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在现代物理学中,黑洞是最错综复杂的物体之一.它们为美星体和其他活动星系核提供能量,也有助于透彻地理解量子引力.我们回顾一下黑洞的观测上的证据并简单地讨论它们的一些特性,也阐述了一些近年来涉及宇宙监督和黑洞熵统计起源的进展情况.  相似文献   

在现代物理学中,黑洞是最错综复杂的物体之一。它们为类星体和其他活动星系核提供能量,也有助于透彻地理解量子引力。我们回顾一下黑洞的观测上的证据并简单地讨论它们的一些特性.也阐述了一些近年来涉及宇宙监督和黑洞熵统计起源的进展情况.  相似文献   

有兴趣去一趟吗黑洞无疑是宇宙中最神秘的地方。它们的质量非常大, 以至于扭曲了空间与时间; 它们的引力非常强, 以至于连光都无法从它们的边界逃脱; 它们的密度非常高, 以至于它们的中心被称为 "无穷远点"。因此, 许多人都想去黑洞看看, 体会一下身处黑洞的感觉。一位天体物理学家介绍说, 如果靠近一个与地球差不多大的黑洞, 那么引力会急剧地增加。如果你像跳水那样一头扎入黑洞, 那么头顶感受到的引力要比脚尖大许多许多; 这样一来, 人就会像牙  相似文献   

初中生之友如果一个天体质量足够大、体积足够小,那么它的引力大得就会连光都逃不出去。这种天体就是黑洞。黑洞这一概念刚提出来时曾被人们称作痴人说梦,但科学家的研究日益证明这种天体的确存在,一些科学家还因研究黑洞而出了名,其中最有名的一个要算英国科学家霍金。近年来,科学家又发现了黑洞的许多新的怪脾气。英国科学家对由巨大黑洞和小型黑洞发出的X射线辐射进行了比较研究后发现,尽管黑洞其大小各异、质量也相差甚远,但它们在吸收周围气体,同时放射出X射线的过程中有着相同的波动规律,如同快慢不同但演唱音调相同的“同…  相似文献   

黑洞,是天体物理学中的概念。在宇宙中,一些大质量的物体在发生坍塌之后,会形成一个致密的点,由于它的质量非常大,所以产生的引力也非常大,大到光线进去之后也无法逃出来,于是就形成了一个黑洞。而且不断被吞噬进去的物质和能量又反过来成为黑洞的一部分,使得黑洞产生更大的吸引力。天体物理学研究黑洞得出的结论是,黑洞有超强大的吞噬能力,另外一方面黑洞还具有复制和自我强化的能力。  相似文献   

翁山杉 《物理之友》2020,(4):16-17,24
黑洞由广义相对论预言,是一个由奇异面所包围、含有中心奇点的时空区域。宇宙中的黑洞特指具有观测效应的一些特殊天体。由于黑洞本身不产生电磁波辐射,在观测上,人们通过分析黑洞周围物质的电磁波辐射以及引力波事件,获得恒星级黑洞和超大质量黑洞存在的观测证据。此外,物理学家还预言了原初黑洞的存在,在未来也有可能被观测检验,本文简要介绍人类对宇宙中黑洞的观测研究进展。  相似文献   

正同学们,黑洞这个神秘天体,就像魔咒一般深深地吸引着我们。多年来,人类对黑洞的探索从未停止,我国的科学家也对黑洞进行了深入的研究和不懈的探索。(小好奇)为了研究黑洞、中子星等高能致密天体的基本物理性质以及它们对周围时空的影响,中国科学院高能物理研究所和航天科技集团五院等单位研制了我国第一颗空间X射线天文卫星——HXMT卫星。  相似文献   

寻找黑洞既然黑洞不发出任何辐射,不抛出任何物质,用一般方法直接观测黑洞当然是不可能的。此外,尽管其引力场对邻近区域十分强大,但在星际距离上,其引力并不比普通恒星更强,所以通过引力观察它们也不现实。  相似文献   

该文讨论了变加速直线运动带电黑洞的霍金效应.给出了事件视界和相应的温度分析了一些特别有趣地情况.发现带电黑洞的霍金温度不仅依赖于时间,而且依赖于极角.当黑洞内外视界接触时,霍金温度为零.在某种条件下,黑洞视界与Rindler视界温度相等.零温黑洞与Rindler视界接触时.霍金温度为零.  相似文献   

许多朋友都知道,在银河系的中心有一个黑洞,它的密度大得惊人,所有的东西只要靠近它都会被吸进去。奇妙的是,数学里居然也有黑洞,它们也有很大的魔力,能把很多数字"吸"进去,使它们找不到出路。20世纪上叶,西绪福斯黑洞,即123数字黑洞,被率先提出来了。数学中的123原本就跟英语中的ABC一样平凡,但是,如果按照以下的运算顺序,你就会发现其实它并不简单:任意取一个数字串,长度不限,依次写出该数字中的偶数个数、奇数个数以及总的数字个数,再把这三组数从左到右写成一个新数。重复以上步骤,看看最后会得出什么结果。  相似文献   

从热力学和量子力学的角度证明了黑洞具有温度,因此黑洞能辐射出能量,即黑洞具有“热辐射”。而且在有的情况下辐射是非常强烈的。  相似文献   

陈宇秦 《安康学院学报》2006,18(5):23-25,32
近年来,社会资本理论已经成为社会学、政治学等学科所普遍关注的热点和前沿问题,社会资本概念也被广泛用来解释经济增长和社会发展。虽然社会资本具有强大的解释力,但是社会资本也有其固有的、自身无法解决的困境。本文拟就社会资本的解释力与困境做一些探讨,旨在使人们对社会资本有更加深刻的认识,以期能为以后的研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

霍金先生的关于宇宙的阐述给人们提供了许多激动人心的课题,然而作为科学家的大胆的预言忽视了哲学的关于绝对时空和相对时空及有限与无限的问题.导致了大爆炸与光锥理论之间的悖论.  相似文献   

Imagine waking up one day and finding yourself walking through a foggy green scene. As the scene clarifies, you see tall columns, trees. The trees have ridges, groves, and holes on their sides. Some are rough, others smooth. Getting closer, it's possible to smell differences between each of the trees. On the surface of the trees, insects are found, some hiding in holes and crevices, some on the surface. A bird alights halfway up a tree chasing some insects.Dennis W. Sunal and Cynthia Szymanski Sunal are Associate Professors at the University of Alabama in the area of Curriculum and Instruction.  相似文献   

本对媒体、多媒体及多媒体学习的概念作了剖析,详细介绍了多媒体学习中的认知心理学因素,并着重介绍了梅耶(Mayer)有关多媒体学习的研究和实践,包括其认知心理学模型及设计实施原则。同时也希望能为我国的研究和实践提供一些启示。  相似文献   

安徽金银花尺蠖的生物学特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金银花尺蠖是近年来在金银花上发生的重要食叶害虫,通过野外调查和室内饲养观察发现,该虫在安徽地区1年发生3代,幼虫盛发期分别在5月中旬,7月中下旬,9月下旬,常将叶片咬成缺刻或孔洞。对该虫的发生原因进行了分析并提出了有效的防治方法。  相似文献   

One classical instructional effect of cognitive load theory (CLT) is the worked-example effect. Although the vast majority of studies have focused on well-structured and algorithmic sub-domains of mathematics or physics, more recent studies have also analyzed learning with examples from complex domains in which only heuristic solution strategies can be taught (e.g., troubleshooting, mathematical proving). Is learning by such examples also effective, and do the same instructional design principles apply? We discuss the main findings of an own research program and of related studies that addressed such questions. We found that CLT’s basic design principles also hold true for heuristic domains: Reduce extraneous load by employing examples, maximize germane load by fostering self-explanations, prevent cognitive overload by pretraining in the case of difficult learning materials, and by focusing attention on the most relevant aspects. Other typical CLT assumptions (e.g., better provide information for novice learners) were not confirmed in its generality. The present findings extend the applicability of CLT but also identify some potentially too simplistic assumptions.  相似文献   

非均衡理论在云南经济发展实践中的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要阐述国内外主要的非均衡理论 ,分析云南省实行非均衡战略的实践效果 ,认为昆明核心区“增长极”的经济发展对全省经济发展有一定的带动和扩散作用。同时指出非均衡理论在实际运用中存在的问题。鉴于在新世纪中 ,“增长极”在经济发展中将依然发挥至关重要的作用 ,本文在前面分析的基础上 ,对云南省经济的发展提出了一些看法  相似文献   

Here, we argue that action learning (AL) has been evolving into different variations, whose respective advocates appear to concentrate on one of the several components inherent in Revans’ formulation of AL as L?=?P?+?Q. They do this – sometimes inappropriately – to the virtual or relative exclusion of other aspects, and this has consequences for the outcomes and impact of the AL process. In an attempt to delimit the boundaries between various versions and indeed to identify what Johnson [2010. A framework for the ethical practice of action learning. Action Learning: Research and Practice 7, no. 3: 267–283] called ‘inauthentic’ AL, we have been developing our ideas for a scanning device or framework. We refer briefly to some of the theoretical underpinnings of this framework. We then introduce a fresh taxonomy to explain and illustrate features of five principal variations of emphasis in AL that we have identified. The aim of this framework is to help stakeholders to work towards selecting and co-creating the most appropriate variation of ‘authentic’ AL to suit their unique set of circumstances at any given time. We outline the likely outcomes of each respective variation if taken to extremes and conjecture about their implications. This taxonomy should also help one to reduce the mystique and confusion that often surround AL while acknowledging its complexity. We suggest that by taking advantage of insights provided by this framework, purchasers and potential AL set members in particular are more likely to participate in learning conversations that lead to more informed decisions and actions to address or adjust their respective interests and needs. In conclusion, we identify some areas for further research and development.  相似文献   

This paper responds to Wassell and LaVan’s paper on the transition from a preservice coteaching experience to independent teaching as a beginning inservice teacher. Wassell and LaVan describe coteaching as an alternative to traditional teaching. In our response, we argue that coteaching can also be applied alongside independent teaching in preservice courses, as opposed to an alternative to independent teaching, which has been shown to alleviate some of the transition issues described by Wassell and LaVan. We then present a critical discussion of different models and vocabularies of coteaching which apply in different sociocultural settings to expand the concept of coteaching. We attempt to extend Wassell and LaVan’s use of Guba and Lincoln’s (Fourth generation evaluation, 1989) authenticity criteria from the research methodology towards considering the criteria also as a framework for coteaching as practice for preservice and cooperating teachers. Finally, we reflect on the role of critical ethnography in Wassell and LaVan’s study in terms of the researchers’ intervention and whether improvements in the transition can be effectively introduced which do not require such intervention. We conclude our discussion with some suggestions to take forward this important work.
Colette MurphyEmail:

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