Sanjiangyuan (meaning "Source of Three Rivers") on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the origin of three of China's major rivers - the Yellow River, the Yangtze and Lancang (named Mekong when it leaves China). Encompassing 16 counties of the four Tibetan Autonomous Prefectures (Yushu, Guoluo, Hainan, and Haungnan) in northwest China's Qinghai Province,  相似文献   

une 2013 witnessed two milestones in China's low- carbon development endeavor. On June 14, the State Council announced a suite of strict measures aimedat cutting air pollution by 30% in heavy-polluting industries within five years' time. Four days later, on June 18, China rolled out its pilot scheme for carbon trading in seven cities and provinces, a big move toward curbing carbon dioxide emissions and mitigating climate change. Tough as the battle against carbon-intensive growth mode may be, China has fired the first salvo and shown its determination to shoulder due responsibility for a greener globe.  相似文献   

Ataskforce led by Prof. PENG Shanchi with the CAS Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology (NIGP) has persuaded the international geological community that the stratotype for the base of Cambrian stage 7 about 503 million years ago is located in central China's Hunan Province.  相似文献   

Astudy on the long-term records of a typical forest ecosystem in south China’s subtropical area by CAS re- searchers has showed that one hect- are of the forest accumulated about 500 kg of carbon per year. This find- ing was reported by Prof. Zhou Guoyi, director of Mt. Dinghushan Forest Ecosystem Research Station, the CAS South China Botanical Gar- den (SCBG), at an international sym- posium on ecosystem carbon bal- ance and cycle held on July 1–3 in Guangzhou, capital of south Ch…  相似文献   

Analysis of Horgan' s Thoughts on Contextual Semantics and its Significance
GUO Gui - chun, LIU Wei - wei
Scientific semantics is a methodological instrument of language analysis, which has been continuously improved in his- tory,and the scientificity of semantics inherently requires the establishment of semantics' contextual basis. So in this sense, Horgan' s contextual semantics has achieved the change from parochial and microscopic semantic analysis to systematic and holistic semantic analysis. In the filed of contextual theory, meaning is essentially related to context. Instead of being directly equal with the certainty of truth it is characterized by dynamic and pragmatic features. Contextual semantics has already been extended and deepened in the exploration of language' s fuzziness. At the same time,  相似文献   

ACAS scientist succeeds in developing a new direction for exploring the inorganic carbon cycle of the earth. His creative work was recently reported by the 20th issue of Chinese Science Bulletin in 2007.  相似文献   

"The only thing I'd like to say is that everybody has a role to play - every country and every people in the country. The role has to be fair, feasible and realistic, both in the context of the country itself and in the context of the enormous global challenge to tackle."-- Prof. Corinne Le Quere  相似文献   

Decades ago, he invented a cascade extraction theory and technique that have greatly facilitated the production of the so-called "industrial vitamins," shifting China's role from a low-profit exporter of raw ores to the world's dominant supplier of separated individual rare earth compounds and metals in high purity. Now, long past retirement age, he is still actively engaged in the development of China's rare earth industry by calling for planned exploitation and resource conservation. Prof. Xu Guangxian (Kwang-Hsien Hsu), 89, a CAS Member and laureate of the 2008 State Supreme S&T Award, is among the most outstanding scientists of our time.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]温室气体排放导致的气候和环境变化已经给人类带来恶劣影响,碳捕捉、碳利用和碳封存是控制大气中温室气体含量的重要手段,有助于实现我国“碳达峰”和“碳中和”目标。[方法/过程]从德温特世界专利索引数据库(DII)检索有关“碳捕捉”“碳利用”和“碳封存”的专利,开展专利分析:(1)对专利数量、专利申请时间等指标进行统计分析;(2)对专利公开国家/地区、专利权人以及研发团队合作关系等进行关联关系分析;(3)使用CiteSpace工具进行文本主题聚类分析和热点分析,基于专利被引频次分析“碳捕捉”“碳利用”和“碳封存”领域的关键技术主题,以掌握该领域的技术研发态势。[结果/结论]全球“碳捕捉”“碳利用”和“碳封存”技术的研发于20世纪90年代中期开始进入发展期;中国和美国的专利量领先全球,是全球最重要的技术布局市场;较多日本企业在该领域申请了专利,且全球企业间技术研发的合作较少;“碳捕捉”的材料、设备、系统以及“碳封存”的储存罐是研发热点,但“碳捕捉”技术较多关注能源开采、发电、采矿冶炼等工业生产过程,对大气中二氧化碳捕捉技术研发较少。从高被引专利来看,中国是该技术领域最重要的技术布局市场,在传统能源开采、工业生产、煤火发电等行业的碳捕捉方法、设备和系统技术研发较多;二氧化碳的再利用如防爆防雷、农业生产等技术研发较少;相对于“碳捕捉”和“碳利用”技术来说,“碳封存”技术则较为空白,这与“碳封存”技术的实现条件较为复杂以及成本较高有关。  相似文献   

建立区域碳交易市场是我国积极应对气候变化,掌握国际环境谈判主动权的有效途径和当务之急。本研究在分析国际国内碳交易市场的基础上,认为建立全国性碳交易市场,必须先建立区域性碳市场;借鉴重庆市"地票"模式的成功案例,创新性地提出了"碳票"为主的碳交易模式;通过碳汇、碳源评价,摸清市场基础,创新设计重庆碳交易机制和管理监督机制;在政策的规范指导下,推行区域碳票示范交易试点,逐步推向规范化的市场交易,并在更大区域范围内推广;最后基于市场设计,提出针对性的配套政策建议。  相似文献   

中国海岸带及近海碳循环与蓝碳潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中国有很长的海岸线和辽阔的近海海域,生态系统丰富,有巨大的固碳、储碳潜力。由于自然过程、人类活动多重胁迫,中国海岸带和近海的碳汇过程具有显著的复杂性和不确定性。文章以蓝碳生态系统及碳汇过程为核心,围绕海岸带及近海关键碳循环过程,探讨碳源和碳汇的变化规律,分析国内外研究现状及发展趋势,提出拟解决的科学问题、未来的研究方向及应采取的研究方法和方案。  相似文献   

基于技术采用生命周期"峡谷"理论,从市场、技术、产品和消费者维度对3D打印技术"峡谷"及跨越影响因素进行探讨。通过问卷找到现实和潜在用户,由现实采用者判断当前该技术处于"峡谷"左端,用户以企业、政府为代表,潜在采用者是"峡谷"右端早期大众市场用户代表,是跨越"峡谷"的关键。进一步对潜在采用者分析发现"技术派"最有可能成为"峡谷"跨越的早期大众市场中的单一缝隙市场,"实用派"是进一步可扩展的细分市场。  相似文献   

企业知识创新的“1+1”优化循环体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在21世纪,知识与物流、资金流等有形资源一样成为最重要的生产要素,持续不断的创新能力成为企业获取竞争优势的基础和源泉.基于此需求,本文以知识共享为视角,构建企业"1+1"创新循环体系,在相应机制的保障下,不断实现知识的扩大和创新,为企业可持续发展奠定夯实的基础.  相似文献   

吴明  姜国强  贾冯睿  刘广鑫  岳强 《资源科学》2018,40(6):1287-1296
国内关于石油生命周期内的碳排放的研究主要集中在石油制品的消费环节,不能真实地反映石油流动生命周期内的碳排放。为了探寻石油生命周期内真实碳排放以及未来发展趋势,本文结合了物质流分析(Material flow analysis,MFA)和生命周期评估(Life Cycle Assessment,LCA)方法,建立了石油生命周期内碳元素流动模型。以国内某大型炼化企业为例,计算了各个环节的隐含碳排放和石油燃烧碳排放量,分析了影响隐含碳排放的关键影响因素,同时,设计了四种不同的情景,分别预测了2015—2050年间中国石油生命周期内的隐含碳排放发展和变化趋势。研究结果表明:①在石油生命周期内,每吨石油在生命周期总碳排放量约为670kg(约折合CO2 排放量为2457kg),其中隐含碳占总碳排放量的23%;②开采环节和炼化环节隐含碳排放分别占隐含碳总量的46%和54%,其中开采环节主要隐含碳排放来自天然气消耗和电力的消耗,分别占总量的47%和30%,炼化环节的隐含碳排放主要来自焦炭燃烧,占总量的46%;③在消费环节中,汽油、柴油和煤油在交通运输业中的消耗量最大,分别占各自总量的42%、53%和80%。提高石油行业能源利用效率和优化能源消费结构是实现国家2030年碳排放达到峰值目标的有效途径。  相似文献   

殷宝庆  肖文  刘洋 《科学学研究》2018,36(8):1395-1403
基于全球价值链视角构建绿色研发投入影响“中国制造”升级的理论分析框架,从产业高度、出口部门碳生产率与出口产品技术含量三个维度综合测度“中国制造”升级水平,并利用我国30个省级层面样本数据实证检验了绿色研发投入对“中国制造”升级的影响。研究表明:① 2002-2015年间“中国制造”升级水平呈现先下降后缓慢上升的“V”型曲线特征,并依照东部地区、中部地区、西部地区依次递减。②平均看,绿色研发投入与“中国制造”升级水平之间符合“U”型关系,即绿色研发投入强度由弱变强,将对“中国制造”升级水平产生先削弱后提升的影响。绿色研发投入对“中国制造”升级的影响在不同经济地带、不同人力资本水平地区、不同知识产权保护程度地区存在一定的差异。③全球价值链嵌入度和资本密集度对“中国制造”升级具有显著的促进作用,而市场化程度对“中国制造”升级的作用并不明显。  相似文献   

    创新系统“混沌”边缘具有较强的创新潜力,易于新兴技术创新网络的形成与发展。结合生命周期理论,分析了新兴技术形成过程及其与原有技术发展轨迹的关系,深入研究了“液态化”创新网络的形成机理。通过搜集自动驾驶汽车领域专利数据开展了实证分析,运用专利引用分析与社会网络分析相结合的方法,绘制IPC共现网络和专利权人引文网络,通过计算网络各项指标,验证了新兴技术创新网络“液态化”网络的技术特征与知识流动特征。实证结果表明:自动驾驶汽车领域的技术构成具有高异质性、技术领域间存在广泛融合性;知识流动网络存在小世界效应,呈现易流动、流向广、效率高,网络边界模糊,核心创新主体众多且多样化的特点。  相似文献   

低碳产品设计内涵研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
低碳被理解为一种环保意识和生活态度。低碳设计,就是以设计为起点降低产品在制造、储运、流通、消费乃至回收等各个环节的物质和能源消耗,从而有效减少温室气体排放。低碳产品是指用料倾向自然、节省能源、不含有害物质、易回收再利用,这种产品有较长的使用周期,以此达到减少能源消耗的效果。设计师应主张"低碳设计"维护人类的生存环境,引导人们走更正确、更环保的生活方式。  相似文献   

通常认为,导致地球大气圈CO2温室气体增加的主要原因是人类对化石燃料的燃烧。笔者研究表明,导致地球大气圈CO2气体的增加还有更重要的来源,即自然因素。它们是火山气体、泥火山气体、矿床中的气体(金属矿、盐矿、煤矿、石油天然气藏等),与地震、海啸、洋中脊、洋壳蛇纹石化有关的气体,以及与森林大火有关的地球排气等等。而海洋—大气、土壤—大气的碳循环作为CO2与CH4的汇涉及到CO2、CH4的演化与循环。相比之下,人类活动在碳循环中的作用是很小的。只有全世界科学家通力合作,观测研究CO2、CH4气体的源与汇及其通量,进而对温室气体CO2与CH4做半定量、定量的评价,才能确定人类活动与地球排气对环境的影响孰主孰次。  相似文献   

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